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Clarita's experiments

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CLARITA, Love this last one All floating in the stars with it's Nice Modern design and beautifully perfect straight lines so difficult to do with bamboo, And with THESE 2 Tools?
I have hook blades for that handle plus a few other shapes too I'll have to send you.
Awesome work from So Far Away!


Thank you very much chief, big smile here, very glad you like :)

No one carves the bamboo like you do! :)

Another very nice piece Clarita! Love how clean and precise the detail is!


Thank you very much Lake.

Hello my dear Tiki friends, I'm sorry I haven't been around, again... I didn't like last year much, out of sympathy to other people pain, a lot of good people passed away or had big problems including nice people on the tiki community like Tiki-kate or Danny Amis.. I wanted to blame it on the year, but this one decided to start kicking me where it really hurts, my mom passed away the 4 of January, she was my absolute best friend and favorite person in the universe since ever, i'm very sad and at the same time so proud of her, I can't do anything else than be extremly thank full that I had her all the time I did. She is my biggest inspiration, my heart explodes of love when I think of her... so here I am trying to keep going...

This carving #1 was inspired by her, she used to put this face and say uuuhhhhh when you told her something intriguing

And this one was her favorite one, so i've gave it to her

She was extremly supportive with my art, she was my biggest fan, and I was hers, maybe later I'll share some of her art with you,...

I just wanted to let you know why I wasn't around. Love you guys, much Aloha to you all.

Oh no! That is terrible news. I'm so very sorry. I would love to see some of your mom's work.

Dearest condolences to you Clarita. So sorry to hear of this sad news.

It is a wonderful gift that your mom had and passed on to to you, we love your creativity and your ideas!

Here's to a good year for you and everyone else, and I look forward to all your wonderful new creations!


I always look forward to seeing your wonderful works of art, and now look forward to seeing your Mother's art as well.
Wishing you a brighter year ahead

GROG posted on Mon, Feb 14, 2011 4:01 PM

Sorry to hear about your mom. We missed you. Glad you're back posting. Hoping for a better year to come.


Clarita, my deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family.

A dear gift it is that you have brought to us.



sorry to hear the news of you dear mom.
Hope you get back soon to your normal self and art work.


On 2011-02-14 11:20, Clarita wrote:

And this one was her favorite one, so i've gave it to her

She was extremly supportive with my art, she was my biggest fan, and I was hers, maybe later I'll share some of her art with you,...

Glad you back Clarita, but sad to hear all that... I remember his paintings to exuberant vegetation, very in tune with your carvings. Dearest condolence for you and your family.


Clarita-so sad about the loss of your mom.
She certainly was a joy and inspiration to you
as well as the woman who gave birth to you and your creative vision....

She'll always be around you
She'll always be with you
watching you create and being one proud mother!

sending you love,hugs,and comfort,dear friend!

Clarita, so sorry to hear you have lost your friend and your inspiration. We would love to see some of her work when you are ready to post it. Be good to yourself.


My condolences to you Clarita. We would love to see your mom's work. And looking forward to new work from you. Been too long!

Clarita, sorry for your loss. I was feeling sorry for our own loss
last week with you not being here, I was going to send a message
looking for you. Hoping that you can return to your own art...
it will help brighten your days...and ours.


So sorry to hear about your loss.scott tikibad woodward

Clarita, my thoughts are with you during this time, I am sorry for your loss, I am going thru a tough time with my mom and I just can't imagine the loss. Take care of yourself, remember all the great times with her

all the best



Clarita - Sorry to hear of your loss...love to you and family from all of us here.

Mom is watching over you always. Meditate when appropriate and she will enter your consciousness with warmth and love. Trust that it is her when you feel her near.

I want to see more of your beautiful art soon, okay? G


Thank you very much surfin, I guess I'll create an album on my facebook with my mom's art so I don't invade TC with non tiki art, but here are some of my favorite painting for you guys to see. She also worked with silver and other metals, and painted porcelain vases and plates, and her main hobby was to remodel the house I live in, it's a crazy beautiful house..

Thank you very much Lake, I honestly hope everybody have a good year, thanks for your support too, I guess I'll need it, to go back to create something, my main reason was to run to show to my mom, when ever I finished something, we were a team of crazy creative woman.. now I don't know.. I guess I'll , in time, have to be both of us to try to keep our world alive...

thank you hottiki I appreciate it very much.

Thanks GROG sending you a big hug.

Thank you very much McTiki.

Thanks seeks, I'll try..

Merci laojia, yes we love exuberant nature very much, I think that the way we are inside, free..

Thank you very much LLT ,love you and your art, is like hugs to me, thanks thanks thanks.

Thanks MadDogMike big hug.

Thanks TheBigT I'll post a link soon with all her work.

Thanks conga I appreciate it very much, I'll try soon.. lots of luv to you.

Thanks tikibad.

Thanks Amy sendig you and your mom the biggest hug. Thanks for being such an inspiring woman yourself, love you.

Thank you very much TikiG, big hug.

That is a great idea...put a bunch of stuff on Facebook. I really like the stuff I see, and would love to see some more.
In the mean time, Just keep on trying to make the world around you, as beautiful as you can!

amate posted on Sat, Feb 19, 2011 8:32 AM

I am sad to learn of your loss. Art is your mother's legacy and she lives on through your work. My condolences.


Clarita,,, My Heart Breaks hearing your sadness, I will remove your sorrow and sadness and make you feel alive again! I cannot bear to see you shouldering all this pain on your own SO Let go a bit and we will help you.
We Love you and don't need to see you so Down.
Cheer UP,


Beautiful paintings. I especially like the ocean scene.


Thanks surfin I'll try.

Thanks amate, that's very true, I'm getting there.

Thanks Benz, I'm sorry, is not my intention to bring people down, I just can help it, and wanted to share a little bit of me , what really represents me. I'm not a face or a body, I'm not a job or a profession, I'm not money. This is me, what I feel for my mom, that's why I create, so why not share that..
I promise I'll cheer up soon. big hug my friend.

Thanks TheBigT.


I guess you can never really say anything to make it all go away Clarita. But yet there is always something that comes from great heart ache. I only hope and pray that yours will come soon. In my prayers tonight.MUCH LOVE. Paul....


Hola Clarita, I've missed seeing you and your art recently, and extremely sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you can keep going with your art as i'm sure thats what your ma would want. She was way cool and so is your house so now you'll have to take over as its keeper and continue to nourish it with your loving artistic touch. Wishing you all the best from london.


Thank you very much Paul.

Thanks Tim big hug my friend.


So sorry for your loss Clarita. I lost my Mom in 2009 and it is just so difficult to get through. Her 75th Birthday would have been next week sigh

Lots of good people here to lift you up and support you. Take care of yourself and do know that with time it gets easier but it can be a lot of time.


Ooh thankyou very much catmomma! sorry I didn't see your comment before, I know what you mean I guess I'll be missing her forever. But yes it gets a little better in time. Very sorry for your lost too, and very thankful for your kind words. Much Aloha to you and yours.

Well I haven't been doing much this year, I guess i'm not the kind of artist that can work out of bad feelings, I mostly work out of love or inspiration or what ever good I have to give, so not much work this year for me. But I'm getting there. So I've started a little something...

#13 and #14 ukulele duet

Haven't finish them yet, but Amate wanted to see, so there they are.
Have a great 2012 everybody much Aloha to you all.

Best wishes Clarita, nice return to your art. 2011 ends on a
high note with you coming back to us :)


Aaaww thanks conga :)


Your style is amazing and you capture so much life in your carving. Fresh looking and killer stuff!!

Clarita, your carvings are always so beautiful and full of fun!

amate posted on Thu, Dec 29, 2011 4:07 PM

Welcome back Clarita. Take as much time as you need for your soul to heal. I just thought you might like to know that we have missed you.


Thankyou very much Keylo!

Thanks maddog very glad you like, sending you a ton of aloha for this new year, hope you are fine.

amate I do indeed! I've missed being around too, but needed a little push I guess, thankyou very much :)

[ Edited by: Clarita 2011-12-29 16:49 ]

UKULELE'S! My Favorite!!
Super-uber-duber-great to have your art back here!

Welcome back Clarita. You are truly blessed to have your Mother's art, so she is always with you. Your artwork is beautiful, glad to see you carving such beautiful bamboo pieces again.


Fun, fun, fun! :)


Thanks Surfin! very glad you like them, the one on the right it's a girl, she has a flower on her hair and she is going to have a skirt, I know it doesn't show in that pic, but that's my idea, that they are a guy and a woman friends having fun (like you and the girl of your band, congrats on being so cool)
I never see that represented on art, girls doing something else than posing or having babies (or showing their boobs) :)
I already did a carver girl, now a musician, maybe I can add to the change I want to see in the world, with my art :)

Talking about cool girls, Thanks VampiressRN!

Hey Bowana, very glad to see you around again too, glad you are having fun pal!

have a great new year Ohana, cheers.

Cool! They're performers! Gigging out for money!! ha ha ha! I love it! I like what you're trying to achieve, you're a TRUE artiste'!


Hi Clarita! Great to see you back! Looks like you've pushed the envelope again with these two!


Thanks surfin & TheBigT :)

my web site, still warm from the oven is 90% done. I still want to add some more stuff in there, but if you want, check it out and get to know me and why I do what I do a little more. I also added some cool songs you can listen to, click the link at the home page. Oh, and check out the friends link and if you have pictures of some of my work at your home you can send me, I would love to include it too.
I've used some of your comments here on TC and links the your web pages, hope you guys don't mind.
Hope you like it and thank you very much for everything, to everybody that ever posted on this thread, I appreciated greatly :)

Hi Clarita
Checked out your website, I got to say I was unable to read a lot of the text, because the orange letters
just blend into the yellow back ground, you might want to rethink the letter color scheme a bit.

BUT Your Art is still Terrific!

I enjoyed the "About" section, good to know more about you as a person and an artist. And terrific art too!


Thank you very chuck, oh really? I'll see what I can do about that asap! :)
Thanks maddog! did you see the gargoyles? I still have to add some pic of me carving in there, but later, I couldn't finish everything right now, and I wanted to hurry because of the Tiki Farm mug..


Ok so I changed the color of that text, thanks for the advice Chuck!

amate posted on Mon, Feb 13, 2012 2:44 PM

Hello Clarita,

I just visited your website. What I saw there was the work of a mature artist. Congratulations on your success!!!! Now, how do we place an order?

That's better! now I can read you "About" section......

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