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What Made You Happy Today! pg.35

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Something great or small that made you happy today....

Today unexpectedly I heard the "Theme from The Magnificent Seven" by Elmer Bernstein it made me smile.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=sY6GhGsZngA (the real deal) although many remember it best for the beautiful Marlboro commercials. Or... If you listen you will hear it playing throughout Frontierland every 30 min. or so.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=3PETEgnaXcg (long version)

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-03-08 10:29 ]

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2009-09-24 12:32 ]

Thirty years ago I used to listen to the Crusaders. Today on the way home from work I was listening to NPR and they were profiling Joe Sample, from the Crusaders, and Randy Crawford. They had teamed up years ago to record the hit single "Street Life." They are back together with a duet album and they say that they've aged like fine wine. The new CD is "Feeling Good." Crawford sings and Sample plays his own compositions. It's a mix of soul, jazz, gospel and pop. I don't listen to as much jazz as I used to. Hearing the samples from the CD made me smile.



Today I realized I had a check direct deposited into my banking account that I didn't even know was there. I can't wait to convert those greenbacks into tiki mugs!


today, i spent 3 hours shampooing, drying and brushing my dog, Trader Pup. may seem silly, but the sound of the dryer and just being with my puppy, makes me feel connected and content.

On Friday I read the post by Hiphipahula and clicked the link to listen to Elmer Bernstein's "The Magnificent Seven." I hadn't heard that piece of music in years. A friend of mine wasn't going to be able to use her tickets for the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra on Saturday night and she gave them to me. I went to the symphony last night not knowing what was on the program. The second piece on the program turned out to be Aaron Copland's "Suite from Billy the Kid." I thought it was a very interesting coincidence. I love Aaron Copland and of course you can't listen to the "Suite from Billy the Kid" without an imaginary western playing in your brain. How funny a coincidence is that?

What made me happy today.....Watching SoccerTiki defending the goal :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-03-11 21:47 ]

I drove my own car for the first time ever, to the store and back. (just learning to drive - finally)

This weekend while out of town I found a small lot of retired Tiki Farm mugs from a few years ago in a retail store so I bought them up. :)

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2007-03-12 04:26 ]

What made me happy today was I received a PM from tikicleen regarding two carved tiki poles I was going to purchase from Bo's shop in the Sacramento area. We were all there back in December and I had talked to Bo about purchasing these from him at the time. The poles came out of a local area establishment long closed and I was going to eventually use these in my tiki room, yet to be built.

I ran into Bo on Sunday at the monthly antique show and he told me he had sold them, since he had not heard from me. It was my bad, as I wasn't in a hurry and I wasn't aware he was in any hurry to sell them, no worries. Bo told me he couldn't remember who he sold them to, other than the people who bought them were at the party in December. Quick deducing on my part led me to PM cleen, and now I know where they landed. Even happier they landed there. Am I jealous? No, I am happy they went to a good tiki home and that I will get to see them again someday.
Mystery solved!

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I know where they are)!

Saw a dude doing grafilthy

just south of downtown LA

at 4 o clock pm ( traffic hour)( going south)

today. Was kinda neat....

Seeing it done mid day...

....the one who does the tag and then the splatter!

Chaka re-born???

was like a gun metal grey/black.

The guy next to me at staff meeting (the horror) wrote "staph meeting" on top of his note page. Then when questioned about wanting a cup of the morning brew, he just passed the coffee cup and said no since he had switched from beer to wine for his morning routine. No one even noticed. It was incredible.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm happy cause I'm cookin up some Corned Beef & Cabbage YUM...

On 2007-03-17 19:13, Hiphipahula wrote:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm happy cause I'm cookin up some Corned Beef & Cabbage YUM...

Erin go Die from all the fat and sodium you're ingesting from that shit corned Beef!! Irish Potato Soup is where it's at!!!
The new American Irish corned beef! arrrr!!!

...and smash mugs for desert!

Real mallard ducks. Duckin' it in my pond. Lookin' for some kool shades.

Swooning over each other in my pool. Who do they think they are?

Kiss me blarney stone, maybe it's a sign o' luck.


I bought tickets to the Enchanted Tiki Room Event &....... I'm going to Disneyland for a couple days starting Thursday! (today now!)

Lemmy, Wanda Jackson and some lucky dude...


While slaving away on the computer, I checked my email and there was this from my son in Japan. He took his birthday off to have some fun. It made my day

Viewing my Son's new Tiki Paintings, it's Fantastic!!!!... Stay Tuned!! :)

Ditching work...sleeping in...scarfin' down a big sub sandwich...playin' with my new pup and takin' an afternoon nap. The perfect day.

A Lazy Day.. did some hangin' with my girlie friends, they are forever......

Switching to Marlboro ULTRA lights!

..and an original of This Week Magazine, November 11, 1945


On 2007-04-04 22:12, RevBambooBen wrote:
Switching to Marlboro ULTRA lights!

..and an original of This Week Magazine, November 11, 1945


Damn Silver Marlboro's... sigh..... the last smokes I smoked before I quit.... I'm happy today that you switched!


Hearing the following phrase from someone walking past my newly tikified cubicle at work:

"It looks like Tahiti in there!"

remebering that I have an appointment with my tattoo artist tomorrow. I am getting Ms Pac Man tattooed on my throat. The way she was on teh old game, knees up and blush on her cheeks. Ms. Pacman was a sexy bitch.

that's right

that waht I'm talking about.


Plastic grocery bags are bad. That's what my wife says. I do the cooking in my family, which I love, and I do all the grocery shopping. Sometimes it seems that the cashiers want to put each item in its' own plastic bag. I have to re-pack the groceries before I leave the store so that I don't come home with too many plastic bags. The store I frequent has a new push on to cut down on the amount of plastic bags used. They are selling very nice reusable grocery bags for .99 cents. The idea is that you bring your own bags to the store and just keep using the same bagss over and over. For .99 cents I feel like a good citizen of planet Earth. That made me happy today.


Getting on my commuter bus this morning and seeing two other people carrying Trader Joe's Tiki Bags as tote bags! Tikis everywhere!

Happiness is....
Gettin my Hair bleached tonight!
The raw scalp and freshly white feeling remind me to be Happy!
That and getting a half day off of work to go R&D shopping!!! :)


[ Edited by: kikekeki 2007-04-10 11:25 ]

Sunday (Easter) I was Happy cause my 17 year old daughter & I were blessed with these Highly TOP SECERT 007 decoder rings no! don't let them fool you! they do the most amazing deeds! shhh..... don't tell a soul!

GROG posted on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 12:43 PM

Having a day where GROG not have to deal with Ruzic Photoshopping GROG face onto some other person, place or thing in a feeble attempt at humor.

But that's what makes me happy! :)

GROG posted on Tue, Apr 10, 2007 1:07 PM

If they were funny, it would probably make other people happy, too.


It makes me happy!

OMG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overhearing a coworker say "'Trader', as in 'Trader Vic's'" to someone over the phone, knowing that my tiki spirit has rubbed off on her.



We're getting ready for the big Nor'easter that the weatherman is predicting for later tonight or tomorrow morning. I was drinking vodka and tonics tonight and then I ran out of tonic. I adapted to the shortage by fixing a vodka and orange juice but I squeezed a good size wedge of lime into it and it was pretty tasty. Made me happy.

putting my O-hut on ebay!


and chattin' with Hip yesterday!


On 2007-04-15 12:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
putting my O-hut on ebay!

Shit! The next thing we know, you're gonna be putting your kids on Ebay.


These flowers that were on my desk with a card when I arrived this morning, from the team I support, for Administrative Professionals' Day! And the strawberry-topped cheesecake they served up this afternoon!

I caught a big ol Lizard inside the house today and set him free. I named it Elsa.

:music:Born Free, as free as the wind blows :music:

Chongolio lover of nature and all her wonderous beauty


looks like a skank (name of lizard)

On 2007-04-25 18:22, teaKEY wrote:
looks like a skank (name of lizard)

Nope, not a skank. The definition of skank is a slang, pejorative term used in the U.S. to describe a wantonly selfish, excessively flirtatious & generally promiscuous female.

Skink is what you meant. Common name for any member of a large family of lizards found worldwide.
But I call that lizard an alligator lizard. Used to catch them all the time back in my younger daze. They are mean and will clamp on to a finger or hand like there's no tomorrow. Tenacious ones they are.

LOL... whatever you all call it, I wouldn't want it in my house... :music: free, free, set them free :music:

the SHAG / Smee doc/show tonight.

It was really cool.

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