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Big Bang Creations - new Yipwan Drum Mug pg 86

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Great, great work - the authentic Maori texture of the preview pic looks excellent.

TikiG posted on Tue, Jun 22, 2010 9:38 AM

Damn, Babalu! I'm away for two weeks and come back to this? WOW MAN!!

Beautiful art flows from your studio and while I shouldn't speak for others I'm sure we all agree that your efforts color our daily existence while treading over boring concrete tones.

Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks for posting. G

Wendy's mugs came out great, I'm sure she is STOKED!!!

Love the "dead mullet headed Maori dudes" :lol: Perfect name!

I drove through town last night and back through today but too hurried to stop :(. I did honk and wave from I8 :) Next time I hope.


These look even better in person!

And the PNG drum mugs are just unbelievable!


Babalu posted on Mon, Jul 5, 2010 9:37 AM

Thanks Rob, G, & MD - :)

And thank you Spiked! You must have seen these at Ohana in NY...Man, I had a great time there!! I will HAVE to make next years event too.

I will only have about 20 (+or-) of these Cobra Fang Mugs at Oasis this year ($85. each), so stop over and visit in Artist's Alley (inside this year) early.

been out of the loop for a few weeks and you are NAILING IT!
Cobras,Shrunken Heads,Eat Drink and be Merry
Hope New York was a Treat
and we'll catch up soon!


Why thank-ye master Kinny :wink:

Things are busy round here...little update:

Anticipating that there might be some folks a little tight on funds at this years Oasis, I thought it might be nice to have a little cheaper version of my new Cobras Fang mug to complement the other muli-glazed (more expensive version) that you have all seen (above post)...Sooooo, I've created the "Yin and Yang Cobras!" - Git yer Fang-Shway on baby - these guys will be available at Oasis this year in a "very" limited number at $55 each, or a $100 for the pair.

If anyboty is not going to be at Oasis this year and would like either the $55 or the $85 version (or set) of this Cobras Fang mug(s), just let me know, and I will put you on this list I've started for those that can't make it to Oasis...those on the "not coming to Oasis list" will need to wait on the firings that I will be doing shortly after Oasis, but they can still lock themselves in on one. No, I don't need any funds right now, just pm me you name...that will be enough to hold you on this list. I've got room for about 20 spots (mugs) on this list. PM soon....12 sold at Ohana - 20 to 25 will be available, first come, first serve at Oasis - the rest is for the above list. I'm doing a grand total of 50 to 60 of these mugs, and a "few" custom sculpted ones in 'whatever glazes'...that will be it...no more snakey mugs! It will be on to the next design. :)

Speaking of next design, after all of the ML proto-types I have done, I have decided to go ahead an make a master sculpt for the Mauna Loa Drum mug for casting. In keeping with the "Crypto feel", it too will only be produced in a small a numbered run too, and that will be it...assuming that everything goes fine in the molding process that is :wink: Anyway, I'm hoping to have a few of these done for Oasis if all goes right. I still need a day to carve up the mask and the bird yet, but the below photo should give you some idea of the direction I'm taking in my design concept of this classic drum's image to a drinking vessel (mug). The next image you see will be of one of the castings :)

I'm getting ready to pull out of the shop for a few weeks of family fun with the grand kiddies on the other side of the Country starting July 31st - It's cuts into my Oasis stuff I know, but it sure is going to be a hoot. I can't wait - Ohhh happy summer time!

Thanks for stopping in!

PS: Sorry for the photo quality - I lost my camera and had to shoot this stuff with my phone...man, I have to correct that soon; I can't live without a camera

There must be balance in all things; yin with yang, yellow glaze with brown glaze, family with art. Have a great time with your family my friend, the clay will wait patiently as long as you wrap it well in heavy plastic (the family, however, will not wait patiently wrapped well in heavy plastic :D )


I really like the yin/yang color scheme, Babs. We'll definitely be at your table first thing at Oasis.


Your cobra is SO realistic - good thing I like snakes (my mom...not so much!). Very nice work.

GROG posted on Fri, Jul 16, 2010 12:58 AM

Looking good Baibalu. Haven't seen anything from Baiwana in awhile, where is that boy?
You need to get Bai Park Buzzy over there slinging some more mud.


Thanks Mike...yip, the family doesn't keep wraped up in plastic bags too long :lol: South Carolina here we come!

Tobor64 - that's great! We'll see too at Oasis brother :)

Bead - thank you sir!

Bai-ernie - True, true, Bai Park Buzzy hasn't been over here in a while, however, Baiwana has been playing over here lately, and he is secretly gearing up to smoke the socks off of all you hand builders - hehe...just you wait til you see what that boy has been working on - Master Pieces! Get ready - coming soon :lol:


Hey, I thought I would give you all quick peek of the 'goings on' around here before I took off on my trip to SC.

First, let me apologize for the quality of the below pictures...I lost my camera and had to shoot these with my phone (daddy needs a new camera).

I have some Cobra's Fang Mugs ready for Oasis...I did a very small 'tasty' sell on them at Ohana, but this Oasis is really the kick off for the design....I won't be doing that many more of them from those that you see in the pictures below. It's time if you have been thinking about one :)

And yes, after over a year, and all of those prototypes...I finally have the molds finished for the Mauna Loa Drum design that I have been working on. These are fresh castings shown here (un-fired clay). He's a big one....over 10 inches tall. He will have that nice juicy feel to him...one needs just the right thickness on the casting I think...a mug should feel like a mug. I will be pumping these guys out when I get back in 10 days...How many am I going to have for Oasis...not many...maybe 12? Cost? - not sure yet, but prices will vary.

I will been "inside" at the Artist's Alley area at Oasis...hope to see you there early. More when I get back....YAY OASIS!

  • thanks for stopping in.

[ Edited by: Babalu 2010-07-30 16:23 ]

friggin beyond belief....
i could blabber but

The drum is one of the FREAKIN' COOLEST MUGS I'VE EVER SEEN!

Shart, SHARP work, my man.

GROG posted on Fri, Jul 30, 2010 6:45 PM

Hey, you're not too bad of a ceramacist.

Babalu posted on Wed, Aug 4, 2010 8:07 AM

Thanks you guys. I wished I could post pictures from my phone of this beach house we are kicking it in this week, but it doesn't work. I feel bad that I'm not in the studio prepping for Oasis...naw, I take that back, this is WAY more fun here! :)

Enjoy! You deserve it BAbs!


you are definately the maaaasterrrrr...

TikiG posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 8:44 AM

Babs - If the new batch o' drums aren't enough to make anybody's pulse race then they must be pushing daisys in some dirt lot...my Lord...if there's a reason to drive all the way to San Diego from Palmdale I've just found it. Hope to see you at TO 10 this year so I can buys me some Babalu.

  • and like quit teasing us with Bowie's latest. That's just wrong (but fun too!)

Hope to see you and your latest in a couple weeks. G

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 8:55 AM

On 2010-08-05 08:44, TikiG wrote:

  • and like quit teasing us with Bowie's latest. That's just wrong (but fun too!)

It's a monkey wearing a fez.

NOTCH posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 9:43 AM

Frickin way cool,
Put me on da list.

TikiG posted on Thu, Aug 5, 2010 10:11 AM

Oh yeah the monkey wearing a fez - I remember now. Thanks Grog. G

Got to get me one of those Cobras Fang mugs at TO X.
sign me up!

Great buncha mugs ya got there Babalu! Always a pleasure to see the work ya do.

Congratulations of the mold-making black belt sensei Babalu :D

On the list for a Mauna Loa mug please, Wendy and Dan


I really appreciate the work and detail of Babalu's " Mauna Loa Drum " The caramel/light brown glaze one caught my eye, I had to get on the list too! I know he has a limited run of custom's too, A very nice ceramic mug to say the least, I'm going to put mine in the top (5) of my collection, Very well done, Gogo


beautiful stuff, Babalu!


Wow! You people are really the BEST!! Thank you sooo much for your kind words. All of you mean a great deal to me - Ohana!

I believe that this, on again, off again love affair I have been showing on this thread over the last 2 years for this particular PNG drum design has paid off...I am quite happy with the final result. And the launch of this mug at Oasis 2010 went very well. I sold out of the first 10 Mauna Loa Drum mugs I had made with blazing speed...I had to start up a list for the remaining few that I plan to do. There are a few spots left...I will post this list in Market place soon, as I want my TC Ohana to have the first opportunity at it.

Thank you to JonPaul for giving me some better images of the drum to work with, and I also must mention Big Bro here as well...for it was in the "Book of Tiki" that this love affair of mine with this drum first surfaced. Also, I can't forget the old Mauna Loa Bar that was in Detroit...I've come to covet that place.

The 20 Cobras Fang Mugs I Had at Oasis also sold out...I will only be doing a few more of these...

It's time to move on to other projects...I always have way more in the way of ideas for new stuff than I do time to do them.

Thanks for stopping in!

PS - I made enough for a much needed new camera :) just waiting for it to get here...


So inpsiring, Babalu! Congrats on the sales and the new camera! Looking forward to seeing what you've got coming next.

GROG posted on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 9:43 AM

On 2010-08-27 07:08, Babalu wrote:
It's time to move on to other projects...I always have way more in the way of ideas for new stuff than I do time to do them.

DITTO that.

There was a golden heavenly glow eminating from your side of the vending area. With you, Bowana, and Vantiki all together in one spot, GROG think the Holy Grail couldn't have radiated a more heavenly glow.

Don't forget to include yourself in 'da glow, GROG.

folks with goiter lose their glow
dont cha know!

Truly superb work by all y'alls!
true art validation....achieved!
Modern masters is you!

GROG posted on Fri, Aug 27, 2010 8:24 PM

On 2010-08-27 10:43, ZeroTiki wrote:
Don't forget to include yourself in 'da glow, GROG.

GROG appreciate that Zero, but the only glow eminating from GROG' area were from the fires of hell.


A Good Day! :)

Amen brother! :D

squid posted on Mon, Nov 1, 2010 8:07 PM

Sugar him up and send him home! :D

Bowana posted on Tue, Nov 2, 2010 7:00 PM

Do we get to see the finished piece or not??


Thank boys :)

Well, Sir B...the only pictures that were important to me were the ones with that kid. :) I had to rush with the pumpkin as I only had an hour to clean an carve on it. I asked Nicky (daughter) to send me a picture of it done tonight and all she sent me was these two...I kinda like the blue one...it hides the rushed bad parts :lol:

Well, I pulled these out of the kiln a little bit ago...This is a collaboration with Wendy (Dan loves Tiki). I did the glaze work on these, and Wendy sculpted the master on this wonderful "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" Mug...I built the mold for her on it, and I cast a few off of this mold to sell in order to pay for the time I put in on the mold build out for Wendy. I only did 10 mugs total, and I dropped one of the blue ones, so I really only have 9 :( Of that 9 I only have 5 left (yellow is gone)...if anyone is interested, they are $65. plus $10 S+H - just shoot me a pm if interested.

Your really good with your hands Wendy. I'm very happy that you have decided to build your studio up and learn...you have spent way too many years building the names up for other "basic crafts" people who are only in it to make a dollar off the backs of others. You are an "artist" Wendy with your own ideas and skill. Its time you did it for you...and I know that you will go far with clay, as I can tell that you really love it. That's the key! Good luck. I can't wait to see what you do with this mug lady. :)

Great collaboration by two of my favorite TC folks

Bowana posted on Wed, Nov 3, 2010 9:04 PM

The different colored interiors look good as a set. A little bit like Christmas!

LEA LEA....I like the sound of that. :wink: What's it mean again?


Wow, thank you Babalu. I'm going to have fun with these mugs leaning what all the glazes will do. I did the test strips and now the colors will go on these mugs. I'm going to take my time, unlike the crawl mug I have no deadline with these. That will make each one a special project. I also need to start my own art thread so I can build it like my artist friends Babalu and MadDogMike. There's nothing more fun than watching the number of hits go up. I love tiki art but I love all my tiki friends even more. Thank you so much for helping make this project go but most of all for being such a great guy. Knowing you has enhanced my life. Sincerely, Wendy

Luau = Eat
Inu = Drink
Lealea = Be Merry (is really the word joyous)

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2010-11-03 21:52 ]

those are flipping beautiful!
and the interior glazes are POPPIN!
nice pumpkin! Looks like Bird could fit in there!

I agree...fabulous collaboration. :)

The mug set with Wendy is gorgeous - I love the intense colors inside offset by super-snappy sculpting outside.

It looks like there's a fresh style to these, too. That's the best part.



you can't see it, but I am doing the 'gleeful dance of happy art appreciation'.

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