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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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amate posted on Thu, Jan 26, 2012 2:28 PM

On 2012-01-02 18:46, cy wrote:
wanted to update and stay on page one with my TC pals

Page one is where you belong. Your stuff is just too damn cool!!

cy posted on Fri, Jan 27, 2012 1:09 PM

Thank you amate and the same for you. Very nice detail on your new piece.


Awesome, selling a tiki carving of Jimbo to Jimbo, and meeting the band and everything.

cy posted on Fri, Jan 27, 2012 3:55 PM

I was like a giddy little school girl BT

[ Edited by: cy 2012-01-28 10:32 ]

That is some amazing stuff. You carve realy deep and have some very creative idea. I thought we had a lot of rain this summer as one of mine grew mushrooms too, although nothing like your guy. Your work is really nice


very cool, original stuff man.

I'm diggin' those last few!

any yeah, Oregon is a really beautiful place...

cy posted on Mon, Jan 30, 2012 12:29 AM

Thanks Grand Poobah- Deep carves equal big shadows. Really happy you like. Pjc I got burned out on those last two and so have not worked on them in a while. I will make another push soon. Been working on small stuff lately, something I can complete in a few days rather than a few months.

Here are some "quick sketches" to start.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-01-30 00:41 ]

Thought I was looking at a chess set.

[ Edited by: will carve 2012-01-30 14:45 ]

cy posted on Mon, Feb 6, 2012 5:55 PM

With some inspiration and great advise from Aloha Station I started some small carvings.

After the first one was complete I was longing for a chainsaw, a heavy mallet, and some big- ass chisels but the second one went smoother.

Also got this basswood carving done and put a coat of Danish oil on a second.

This is a plank of basswood and will be the "Surfin' Bird

I cut through the side with a chainsaw and then used the bar as a stencil for the longboard.

Got a base roughed out for this crazy piece of plum.

One good thing about the recent stormy weather was this fallen branch of walnut. "Take a huge piece!" the homeowner told me, so I did.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-02-06 19:57 ]

cy posted on Sun, Mar 4, 2012 5:09 PM

Here is what is new.
"Tiki Tree"

This was going to be a necklace but it got too big. I added a few parts that I had hanging around and ended up with this. It is 10" tall by 5" wide. It needs to be dialed in a bit more, lashed at the cross beam and painted.
"The Culture of Tiki"

This is basswood that I added acrylic paint to, then painted with Danish oil. I wanted to make him look like he was holding a tiki mask in front of his face. I will darken areas so the eyes and teeth stand out and then be done.
"Surfin' Bird"

Basswood is so bitchin'. It's like working with a super hard soap. I have also been doing some glass pieces for Tiki Caliente 4, but decided to post them in the "Crafts" section. God I hate that name.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-03-08 19:30 ]

On 2012-03-04 17:09, cy wrote:
Basswood is so bitchin'. It's like working with a super hard soap.

That's too funny - that's exactly what I tell most people when they ask me about what its like to carve Basswood. If you've never carved soap - give it a try. Great way to get into whittling (smells good too).


Great new pieces, cy. Your surfin bird drawing is pretty cool. I bet that would make a great painting.

cy posted on Mon, Mar 5, 2012 2:43 PM

I like it Aloha- Tiki on a rope. Thanks Big T, this carve is proving to be a difficult one so I may resort to your idea instead.

cy posted on Sun, Apr 1, 2012 4:36 PM

"Tiki Kabob"

I was never happy with these individually so I skewered them together and added a base. I got the idea when I heard that this years' Tiki Kon here in Portland has a cannibal flavor.
"Tiki kabob 2"

This is from a plank of basswood. I inlayed a piece of glass that I have been working on also.

I'm about ready to paint this hunk of cedar. He will come along with me to Tiki Caliente 4.

Here is the other side. He will have green highlights but mostly a natural look.
"Tiki Tree"

Finished this one.
"Surfin' Bird"

Still got a lot to do on this one.


bro, I swear your stuff gets more and more interesting.

Totally original style. Really cool stuff.

And Portland is a really neat town.


You don't even need skill.
That's just a bonus.
Your imagination will pull your carves
through just fine.
is your life there as tranquil as your pics suggest?


You've put some pretty interesting stuff on this thread...lots of
whimsy....not sure why I came up with that word...but fun. I really
really like tiki kabob #2....keep 'em coming!

cy posted on Mon, Apr 2, 2012 8:34 AM

Trying to keep tiki moving forward pjc5150 and appreciate the nice post. We have trees, water, great beers and live music, to me Portland No Ka Oi. Yes Will this is what I moved from L.A. for way back in '76. Conga, Tiki Kabob 2 started out as just the small kabob part but grew from there. I've really been liking what you guys have been doing also. Thanks for the comments!

Here is the tasty little morsel from Tiki Kabob 2.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-04-02 18:58 ]

Dig the hunk of cedar with the crab on his head,really interest'n original style.Must be some good juju in them there woods.
look forward to see'n more.

Way outside the box
I like

cy posted on Tue, Apr 3, 2012 8:42 AM

Watango good juju is required in these here woods before any carving commences. Thanks hang10tiki, glad you like.

McTiki posted on Tue, Apr 3, 2012 9:09 AM

i love the clean lines and finishes you achieve. Keep em coming.




very cool and fun carvings, congrats

cy posted on Wed, Apr 4, 2012 8:23 AM

Thanks McTiki, I have learned a lot about finishing from all of you on TC and curse Grand Poobah for introducing me to that wretched substance called "sandpaper" but you know that stuff actually really works well. Clarita I appreciate the nice comments and I always have fun creating tiki.

amate posted on Sat, Apr 7, 2012 5:33 PM

On 2012-04-02 14:22, Watango productions wrote:
Must be some good juju in them there woods.

I was thinking the same thing...only substitute the word mushrooms for juju. I believe this art must be coming from some sort of "altered state". I absolutely love it!

cy posted on Sun, Apr 8, 2012 5:20 PM

Of course strictly for spiritual or medicinal purposes only amate.

"Tiki Kabob 2" has changed since last week. I wanted to match the tomato red of the inlayed glass pieces so layered a brown, red and orange wood dye in Cabot's spar varnish than brushed and wiped off a gray stain.


very cool!


Oh wow, that's nice Cy! One of my favorites of yours so far. Love the colors.

cy posted on Mon, Apr 9, 2012 7:08 PM

Thanks pjc and Big T- I sure like working with a good, lightweight wood that holds detail and takes color easily. I will be doing more of this 4'x10" wide size as it feels great to complete a piece in only 2-3 weeks.

Looking forward to seeing the finished 'crab head', really interesting work on this thread!

cy posted on Sun, Apr 22, 2012 4:47 PM

Thank you Atomic Mess, here is the finished crab head. I used a green wood dye in a spar varnish but it wasn't quite bright enough off the cedar so I painted acrylic over and then clear coated.

Surfin' Bird has made some progress also.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-04-22 18:21 ]


dude, you make neat stuff....



Chicken Joe Rules!

The Crab Head is very nice. The grain pops!



thanks for posting that Cy, really like those colours, great piece!

amate posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2012 4:02 AM

The color adds a new dimension. The green seems to compliment the natural color of the log.

Very unique! Good job! The crab hat is exceptional ....


it's freakin' awesome.

Amate - I didn't notice before, but you're totally right about that green....

cy posted on Wed, Apr 25, 2012 8:49 AM

Really appreciate the feed back dudes. Over the years I have found that the greens, reds, oranges, and yellows work well to compliment the cedar while blues and purples don't look so hot. I will steel wool to smooth him out and then pile it in the van for the long trip to Tiki Caliente in 3 short weeks. Can't wait!

Here is the group that will be coming with me to TC4

Frog Island Tiki Ts

[ Edited by: cy 2012-04-29 16:13 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2012-05-01 17:45 ]

C u at calliente


Really Nice works Cy, looks like you will make a killin at Tiki Caliente.

cy posted on Sun, May 13, 2012 3:10 PM

I respect your talent and opinion a lot Benzart so your encouragement makes me happy!
"Surfin' Bird"

Although I like McTiki's Chicken Joe name better than Surfin' Bird I had to stay with the Trashmen's song title that gave me the idea.
This was the last piece I wanted to complete before TC4. Props to AlohaStation for writing about the Warren knives. They are cheap, super sharp (I swear one cut me and I didn't even touch it) flexible and long lasting. It was perfect for finishing this up.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-05-13 15:14 ]


that is awesome....

neat stuff. Hope you make some dinero at Caliente!


You really have some unique and interesting pieces...diggin all of em!!

Nice Bird!!

Great stuff Cy.....really like your "surfin' bird."
Love color when it's used well and on the right kind of
carving...yours wins on both counts :)

the surfing bird is great. it truly is the word!

cy posted on Mon, May 14, 2012 3:56 PM

Thanks for the comments guys, always nice to here from you. Conga I went back and forth on do I paint or do I leave plain but decided to grow some stones and go for it. PJC I figure it'll cost about a grand in fuel costs to get there so not planning on making any mula but it will be fun meeting such tiki luminaries as Crazy Al, Kirby, and TikiTonz. Loading the van this evening and heading out Wed, I'll try and get some pics to post in the next few weeks.

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