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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Will carve

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Insane in the grain! Can't wait to see this one!


I can not wait to see this finished. Not just because its an awesome carve, but the wood color and grain are gorgeous!! He stripped about a foot of wood off the outside of this log and is using the heartwood. The original log was a monster - he brought it down to a manageable size.

So this guy's about as ruffed out as they get.
Time to throw some detail on him.



cy posted on Thu, May 29, 2014 9:25 PM

That's a beautiful rough my man.

wow will , looks really nice! what kind of wood is it?( the raw shape reminds me of something :) )


Lookin' Excellent Willie!


Hmm, last post 11 days ago. surely there's some progress?? :)

sho nuff


that thing is insane...




So for the 4th I thought I'd toss out a new pic.
I'm done carving but still have about 100 hrs sanding left.




amate posted on Sat, Jul 5, 2014 3:01 PM

On 2014-07-04 15:14, Will carve wrote:

I'm done carving but still have about 100 hrs sanding left.

100 hours...yep, sounds about right! :)


love, love , love, how is this possible.

I'm starting to rub some finish on this guy.
I'm using "rub on poly".
This is one coat.
Check out the color change.
Guess that's the rosewood color
they're talking about.

TikiG posted on Wed, Jul 9, 2014 12:37 PM


Told ya so! This is gonna be gorgeous.

cy posted on Wed, Jul 9, 2014 3:36 PM

Exceptional work Will!




A. Maz. Ing.

Beautiful Will. This has been a long time coming, how long you been working on it?


Can't wait to see it it finished. Looks fantastic Will. And it was good to meet you. Thanks for the invite to your house so i could check out all your cool carvings in person.

I thought I was going to make it thru this carve in no time.
I ruffed it out quickly.
It has a lot of detail & that takes time, but,
I have never brought the fit & finish to this level of perfection
& that takes longer.
I have 220 hours in him.
That doesn't include driving to Boca to pick the log up.
I put the same in the 8 ft Norfolk Lono.
Here come the glamor shots.

I love the grain

cy posted on Thu, Jul 17, 2014 3:32 PM

Damn Willcarve that is unreal, I just chucked all my tools and am taking up macrame.

Its even better in person!

GROG posted on Fri, Jul 18, 2014 8:21 AM

Museum quality.

Glamour shots indeed, fabulous carve and finish.


So crazy, Will!!
You should post a pic of you standing next to it!

Awesome carve Will.


Very nice carve, Grog is right.



I'm painting.
These TV/witco,[probably from O.A.]shields are cement castings from the Mai-Kai molds.
Of these 3 of the 150 castings I made for the Mai-Kai,one is for me, one for my bud.
One could use a home.


pm sent.

This is the last of the rosewood logs.
I.m looking for some war canoe action.
This guy needs to get his stuff together
& get some buddies.

Wow Will, curious to see where the rosewood canoe is going.



that is gonna be the coolest thing ever...

This rosewood is gonna be so cool!

It will be cool if I can get back on track.
I lost a month carving due to a self injury of sorts.
Rosewood it kinda toxic.
I carried a bunch of Rosewood things stacked between
my stomach & my arm with no shirt on for less than a minute.
By the time I set it down I was itching.
By sun down I was covered in hives &
itching like a man on a fuzzy tree.
Took 3 weeks to get it under control &
a week to get over what I'd taken to get rid of it.
It wasn't the carving of it that caused the rash.
So I'm back at it. I'm too far to quit.
I'll have some pics soon.

On 2014-09-25 05:32, Will carve wrote:
It will be cool if I can get back on track.
I lost a month carving due to a self injury of sorts.
Rosewood it kinda toxic.
I carried a bunch of Rosewood things stacked between
my stomach & my arm with no shirt on for less than a minute.
By the time I set it down I was itching.
By sun down I was covered in hives &
itching like a man on a fuzzy tree.
Took 3 weeks to get it under control &
a week to get over what I'd taken to get rid of it.
It wasn't the carving of it that caused the rash.
So I'm back at it. I'm too far to quit.
I'll have some pics soon.

Wow, sorry to hear that! I wonder if that would fall into this thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=47690&forum=7


damn dude... sorry to hear about that...

gonna try to get down there again in the next few weeks.. I'll call you soon..

WOW Will! Did a little research and that is fairly common for East Indian Rosewood, Brazilian Tulipwood, Cocobolo, and Bolivian Rosewood. As a Respiratory Therapist I can tell you that your body is now sensitized and your next encounter could be worse. Might want to postpone that piece til cooler weather so you can cover up better and wear a dust mask.
Hope you're feeling better soon!

EDIT - I just saw this quote "One of my friends claims that there are only two types of people in this world.... those who are allergic to rosewoods and those who will be!"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2014-09-25 09:36 ]

cy posted on Thu, Sep 25, 2014 12:36 PM

Geez Willy, you Florida carvers are too much. First I was going to start a thread seeking donations to keep that crazy Tampa Bay guerrilla renegade out of the hoosegow and now I will be starting one to keep you in calamine lotion.

That stuff sounds scary, be careful Will don't want to end up look'n like the thing.

Will is such a delicate flower - his rash gets big "I Told You So" from me. Not gonna stop him from finishing!!

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