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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Will carve

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Looks AWESOME Will!!!

That “Will” leave a “Marq”

Strong work Bruddah

Thanks Mike. Well played Jon. Here come the glamor shots.DSC02155DSC02153DSC02154

Very nice Lots of extra credit too


I thought I'd get a lil more milage out of this guy after a lil more paint & a nose job.DSC02156DSC02157

Nice, adding paint like CY does, worth the extra time

I carved this guy about 6 months ago. I waited to put on a finish so he could dry a lil more. He's lighter, has a finish & he's done. I will refrain from commenting on him holding his lil Conch like he's proud of it, or not.DSC02158DSC02159

Looks great as always! What kind of palm logs are you carving there? Sabal? Mexican fan?

Prikli Pear, I'm glad you asked that. They are Sabal / Cabbage Palm. That is our Florida state palm. Back in December I offered to cut down a neighbors dead palm for free providing I could have it. He wondered what the catch was but had no problem with that. He didn't know I carve.

So, when I got it home I cut it into 3 logs & them in half. I started carving them in January when T.C. was still down so I never posted the first two I carved.

Here's the first 2 you missed.







And the group shot


[ Edited by Will carve on 2022-10-28 09:04:22 ]

Sweet line up

For my next project:

These will be 2-80in Marcrazyen carves that will go around steel poles between the floor & a header beam. So first I cut the logs into 1/2 & then down to 80 in. That took 14 ass busting hours to half them, cut the length & clean them up to start the carve. But it's a good start.


[ Edited by Will carve on 2022-11-27 09:56:22 ]

Will, you da man!

14 hours


Lots of sweat in them already

GROG posted on Mon, Nov 28, 2022 4:16 PM



It may take longer to set these guys up to carve than the carving it's self.

Here's how were gonn'a keep them off the ground & level them. DSC02162

Here's how were gonn'a cap them off up top & flush them to the header beam. DSC02163


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2022-12-02 12:47:19 ]

Wow, I've never seen that done before. Clever.

Thank you Wendy, stop by any time.

With a lil down time on my Marcrazean pole project I knocked out a frond.

He still needs a finish but he's too wet, & he gets to hold a shell.DSC02168

[ Edited by Will carve on 2022-12-23 07:52:13 ]

Master at work during down time

Wow! Looking good Will! I'll be checking out more of your carvings. Always amazed that palm can be manipulated like that

U quiet

Must be busy makin saw dust n wood chips

I've been lay'n low. But I finished up a couple fronds. I think they are going over to Dunedin tomorrow.DSC02172DSC02171

Awesome as usual

Just Wow

Next time eat before you carve, looks like you were so hungry you ate the top of the second one.


[ Edited by hang10tiki on 2023-02-10 13:05:06 ]

So, I have the tail of the frond I just did & I'm gonn'a do a few pendants. They go quick.DSC02173

I did this one first. Last week.DSC02174

Great work Will. This one looks amazing! 63e676d1148d0

Pendant master

Mike, if I hadn't given him away he'd be on his way to the Anvil of the Sun.


I didn't see it coming.

So as I was showing my latest & greatest off yesterday, a young novices said,

"you know those are birds, not just a headdress, right?"

You could see the confetti shoot out of the top of my head.

I hope I got it right now.DSC02177

[ Edited by Will carve on 2023-02-23 06:55:29 ]


I saw the sky show from here


Here's the latest from the frond factory.

It's sorta like the last one but he has 3 flip flop guys & a different head dress & a different color & surprise at the top but I haven't got a good pic yet.

MDM Frond

He also gets to hold a shell.DSC02180


Now that’s sum curvy kool carvin

BTW Those 2 bodies down in the yard with sheets covering them are waiting to see if the Mai-Kai still have a place to put them when they get on their feet.

Such intricate carvings, WICKED COOL!!!!! When do we get to see what's under the sheets?

Thanks for the comps guys.

I've shown these here before but I'm happy to show them again.6240acfb6ec4f

OK, I have a great idea, send those to Las Vegas

I have room



Do you think Frankies would like those?

So I have those 2 palm logs form that failed Marcrazian project. They are cut in 1/2. & cleaned up.

I don't feel like reinventing the wheel so I'm looking at some of my favorite pendants over the years & making large wall hanging guys form them. There 4 halves & I can get 3 out of each so this could take a while to use them up.

Here's the first. May be I should hang them from a rope like a pendant. DSC02185

I don’t think Frankie’s has room for those two giant carvings, WILL they fit in your house?

I like the new giant pendants

Yes, string em up


#2 of the palm panel pendant series and my new buddy. DSC02186JR

[ Edited by Will carve on 2023-04-07 09:06:41 ]

The new pendant and the new buddy both look great!

Looking good, now the trick is

will the new buddy live in the new panel?

For the latest #3 in the Palm Panel Pendant Project...

He's 40 inches tall. DSC02188

[ Edited by Will carve on 2023-04-19 10:13:29 ]

Look what showed up in my mailbox!!!!!! A surprise gift from Will! image000000

Amazing piece of art. 3 feet tall, almost a foot wide. A dude with giant headdress on top and three flipflop guys from the ancient Hawaiian Cirque du Soleil on the bottom. Then details like the shell he's holding, the cheetah print mounting plaque, the contrasting stain, and ropework. Clearly the work of a master. THANK YOU WILL!!!!!

And Phineas approves

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