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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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amate posted on Tue, May 15, 2012 4:15 AM

On 2012-05-14 11:16, congatiki wrote:
Great stuff Cy.....really like your "surfin' bird."
Love color when it's used well and on the right kind of
carving...yours wins on both counts :)

Ditto! Sounds like a great trip. Have fun!


It was good to meet you at TiKi Caliente,your work has a really cool style.....it looked like a lot of other people enjoyed them as well.

cy posted on Wed, May 23, 2012 7:56 PM

Thanks Skootiki it was my pleasure, and my van was a lot lighter on the way home so it was worth the trip. Enjoyed hangin' with Hang10tiki, MadDogMike (perfect handle), and danlovestikis (yes they are that nice). I like when it is so hot that your toe and finger nails grow.

Here is the vending area as it was being set up.

My spot was directly behind the stage and got this shot after the Slacktone set, which was the best of the show.

On 2012-05-23 19:56, cy wrote:
...MadDogMike (perfect handle)...

Are you saying I'm CRAZY!!!!??? :lol:

So good to meet you Cy :D

Great to meet ya at Caliente
Tiki-Kabob rocks
It looks great in "The Honu Hideaway"
Thanks again
Keep on makin those way kool n krazy carvings

cy posted on Fri, May 25, 2012 8:44 AM

Er, um crazy in a GOOD way MadDog. Thanks Jon, very happy he looks good in the hideaway. I sold both my cannibal pieces I was going to use for the Tiki-Kon event here in Portland so that will be the subject of my next few projects. Already got the sketches done and they will be
"kool and krazy"

Hi Cy, glad you are back home and getting ready for another fun event. See ya next time, Wendy

found his spot...

cy posted on Sat, May 26, 2012 10:17 AM

A place on the Alter of Surf is quite an honor hang10, thanks very much.

cy posted on Sun, Jun 3, 2012 4:54 PM

Here is the latest tiki pals.

This is Maka Puke ("Face Book") a piece of doug fir.

I sold both cannibal pieces at Tiki Caliente and started another out of a chunk of basswood so I will have something for the local Tiki Kon here in Portland come August.

Also got invited to an Elroy Artspace show that runs through August. There is a frame work that I don't usually adhere to in anything I do so this intrigued me. It had to include the Paul Nielsen mug design on left and be wall-hangable. I used a half round section of cedar for the rough.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-06-04 10:58 ]

Lookin good brother

On 2012-06-03 16:54, cy wrote:
... There is a frame work that I don't usually adhere to in anything I do so this intrigued me...

Are you saying you don't to be told what to do? :lol: That Elroy Show should be fun, you had a piece in last year's too if I remember right. Isn't that show in your area?

cy posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2012 9:53 AM

Thanks dudes. Mike I have done the local Elroy show the last 3 years in conjunction with the Tiki-Kon event. Joe is a friend that runs the event and has asked me to do a live carve this year so I am looking forward to that if it works out. Next will be my second attempt at the art swap. My first sketch featuring a sexy Pele Lani straddleing a tiki/rocket/volcano shaped projectile was banned by the local censorship board as being "inappropriate" and "sexist".

On 2012-06-04 09:53, cy wrote:
...My first sketch featuring a sexy Pele Lani straddleing a tiki/rocket/volcano shaped projectile was banned by the local censorship board as being "inappropriate" and "sexist".

Like a tiki version of the old Bob Seger logo? :lol:

I like it!

Keylo posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2012 11:23 AM

just droppin by as I have fallin out of the loop on TC, really enjoy seeing your stuff Cy, always creative and candy for the eyes.

cy posted on Tue, Jun 5, 2012 7:35 AM

If I knew how to add a smiley face I would Mad Dog. Thanks Keylo, I have been wondering where you have been. Hope to see some new work of yours soon.


cool stuff Cy.

I always get stoked when I see you updated your thread.

cy posted on Tue, Jun 5, 2012 3:58 PM

Thanks for the kind words pjc. Sounds like you are having a good time on your trip, say hi to willcarve, aloha, and benz for me. I hope to make a trip your way in September and will try and meet ya'all at the Mai Kai!


very cool brother.

If you make it to Tampa I've got 2 leather couches & a futon to choose from.

Mi casa es su casa..

I heard a rummer that you are going to be at Tiki Oasis 12. It would be great to see you again, Wendy

cy posted on Fri, Jun 22, 2012 8:49 PM

I won't be attending Tiki Oasis this year Wendy but am considering it for the next. I am already looking forward to Tiki Caliente 5 however and hope to see you there.

cy posted on Sun, Jun 24, 2012 8:55 PM

Here is a little bit of progress.

I noticed an upswing in real cannibal activity lately so this will be my last piece on the subject till things simmer down a bit.
I hollowed out the back and added a small red Christmas bulb to give off a warm glow from the stomach area and highlight the hapless victim.

Also close to finishing this Hapi Tiki for the Elroy show in August.

Lookin good bruddah


I like where your style is heading. Love the cannibals of late. The lighting on the last one sets it off greatly.

Looking forward to more.



Real cool carve.
The light sends it over the edge.
That would look great in someones dark bar.

Cool cannibal, very original as usual!


I dig it!

cy posted on Wed, Jun 27, 2012 3:26 PM

Thanks for the positive feed back guys. I have next week off, a few whack ideas, and a sharp chainsaw so hope to start something new as well as finish others.

Love the latest 2 Cy! I wore your Frog Island Tiki shirt in Cancun and Michoacan - so don't be surprised if you start getting calls for Tikis in Mexico :D

Hi CY we are hooked on Caliente and hope to see you there and Oasis in 13 my lucky number. Your work is outstanding. I love the light behind the small tiki. Wendy

Just now made it through your thread...wow you sure have some crazy carving talent!!! Love your work, you know how to make the wood take on a real character. NICE!!!

cy posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2012 5:17 PM

Glad you are back MadDog and will be looking forward to all the calls from the 998! Wendy I will be doing Caliente for sure and will seriously think about Oasis 13 as all the vendors I have spoken to say that is THE event. (although I sure liked the relaxed atmosphere in Palm Springs.) Thanks for going through the thread VampiressRN -I really try to add character and humor to each piece so your comments are appreciated! Got Stu nearly complete and will bring him to the local Tiki Kon event coming up August 4. I will be doing a live carve which will be odd for me as no one ever watches but I am looking forward to it and hope to see some TC people there for a little love.

Lookin good cy-master


Yeah, that rocks. Love all the varying depths in that piece. Very inventive too. Love the headhunter fork!

cy posted on Sun, Jul 15, 2012 4:37 PM

Thanks Hang10 and Big T! Here is an update on wuzapnin'.
This is the finished product for the Elroy show here in a few weeks. I wanted it to look like the bright blue mug that it is based on so applied a crazy whitewash water based paint like Huck Finn used to use and mixed it with blue and turquoise acrylic. The darker sections are grey stain.

A wall hanging based on a quick sketch.

This is plum. The top three branches will be a band. The drummer is first.

I want this piece of cedar to look like he is rising from the dead.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-07-15 17:17 ]

Where do these ideas come from???


I can already see that cedar guy is gonna be rad...

So the zombie is designed to lie down like that? Cool! Like the turquise whitewash too.

look forward to seeing these latest ones... I like the way you've also got all those other cool guys lurking in the background of your photos!

cy posted on Wed, Jul 18, 2012 8:48 AM

hang10 ideas usually come from my lower backside region. pj/MDM I thought having a piece lying on his back would be different. He is in my garage now and I have to tell you he creeps me out whenever I walk past him. He has a lot of empty stomach/chest area so I may add another guy rising from there, but will work out the head first. I will get busy to finish these Atomic Mess. I am looking forward to doing the Gresham Artwalk this Saturday and then Tiki Kon Aug. 4.

Empty space like a Kavakava?

cy posted on Sun, Jul 29, 2012 3:14 PM

It took up most of my weekend but am making progress on this one. I will bring this and a few other pieces to Tiki Kon this Saturday and work on whatever feels right.

I'm hoping Will Carve will give me extra credit cause digging all the way through the ribs took forever. I gave the bottom guy 4 sets of teeth for extra bite.

[ Edited by: cy 2012-07-29 15:15 ]

Can't carve much deeper than that! Look great Cy.

U rock...

Ya know,
I was thinking as I scrolled down the page,
"Now that's what I call, loosing the shape of the log"
You ain't skeered.
Extra Credit !


Cy that last one is killer! The time you must spend sanding these is mind boggling.

Mahalo for sharing


amate posted on Mon, Jul 30, 2012 6:02 AM

I was thinking the same thing about the sanding...looking good.

cy posted on Mon, Jul 30, 2012 8:15 AM

Glad you like fellas, you keep me motivated with your encouragement. I think it was Crazy Al that said if you use your chisels correctly you can by-pass much of the sanding and I took that as great advise from a master. There is hardly any sanding on this piece, just a bit with a grinder then one of those mouse shaped things, a tip from Buzzy.

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