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Benzart 's, Last, most recent thread

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Definitely not rubbery!

it looks so great you fooled me into thinking you were fooling me...if it's not rubbery it must
be hard huh?


It is Not real soft at all


it's a gummi bear!


i've been to the one in tucson. my dad gets a lot of his stuff from there. it's pretty impressive.


Whats the bear made of? Its nice

Bete posted on Sat, Sep 16, 2006 9:52 PM

Ben, that bear piece is just awesome, it's so detailed and perfect looking. Is that stone? If so, what kind?

Not a JADE piece is it Benz???? TTT


Hi Guys, sorry to drag this piece out so long with everyone wondering what the material is. Is is Jewelers Green carving wax.. When finished and backlit, it Does look like Jade.
Just having fun with you guys.

GROG posted on Sun, Sep 17, 2006 12:22 PM

GROG still thinks it looks like a self-portrait.

BENZ MAN! that looks awsome. the color puts so much detail into it. really like that piece.

amazing stuff


Hi Ben,

Are you going to make a cast of that bear?

don't know anything about carvers wax but it sure doesn't look easy...great paws...but
why should that surprise me....


TikiGap, Had not planned to cast this one. It would be a very advanced cast in silver, too heavy for gold or bronze. I think it will be a tricky cast in whatever they do it in. Do you know any metal smiths? are you interested in it?

hewey posted on Mon, Sep 18, 2006 4:06 AM

Oh Mr Benz you plays with us too much! How about a little hei tiki in the green? Thatd look sweet :)


Thanks Hewey, I promise there will be one soon. Sorry for all the playfulness and fun. It was fun?
Oh and I just framed a couple pictures yesterday, check them out. First an Octopus Gyotaku by GMAN:

Right next to a "benzart's WoodShed" by Hewey

[ Edited by: Benzart 2006-09-18 09:15 ]


I posted this in the "Early" thread and will here as well. Since it seems Impossible to fix all the proken Shutterfly picture links I have shared all my early works photos, some never before posted on TC. Enjoy!


Here is an update on the 'Lesson" tikis Plus a Swamp Tiki done for Doug Horn of Swamp Tiki. It is his design that I did for him.


Ben, I love that early thread. So much cool stuff I hadnt seen before, and it ALL looks super!

That tropicana tiki must have been fun to carve!? although I cant undestand how you did it and where you found a pice of wood that big :o


Thanks Makutiki, The Trop said to find a truck load of good carving logs since all they had were palms, and I tracked down a lowboy full of redwood logs there were 4 logs 3 to5 feet in diameter and I found them in Crescent City I think. Yes It was Fun to carve.

mahaloz for the links, ben. so many great pieces i hadn't seen before. i think i'll spend the rest of the afternoon just looking.

Hey Ben I am lovin that little guy - swamp tiki must be very happy with that one!


More lucky people are going to get a half-Benzart. Wish I could make it to the left coast affair. Always impressed with the character you can give your littler carvings and how clean they look.



Here is the one "Lesson" I did today. ALSO,,I worked on this little Ebony Tang-arango. Normaly I do the face first, but this time I did the body first'


I'll be out of town for the weekend so Hold the fort guys

Paipo posted on Fri, Sep 22, 2006 5:09 PM

Nice job on SwampFire's design, is that a one-off for Doug or is he going to make a run of them?
We'll let you away with a weekend off, seeing you posted those 1000 odd pics to get through...:wink:


Feels good to carve a bit today. finished another lesson and finished the body on the Ebony tang. Usually I do the face first then finish the boring stuff but I did this backwards for some reason. You can't really tell from the pic's but he is All Man.

[ Edited by: Benzart 2006-09-26 15:12 ]


Whoa Drool!!!

Bete posted on Wed, Sep 27, 2006 4:23 PM

It's going to be very cool Ben!

What a contrast in carving the lessons look they are done in basswood (soft) and that ebony is as hard as it get gets. Purteeeee!

hewey posted on Wed, Sep 27, 2006 8:22 PM

Cool man! That Swamp tiki is very nice.


Thanks McTiki, you too Bete.
AlohaStation, you're right, the woods Are at the Opposite ends of the Hardness factor, I had'nt thought of that, good eyes.
Hewey thanks to you too, I really enjoyed doing that Swampy Tiki with Swampfire it's a really Cool design.


Wow - this latest ebony tang is even more beautiful than the first one! I'd sure like to get on your list for one of those!

I'm a comin' to Florida Saturday! Hopefully we can meet up before Hukilau!


On 2006-09-28 08:27, tikigap wrote:
Wow - this latest ebony tang is even more beautiful than the first one!


The first one is always the best!!!

( now if I can just find the damn thing..)

NICE! Amazing amount of work you churn out BenZ!


Thanks Tgap, we should see each other there for sure, Thanks
This is the First Tang that BooBen was talking about, # 52

Thanks BroBen, Yours was my favorite, a Sweet one from Zebra wood, Almost as hard as ebony.
Thanks SneakyTiki, It doesn't feel like that recently though, Thanks again.
Here is half a face done on the Tang. The eye inlay is Pink Ebony.

Green eyes?

[ Edited by: Benzart 2006-09-28 19:40 ]

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 28, 2006 12:31 PM

Damn Ben, He that guy is looking fabulous. That style/wood choice was a real hit last time. How did you mess with the eyes (the red and green) did you photoshop the green in there or did you make alternate inlays? Nice to see you picking away in the shop again. Happy Happy!



Yeah, I glued separate inlays for each color,,,Not when I had Adobe Elements on the computer. Just wanted to see what they looked like with green paua inlays. Thanks,Gman.

Paipo posted on Thu, Sep 28, 2006 1:15 PM

He'd look cool with paua or Black MOP too, but the red eyes are good, they make him look like a little devil. Good to see some progress on this little fella, how tall is he?


Thanks guyz,
He is almost 3" tall.
Yes Black MOP would be nice. and I May have some.

Bete posted on Thu, Sep 28, 2006 4:58 PM

Looks cool with red or green eyes!


That black tang you did was one of my favorites, I think Moondance has it. I am glad you are doing another one. The lesson pieces are sweet. I wonder if ther is a way for me to get to CA...


the tang is looking so good! man, that zebra wood pendant is amazing. that wood is really beautiful.


ben, i have some zebra sittting around. seeing your piece makes me want to carve it. how did you finish that? i'd like mine have the same finish.


PDrake, you will find the Zebra wood will makean Excellent Tang

Here is the first Ebony one I believe. I can't believe the diffrence between the 2 pieces.

Whoa !!! Benz...you're just pumping them out.. BEAUTIFUL as always.

Love these pendants Benz. Really dig the 'tucked up' feet on the zebra-wood (sexy wood alright!)
Kia ora. TTT

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