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Ben, I think the worst thing ever is working on a piece your almost there and you break it. (I have done that too many times and it sucks!... Glad to see the new dancer...very cool


Impressive as always Ben...are you listening to Saturday Night Fever while
you carve? I can just see you doing a little shake around the jade dancer.


Thanks Amy, Yeah it sucks, but it's done and the new one will be better.:)

Thanks conga, yeah, John Travolta has been dancing through my mind recently a lot while working on this guy.
Here's a little something I found on My Space, hope they don't mind, just spreading a little

:o :lol:

GMAN posted on Thu, May 31, 2007 3:39 AM

Aloha to you to - you monkey!


Thanks Funky and Geezman:) :) :)
Here is todays Update on the dancer. All that is left is sanding, cleanup and wax'n buff, Very Gently I might add!

GMAN posted on Thu, May 31, 2007 5:46 PM

Killer! He hooks better than the first fellow! Now be careful there Mongo.....Don't go breaking this one in half!



You make it look like you are carving wax. Effortlessly it looks, but we know how much raw talent it takes.

Bowana posted on Fri, Jun 1, 2007 7:12 AM

Dude! Your jade work is really looking good! Right on, Benz!

cleanup and wax'n buff, Very Gently I might add!

sounds kinda kinky!

didn't know what else to say.

jaw dropping.


Thanks GMAN, No more breaks for this fellow :)
JohnnyP, Thanks, I promise you it is NOT Effortless :) :)
Thanks Tikidav, appreciate the kind words :) :) :)
B-Ben, Of course it is Kinky, we wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for dropping by!!
Here is the FINAL Update for the dancer and his Hula girl! I will ship them out tomorrow as they have overstayed their welcome. Not really, I'd like to have them around for a good while yet but they have a wedding to go to.


YOU make the world a brighter place BENZ! :D




[ Edited by: TravelingJones 2007-06-01 17:37 ]

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 1, 2007 5:45 PM

Good Grief! The two of them look perfect together. Wow what a job you did. That is gonna be one special cake. I know how much time and effort went into them, and I hope the lucky couple keeps them forever and is always reminded of how hard you worked to make them special for them. You are an incredibly special person....


Top pieces Mr Zart! You make a new discipline look so effortless! But I guess if you've got it, you've got it & it doesnt matter what medium you choose...
Im sure the lucky couple will be very happy (and the cake-toppers will be lil' celebrities in their own right)!

Tama :)



1000 times better than the first dancer, Ben.

I especially love the nose.
The lines are grooving just like his posture.

Very good mister.



Thanks Twice TJ :) :)
GMAN, Thanks for the kindness.
Tama, Thanks, although carving the jade has been Anything BUT Effortless for me. It has really been a struggle. I learned more carving this last dancer, I think, than All the other jade pieces, it finally started to meke sense. Glad you like him/them.
Benella, Thanks, you HAD to mention the Nose didn't you. It's the one thing that sticks out like a sore thumb I think!
Thanks again everyone for all the props and inspiration.


Please make sure that we all see a picture of the cake when it's put together! Awesome stuff Ben, it's always a pleasure. :)


haha benz, love it. like the dancing fellow there. thanks for showing, really enjoy seeing your talent


What a glowing couple I must say! Very very nice! Congrats!

wonderful! cute couple



Thanks Duddy, Finky, Clarita and QueenK.Much appreciated.
The past weeks I have been rearranging my garage, throing out tons of junk creating separate work areas for wood and stone since they really don't mix well on the same bench. It is still a hassle but so far seems better. I got started on the Coon Tiki II Piece which will raffle off to one of the carvers who attend Coon Tiki II. Your purchase receipt will be your ticket and they will be put into a hat and pulled out by someone unknown yet, Here are pictures of that piece, a new club in Ziricote and my new shop


that looks like a piece of that spruce i gave you at the oki. (i think it was spruce?) i recently started a carving from that wood. it's kind of hard. i was suprised.

Whoa you got a lot of tools. that just must be your paradise. benz you need to get some videos of you working your magic up on the net here.

i know ive asked but when is coon tiki seminar? cause i get my licence next month!
thanks for the photos

cool pics and nice to see so much stuff in the works...very interesting. The smaller
pieces are great too...I think I stared at one of your big maori pendants for at least an
hour at Coontiki I. Then people started waking up to divert my attention. Happy.

Country Romance???




Man someone is going to be stoked! Coon Tiki 2...have to check on flights.

Thanks for showing all the pictures of the shop and tools that you are using...it helps big time!

My Pop always use to tell me..."Babalu, there's only 2 types of music - Country and Western" and that without "Hank Williams and Patsy Cline, your music wouldn't have happened". Still, I caught him bopping to some Led Zepplin last time I was in his shop :)

It looks so clean and well organized?? You know that if you need to make some room - my wood pile is starting to dwindle. Seriously your shop looks great. You should show a before and after!


Coon Tiki will be the weekend of July 27th. Info is HERE. I was up at the class site this weekend and they are ready for us. If you need anything for the class, their prices are really great. Just let them know what you need and they will have it ready. They have the Flexcut MC175 kit I want...

Do I get to be in that raffle Ben? :wink:

GMAN posted on Tue, Jun 12, 2007 4:42 PM

Who are you and where is our Benzart?


Thanks Perry, That one is Bass wood, I haven't carved the piece you gave me yet. Soon I think.

T-Duddy, Thanks, Yeah, it's a few tools but I need MORE! Coon tiki is July 27 and coming up fast. Yes I need a video camera.

Hey Conga, Thanks, Maori it is then.

Hey Ben, those songs were right oput of my play book from when I used to sing Country music when I was a bit younger, I grew up since then but like to visit now and then.

Babalu, Thanks, Check Allegiant Air for the best deals.

Come on Up Aloha Station, Have some room in your trunk! I've been working on the shop awhile, Thanks.

Thanks Swank, I don't see why not, but when you win, people might talk. ): ): ):

Gman, Don't worry, he's around and OK, I won't hurt him.

Wow, that work area is to tiki what Santa's workshop is to Santa. It takes one talented carver though to make it produce those wonderful tikis. Ben you are my idol, Wendy

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 13, 2007 7:47 PM

Whooaaa... all nice and clean! Now get back in there and make it dirty man!

On 2007-06-13 19:47, hewey wrote:
Whooaaa... all nice and clean! Now get back in there and make it dirty man!

I agree! How on earth do you keep it clean? I am searching the photos to see signs of sawdust. Nup. None. So what, you got an automatic robot vacum cleaner?


Hi Ben,

Very nice pix.
I predict a lot of super masterpiece carvings soon
:) :) :) Yippee :) :) :)

How do you do to cut so neaty boarders on your clubs ? Band-saw?



[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2007-06-14 05:42 ]


Still Drooling :)


damn Ben, now I need a mop to clean up the drollaround my computer after seeing your shop and tools.


Thanks Wendy, It is amazing how many More tools it looks like are there when they are organized. I guess I AM Fortunate to have access to so many tools, people might think I'm a Tool Junkie, but no Not me,, Never. Thanks again.
Hewey, I'm Working on it. Looks like it will take more than a few days to get it Comfortably Dis-organized to wher I can finally find stuff again. Thanks Mate!
Thanks kiwishaman, I DON'T keep it Nice and cleaan as you will see soon. Every now and then I get a wild hair and clean and Organize everything, then methodically put it back in Unorganized piles mixed with dirt and chips.. Thanks again. I Do have to keep the dust down though with having COPD, dust is one of my main enemies!
Hi Ben, Thanks , Yes I DO use the bandsaw to cut out the borders of the clubs and lots of other pieces. In fact I Want to purchase a Diamond blade bandsaw for Jade and Stone work
House Of KU, I have some towels here Somewhere, give me a day or two to find them. Thanks in the meantime!
Thanks Frostiki, when you are finished with your mop, head on over to the HOUSE OF KU and help him out, he's drowning over there and that will save me a trip. Thanks again..

Now while you guys are slobbering spit all over yourselves ( I have my OWN to contend with) I'll get on with posting updates to the Maori/Moai I have been trying to work on in this squeaky clean garage. It's hard but somebody has to do it!
Here we GO
FIRST for BAmbogBen "Country Romance???"

I don't listen to this JUNK often, but I DO Have it,

GMAN posted on Thu, Jun 14, 2007 8:15 PM


He's all aces. I love where you are taking these guys. You've got it nailed now. I likee.


You not at the Hukilau?

I heard Brother PablIZ is gonna try to sing!

Is that not him in one of those cd's (with a wig on)???

Or, you only go Sat Night?

We missy dis year.

Going bye bye next week and so on.

Building tiki tiki! again. or, tiki / tree house.

Keep it up master Ben.

Keep it up!!!!


Tried my hand on a moai this time, but I'll always be far from your excellence. Very wonderful moai, Dr Benz.


Sir Benzart, im struggling to find words on what to say about that piece there....amazing? hmm.....Spectacular? i think ill go with Brilliant!

if i can think of anything better to say ill post it when i come up with it

Thank you for posting


Thanks GMAN, I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

Thanks BamBen, Don't forget to post pictures of your Tree/tiki house :) :) :)

Thanks Ben, Lets see your Moai, I'm sure it's not all that bad.

Thanks T Duddy, Appreciate the kind words.

Here is what I started to rescue from the "Box of 80" today.

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 15, 2007 5:31 PM

Why are you working on a Saturday? Put the toolz down and step away from the bench.......


Note to GMAN - please review calendar today is Friday for at least a few more hours on the East Coast...

I think that you have been working too hard and should expend some energy on your carving, as Ben has done with his Friday...

Ben as always your carvings intrigue me I am amazed at the detail and the thought that goes into each piece. It's always a treat to stop by and see what you have been up to. Your rescue piece looks like it's going to be another winner.


GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 15, 2007 5:47 PM

Oops, I need to lay off the cough syrup..........my bad.


Ben you drive me crazy with your Moai carvings...I am sorry not to be able to attend Coon II
but I can pretend and follow your step-by-step process...naw...it would be pretty foolish to attempt
one without you guiding the way. I this Duddy just about summed it up right...and I think someone
should send Gman a digital calendar.

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