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Tama - NZ Pounamu/greenstone - Last post for '08! - pg99

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tamp, that's simply amazing work. the simplicity really shows off how nice of a piece it is. it makes a person think. i always think that's a wonderous part of art.

GMAN posted on Wed, Sep 27, 2006 4:34 AM


I am so stoked! He looks absolutely perfect. Oh man, I can't wait to have him in my dusty paws! Thanks for posting an update. Wow! I love the roundness of him.



I read this post about carving jade with sharp rocks and sand. It always amazes me how the ancestors carved those wonderful pieces. The dedication it must have took. Your art is gorgeous. I agree with Benzart, your carvings are the best there.


beautiful work triple t! i really dig the lines on the award winner. gman, great score! i never get tired of touching and looking at my tama pieces.

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 28, 2006 8:19 PM


Hey y'all!

Thanks pdrake: its taken me a while to get things that simple. A matter of 'seeing' forms more clearly in your mind & being able to transfer that cleanness to a real piece.

GMan: keep smilin'

JP: adds new meaning to feeling 'satisfied' upon completion of a piece like that!!

Cheers KTD!

Well, took today as a 'play-day' & started a new piece. Thought Id take a leap into something more sculptural & sat down to draw up the Lono...

And ended up with this... My first ever Moai!

Took a munt at it with my heaviest grinding wheel, went as far as I could before stopping. Now what the hell am I doing..?

Damn, thought this would be a lot easier...

But after a cruisey an enjoyable day Im hopeful...

Some bloody tricky wee angles going on in those guys. Knew it wouldnt be easy but jeez...

Ill keep you posted on this one (a Maori 'mokoed' Moai?) MMM by TTT :)


Wow, Nice lines and a great start! What you are Doing is: finding out what every other first time Moai carver finds out,,, that the moai is Not the simple carve that it seemed in the beginning. What look like simplicity, is in fact some Very subtle, difficult angles and curves that really make it more difficult. It has more human proportions than it seems. After you realize that, it will be easier. You have really captured the perfect lines. Can't wait to see this guy finished!

GMAN posted on Sat, Sep 30, 2006 8:00 AM

Damn Tama, this guy is going to be a real winner! I also think he is gonna take FOREVER! You need to remove a lotta material....jeeze. He looks fantastic, and I agree those buggers really take some thought to pull off. It looks like you've done your thinking and got him all worked out. Killer. I'll be waiting for the next set of updates on this guy. Good times!!!!


the moai is looking good, tama. how big is it? also, i really dig freckle. is he available?

hewey posted on Sat, Sep 30, 2006 5:14 PM

On 2006-09-26 21:07, Tamapoutini wrote:

Just for you GMAN. Ready for sanding...

Thats great - his mouth reminds me of a chainsaw! :)

The moai is awesome man!

GMAN posted on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 6:33 PM

Is it time yet?? :blush:


[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-10-02 18:35 ]

Yes Gman, its time!!

'El Chainsaw-Mouth', Hewey?
Cheers Benz. Id like to carve more of them as I know theyd get easier after a few (a few attempts that is, not drinks. although...)
Kings:the Moai is just over 3 3/4inches tall, pretty big work for me, haha!

Here you go Gman. Hope you like him! (Just under 2inches high)

C'mon mate, turn around... (shame about that flaw but it is only on the back & aesthetic only)

A bit more...

There he is! I took the liberty of changing the eyes we discussed G. The plain green/blue were just a bit ho-hum for this guy, needed something 'sharper'* to match the chainsaw mouth... (just noticed a fish-symbol in the head too - spooky...)

And all lit up! (you can see coulour of paua better in this pic)

*And speaking of sharp eyes; one of the buggers bit me spinning @ 40,000rpm - ouch!!

Made plaiting the cords a laugh -a typing this too!!
Still need to sort the length on this, dont think we nailed it down ..?

Let me know what you think Gman.

Cheers everyone! Tama

hewey posted on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 8:24 PM

That looks great with the inlays!

Paipo posted on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 8:32 PM

Another nice hei-tiki, but I'm keen to see the rest of that moai. Get back to your workbench!

GMAN posted on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 8:50 PM


You really out did yourself! Those eyes are too much! Bravo! G likee, G likee a lot! Wow, what a piece. I will wear him with pride (and I promise to take him off to sleep and shower). What a great carve. I can't wait to see him in person. As for the cords, I am sitting here with a cloth tape measure.... tell me how you want me to measure......(I know that sounded weird, but it's on the level...honest!)

Bummer that he bit you, but I hear all the top tikis bite....just ask Benzo. He's worked with a few biters! The best tikis always draw blood.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-10-02 21:02 ]

That is a breathtaking piece. Bravo on the art. Gman..Nice pickup..The King asked about Freckle, well is Jeckle spoken for.. Or do I need to get on a list..Great work and keep em comin.

Glad you like it Gman -just tell me (in inches or cm) the length from the back of your neck - to where you want tiki to hang from/below (or the whole length & I can halve) Damn, there must be an easier way to explain. Usually around 20inches give or take...

Cheers Hewey.

Keen to get on with the Moai myself Paipo, but will have to earn myself another play-day... What are you up to now that exhibition is over..?

Sorry FreddieB -Heckle & Jeckle are both gone, still to hear back from the King... PM me.

Cheers all, T3

GMAN posted on Tue, Oct 3, 2006 6:57 AM


PM sent. Once again, thanks for this. He is truly fantastic and a distinct example of your wonderful abilities. I can't stop smiling! :D

"Chainsaw Mouth" hei-tiki for Gman!



TAma, I Love your "Chainsaw mouth" Hei-Tiki. I guess he has the perminant Monniker and Ideal for the GEEman too since his brother is a chainsaw. About the Flaw. you should have not hidden it on the back, as I think it is really part of the character of the guy. Maybe thats why he bit you and with his Eye no less. There is signifincance in that you know, just don't ask me what it is. The ancient masters who control things like that don't wish us to know All their secrets, but I'm sure that had something to do with it. Next time Listen when they try to 'Show" you something and maybe they won't bite.
This gets into that "Zen" thing where thosa same ancient masters/teachers actually do like to carve themselves sometimes and if you are not doing it right then they just take over and all you know is that there is this carving you did but didn't do. Usually they are just happy with a little gentle prodding and tweaking though.
Man I Love seeing your works, we want to see it ALL!


I'm with Ben, I think the "flaw" adds a lot of great charater in the piece. I love these rock carving threads. Gman is a lucky guy.


Tama NICE work!

I just had dinner with the fella you made this for...he cracked a smile EXACTLY like the wild eyed Hei Tiki you carved!!! Beautiful green but Gman is scary like that in public! :o

I think he cut the strap to my sandals?

Cheers Gman, Mrs G got us organised!

Thanks Benz. Yeah, I do stop & wonder when I get bitten by a significant piece (cant figure why this time tho? maybe just to snap me out of the hypnotic gaze of the EYES...) Careful when viewing this Gman, perhaps close one eye or only look at its reflection in the mirror, haha!
(still wondering whether or not to start the 'Zen' thread Benz..?)

Cheers JP/TJones!!

Thanks to KingsTD, Freckle will soon be seeing life through rose-coloured lenses... Let me know Bullet, their not glued in yet & can be changed if necessary. Hard to get a 'flashy' shot of them, theyre brighter in reality...

Let me know. T3

he looks great, tama! glue 'em in, wrap him up, and send me the bill! :D


Man, This one's a Forked tongue-flappin' smoothe talker I think. You better watch this guy Bullet. Tama, these guyz never cease to amaze me, all the while I'm goofin off with these "Lessons". I gotta start something substantial soon I think. Thanks Tamma

You got it KTD!

Benz; I know the feeling so well. When too many 'little' things are demanded of your art/time, it starts to feel a bit much like WORK, eh? Im sure you are looking forward to the next real Benzart Piece, as are we all... Hang in there. The 'lessons' are a remakable group to watch!!

Happy carving All! Tama

hewey posted on Thu, Oct 5, 2006 1:18 AM

Looks great man! :) No wonder Gmans got a chainsaw smile!

Thanks Hewey!

Just a quick 1,2,3 on todays work for those interested...

Dragged out another of 'the 50' (almost 80 actually!!) yesterday. This fella was 90% done & just needed sanding, and today saw him finished...

I suppose Im pretty lucky to be able to call this my 'boring production work', but enough of these earns me my play-days...

Dug out a few non-jade stones today too Benz, beach treasures mostly. Reckon I can see a few faces starin' out of them...

Its a nice afternoon, we seem to have heaps of kids at our place?, so we're off to the beach. A chance for a jade fossick, yay!

Happy hunting y'all. Tama


We should be so lucky to have such "Boring Production work". I suppose if you do enough of them you might think they were boring.
As with Paipo, I have the same new found respect for you and your carvings having just "Touched" the Pounamu for the first time. I knew it was a hard material but didn't realize it was so difficult to shape into what you want. Translate that back a couple hundred years with "Primitave" tools and THOSE guys Really had a hard, tedious taskif they chose to change the face of a piece of greenstone. Of course I don't have all the correct tools but I can see how hard you work to create that beauty. Wood is like carving Butter after pounamu.
So here you are creating these Beautiful "Boring" pieces of fantastic art and I say Very Well Done.

I see you have touched Pounamu, the question is: has she touched YOU Benz..?haha

Even with diamond tools its hard stuff eh? The secret is to 'slow down' to the pace of stone removal with what ever tools you are using & concentrate on keeping an even, slow movement, as opposed to scrubbing back & forth in an effort to reduce 'quickly'; it just doesnt work that way (hope Im making sense). You will begin to 'feel' the shaping process through the tool...

I guess for wood feeling like butter in comparison you gotta have the right tools! My own experiments have been most frustrating, hahaha.

Managed to do a bit of playing in between production work today. Spent another hour or two on MMMoai...

The last time we saw him...

And today I managed to start pulling some arms out of him & readdressed the neck/nipple levels which were quite a bit too high (how tricky is that area?)...

Generally cleaned him up a bit, blocked in the ears and brow a bit better... (hes going to have a snub-nose)

Getting them symmetrical is pretty hard too eh? Hes not too bad...

Did a bit to the back...

And trimmed the ears back a bit further...

Still a fair bit of refining to do to the shape & then I can get on with some detailing, looking forward to that! Getting there slowly...

And in a fit of Moai-madness, drew this pendant up & trimmed it out, heehee

*Still have a housefull of kids that dont belong to me & feel I ought to go & help out. School holidays finished yesterday & theyll be gone soon, phew...

Take care all. T3

hewey posted on Fri, Oct 6, 2006 7:54 PM

moai madness indeed! :)

nice man

GMAN posted on Fri, Oct 6, 2006 7:57 PM


The MMMoai is looking baddass! Looks like you spent a good deal of time around the nips (there I go again). I imagine he will be getting all sorts of tweaks and tucks as he progresses. Beautiful stuff. I like the new/old "one of 80" that you busted out to be finished. Hopefully TCers buy them all up so you can keep showing us more. This stuff is all aces...ante up folks, Tama's stuff is some of the best there is!


Cheers Hewey, the Madness continues...

Gman. Youre bang on with the 'tweaks & tucks' comment. Thats exactly how Im finding it. Have you carved a Moai before?

So into the night the Moais still had me in thier grip & thanks to my friend here, came up with a couple of new pendant designs.

'Hei-Moai' still needs a little tweaking, maybe tilt the head a little bit more. Walking that fine line again perhaps..? I think hes wicked, definately gonna happen...

And after a few more wines the Moai Madness just turned into silliness. Started dressing my dolls in funny clothes, hahaha...

Damn! Time for a feed & off to bed... T3

[ Edited by: tamapoutini 2006-10-07 04:20 ]


TripleM Moai Madness it is. Carving the Moai can be Very infectuous and challenging. The closer you get to being done the more you see that needs to be done In woodcarving it is called "Teasing" and the chips get very fine and thin and with the Moai, it can go on for days if you let it.. Your first one is really perfectly traditional and beautiful, even with the pug nose and shortened ear(watch out for the "side-burn" effect).
The second one partially roughtd out will be a pure Beauty, can't wait to see them both.
If you look at my Moai, you see I am afraid to try to make them look too traditional as I would Really mess that up. So I just make them goofy looking from the start, but alas, I still run into the same issue where it Looks so simple but isn't!
The Hei-Moai is Absolutely you! I would put his right hand up to his head and hang him from the elbo, but it may be impossible from available real estate.
I love how with one simple lean of the head and the addition of some funny looking legs, you have Totally changed his heredity. His pop was definitely a Maori so that makes him a Maori-Hei-Moai for sure.
The "dressing" of the dolls is not what was wierd, the fact that you HAVE dolls, now thAt is the strangeness Hahee.

Managed an hour or so on the Moai pendant yesterday. I think it will be ok but... I really want to try a more 'realistic' one & start with much thicker piece of stone; this one is just a bit thin to get any decent depth into the face. Shouldve known that from the start...

I admit I am a bit nervous of trying to get too traditional too Benz. So hard to get just right & can look so wrong (I think the head is too large for the body of MMM, been staring at hei-tiki to long, haha).
They just beg to be lampooned a little I reckon... In all respect of them of course :) heehee
I had a play around with trying to hang 'Hei-Moai' from his arm on the night... Wont attempt any H-Moai until I get the design just right but stayed tuned...
**(C'mon, I know youve all got dolls, haha)

***Heads up Gman/Kings/Benz - check PMs...


MMM is fantastic. I don't think that last one is too thin for a fine looking piece of jewelery. The Hei-moai sketch is over the top.

I enjoy the pictures of you guys shaping stone.


GMAN posted on Sun, Oct 8, 2006 6:11 PM

Got the PM, thanks :D

The Moai pieces are looking good. I agree with JP, the thin guy is gonna make a great pendant.



Oh yes the dolls....
On the Other subject I Have Always loved to play with the Moai. Here are some of the Moai I have done . as this Earless one among others.

Just have fun with him and let him determine how he would like to be. You'd be surprised when you turn it over tho the ancients what kind of playfullness they come up with.
However you decide to do them, I'm certain they will be excellent pieces as it is ultimatelu you who are doing them.

Wow Benz. Thanks so much for posting those Moai, they will certainly be referred to in the near future... Youve definately got your own style going on in there, and a few of them have eerily 'real' faces/expressions -spooky... :) I will take your advice & see where they take me!

Ive got a few commissions to do in time for Xmas & so got to work on one today. A gift for a 14yr old boy!
Had it drawn up already, started at the same time as 'Chainsaw Mauf' actually...

And I think this is going to have to be MY new tiki, haha! *Had a happy accident with those retro/Jetsons rocket legs; invented due to lack of space but I really like em'! Might just have to call this wee guy 'Tama'... oh yeah!

(I think this came from an intense LittleLostTiki session yesterday...)


GMAN posted on Mon, Oct 9, 2006 6:57 AM


The new work looks excellent! Congrats on the commissions. Lucky folks! The guy on the bottom is really crazy! I can't wait to see some progress on that. If you get smack talked for the slightly non-traditional stuff, this one should land you in jail! I love it!

Too Wild!



WOW This last guy is really neat. Looks like he's got both hands pulling his mout open wide enough to scream louder. Wild eyes and Wicckid tongue with personality to boot. Tama the Terrible for Sure. Definitely a free pass to an overnighter in the jail house for breakin' All the tiki laws, but you know what? I think the Ancients are messin with you and having their own fun since you seem to have the balls to do things like this, who Else can they get to do their bidding?

Paipo posted on Mon, Oct 9, 2006 2:09 PM

On 2006-10-06 19:24, Tamapoutini wrote:

Generally cleaned him up a bit, blocked in the ears and brow a bit better... (hes going to have a snub-nose)

Is he...local?

You're going through the same stuff I discovered with the moai - it sure gives you new found respect for the ancients, or even the tourist-piece carvers, who manage to get it bang-on in a 2-inch thick slab of wood.


Believe me Paip, that is after doing a few hundred.

Cheers Gman.

Benz: Glad to oblige the Ancients, I get a major kick out of the more outrageous stuff myself, haha

Paipo: Definately 'local' stone... haha *I was experimenting with '10 second tikis' the other day & came up with a dead ringer for Edward, was gonna show you but erased...

*Nothing to report; had a mate roll up in his housetruck yesterday, claiming to have moved to the Coast! Been 'on it' pretty much since his arrival & have taken an early start to my break, starting officially tomorrow... Heading over to family bach/holiday home & almost in-laws are taking the kids -YEEHAA!!! Will be away for 3-4 days, bliss...

Will catch up soon... TTTerrible

Kia ora, Guys n Gals

Back from a very nice couple of days away; total isolation/quiet in a stunning lakeside 'hut', no kids, no power, no phone (incl cellphone reception!), just rain...

Feeling very refreshed & raring to get back into it! Had about half days carving today...

The new owner of 'Heckle' (California) has requested mother-of-pearl inlays for the eyes & a 'rebind' of where cordage attaches to arm.
The customer is always right...

This piece is going along with him... A Peke-peka (bat) design, made from a beachpebble & leaving much natural surface intact...

Had another good session on the current commission...

And scored a few flitches of NZ native, Macrocarpa. The longest piece is just under 3 1/2 feet long & all are about 3inches thick. Have no idea what Im going to do with them as yet, having fun just staring & imagining the possibilities...

Better invest in a few chisels I suppose... :) TTT

GMAN posted on Fri, Oct 13, 2006 4:23 AM


Yes, the customer is always right, unless the artist thinks otherwise :wink: Those are terrific pieces. I'm sure the new owner will be super stoked!

The new commission is coming along nicely. I really like the long shape of this fellow.

Glad to hear you had a good "escape", I'm heading out for something similar too.

I can't wait to see what you decide to do with the wood. It will be fun for the rest of us termites to see what you come up with.



Yeah, Ditto what Gman said. I like the difference in the aem wraps and also the yees. The newbie is coming along sweetly too. The wood looks very inviting and I for sure can't wait to see what you are gonna do with it. One thing for sure, it doesn't carve well under a water stream with diamond burs! But I'm sure you knew that already.

On 2006-10-13 04:23, GMAN wrote:

Yes, the customer is always right, unless the artist thinks otherwise :wink:


WHOOPS -Yes I did break that rule with 'Chainsaw Mauf' didnt I?... The new owner of Heckle is a true jade connoisseur who knows his options/preferences (& with many purchases under his belt has earned the right to order the artist around, heehee)

**Had a false start with the wood already -drew something up last night but ran out of room for a head, bugger! Im sure I will hear the giggling from down here once I start chippin'...

**Whattaya mean you dont use diamond tools Benz? Is that why theyre getting all clogged up?heehee

Dont know whats on the agenda today, check back before bedtime & there might be somethin'?.. Tama

hewey posted on Fri, Oct 13, 2006 3:16 PM

wood, WOOD! :)

Nice tikis as always

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