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On 2007-01-09 16:59, Benzart wrote:

This looks like the sparkly facets at a Zales display!

I am always amazed at the control you have with your tools.



hey ben man that lono is unreal how you get such small details in your work. always look forward to seeing more of your amazing stuff.


Finky "he should polish up nicely" as in Rol over and let me do it easily?? Not a chance, this piece will fight until the very end. There is not an eazy spot on this guy except for some of his body that is eazy to sand and polish. Very little of the rest of him is Difficult to do, see and feel.. But thanks anyway,he will be a neat guy in a day or two!

Thanks Wendybelle, Nah, If this were dug up in Hawaii, the greedy digger would either keep it for himselfand Never let anyone see it, OR he would sell it to sopme private dealer who would sell it to the same persom and it would never be seen. Nice to see you here!

Tgap. Thanks for giving me thanks and thanks for thanking me for thanking you fot giving me the original thanks

Perry, I LOVE the SMIRK and SMILE on your face as you are typing this out, but the REAL SMILE was when you thought about it being the piece of jade which you gave me, That smile was beautiful and you were grinning ear to ear. Unfortunately it's not the one you gave me, but I still have great plans for that piece of jade too so save your smiings and smirks, you'll get to use them again soon, and then you can spring the what-if question on me then:) :) :) Thanks PDrake

Thanks GMAN, I have not put that amount of hours ino this lono, Only about10 or so, but they were excellent productive hours. Adding the Baby oil makes him look more finished than he is, which I explained to the recipireint too

Hewey, Thanks I really love the specles too thats why I turned around and got more after being given the first piece. Thanks

Thanks JP, Sparkeling facets are from Baby oil and nothing more. The next tie you see him the sparkles will elong to him from the toolz so Then either I did it right or messed it up right.

Tiki Duddy, My young buddy, Thanks for being so sweet and honest.. You always have the nicest, clearest things to say and you ALWAYS just MAKE MY DAY, Thank YOU
I do still have a lot of work left to do on this guy,all the sanding and smoothing and the burnishing and all that stuff. Enjoy

pdrake posted on Tue, Jan 9, 2007 9:03 PM

haahaahahaha, thanks, ben. it does look like bc jade, though. i hope that you're using the new bits. those details look amazing. your amusemet made me smile more than anything else. thanks for all you do here.


Amazing work and details on the green lono: very nice work.

I've been looking to the progress of your "woodish" lono and I'm very happy to see that this little fellow is going to be another of your wonderful masterpieces. I should add that Lono is one of my favorite figures :wink:


I wouldn't even think to try and attempt something like this after 7-odd years of stone carving! I like how you don't compromise your style - you just rip into it and work it out as you go. Just don't forget to give us a fix of big Benzart when you're feeling ready.


Thanks Pdrake, glad you enjoyed that "Moment". I certainly laughed when I read your post and pictured you sitting there smiling, it was great Thanks and Yes I'm using the new tools. I just got a 4 Lb block of the same jade, they called it "Wyoming this timee. it should be fun.
Ben, Thanks for the kind dwords, I'm glad you like the Lono figure as he is about my Favorite Hawaiian Tiki and the one that I do the most. I guess the headdress is challenging and always leaves the opportunity to Play around a bit. Thanks.
Paipo, Thanks. Sometimes it seems that the "Rip Into it" gets me into trouble sometimes because the "working it out" part proves to be very difficult. I Am finding though, that the 'Rubberized" abrasives really help in those tiny spots as long as I have the shaping done.
I'll post some Woodies tomorrow.
Here is a pic from today and this time with no oil.

GMAN posted on Wed, Jan 10, 2007 2:46 PM

Dude! That is sick! You know he's gotta love that!


I just love your booty-licious lonos! This one is simply wonderful!

Bete posted on Wed, Jan 10, 2007 3:40 PM

Looks awesome Ben!

Oooooooh BenZ that is BAD! --and I say that sincererly in the BEST tense of course! :D Wafer-thin transperency and killah cutZ! Chillz da spine!



:)-- :)

Jeez; you turn away for 5 minutes and two pages go by...

Wow! This latest jade Lono is a killer Ben! It so good to see someone really letting loose & fresh on jade! Mental complexity! (I wouldnt be attempting it either Paip' :wink:)

*Dare I suggest that you are improving already? I can smell the confidence a mile off; definately a bold hand behind this!

Well done Ben.

Tama :)

PS: Had an awesome wee pressie arrive today, yay!!! Big thanx!!

[ Edited by: Tamapoutini 2007-01-10 23:41 ]


Yes GMAN I Know I'm Sick but keep it quiet, I don't want THEM to know where I am, Shhhh! Thanks.
JenTiki, glad you appreciate the finer parts of the Lono, Thanks I appreciate your kind words :)
Bete Thanks, My constant supporter, what would I do without you. The only reason I haven't finished your lono is that whan I do you will disappear and this way I keep you around HEE Haa :)
TJ, Thanks, Love your props man, they could keep me goin for a month at least. Thanks.
Johnny, That says it all, Thanks, big time!
Tama,While you were away 5 minutes, I was away 10 days or more it seems. Thanks for your confidence on this lono and my ability to do it. This guy has been a struggle from day One, having to figure it out and do it without poking thru to the back side, (he's only 5mm if that)and at 4 1/2 " all it added that much more area to mess up. I don't know what possesses me to start stuff like this. Anyway I'm Happy you approve, though I'm sure if you held it in your hands you might find a couple things done right and no more.
Glad you liked the "wee pressie" and relieved he made it there in such short order.
Off to another day.........

hewey posted on Thu, Jan 11, 2007 6:29 PM

On 2007-01-09 20:52, Benzart wrote:
If this were dug up in Hawaii, the greedy digger would either keep it for himselfand Never let anyone see it, OR he would sell it to sopme private dealer who would sell it to the same persom and it would never be seen.

Mate if I found this, I would keep it for myself, but I would SHOW EVERYONE! Just keeps on getting better


Thanks Hewey, remind me to Never show you where I bury MY Stuff!!:)
I finished the Lono and will post pic's later today. Next I'm doing a Moai pendant for Finky AND Finishing Betes LONO! YEAH!!!


It is so hard to wait for your Lono...



Ben your wait iz Over.
Pictures as Promised:


Just Kidding:
Here it is for real. Finally Finished and is going to someone in the Fender Guitar Company

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-01-12 12:09 ]


Totally cool, totally Benzart...he looks just like his big brothers! I'm sure this piece will make his new owner very happy. What's next now you've conquered the green stuff?

On 2007-01-12 12:08, Benzart wrote:
Finally Finished and is going to someone in the Fender Guitar Company

Fender Guitar eh? :wink:

ROCK ON BENZART!!! :lol: We'll have to keep an eye on MTV to follow the antics of this Lono. Imagine the stories he's gonna be able to tell...


GMAN posted on Fri, Jan 12, 2007 12:56 PM

Dang! Ben that is the baddest. Very nice job finishing him up. Now you've got all of us playing the blues....or did he strike a chord with anyone? What am I talkng about?


Thanks guys, Paipo, Look for the Curly head Lono to be Finished up Next. By NO Means have I conqured the Green stone, I have a Long way to go for thet. I think my next greenpiece(no pun intended) will be a Moai.
No telling what he will be party to but I imagine it will be fun where ever it is. He is well loved for sure. Thanks
Gman, Thanks to you too and I have No idea what you are talking about, BLUES? Never!
Fun,, YES

Ben this Lil'Lono is incredible...tons of detail work on the bootiful bugger. Wonderful
as always.

hewey posted on Fri, Jan 12, 2007 4:23 PM

Absolutely gorgeous mate :)

Hi Ben, checked back in at the right time to read all the well deserved notes of praise and to see the beautifully detailed god. With a work like this I'd have to say that stone idols can't be all bad because this one is way cool. You are an idol too and I'm your fan, Wendy

I can't believe what I've been missing lately. Ben, your style is bone chilling! Your pieces are inspirational. I could get lost for hours just scouring your threads. Time to scour!


beautiful!!!! amazing as always :)



Jade now???? and looking like this.........


You just keep getting better if thats possible. the jade looks great with the Hawaiian influence. you make even the stone carving look easy. Very Fine work.

Bete posted on Sun, Jan 14, 2007 2:31 PM

That piece turned out great Ben!


Conga, Thanks for the kind words. :)
Hewey thank you too!
Wendy, Glad to have you check in, I love your support and kind words too.
Beachnik, Scour away, I appreciate your visit and your props help get me going. Thanks!
Queenie, Thank You too!
C'Al Comps from the King himself, Very much appreciated. Yeah, someone put some jade in my hand and dared me to carve it and Not knowing any better I jumped in and got over my head as usual. Just trying to keep up with you and thats No easy Task. Thanks AL, :) :) :)
AlienTiki, it IS EASY,,, for guys like Tama and paipo, for me it is Very Difficult, but with guys like you and the rest of TC, I can Do IT! Thanks.
Bete, my old steady stand-by. Always there with a good word Thanks! Get yerself ready for your curly headed Lolo, he'll be coming your way soon!


Here he is with his cord all finished:

And Finky. I can't hide this. Yours is coming this week, I had to get this one out with the Jade lono

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-01-16 05:11 ]


Ben, why are you always so good??? it is a pleasure always...

You just make it look soooooo easy! Beautiful pieces! Amazing..flippin amazing!

Simply Beautiful Ben! That jade Lono is awesome. Who would know that it is only your 2nd/3rd attempt!!??

Your braiding looks spot on too!!

What more can be said?

Ka pai! Tama :)

On 2007-01-15 21:16, little lost tiki wrote:
You just make it look soooooo easy! Beautiful pieces! Amazing..flippin amazing!

Flip-flOp-fLipPpin...:D GOOD!

Heath posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 7:11 AM

Both pendants came out great.
I did see one little thing wrong with them.
It's such a small thing I almost hate to point it out.
You can see it in the close-ups, or should I say CAN'T see it in the close-ups.
I don't see the box with my address sitting there waiting to be packed and sent. :P
Just kidding Benz, keep on with the good stuff!


Class man, top of the pop!


Bete posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 5:08 PM

That Lono looks cool with that cord. Is jade a fragile type of a stone, or is it pretty durable?


The most excellent master thus produces another masterpiece. The lono looked good finished but with the cord it is over the top!


GMAN posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 7:03 PM

Another marvel from the Benzo. How do he do it man?

On 2007-01-16 19:03, GMAN wrote:
Another marvel from the Benzo. How do he do it man?

Doesn't Benzo mean something funny in spanish?


And what about the curly Lono ? It's been a while we haven't seen him. :wink:



Thanks all you guys. All I did was add a cord to the lono and a Heavy one at that, might be Too heavy. I was gonna go black, but decided not to, I liked the natural.
The "Curly headed Lono will be the next one finished other than a Moai pendant for finky.
Thanks, :) :) :wink:

Beautiful work, Ben!


Black is good but natural is better!

Can't wait for the curly fellow :wink:


GMAN posted on Thu, Jan 18, 2007 8:35 PM

Pictures? Updates? Curly Lono?

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