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Benzart 's, Last, most recent thread

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Nice piece of work Mr. Ben. The step-by-step pics are a real gift to us who look at
your finished stuff and say "how in the hell did he do that?"Beautiful piece of wood too.

hewey posted on Mon, May 14, 2007 7:47 PM

Man this is coming up nice :D


Once again I worked today with No Camera. I really was NOT going to carve today as I have been working on my garage for the past week. I really need 2 work areas, one for wood and one for stone because it was just Not working to have to tear down and rebuild just to change mediums. So today I was finishing up this task and decided to remove a Chip or two, and then another. Then back to work and the knife was in my hands so I took a slice or 2 and put it away. Then the sander was in my hands so I Naturally had to use it "for just a minute". Thats how my day was.

one side for stone work (not set up yet with tools and stuff)

And one side for Wood carving with more organizing yet to come

Heath posted on Wed, May 16, 2007 5:51 PM

And one side for Wood carving with more organizing yet to come

Looks organized to me!

A place for everything and nothing in its place :P

The Wahaika just keeps getting better and better!

GMAN posted on Wed, May 16, 2007 6:00 PM

I'll trade ya your black palm wood back if I can have you garage carving space and your toolz?

Very sweet work on the club. That is gonna be one twisted smacker when completed. He's a lucky man!


I'm crying! Ben you gotta quit it.


STUNNING!!!! I would feel honored (and bruised) to take a good smacking from that thing! OK-maybe not. It really does look fantastic, though.


Thanks GMAN and Conga quit crying it's OK.

Since my i-net is V e r y s l o w I'll have to finish uploading these later.


[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-05-17 15:02 ]

Paipo posted on Thu, May 17, 2007 2:50 PM

Maybe we should chip in to get you a high-speed connection so you can post more pics! I don't think I could ever keep up with what goes on around here on dial-up...
Another masterpiece leaves the workshop - I am really liking the handle/blade proportions on this one Benz. I can tell just looking at it how nice it would feel in the hand. Not to mention the surly little guy strapped on to the side!

Wow benzart, the detail on that has turned out simply amazing, and the flow of the carving works so well with the wood.


Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Excellent
Synonyms: Exceptional, prime, select, selected, superior"

I'm running out of words Ben.

Way stupendous!

You soooooo freakin dynamic! It just never ends. It's wonderful for the eyes and spirits to witness such creations.





GMAN posted on Thu, May 17, 2007 3:12 PM

Jeeeeeze Ben, that is freaking gorgeous. The little Maori guy is great; his eyes and ears are so tiny. How did you get that great expression on his face at that size? Aack.

Yep, I would take a crack to the skull from that club - just so I could see it up close! Awesome!



Thanks Paipo, I have Cable broadband which is usually pretty fast, just not this afternoon, it's going at dial-up speed (#@@%())__$_$()+_%[()*^^#&**###!
It still needs a few more coats of poly and also a base to display it on would be nice so it will hang around a few more days. Thanks for the props, it Does feel Nice in the hand only a bit light. It could stand to be twice as thick as this board was just shy of 1 inch.

Zimbiepops, Thanks for the kind words.

McTiki Thanks for the Premium props, you're makin' me blush.

Thanks GMAN, the little guy's face was done with the giant Hook Knife and it Really seemed gigantig working on those tiny ears and eyes and nose And the tongue, and the fingers, you get the idea.
Which side do you wand the whack from, the smoothe side? Or the pretty imprint leaving detail side? How about you just Look at it up close. BTW, Thanks for the pictures!!

I was going to burn some tats on his face and body but couldn't get my second hand burner to come on, so I May add some more if I can get that working.
Thanks Everyone Again!

Tipua posted on Thu, May 17, 2007 5:42 PM

Absolutely magnificent Benz! I especially like your take on the tiki motif. Superb!

[ Edited by: Tipua 2007-05-17 17:42 ]

Benz, one of your finest for sure! it is a beautiful piece.... amazing!


That's cool. Ok now try it out on your enemies.

hewey posted on Thu, May 17, 2007 8:16 PM

Nice man, very nice :D


M. Benz....that is one fancy leg breaker you have there! Choice!

Thanks for the pics of the shop....I really enjoyed peeking around the the Ben Den.


Thanks Tipua and Amy, You too pappy and Hewey and you also Babalu, I appreciate all the comps and kind words.
I wasn't gonna do much today but work on the burner and since it was fixed in about 2 seconds, I decided to use it. Then I got carried away a bit more.

The base still needs sanding and finishing. The club has a few more coats of Poly to go yet. It should ship out toward the end of this coming week.

Spectacular as always, Ben..

That thar butt spankin paddle sho'nuff purty BenZ... I'd hate ta get that up again MY backside! :o

Nice to see you got your WOOD ON! :D



Very beautiful!! Perfectly done!! Congrats!


My definition of perfection: your Wahaika, really.


Hey Benzart, your work is unbelievable wonderful. There is so much flair and endurance inside.
I´m happy to see such impressive pictures. The wood color is also beautiful. Thanks for all your efforts!
I´m always watching your thread. Greetings to FL!

Mrs Hoptiki here,

Beautiful Benz, just beautiful!

On 2007-05-18 18:59, Benzart wrote:
Thanks Tipua and Amy, You too pappy and Hewey and you also Babalu, I appreciate all the comps and kind words.
I wasn't gonna do much today but work on the burner and since it was fixed in about 2 seconds, I decided to use it. Then I got carried away a bit more.

The base still needs sanding and finishing. The club has a few more coats of Poly to go yet. It should ship out toward the end of this coming week.

Ben, WOW! The word "beautiful" has been said many times, but it doesn't even come close. I think this is one of my favorite pieces that I have seen of yours. Where am I on the mysterious list anyway? Please note my new username.


Thanks Freddie and T-Jones, Clarita and benella TOO!,appreciate the kind words.
Haihai, Mr & Mrs HopTiki Too, along with TIKI KAIMUKI Much appreciated.
The Wahaika is almost complete with finish. Today I worked on the dancing tiki and bandsawed out 4 more Maori Clubs of some kind to be determined later. They are headed for the "Box of 80" for awhile until I figure out what I am doing next. I will say I am currently unhappy with my so called "List" which has hung around forever like a ball and chain. I would like to create enough inventory to do a Show somewhere and that is what I may do. The "List" will just stay where it is for now and when I get to it, I get to it.
Here is the dancing Tiki. He has Still MUCH Sanding and finishing to go. He is well oiled for this picture.(he May be well oiled to get him dancing like this!)

And here are the clubs I roughtd out. 2 are Palo Escrito (same as the first) and 2 are Ziricote, a Beautiful, Heavy, two-toned wood with wild grain.

GMAN posted on Wed, May 23, 2007 6:56 PM

Oh man! I'm on visual overload....yowwie. C2-C5! :D

The cake topper turned out great Ben. Really a super effort! Nothing short of amazing.....

Hey Ben....looks like you are planning to create quite an arsenal there. Are you going
to join forces with BK and Tikimecula to terrorize the rest of us with your weapon
carving skills? Nice work as always...and the dancing jade tiki is looking great too.

hey there, Benz- imagine actually having to use that club to ward off some intruder? my guilt of dammiging the goods would override my wanting to bludgeon(sp)the assailant! (i know, there's mis-spellings all over) Absolutly beautiful, Benz. can't wait to see the next one's.

Loki posted on Thu, May 24, 2007 6:43 AM

Benzo...it was great to get to carve with you last weekend...also got my creative juices flowing. Just being in your workshop is enough to inspire and of course your patience and teaching is priceless. I'm looking forward to seeing whats to become of your new weapon stash.

Those blanks looks very inticing. A Benzart gallery show? WHEN and WHERE??!!

Loki - where you been? I was worried youi had gone "Boca" and started hanging out at Mizner or Towne Center!!

These latest ones are ZINGAZANG! And it looks like you plan to go "clubbin" in a major way! Jade Dancer's face is right on the money! And the detail on the finished club is Perfect! One for the Ages! Thanks soooooooo much for letting us watch you work and for sharing all your awe-inspiring work!

wow! seems strict discipline is back...lol



I'm Speechless.
Always echanted to stop on your thread.


Thanks GMAN, Conga and Green-TP,, Yes I'm starting an Army and I don't care if the clubs get a bit smashed. The Zircote ones will do more smashing than Being smashed though. Y'all are welcome to come down and join up if you want? :) :wink: :)

Loki, No Problem, I Really enjoyed having you all up here, I hope Mr Ed had a good time.

Aloha and LLT, Queenie and Benella, Thanks for the kind words, you all can join up too!

Yesterday I was hand sanding the "Dancer" and I felt this agonizing little Snap under my fingers. Peeking under the sand paper bore out my worst fears, the fellow had lost his head. It was an area that I had gotten too this and was the weakest part of the piece anyway with that dark streak running through it.

Quickly back to the drawing boards and fortunately I had another piece waiting, just a bit thicker. Fortunately it happened to me and not the newly-weds, then I Really would have felt BAD. It was destined to happen anyway and I think the ancients had a hand in sabotaging my Dancer. It seems back about half way throuh his creation that I really thought he would look better Facing the Hula dancer instead of looking away from her as They're being Married you Know? Well he IS now Facing his Lovely dancing partner, hula girl, Bride to be! AND, since I have already done all the leg work and figured out how to do everything, this guy is going much faster and will be done within 5 days.
I glued the headless one's pieces back together and will offer him framed on a box or something later.

So it really is working out Better, I have 2 dancers instead of 1, The new dancer gets to properly face his dance/marriage partner as he should, and the wedding can start off with an unbroken dancer and a full life of bliss together forever.
Here is the progress so far:

GMAN posted on Fri, May 25, 2007 7:33 PM

:) Smokin'!

Paipo posted on Fri, May 25, 2007 8:14 PM

Damn! I feel your pain there, but like you say, sometimes it's for the better when these things happen. You always end up with a nicer piece in a roundabout way.
I think it's great you're thinking of a gallery show or similar. You certainly deserve it, and if I were a gallery director I'd be leaping at the chance. I'm sure anyone who is on your infamous list will understand that you need to do what is best for you and your art. Having recently finished a long stretch of making stuff entirely to other people's specifications, often the same pieces week in and week out, I can fully sympathise. (NB: this is referring to my non-tiki stuff!)


I admire your attitude, when soemthing that terrific breaks, and you shrug it off and say it's a better thing....
That is some nice looking grain on those clubs, and if they all turn out as the the first one did it. Nice!

On 2007-05-25 19:27, Benzart wrote:

Hey, I saw that movie! :lol:

Seriously though, the new guy is looking terrific and it looks like he could totally kick the first guys ass if he wanted to. I like the mouth better on this guy too.

hewey posted on Sat, May 26, 2007 6:09 AM

That club is very sweet Benz! :D Shame about the headless guy, but the new guy will be better as you've said. Would love to see a Benz gallery show - you might even be able to 'borrow' back a few pieces from customers? Good luck!

GMAN posted on Sat, May 26, 2007 6:25 AM

Yeah Ben, #13 is ready to travel with you whenever you need him.



Oops! Thats what happens when you dance too hard...The new one looks even better, and the hula looks happy with two dancing partners :wink:

Yo, Benz....Im really diggin the thought of you having a gallery show wit all your goods..I think it would be unreal to see ALL you pieces together..

Doh! My commiserations.. A tough lesson that one. Stone quality can literally make or break a jade carving; as if you need to hear that now!

The new guy DOES look better facing his wahine though -good thinking.

Tama :)

Bete posted on Mon, May 28, 2007 4:57 PM

Everything looks so cool Ben! Happy Memorial Day holiday!


On 2007-05-23 18:51, Benzart wrote:
...And here are the clubs I roughtd out. 2 are Palo Escrito (same as the first) and 2 are Ziricote, a Beautiful, Heavy, two-toned wood with wild grain.

Wow - beautiful wood - and more amazing Benzart. Very nice.


Thanks to everyone for the kind words, GMAN, Paipo, Finky Hewey Clarita, Tama, Bete, T-gap, Yeah, I can't wait to get into those woods.
The dancer is turning out Nice, I'm glad I am re-doing him, not that I'm glad he lost his head ut the new guy is more proper and just better.
Here is the update for today on the dancer.

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