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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Paipo posted on Sun, Jun 22, 2008 2:29 PM

Cool multi-angle tiki faces! Quite amazing, and mind bending.

I believe this piece will be known as the first piece of the "Poly Trop Freak Out Art Movement", and should be the ceiling in GROG'S Poly Trop restaurant.


Man! I am totally gonna be FREAKnOUT when I see'dis in person! :lol:

Seriously tho, so many FREAKin faces! it's amazing! :o


GROG posted on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 6:45 PM


(Somebody has to keep the universe balanced. Everybody says how much they like your cra...errr....art, so somebody has to say something negative, and it might as well be GROG).

GROG posted on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 6:45 PM

P.S. You suck!

Dat painting Wocks!!!!!!

so no progress pics on the mandala/the journey/or....
the secret one I've been slowly working on for the Tikimagazine show in September!
did i say that?
jpmartdawg-hopefully this "station break" will help you come down before the next cerebral onslaught...
Thanks for now allowing me to tell my parents in Illinois that my paintings freak people out...
they should be quite pleased...
Paipo!-:lol: disgustingly frank! :lol:revoltingly candid!:lol:
Brad! We first have to start the ball rolling with the Poly-Trop movement!
I elect your latest "Mystic Flame" piece to signal in that !
Can't wait to grace the ceiling of GROG's and HOGs Tropical restaurant!:lol:
ravers-Thank you!
so many faces.....
Yes! i'm thinking of donating this to the County Asylum for their "chill" room! :lol:
GROG-yes...it might as well be GROG...
thanks for taking the time to shatter my self-esteem....
and seriously....it is YOU,sir, who suckeths....
you have so much talent and intelligence
and yet (besides at work) you create 2-3 pieces a year!
That fact,and you sir, are the things that suck....
until you put out more! :lol:
put out more art,that is.....
Sneakys! Where you been! Always a smile when hearing from you!
You Wock! Whatchoo Wocking on? hopefully a masterpiece!
well, until the camera gets a new battery-all youse gettin is scans of drawings!
"the Night Dance"

This is an abstract with six shield warriors dancing around a fire in a forest...
tried to get a dancey movement
and i think almost all their legs and arms are there....
I may do a big painting of this....just gotta work the glitches out....
and a quickie of two rowers and one reluctant one!

that's all i gots for now kids!
Eat your vegetables!

Man , I like this one :lol:

I'd love to print it off , and show it to my mate Riki , who had carved a waka or two , he'd get a big kick out of it

uh LLT, have you ever taken LSD?
I don't look at the dead thread cuz I read about it in the paper anyway but the inventor of LSD died recently, or maybe I shouldn't say died. There is no death, only a changing of worlds. COOL! Your paintings give me flashbacks.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2008-06-27 20:05 ]


:o Que lindo!

me gusta el "Baile de Noche" :D

Seriously maaan, rawkin colors!
I can't wait to see a canvas sized version of this.
And not being able to tell if they have legs makes me look at it more...it's mind bogglin!
Another piece to send to the asylum? :lol:

On 2008-06-27 19:29, little lost tiki wrote:
the secret one I've been slowly working on for the Tikimagazine show in September!
did i say that?

:lol: :lol: Well it ain't no secret no more! :lol: :lol:

Oh, that abstract of the dancing shield warriors - nice! I dig those colors! The " white eye" draw you in, while the rest of the work sort of vibrates and moves around them.


LLT - Dude, you really need to design some stain glass....that above image would be sooo cool done in glass.

Toataiaha-Thank you!
Feel free to print one out and show to Riki!
Hope it makes his day!
Jungle Trader-did i ever do acid?
to be truthful,from about 82 til around 92 i dabbled in everything but the kitchen sink...
Didn't find much that wasn't already upstairs....
I was always the guy painting while the rest of the gang would wander around the neighborhood at 3 am tripping out.....
Glad i could give you some flashbacks!
Dunno how far Turlock is from Costa mesa-but if you make the trek to the Tikifreakout show this july19th I will guarantee a mind-blowing experience!
raves-shhhhhhhhhhh! don't advertise my secret art leaks!
I'm with you on the Night Dance needin to be a canvas! Mahalo!
Thanks Brad! Glad i could jiggle your eyes and jar your brain! not that you need any jarring with the projects and paintings and delicious prints you've got going!
Babs-Thank you,my friend!
been wanting to do some stained glass for the longest time....
Since it was sooooo hard and the lead and all...
i decided to adapt a style for it...
just in case i ever meet a stain glasser!
Marc Chagall created the BEST stained glass windows of the 20th century!
They're freakin gorgeous!
His interpretation of the 12 tribes of Israel are unsurpassed!
Anyways, i did a seahorse and a stained glass octopus (i'll have to see if i have any photos of them... But i do have these other pics of some other stained glass style work...)
here's a Stained glass Fish..

here's a butterfly for my wife....

here's one of the 4 "living creatures" around the throne of God in Revelation...
They resemble a lion,an eagle, an ox, and a man... i think they're the same fellows as in Ezekiel's vision..a special class of angel.... anyways i did the Lion one....they have multiple wings and eyes "all about" them denoting swiftness and insight....The stained glass style was perfect because it captured an otherworldly fell.

and here's a stained glass sea monster!

wish i had a shot of the octopus.....it was purdy cool!
Anyways,got a new battery,so I'll be posting painting pix soon!

The lion angel creature is just... heavenly!
But the sea monster is my fav!


YESYESYES! The angler fish gets 2 thumbs up from me. Bad to the fish bone!

Two Brads!
well thank you my artistical brothers!
Mutual inspiration pact!
Sea monster-2
Lion seraphim-1
it's close!

well, a lot of ground to cover.....
first a quickie fun drawing..
"the Three Dinner Guests"

did some work on the waves and the figure a bit this past week....
you probably can't even notice it...

look! he's got a scroll!

his shield is ready for some modeling...
i used the same motif as the celestial shield guys in the sky...

a lil work on the face..i'm gonna make him a lil tanner soon....

trying to get the water AND the transparency of the background rower is HARD!

Also made a few leaps with the
"Guardians of the Plumeria"
i'm showing it square so i can get it bigger
if i showed it diamond configuration
it would have to be smaller...
here's a quick roundabout ,then details
and finally we'll travel into......

and here's some details....wait til you see what i do to the black areas!
I actually blocked out a lot of the background wood
because it was competing with the figures....
Plus now it gets more crazy depth!





and ,remember that SECRET painting i was doing for the tiki magazine show?
well...here's some little peeps cause you're good kids!

who's this?

what's this fellow's story?

Speak up!

cute lil necklace...

carved flowers....

that's it for now....
back to the easel!
G'nightio Ohana!

Looks Beautiful!!!


On 2006-06-13 23:50, little lost tiki wrote:
Hello Tiki Central ohana!
My name is Ken and I've been painting and drawing tikis since about 1990,first for some surf labels I used to work for,now for my own dern self! I saw Disney's tiki room when I was very young,and then later mixed that with comic books and being drawn to Oceanic arts,both from a cultural perspective and a fine art angle.It still amazes me how many primitive cultures (from the Marquesan's to early Minoan-Cyclades to Inuit-potlatch to....) really have a superb tradition of abstraction. Look at the Maori's blend of decorative and symbolic pictoral elements and you wonder if all this smog and city has robbed us of our true genius potential.Sorry! I'm just an enthusiastic new member who'd like to chat and meet with other members to share art and stories and spread the tiki love.I'm currently finishing up a tiki series I've been working on.I'll post something soon to share.Do you post artwork here or in the making tiki-other crafts area?I'm a newbie so etiquette is very important on making a lasting impression! Anyways...Glad to join the family! If you'd like to see some of my paintings,go visit http://www.kenruzic.com and tell me what you think! Mahalo!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-06-14 00:10 ]

My you have come a long way sir and you have certainly endeared yourself to our hearts. We Still love you and your works so I guess you can stay awhile :lol:


This new stuff rocks so much, I don't have words to describe how much.

Cammo posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 7:44 AM

Holy Cosmic Plumeria, Batman!

The stained glass paintings are way beyond great,

CHAGALL did stained glass???!!! I had no idea!

GROG posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 10:01 AM


On 2008-06-30 22:54, little lost tiki wrote:
"the Three Dinner Guests"

"Guardians of the Plumeria"

I love that 3 dinner guests! it's so cuuute!
I love the rustic colors and the lil guy in the middle's stance is funny. "pls don't eat meh!"

The Guardians of Plumeria is gorgeous...!
This is going to be at the FREAKOUT right?
I can't wait to ooo and aah at this piece in person!

Keep those Koala's crappin rainbows in yer brain!


teaKEY posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 2:59 PM

LLT, I can't believe you blocked out to black. That Freaky!

Could be a better photo but all the colors are so much more rich. BOLD

I really like it with the black. All of the details just pop. Great as usual!

Black is beautiful. :tiki:


"Guardians of the Plumeria" is incredible! I'm falling, I'm falling!!


LLT: you know how much I loooove plumeria!
Beautiful work!!
I want it.

GROG posted on Wed, Jul 2, 2008 12:02 PM


just look what happens when you give a caveman a can of paint...
nuthin but trubble...

Wow, the darker background really did make the colors pop!
A bold move. I know it must have been hard painting out the careful shading you'd done. However, the piece is stronger now. Good call.

Looks like 2001 a Tiki Odyssey!

teaKEY posted on Thu, Jul 3, 2008 7:35 AM

I just noticed something. You have a ring of "wood" circleing behind the tiki / birdmen heads but its only there about 2/3s of the time.

GROG posted on Thu, Jul 3, 2008 7:41 AM

Uh oh, teaKey doing math again.

teaKs-if you look close-there's a quarter of a wooden circle attaching the orongos ATWA.....
Here's a rescan of "the 3 Dinner Guests"

Hei Tikis battlin it out in "the Fight"


and "Cave of the Spirits"
inspired by a PNG folktale provided by our very own Hewey!

That's it!
happy 4th of JULY!


Looks Great!


:lol: rawk on!

It is Finished!
The mandala's done!
the "Guardians of the Plumeria" is in full effect!
Tiki kaimuki-wait'll you see what i did with the black-COSMIC! thanks!
Clarita-Hello Fellow Tiki fan! Don't fall! Rise up instead!
Karen-you can't have it. :lol:
GROG-you're just jealous cause i'm less lazy than you!
TikiBrad-sometimes you just gotta obliterate something to take it up a notch....
you know the deal....VOG!
teaKs-your questions will be answered in just a second....
Duds and raves-Mahalos friends! Thanks for all the good vibes!
And a big thank you to all of you who visit and put up with these ramblins....
Well....the TIKI FREAKOUT is less than 2 weeks away.....
so here is a new piece i humbly offer you and the Light gallery.....
"Guardians of the Plumeria!
(insert the beginning of Bach's Mass in B-minor....)
Here's how i'll be displaying it on the wall....
excuse the slight glare-i used a satin finish to give it a deeper lustre....

here's a little twirl-a-round tour of the painting to give you an idea of the multiple combinations this puppy can unfold.....

that kind of gave you a clearer picture of the multitudes hidden within!
More tikis per square foot than any painting i know of....yet!

Now let us descend (or ascend) into the....
that was supposed to be an echo..
go back and do it again!



Here's the orongo/moas flanking a jolly faced fellow
and the flipside of them.....


get the picture?

the fun part of these is that each guy is a wee bit different-they all got their little personalities and stuff!

Here's some more Flipsy-Dipsys!

and of course.....who could forget the corners?
more flippy-tricks!
teaKs-hope you been counting!

i think these ones make the funniest faces with those big orongo eyes..and the pinky tongue! Slurp! :lol:

the above one is my favorite...the eyes on the midsection
under the arms make great nostrils!

Here's an Ultra close-up so you can see some of the twinkly stars i put in the background...makes it more COSMICky,eh?

and of course, there's no celebrating after it's done because.....
you still gotta paint the sides! GRRRRRRRRRR!

and this is what an artist looks like after checking and double-checking
a painting for anything i missed...
I rely on Ernie to point it out to me at the Opening Reception!



On 2008-07-07 21:41, little lost tiki wrote:
and this is what an artist looks like after checking and double-checking
a painting for anything i missed...
I rely on Ernie to point it out to me at the Opening Reception!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Omg...wtf :lol:

Wow Kinny, you win.


The finished piece is gorgeous! and I love the corner faces and the orongo birdies! Wee!
I totally can't wait to see this at the FREAKout! I love the choice of putting stars in it!


Damn, that turned out amazing. Watch your back at the Freakout.....somebody might be following you! Hahaha.


Friggin' AWESOME!! Each time I look at it, there are more Tikis. When do you release the prints?? :)

Another masterpiece, Kinny!!



Wowza! It's gonna take me DAYS to look at that piece! Here a tiki, there a tiki, everywhere a tiki tiki, ole MacRuzic had a mandala, ee eye ee eye oh!

GROG posted on Tue, Jul 8, 2008 10:52 AM


Wow, that's really incredible! I love all the flippy tricks! Awesome work :)


GROG! :lol:

Kinny! :lol:

GROG + Kinny = a deep seeded LOVE!

AW!! kawaii desu! :D

My eyes, my eyes! That mandala is just asking to be animated! Crazy go nuts Brah!

BigToe posted on Tue, Jul 8, 2008 4:30 PM

bigtoe think grog is bitter and jealous. bigtoe going to wrastle grog when he see him next if he doesnt bring some damn art to show...unless, of course, grog grind bigtoe into dirt).

hey, i know what the new top-secret painting is! and i will divulge the secret to anyone who sends me a shiny nickel.


Hey LLT, Now THIS is the Kinny I always see doing the works!

Of course No one does this stuff like you, come to think of NO One DOES this stuff BUT you!
THIS one really caught my I and eye Really love it

Of course I Love almost all your works. Where you find all these images I really don't know, you Seemed pretty sane to me? :P
Keep doing whatever it is how ever you do it for whoever you do it for as long as it takes for it all to be done, then start on another one.
LLT, We loves 'ya

The painting is da bomb! Really - it looks like an explosion of tiki happiness.

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