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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tama - NZ Pounamu/greenstone - Last post for '08! - pg99

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Dude, if you go any smaller, we won't be able to see it!


Dam so small so NICE!

GMAN posted on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 6:26 PM

Weeeeee toki.




MAN, Would you Loo0kit that guy just POP Right Outta there just like he was Life sized or sumpthin. Tama Mate, You are making this look Way too Easy and the Stuff you are doing to these teeny weeny pieces is UnGodly, Unbelievable. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit they just Look SO GOOD!
SOmebody's gonna be SO Happy HAPPY HAPPPYYY.
Thanks Tama. BAck to normal except for the slobber GMAN and I have going.

On 2008-06-23 16:09, Tamapoutini wrote:

(hmmm? Im putting these photos up despite the fact that I cant see them myself..?? Hope this works..)

Looking ok from this end Tama .
Is he a Conehead , or is he to have a tikitiki :lol:

On 2008-06-23 04:24, Tamapoutini wrote:

On 2008-06-23 00:28, GreenCarvings wrote:
Tamapoutini i like your work good to see another coaster on here jade carving

Kia ora GreenCarvings! You mean my monopoly has been tumbled? bugger - (Id told these guys that I was the only one in NZ who knew how to do it..) :lol:

So: What sort of work do you carve? How long you been at it? Tikis..?

Start a thread. "Show us.. show us.. show us.."

Welcome to TC!

haha only one in nz? one of few .i havent been at it for long at all eh two years about worked with a bit of different stuff done greenstone,bone,mother of pearl,wood,paua.
i work at a shop called bonz n stonz in hoktika you may know of it?
i just go with the flow and carve whatever i feel like doing.
ive tried a couple of tikis in bone but havent really had time to practice craving them properly hopefully i can learn a thing or two from here.,
cheers GC

just read the whole section on carving a tiki i might have to give it a go .
nice set up there Btw.

Gak! Still having trouble getting TC to behave itself, but I read a message from Hanford in General explaining that we may have a few strange experiences for a day or two until the rent money has been counted. The upshot is Im posting 'blind' again, scuse any doubled up or mislabelled pics?

Good day for being inside (rain/hail/snow):

I'd like to thank the Acadamy and..

Blowfish: For some strange reason I now have a craving for "piie" (done in my best Cartman voice) :)
Duddy: Pumpin them out is the way to pump up your game. No excuses from you now that schools finished!
SurfinT: :lol: My fear is if I go any smaller my eyes might implode..
Seeks: :)
G$: :)
BenZ: Lifesized? Has Alice been feeding you that cake again..? :wink:

On 2008-06-23 21:06, Toataiaha wrote:

Is he a Conehead , or is he to have a tikitiki :lol:

Its uncanny how these Kiwi boys keeping guessing whats coming up next!? (topknot) No cheating I swear:

And last but not least,
GreenCarvings: With Steve G? Ive only called in once to say gidday to Steve but he was surrounded by eager students so I didnt bother him. I guess its time to come and meet you both? Another TC member (Robin) learned from SG while she was in NZ, check out her thread here and the 'Stone Carving: Q&A + Gallery' thread for a few others.. Oh yeah, and theres a guy called Paipo who does some ok stuff in stone too..
Looking forward to seeing some pics of your work - feel free to start a thread. As long as its Tiki or Polynesian related peeps are quite supportive, & it doesnt get much more Tiki or Polynesian related than NZ Pounamu does it?

quote: "just read the whole section on carving a tiki i might have to give it a go.."

Well youve done it now - thats a promise to these folks.. :lol: :wink:

Im aiming to get that Little TTToki/Teko-with-tikitiki/topknot!? whatever, finished tommorrow. Stay tuned! (and Ill meditate on a better title as I fall asleep tonight)

HHHappy carving All!


[ Edited by: Tamapoutini 2008-06-24 02:52 ]

hey im pretty sure i used to know her,a freindly american woman??? spent a couple weeks with us.
il have to go do some decent work then wont i maybe post some pictures(keyword maybe) :)

GreenCarvings: thats her!

"Hei-Toki/Tekoteko-with-Tikitiki(topknot)" finished:


you use a magnifying glass or just got microscopic sight?
looks great!

Very nice, that is one rahi tāwai????


Spectacular Tama, I can't believe how Small this guy is, WOW! I Really likee lotsee. Here I am feeling fery envious of the person who gets this guy.


looks like a masterpiece from here :)
Nice work,




Awesome work ... your details is impeccable


Love it Great Job!


Your little green guys are so cool! I like that each seems to have it's own personality.

Rockit, man!

Absolutely spectactular - amazing - your work is always so . . .


(now if only I could make something half way as good . . . )

Cheers Tama


On 2008-06-05 03:55, Tamapoutini wrote:

On 2008-06-05 02:28, Toataiaha wrote:
BenZart , when you go to visit Tama , are you going to be able lift that box up and carry it home ?
The hill road back over to the airport is a long steep one ya know :lol:

True, and you'll need snow chains this time of year BenZ.. Tell you what, you carve a decent ocean-going vaaka and bring my first consignment straight over to the West Coast, stay a while and then Ill load you up for the return trip. One of the Kiwis might even help you paddle back. :lol:

Benz - stick a sail on it, and i will sail back with ya!!!



Ben, paddle your way across on one of those giant redwood logs ,
and we can split it in two here , deck it across , step a mast , rig it ,
and all us Kiwi lads can sail back with you ......
with the Box of course :lol:


Yes, I think Jock has the best idea yet and while theyre building out the canoe you can be teaching me the finer points of carving this green stuff and I can be showing you the ins and outs of wood stuff.
And a Fun time will be had by all

Hey Gang - TamaZ back indahouse! Sorry to leave you chatting amongst yourselves but the family & I have just returned from 10 days holidying in the sun (thats a joke). The reason for our excursion was actually to help celebrate Independance/July 4th with some US friends in the North Island - it was snowing..

On the way we spent a couple of days in our capital City, Wellington, and I bought you all a few presents in the form of piccies from Te Papa Museum which Ill post in 'Tiki Travel' once organised. Its been quite a few years since Id visited Te Papa and certainly never before with such a keen interest in Polynesian art (or with a bunch of Tiki-Freak carvers in the back of my mind :wink: ), I think you'll like them.

Cheers Duddy, TF1, bZart, B'nella, JenZ, Slave, Seeks, B'wana, Shaman and Toka for keeping things warm while we were away - and benZ again of course!

I doubt there will be any carving tommorrow but Im sure Ill sit in this chair at some point so I might catch some of you then - Im sure Ive got a lot catching up to do..

Happy carving All!


Well whats the deal, were you gone or something? Hardly missed you at all.
NOT, Its About time yo got back here to Liven up the place, it's been so quiet `e you've been gone, WELCOME BACK! Now just forget about trying to sort stuff out, fork over the goodies and get back to work, we need a Tama Fix, I think even Paipo is joneseing :lol: Glad you had a great time even if it did snow on the 4th, must have been strange for the US friends?

Awesome, glad you're back and had a good time!!! Can't wait to see the pics!


Yeah the pix ! :)


*Havent sorted the Te Papa pics yet, but heres a few other bits n bobs we passed along the way..

For some reason this house caught my eye out of our hotel window in Wellington. I was hoping that someone would turn some lights on later that night but it didnt happen - the two semi-circular windows at the top and/or the 'mouth' would have been good:

Out of Wellington and up the Kapiti Coast, this 4m+ carved sign was hard to resist:

The Maori Art shop it fronted:

Another carving beside the shop (note the railway tracks, rifle, church..) Possibly a commissioned piece awaiting pick-up? There was also an army of carved punga-fern figures around the grounds, but memory-chip space was at a premium..

Further up the central North Island to where we were celebrating July 4th. Rangitikei (river) District, just south of Taihape; most noteable for its large corrogated-iron gumboot:

(I bought a small Tiki-head carved in volcanic pumice for 50c at a 2nd hand shop in Taihape, have to unpack yet.)

Arriving at our friends' house I was thrilled to be greeted by this Moai, created by another friend in the same area - the artist and myself now have a swap deal in the pipeline:

And it snowed:

Turning our Moai into a Snowai:


Glad to be home and warm again. Thats all I got at the moment.

BenZ, TF1, B'nella: Te Papa pics to come - Ill add a link here but will post them over in Travel/destinations as the Museum really is a must-see on the NZ tourist trail.

Might manage a bit of carving today after all..



Welcome back Tama, Why can't we have art shops like that over here? To see stuff like that on the side of the road must be Awesome! Take your time to get back in the groove, just not TOO Much time :P


Missed your carvings, glad your back to work. :) I'm also glad the snow is in your hemisphere, even pictures of it now is too soon.

Snow!! What the heck! Welcome back.


Welcome back, TTT! Looking forward to seeing the museum pictures.

Ohhhh Tama, how bout some piccies???? Not trying to bug you, but I sure I'm not the only one wanting to see them. :)

Cheers BenZ, JP, Surfin', B'wana & TF1! Sorry for the delay in getting the Te Papa pics sorted - Ive had my head down trying to make up for the time away. Any day now..

Progress report. A few newly finished:

(this guy is currently available in marketplace )

The strange little volcanic 'pumice' head picked up for 50c whilst on holiday..

And currently on the bench:

Back to it.. :)


Mr T, (Tama),Definitely a sight for sore eyes, it's hard to think you have been gone only a few days and it seems like a few months. SO GLAD to have you back and posting already too, Thanks I NEEDED That. I will check out more tomorrow meanwhile I am Beat,Bushed and plainly worn out! Welcome back.

Sheesh Tama! just full of crazy ideas!

green rock?! who would of thunk!

i like the little face

GROG posted on Mon, Jul 14, 2008 8:17 PM

Good stuff TamaPAIPOtini!!


you steal all my ideas. save some for the kings and queens.

As usual - pure poetry in rock.



Thanks guys. Heads up on the 'Te Papa' pics posted in Tiki-Travel. Enjoy!

Talk soon.


WOW TAMMMMA! Spectacular pictures, wouldn't you have loved to bring one of those Jade stones Home?. I'll go back later when I have fresh towels and plenty hard drive space. Thanks SO MUCH!


OH, So you snuck in here and posted this while Paips and I were shouting?

OH mY GOD! If those pictures don't spark the imagination, I don't know what will!
Now, what was that about a Hei-tiki for every TC member? :D


On 2008-07-16 17:10, surfintiki wrote:

Now, what was that about a Hei-tiki for every TC member? :D

Yep :lol:

Hey everyone.

BenZ: Seeing a few of those artifacts in person really does choke me up. It can be quite a powerful experience for those who are open to it. I guess we have all found our interest in different ways, but when youve pored so many hours into studying images and trying to understand & physically emulate these works, standing face to face with them and knowing they are relics from hundreds of years ago is very humbling - you'd dig it! (a few tourists probably left believing I was a paid tourguide in charge of the Maori/Polynesian sections.. :lol: )

Cheers Duddy!

Grog: Im amazed - youre the first to guess that P'po & I are the same person :wink:

Pdrake: I thought 'borrowing' designs is ok nowdays..?

KShaman: Waiting for that hei-Tiki bruddah - will try to get down to see you guys soon

SurfinTiki, B'nella: Simply deliver the rock to my workshop & Ill get to work.. :P

Did a bit more to this guy but have shelved him for the time being - he's a lot thinner than he appears and the depth I have to play with is pretty challenging. Ill most likely stare at this one for a bit and tear into him again another day:

Finished a little side-hanger (note new natural/tan cord):

And currently on the bench, a double-headed Manaia/Toki in Australian black jade (cheers Paip'!). Ive been looking for an excuse to use black jade since returning from recent travels. I picked up a few rolls of binding thread & one new colour in particular is going to pop against this black stone! Stay tuned

Last day of the working week tommorrow - building a chook-house this weekend. Only freerange 'organic' eggs from now on. mmmmmmm....

PS: Te Papa pics link again


[ Edited by: Tamapoutini 2008-07-17 02:35 ]


Tama, the Manaia looks like he will be a Keeper, can't wait to see the color you have in store for it.
Yes I know what you mean by "Humbling" when seeing Art pieces you have only studied in photos. Again I thank you for posting these pictures again. (If anyone wants me, I'll be stuck here for awhile or 2.


Great stuff TTT - I see you still are producing Quality! Most excellent. I always silently wondered if you and Paipo might be the same guy - but I've seen your pictures, so I know better.

It sure sounds like you had a great holiday; getting to see the real thing, in any discipline, is always the best.

Rock on!


On 2008-07-17 02:33, Tamapoutini wrote:
Hey everyone.

Last day of the working week tommorrow - building a chook-house this weekend. Only freerange 'organic' eggs from now on. mmmmmmm....

Chook-house ? duck pen more like in this lot .
Best break out ya oilskins and gummies ........ :D

Hey , here's the view from our smoko-room

pretty neat eh ..... :)

On 2008-07-17 03:59, Benzart wrote:
Tama, the Manaia looks like he will be a Keeper, can't wait to see the color you have in store for it..

Thanks Ben, but I cant really afford to keep any more at the moment. The colour? see below..

Nice to see youre still around TGap! Cheers

Toka: We'll need ckicken with webbed feet for sure, but Im guessing youre probably getting 2-3 times the amount of water where you are!? Worth it for the million dollar smoko-room views though! wow.. :o


Finished the Australian black hei-Toki/double-Manaia:

Rock on!

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