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NEW Benzart Black Jade Marq 3-6-14

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WOW!! this is realy a killer piece!! the detail is AMAZING!! and i like the black in the eyes if i may say so.

Is it me, or does that amazing carving look just a little like a scary, undead version of Bamboo Ben?



Big Thanks big daddy, Appreciate the kind words.

T Mango, you too, no he won't win.

Big T, Thanks, ya, really TOO big for peepers, gotta go

Thanks Aloha, glad that trick helped, it works for me a lot and saves Lots of time on my hands and knees searching for that tiny piece that Always is impossible to find until After you've made a replacement! :)

Ben, Ya' Think? :) Thanks Yes.

Nomolos, thanks you could be right but here is the next step. Paua with concave grinding,

Thanks Big Tiki Scott, appreciate that and the black may be the best answer.

Hey Mr Pupu Pants, how'd you Know! That was supposed to be Secret

Surfin, Yep, Maybeee??!


Aha! See? Do we have to say this is amazing? :lol: Is that mother of pearl? Super nice. How in the world did you get such a realistic looking tongue to go all the way to the back of the mouth?! :o

domin posted on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 8:53 AM

oh these look much better, i think the green was a little hash of a contrast for my taste anyway even if they had been perfectly shaped, and the rest of it is just amazing

thats the trick!! perfect! cheers!


Thanks The Big T and you too Domin and Aslo you Big TikiScott,
I appreciate all you guys support it's been great and even inspiring. 'I have a birts-eye maple Maori guy I started on back a ways and I've been working on him the past few days and he is coming down the home stretch so I figured I should shoots a couple pix and give him a show!4mb.

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The paua shell really gives this guy a ghostly quality, perfect for this time of year! Awesome and perfect as usual.


WOW! You have given life to him with his eyes shell...
And the last one: so realistic! Another little hunk of wood who promising.

Cheers sensei carver!



Astounding as always. Great tusk and new Maori guy. Thanks for posting your progress pics along with the finals. Great work and keep at it. And I know I'm late to the game here (I look but don't log on very often) but congrats/thanks for the Tiki Mag profile.


Mango, Thanks, I like it best of all so far.

Thanks Laojia for the kind words and inspiration! :o

Seagoat, No Problem, Glad you stopped by and Happy you like the stuff. Thanks too for the props on the Tiki Mag story I agree they did an excellent job.

Heres a few more pix of the Maple guy


Once again - crazy good! Purely inspiring benz. Thanks for posting the new dude.

hello benz! this new maori head is very sweet! and bein a wood guy i love exotics like birds eye maple!! he shld look bad ass all finished up! lookin foward to it!!! cheers!


♦Thanks TheBigT, Glad you are liking this one, He's a bit quicker for some reason

Big tiki Scott, Yeah, if'n you're a woodie then you know what to expect from the birds eye maple, pretty stuff, glad you approves.

Here are more pic's of him after todays cleanup and one coat of wipe-on-poly. Tomorrow he'll get a few to several more and be done. Happy Happy Happy

Updates for today, the 15th.

most def a woodie!! lol! it shld realy set it off! not that your carving dosent do that already!!! cheers!

p.s. even your damn sig is lookin bad ass!!! you the man!!


Great piece BenZ, am I reading that number correctly? #114, wow you sure are moving fast. I swear, every time you carve one of these, I see you in each piece. They all remind me of you! Love em.. Each and everyone.. Oh yeah, those green eye's on the other piece, reminded me of my lady and her tan. :lol: :lol: Just didn't cut it.. Now those MOP eyes are sweet and really go with the face color. Thanks for always doing your best!
Keep up the good work.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2009-10-16 01:43 ]


Thanks Big tiki Scot, Appreciate the kind words. sometimes the wood or bone will allow a more detailed signature.

Tiki Paka, Thanks, Glad you like him. You haven't missed as much as you thought, he is only # 111, not 114, need to get your glasses updated...


bt scott is right the logo is great id buy a t shirt with that design support the natives just a thought


Looking great!

Another beautiful piece, Ben~

Kino posted on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 12:41 PM

Awesome work Ben !!!
The detil is surreal.
This guy is gonna give me nightmares.

You must be taking pics through a microscope. lol


Big thanks Tikigodz, I just might look into that logo shirt might be funz.

Kino, Thanks, glad you like him but I'm sorry for the nightmares. Only using a 50mm macro lens to capture these guyz and show up all my mistakes. :D

Thanks Clarita, nice to see you again!

Freddie? Thanks for stopping by and for the nice words!

final shots of the maple guy today but first..
Here is another little glass "Fish tank stone" i decided to carve for a long time ago request.I Knew I had another one around here!


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-10-20 04:18 ]


Aloha Benz your work is constantly progressing and always inspiring. Simply amazing. I love coming back to TC and scrolling through your pages and my jaw dropping. I still treasure my Stone Benzart and hope to visit you one day next year. All the best.


This new piece is looking great Ben! If it goes back into an aquarium, there are sure to be some happy-happy fish. We all know it won't though, just don't drop that little guy or you may never find him.


Harro, Thanks for checking it out and I think the next progress shots will be Killer ones,,Stay tuned

Thanks Tiki Mango, after today's work on the guy I was Really Happy, The eye was sharpened up and cleaned up and clarified along with the nose getting more definition and then the mouth and lips opened a bit to accommodate a set of teeth that look sooo goood, Then have most of the forehead moko declared and refined and the Ears refined and tightened up, leaving the cheek and jaw for tomorrow
Just can't WAIT to get the progress shots for today.s work

Well Should I report the DISASTER that befell this guy when he fell off the kitchen counter onto the tile floor below. Needless to say his days are through

:( &(^$#((&^%&%$^&$$&)%ER()(_%#$%FU(%^)__)(*&^%^


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-10-20 18:45 ]

so so srry benz!! he was lookin sweet too! time heals all and this too shall pass! iguess a good way to look at it is,now you can start a new project! but again im feelin for yah buddy.cheerz!?

Ouch!! So sorry to see that Ben. I think we had discussed hard floors not being good for things like stone and bone work areas. I guess now's the time to break it to the Missus that all the tile & concrete floors inside the house and garage will be converted to a rubberized vinyl. I'm sure she'll understand. :wink:

Can't wait to see your next.

Pupule Tiki!

[ Edited by: TikiMango 2009-10-20 18:57 ]



rotflmao!!!! again!!! srry benz these guys got me goin tnight!! cheeerz!


"All the king's horses and all the king's men
couldn't put Humpty together again."

All those hours lost, it's really sad and pity!
Fortunately I think you have yet some the materials...




I know I'm a bird brain, but I see one in your broken piece... :)

That sucks - moving on.

Babs - I actually saw a deformed zombie. Maybe I just have Halloween on my mind?

So Benzart, maybe you are human after all. I thought you were some sort of infallible carving GOD. Maybe a demigod, but much more than just a mere mortal :wink: That piece was looking great, what exactly was that material?

Bleak, bleak, bleak.


Thanks Big Tiki Scott, it's OK, I already have another one ready for the Moko so it Ain't Too Bad now.

Thanks Tiki Mango, I m sure the Missus WON'T understand, she'll just say "Get a grip" and let it go there!

tikigodz, The gkue didn't help when I couldn't find all the pieces! Thanks.

BIG tiki scott, Thanks, Ya, I know, they had me goin for awhile too, Itz Cool.

Thnaks Jerome, What I hate more than the hours lost are the burs I used up on this guy. I had reshaped some to get those fine lines you didn't see and they don't last long

Excellent thinkin Babs, I might just see what else is in there depending on where the cracks are>?? Thnaks :o

Thanks AlohaI think there are several other beings in there and perhaps one of them wanted out!

Mad Dog, Well I Bleed likeyou guys and all that stuff so now you know, Darn!
That material is an aquarium rock I bought on clearance ata pet store. The bag had been opened and the contents were placed in a baggie with nothing on it but a 50 cent clearance tag. I went to a different store a week later and foung the actual stones in the original packaging: GLASS Aquarium Stones, Made in China and there were several different colors. I had already carved one at this point and liked it kinda.Surfin, Naah, Lookin good lookin'up, Got another one ready for moko and herez the shots to prove it!

Oh Yeah, I Also roughed out a sweet piece if jade TOO!


[ Edited by: Aaron's Akua - to fix broken image link - 2009-10-26 12:11 ]

hes gonna have an army!!!!! the jade shld be to die for!!! very cool!!!cheerz!

The lines on this one are smaller than your fingerprint lines!! What are you using a microscope?


I hate when advanced work brakes grrr! but i also know it takes a real artist to keep going and do it even better, congrats chief :)


Crazy Benz you have been knocking out some incredible detailed work.
Sucks on the broken one.


Thanks Big Tiki Scott, Appreciate the kind wordzzzz.

Aloha, No Microscope, just the mags you saw last time. What I did was use some 1mm inverted cones after I ground the top off flat so I could get a sharp clean edge!, Easy as that

Clarita, Thanks, ME tooooo, I Hates it hates it HATES IT! But I am really happy with the replacement too so all's well that ends well right?

Thanks Seeks, I think it's the Ancients slowing me down and telling me something, Haven't figured it out yet but it's there.

Here is today's progress as in Finished!


This one has smiling again...


[ Edited by: laojia 2009-10-23 01:23 ]


WOW!!11 ben knocked it out as usual AWESOME1111

benz you ROCK!!!! thats crazy!! by the way i was wondering if you have the def of rest or take a breack cuz i cant seem to find it and or even fathom doing what i have been told it means!!! lol! cheerz benz!!!


Incredible Benz! he has a great expression on his face.

I think the Ancients owe you big time for keeping them relevant.


First smiling maori warrior you do :

Amazing one, no need to say it, Sir.


GMAN posted on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 9:24 AM

"First smiling Maori warrior you do : "

'cause it wuz for Gman.

Hi Ben.

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