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I like the middle one best, but they all have great personality!

A.S. nice chops! Love the personality going on in these new guys!

Aloha AlohStation!!!
Super cool Tikis my friend . I love the flow of them all!!!I second that you R on fire my friend!!!,Aloha , Mooney

These little guys really do have a lot of character that shines thru. If I had to I'd pick the middle guy as my favorite. I love how the body came out.

Mooney - You may want to check your Mahogany. I stripped several logs and found the little boring beetles going to town. The next day I came back and found that I had made an unlikely ally - ANTS. They were loving it - attacking the grubs in the holes and carting these guys off for dinner! When they were done getting the grubs out, I fed them Andro. Thanks for helping - now DIE!

Paipo posted on Fri, Feb 1, 2008 5:51 PM

Yeah the middle one is my favourite too, although the moai comes very close (he'd translate beautifully into ceramic form too). The two tone stain and the detailing are just perfect on #2.


Yeah, excellent stuff Aloha Station, my favorite is the second too. The body's just perfect.
Too bad for the ants, I'm having the same kind of problem with my current tiki, so I fed him with 90° alcohol and Dakin Cooper stabilised, don't know 'til now if it works :) Don't know if the tiki's drunk too :lol:



Babalu posted on Sat, Feb 2, 2008 8:59 PM

All the best stuff comes in 3's Aloha...as I mentioned before, your work has so much personality that each one looks like it could speak at any moment. Your a gun slinger Mr. Station! I can't decide which is my favorite between 2 and 3...hell, I really like all three of them.

Here are some new pieces. The first came out a bit too cartoony for me but it was fun to carve. I was trying to imitate the Maori style without creating an exact copy.

This next one was a test. The wood is a mystery (I'm guessing Birch??)but was a dream to carve. It came from my box of Dowels - beautiful color, nice grain, and holds detail great!

hewey posted on Tue, Feb 12, 2008 7:33 PM

Really nice work as always. I don't check this thread anywhere near often enough!


TOM, You are Really getting out of Hand with your Great detail and Fine smoothe sanding jobs And your Stains And your Finishes, Just Plain Awesome! Quit It, Yer Killin'me


By looking at these pix I can't see any copy, simply your amazing style.

Nice work,


A.S. those are both really nice pieces but that second one is hot! Definately can see that one on a nice braided cord around a happy new owner's neck.

Your craftsmanship is off the hook these days... always was clean but your cuts now look second nature and precise.

Birch is fun if you get into a good piece. Smells great too. I haven't found any lately, kind of stuck in a world of ash lately.

Hewey - Come by any time, no invitation needed.
Benz - The head actually started off as a knock off of one of your little heads. Very little sanding (I hate sanding) and no stain used on any of the little guys.
Benella - I have tried many times to copy other peoples work but my own creativity takes over and they never come out the same.
LS - Thanks. The head is just a little big for a necklace, but I had the same thought. Just need to get the guts to drill the holes - that where I always F*ck up! The cuts have developed after alot of practice. I do VERY little sanding because the cuts are so clean. That works out nice (see the reply to Benz). Went surfing yesterday - the water temp was 74!!


Wow, I love both the new guys! Even if he is cartoony, he still looks great!! I went to buy some dowels recently as it seems like a great shape to start with, but wasn't sure about the birch. If that's what the mystery wood is, it looks like a good buy!


Nice, I really like the head love how the chin rests just
right on the table. Great lines and that block of wood
stands out nice.

Aloha Tom!!!
Boy a guy only has to blink quick and you are crankin out more Sweet carvings.I wish I could carve fast and clean like you do . Keep the wood chips ah flyin and thanks for sharin those Aweasome carvings,Aloha your friend, Mooney

Don't Blink...

Well I finished the brother of my first tiki head. This was the other end of the dowel - slightly shorter. I gave this guy more of an expression and experimented with the moko. The carving of the features took about as long as the tattoos. I hope you like - cause - I really like him.

That is incredible! Awesome Art!


Tom,Your Little heads are really getting Tight with the detail and the surface finish. I am Impressed!!!

These lil' heads with the moko are lookin' killer. How big are these guys? Holla at me, T.

Damn A.S.

That kicks ass.

Love the nose on that guy!

Yes A.S. that is a sweet head. NICE WORK!


oh MAN. I LOVE those heads! So crisp, clean and EXPRESSIVE! Absolutely stunning - I had to flip back and check out the first one. I totally love a little head. Yikes. That sounded a lot worse than I intended - but I am sure you get my meaning! They just have a certain magic to them - that is why I liked making my little clay pickled heads. Now make some more! :)


Robin posted on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 4:08 PM

Hi, I've really enjoyed looking at your thread. Pretty incredible work...love the new Maori piece...excellent...all of them so refined and detailed.


Man this last series has been fantastic. They're really an inspiration! I totally love your style too.


The little head is fantastic. Your style has tremendous appeal. I've enjoyed all your recent posts.

So, I remember finding this thread last week or the week before and I was super impressed with the pens. I must have got busy that afternoon with work (I guess if they are paying me I should do SOMETHING), and I lost the thread.

I'm so happy to have rediscovered it today.

You're work is awesome man and judging by your trend, I'll jump on the BIG bandwagon of people who like your cannibal stuff.

Keep doing what you are doing man, your art truly kicks ass.

Thanks for all of the great response. Everybody loves a little head! With that being said - the past week really sucked. My family and I have been suffering from the flu and I have done nothing but laid on the couch and suffered. Started felling better, so I'm now posting a couple of small things that I finished before getting sick. Another small head carved in Cherry and a pendant carved in Walnut. Both are small maxing out no bigger than 3.5". Enjoy.


Looking good those heads are cool! The little red cherry
guy is one of my favorite styles of yours.

That sucks about the flu bug good to hear you are on the


Very nice new pieces. Will you put some lacquer or poly on ?


Seeks - The full body guy is carved in Walnut. He was fun, only took me a few hours to complete. The head is Cherry, which is great for doing detailed carving like that.

Ben - the head is stained and sealed with spray lacquer. Very subtle color but still real nice. The full body is pretty much done except for a string to hand from.

I got motivated last night and finished the Birdman piece I had put to the side for a while. Should have pictures soon.

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2008-03-05 07:18 ]

Here's a sneak peak at the big guy I've been working on. I will be taking some glamour shots this weekend.

A.S. you're out of control. All this new stuff is way, way cool. :)

Classic tiki style and I can see the influence Florida Tiki has had on you. But you've twisted it into your own original beautiful style.

I hope you have some pieces with you at Hukilau this year, I'd like to add one to my bar.

Look forward to the glamor shots of this new one.


Super new one. I love it.

Sorry for my earlier post, I wanted to write "Did you put laquer or poly" and not "Will you..." Sometimes my brain do not go as quickly as I would love to speak your language !


The detail on that Bird came out great, Tom.. Lookin forward to the glamour shots.


On 2008-03-06 20:05, AlohaStation wrote:
Here's a sneak peak at the big guy I've been working on. I will be taking some glamour shots this weekend.

I love it.


Love this guy! so much personality.


So where are the glamour shots???? The bird head dress is wicked.

:o :o :o :o :o

Holy Crap!! I take a couple of days away from the computer and come back to a ton of great stuff. This was a very productive weekend.

Well, I promised some Glamour Shots of The Birdman and here they are. He is carved in Mahogany, 45" tall and weighs over 50lbs. He can be hung on the wall or left asa free-standing piece. This was the first piece from my large wood score a few months ago. This was the one piece that didn't fit into the wood shed, so I started carving it while it was still a bit wet. Some cracks have formed but they seem to have stabalized (plus I think they look really cool). I didn't carve down to the heartwood as much as I wanted too, but there were a lot of lessons learned on this guy and the wood. I still have a large stash of mahogany and you will be seeing more in the future!


Paipo posted on Sun, Mar 9, 2008 7:42 PM

WOW....really impressive. Good to see you haven't lost your touch with the big stuff either.The wood looks absolutely beautiful!


Dam he looks fantastic Love it the carve the colors. Yes Sir,

Give us a larger PIC!

For a larger image you can go here and click on the image.


I have a lot of large logs, including a 10 footer that I stripped this weekend. More big stuff to come.

The detail of the bird is just great... The eyes have it!! He looks mean as hell,,,Alfred Hitchcock style~

It's like the evil bird is controlling the dude. He's doing the birds bidding.

Okay maybe that's stupid, but that was what I got from it.

This is great by the way, and I didn't release it was so big. Very cool.


Dang Aloha!! The Birdman is over the top fantastic! Bowana has given me a nice chunk of mahogany to play with...your Birdman is big time inspiration to dive into it.


It's an amazing carve, I like the stain job a lot. WOW!!!

[i]I have a lot of large logs, including a 10 footer that I stripped this weekend. More big stuff to come.

Knowing what mahogany sells for by the board foot here that is a treasure trove of wood ye got there mate!

I love carving mahogany!

Do you get that from a supplier or do you own a tropical rain forest somewhere?


I would love to be able to carve a piece that big someday with that wood!

Mustang Island Tiki

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