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Johnnyp Tut 2/19

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Bete posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 5:09 PM

Very cool JohnnyP!


Thank you Gman, Finkdaddy, and Bete.

Here is a partial picture of a project I have been working on ( and hinted to ) for a little bit, if you want to see the whole thing, you will have the check my thread in "other crafts"



[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2007-01-20 18:43 ]


Really nice job, especially the bird figure is beutiful.



Most Excellent stuff JP. Something like this you will be enjoying Everyday, All day long Except when the cleaning time comes up in the schedule. AWESOME!

GMAN posted on Tue, Jan 30, 2007 7:06 PM

Earth to JohnnyP, Paging Mr. P. Hammer! Your fans are requesting an update......



It's been cold up here, I've got some plans in the works for some different kind of things. It is supposed to be really cold this weekend so I think I am going to set up inside and give stone a try.


GMAN posted on Wed, Jan 31, 2007 4:43 PM

Nice! Sounds like a plan. River rock or jade?


Really cold is an understatement.

Basically what local weather said is that the air that is normally over the NORTH POLE will descend on the upper Midwest.

Highs of 5, lows of -10... windchills from -20 to -35... for a week straight starting Friday.

That sucks.

Find a warm spot to continue the magic Johnny!

GMAN posted on Thu, Feb 1, 2007 11:10 AM

-10? Nice! Enjoy that! :wink:

I'm wearing shorts....



thanks Johnny! Your suggestion to sharpen the crow bar was the perfect solution to the deep carving I needed on the pig. I'm still working on the oinker. SLow but sure. Now I can get down with it!

I ground it down and polished it to look just like FlexCuts. It's great!

Thanks again.


Aw shucks. It's hard o see the sharpened end in these pictures... but it's there and it'll CUT YA!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2007-02-01 18:12 ]

GMAN posted on Fri, Feb 2, 2007 4:31 PM

What's on tap for the weekend Johnny? You gonna show us some rock carvings? Bone/antler perhaps?



On 2006-11-13 05:05, JohnnyP wrote:

Any news of this guy? :lol: Sorry for insisting :wink:

[ Edited by: benella 2007-03-08 13:29 ]


Good Question


Ben and Ben,
He is in the process of getting a new face, I cut a big chunk of it off, on purpose and marked it out. There was something wrong with the way I did his face the first time, and I finally figured out how to fix it.

I plan on finishing a few carvings before starting any other big projects, I have to finish him, the sailfish, and the canoe prow, before I move on to any other big projects. But it has been a bit to cold to be outside carving now, guess I am getting soft. It is -0 F now.

Today I carved a jade hei-tiki and was almost done with the carving when a big chunk of jade fractured off, oh well. I learned a lot and since it was so much fun, I will be doing it again.

Thanks for asking---Thats the non eventful update.



Must be a heat wave over by you!

We struggled to rise above -9 all day. Arctic temps look to continue all week.

The outlook for february is looking bleak.

I heard the average high for this date is 30.

I know I won't be doing any carving outside until at least April...


It is still cold up here, not as bad as it has been though.

Here is my second attempt at carving jade after I scrapped the first one for breaking.

I used the cheap cheap cheap Harbor Freight diamond bits. It seemed to me like carving extremely hard wax. It was unusual not carving with or against the grain, I had to force myself to cut in ways you wouldn't want to do in wood. I think Benzart described it best- you carve by feel when your view is obstructed with the water.

Tama you can start laughing now.



Wow look at that guy! He looks pretty fragile too - be careful with that piece! Very nice!

Hey, Im not laughing. Good on you mate; I can see the family resemblance to his brother over here! I guess the water does take some getting used to. Keep turning the piece & cast your eye over the form watching the play of light and/or shadow; this is the best way to see whats going on. Ben is spot-on; you develop a 'feel' through the tools after a while.

Sorry to hear about the first jade attempt. Maybe your not allowing enough thickness, 4-6mm is about right for most pendants.

Keep it up & keep us posted as you do more. Feel free to pick the stoner brains in Q&A.

Ka pai! Tama :)

So.... you're saying that you grind it up without being able to see it? Wow... I'm even more impressed now. Great job Johnny.. its great to see people stepping out of what they know and raising the bar.


I finally got some sound files from Mr. Pighammer - these are the Croc horn I think?
Sounds pretty good!
Oh, nice work on the tiki/matau too - that's a sweet carve for your second piece!


Very very nice.


GMAN posted on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 4:48 PM

Killer job Johnny! A very nice - and complicated piece - to take on as your first run at jade. Great job with the crap diamonds. I know first hand how sucky they are....

A also played the croc horn files Paipo linked for us. Cool stuff. I'm gonna need one of those one day.



Yeah! Really nice Paip! It got my Sheep dog howlin'!


Hey Johnny, this dude is way wicked looking!


i agree with tikidav and we don't want to miss him anymore :)

On 2007-02-12 00:07, Paipo wrote:
I finally got some sound files from Mr. Pighammer

Super-coool sounds; have a tooot on this...

Tama :)


Thanks for the comments guys.

TikiGap He is pretty thin, I ground him down a little too much. I just hope I don't drop it.

Tama Thanks for the advise. I didn't get too far along on my first one, barely past the rough out phase, so I didn't loose too much time. I am more impressed now with your carvings.

Davez tikiz - Every carving is stepping out of what I know.

Paipo, thanks for posting the horn noises. If it wasn't for yours and Tama's guidance I couldn't have had a chance at carving rock. It is still a mystery.

Tikigap, my girls howl also when I blow these horns, the dog just hides.

TikiDav, Thanks that means a lot coming from you.

Benella Thanks X2

Gman Thanks for the compliment from a master carver and a Maori enthusiast.

As for the horns, I can't play music at all. I can just get out the sounds, but my father in-law actually made it sound like a trumpet with notes and everything. I'll try and record him. They are still fun to play with though.

My second project in jade was a set of ear rings for Mrs. JohnnyP. She wanted sea turtles. These are about 3/8ths of inch at the longest.

Not overly tiki, but inspired from the South Pacific. And encouraged to post by Gman.

Thanks for looking.



I see almost a heart shaped shell. very cool.

A pair of sea turtle doves.

Very nice; Im sure she'll love them!
(you might get past the tiki-police by saying there's also a frigate bird influence in there too..?) :wink:

Ive just remembered a poem stuck to our fridge by the late, great UK comedian, Spike Milligan. Based on a true story I believe...

Green earrings I bought her from Maori Shores.
When I returned, she had gone
and taken her ears with her.

Earrings made from Pacific Jade - you could see right through them.
Why didn't I see through her?

Beautiful, no?

*Better give them to Mrs P right now... Go! :lol:

Tama :)

GMAN posted on Tue, Feb 20, 2007 7:59 PM


Those are magnificent! She has to love those. What could be more oceanic art than a sea turtle? Making those little beauties was a tall order...especially with those dang blasted Chinese diamonds. You have THE touch my friend! Your next jade piece is gonna be scary-great! Don't keep us waiting too long.


Hey Johnny
Nice work on the sea turtles...I can't even think of how patient you guys have to be to
carve that small stuff outta stone....and I dig the horn sounds....kinda reminds me of some of
my bamboo sax grunts!
Let's hope that cold spell is over for good so we can get outside and make some wood chips.
Sounds like you have a lot of work that needs your attention.

Good stuff Johnny!

I can't keep up with you guys anymore... I give up.

Back to my cave!

GMAN posted on Fri, Mar 2, 2007 11:37 AM

You dead?


On 2006-11-13 05:05, JohnnyP wrote:

Any news of this guy? :lol: Sorry for insisting :wink:


Gman, Nope not dead just swamped at work, and it's too cold to carve outside (I am wimping out this winter). The teko has been chilling out in the pole barn, not getting a whole lot of attention, but it supposed to start warming up so I may chop at it a bit more soon.

Thank you much for the comments on the ear rings, she liked them, In fact she wanted a matching necklace. The turtle is just under 2 inches long.

Thanks for looking.



Nice Turtle JP, you should do More of these guys. Right now you should do more of Anything!, Been Missing you round theze parts.

Nice one JP; I dig the wee undercuts around the shell. Its little details like that, that although go largely unnoticed (on a concious, oh-wow-look-at-that-undercut level), really give that extra life to a piece. Good eye!

She wont be taking her ears away now... :lol:


love the turtle! I love that you do all different mediums.



Thanks for the comments.

Tama I learned what I did from you.

Hey guys look what my wife painted for me. She just took a water color painting class and this is one she did for our future bar!



The talent is just oozing out of the entire JP household. Your wifey did a great job on the painting! Oh yeah, and your earrings and necklace are pretty cool too. :wink:


Way to Go Mrs JP. Most Excellent piece there. Question is is it Johnny's Art magic rubbing off on you or is YOUR Artistic magic rubbing off on him?? We'll let the 2 of you fight it out and meanwhile We'll keep enjoying all the art you guys shoot out to us.
:) :) :)


I love the picture expecially the way your good lady has dealt with the grass skirt, she's got some real movement going on there.

GMAN posted on Sun, Mar 11, 2007 6:06 AM

Yo Johnny,

Very nice painting by the Mrs. Gman likee! Maybe it's time that Mrs. P took a name of her own and started posting on the boards? Maybe painting YOUR carvings isn't enough for her, eh? Careful now, she might grab your toolz and strike out on her own. I imagine it's time to show here how to sharpen chain.....or does she already know?

Beautiful paintng "J",


nice painting Mrs. JP, keep your stuff coming. Johnny, is the Mrs. from Canada, if I squint I
see maple leafs on her "top."


Thanks guys for the nice comments!

Mr. Benzart -Johnny has a great way of encouraging and supporting my newly found art habit. Together you could say we are "synergistic" .

Mr. Gman - Just starting to dabble in paints. 3D still boggles my mind. What you guys do surpasses me!!

Mr. Congatiki - Not from Canada but close! It was just a design why? What were you looking for, eh :wink: ?

Mrs. Johnny P

GMAN posted on Tue, Mar 27, 2007 5:49 PM

Now you dead?



It is snowing today and freezing! This is spring and it is supposed to be a whole lot warmer but I've been putting off carving for way too long. It's just cold up here and way too unpleasant to be outside. (Don't tell Gman- I told him I wasn't posting because he wasn't.)

Here is the rough draft of a concept of a series of glassware I am thinking of starting. Sanding and detail carving yet to come. The three hooks will be lashed together like composite hooks are. Do you think this is a sell-able idea?


ABSOLUTELY JohnnyP! SsweeetT original concept...Gone Fishin'!! :D


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