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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Kirby's Art.. pg 74 & 77

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Great Job Kirbs!
So glad you're Back and on FI-YAH!
Moai Rowers Rock!
I wanna see a 3-4 foot carving of this fellow!
and by the way...
it's spelled "CANOE"!


Kirby- the stuff looks Great!

kirby posted on Wed, Dec 3, 2008 2:46 PM

On 2008-12-03 13:29, TravelingJones wrote:
Who is this "kirby" anyway? Didn't he used to be "somebody"?? Hhhmmm... :wink:

Jonesy, That's what ive heard...
Yaki,thanks.. when are we gonna hit up sum Yaki's tiki bowls..
Paipo,casting might just be a possibility...by the way your stuff is still top notch sorry I dont chime in too often..
LLT..CAN-O-EE...I cant pronounce that...its kA-noo...pronounced KA-NEW.. got it..
Duddy..thanks dude

[ Edited by: kirby 2008-12-03 14:48 ]


Killer Kanoo Kirby!


YES, It's about time you got back to work.. Love that Pencil tiki, Awesome detail and character. However your Moai in the Kanoo guy is just plain Awesome and Hollers Personality, WHAM, Slap me upside the head with it! Then send it to my house for final inspection and trial fitting, after which I wil NOT return it! :P.

kirby posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2008 9:22 AM

hahaha.. Im glad to be back workin. hopfully I can keep up the pace.
and I dont think slapping benzart upside the head with a tiki would with bode well in the tiki community but on the other hand , I would be happy to slap grog or ruzic with it,hmmm that actually sound like a good idea I might just do that...good to hear from you benz, its been too long...

mango...you gonna be at the "rumpus room" this Sunday..

Yes! I'll be available to help in the transformation of your Rumpus Room this Sunday. Actual start time is dependent on the amount of alkohol konsumed at Tonga Hut Saturday night though...


Love all the new stuff. Especially the kanoo!! That's got some style!

squid posted on Thu, Dec 4, 2008 9:48 PM

KIRBS!!!!!!!! When you told me you were back, you didn't say "with a vegeance"!!!! Dude, i'm glad you're over the rough patch. Now git bizzzzy!!!!!!!!!! Tiki Kanooooooooooooooooooooo...........


KirbyKanooKool! Nice original piece Kirby, even tho it's
inspired by Kinny. I get a bit inspired by him too. In fact
all your recent stuff is very nice...now get bizzy and make some more.

TikiG posted on Fri, Dec 5, 2008 2:51 PM

Kirby -

Love the kanoo/canoe carving, its so stylish and Kirbyish..this is begging for reproductions in resin as pendants.

Your work is distinctive. Thanks for posting all your stuff.

What T.C.'rs may not realize is that your rumpus room is undergoing an extensive tiki refurbish. effort (which I'm proud to say I'm helping you with) and when finished, will be a KILLER little room - perfect for poly-pop escapism. I'm a little jealous because you have the area to do this with (and I rent a home and just can't do a tiki refurbishment there :( )

See ya Kirbs at the Tonga Hut tomorrow evening. Cheers! Greg

hewey posted on Fri, Dec 5, 2008 6:57 PM

Luvn that kanoo duuude :D


Kirbs...let's do some YAKI next week.

Aloha Bowl baby. Sunland, here I come !

Will you be carving any big version os these new small tiki designs ?


It is really good to see you carving again, I was wondering where you had gone. I like the personality the Kanoo guy has.


thanks again guys for the support..
here is the newest lil guy.. its a "coconut monkey lucky penny bank pendant"I know it s a long name but What else am i gonna call it ... this guy has been a real challenge for me.. I realy wanted to think out of the box a lil bit. I had carved a coconut monkey a few years back for suzy
but it was just a one off. recently I decided to make another one to cast but i wanted to give it some functionality. I put a coin slot in the top and make it a lucky penny bank. it accualy holds about 4 or 5 pennies.figuring out how to cast this was a real challenge.this is the casts and painted version

ps i just casted a batch of about 20 tiki kanoo's and posted the info over in the marketplace if anyone is interested..here is a pic of a one off painted guy I did and some pics of "kanoo army"

mahalo... kirby

Kirby's Island.com****The Tiki Adventure

[ Edited by: kirby 2008-12-12 22:14 ]

[ Edited by: kirby 2008-12-12 22:16 ]


Great pendants! Love the coconut monkey guy. Don't think I have ever seen anything similiar to that . You got some great ideas Kirby.


Col Monkey Kirby, now that you have That Monkey on your back.....? I Still really Love the Kanoo guy, he is really Awesome.

GROG posted on Sat, Dec 13, 2008 1:21 PM

You could probably hang them on the Christmas tree as Tiki ornaments, too!

kirby posted on Sat, Dec 13, 2008 2:13 PM

here is a custom monkey i did with glasses and a pipe..


Nice, love that little navy.

Way Nice! That's some crafty stuff, very cool.

Oh man! These Monkeys are the greatest!

Has Susannah seen these yet?

I guess those couple years of incarcer..oops, I mean introspection paid off big time! Wandering the desert with nothing but a flute, rice and secret Shao Lin ass-kicking know how in search of your long lost brother must have been lonely. Welcome back Kirby!

BTW fellow Kirby fans. Keep an eye on Freaky Boutiki Marketplace thread as an exquisite 'Vintage' Kirby will be featured in our Freaky Holiday Advent. I can't imagine it will last long as it's a perfect center piece for a collection of wall hangings.

Kerbeee Kanooo....awesome carving! and that coconut monkey pendant/safe? too cool fo school!

Somebody get this boy an art show!! then an article in Tiki Mag!!! and put him back on the map!!!!!

Great stuff, Kirbs!


you guys are to nice...but please dont yell too loud.. I realy dont want people to have too high expectations of me..ill have plenty of crappy stuff to throw out there real soon.. as far as art /tiki mag article there are plenty of artist way more deserving and way over do for one than me polynesiac is one of them ...and i think we are about due for sum new stuff from you as well..

well look who's BACK!!!! About damn time....and looks like you never skipped a beat!!! Glad you are back bro!


you make me want to start carving again... maybe next month.... you'z look'en gooo!! and the creativity is great taking these concepts to a pendant!

kirby posted on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 5:30 PM

here are a few new tikis I carved, Im trying to figure out a cool way to use them , im thinkin mabey door pulls for the rumpus room or mabey even a lamp for the moai.. there probly too big to make pendants out of.

P.S. dont drink and carve...

[ Edited by: kirby 2009-01-28 17:30 ]

AHHHH, Slice-a-roonie!
I love these last carves.
What you gotta do now is put some stain and varnish in that cut. ooooooh


Wow great carves! Bad cut. Sorry dude. I've broken the "don't drink and carve" rule myself before. Definitely a no-no.


love the moais and the idea of using them as door pulls
doing double duty is always good

kirby posted on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 6:41 PM

here are a few new tikis I carved, Im trying to figure out a cool way to use them , im thinkin mabey door pulls for the rumpus room or mabey even a lamp for the moai.. there probly too big to make pendants out of.

P.S. dont drink and carve...

Sheeeeeeit, Kirby... that's nasty!

Hope you heal up quick, though I had a nick 1/8 that size last month and it took forever to heal.

If I were you, I woulda headed in for a couple stitches at the walk in... they've done the trick for me the last coupla times.

Butter carves on these last guys... super nice finish on them and the kneeling Marquesan is killer!

Save the booze for after the sharp tools get put away!

SHEITE!!!!! i'm still trying to recoup from my incident (3 stitches) just before xmas. i still can't bend my finger all the way and unfortunately i can't play the guitar. can't bend enough to make a c chord and to tender to make bar chords. lot of scar tissue to break up. hope yop have better luck than i've had. really like what you did before "the INCIDENT". and yeah, i was drinking and carving too.


GROG posted on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 11:39 PM

Damn Kirbers!!
You are back with a VENGEANCE!!!
Your designs and carving skill are better than before you took time off.

Nice carves Kirby, I really like your stylish moai. Too bad about
the cut but I'm sure we've all done it. I sliced the tip of my
index finger with a hook knife two years ago, the sucker still gets
numb when its cold.
Keep up the good work!

GMAN posted on Thu, Jan 29, 2009 7:20 AM

Mmmmmm meaty!

be careful Kirbs!
would be a shame to have you just blossoming
and then lose a finger...
If you drink and carve-wear protective gear!
this ain't the old West!

Moais and marq are both splendid
that got that playful Kirby touch!


Amazing new stuff, dude.


The new stuff is excellent. I really like the posture and expression of the Moai!! How tall is he? Sucks about the cut - but that all part of the fun, when you play with knives. A little superglue and a few bandaids - you'll be good as new!


A couple of the nicest new pieces I've seen in here for a long time Kirby, you really put your own twist on all the stuff you make and it always has the classic Poly Pop vibe nailed down tight. I LOVE that lil Marq, how can I get one? (or a Kanoo?)

kirby posted on Fri, Feb 27, 2009 9:24 PM

here are a few tiki pendants In been working on.. Some will be avalable at the kona art show...
i have been messing around with a lil paint with these guys..
this one was inspired by a tiki I saw at disneyland.

a lil more traditional

a lil more stylized I never get tired of the skullz

this guy is all dressed up to go to a fun tiki party. im not sure if someone has already done one like this before,but i thought it was a fun idea..


great stuff kirby. that one looks just like the TV logo. you should try and market to them.

nice paint jobs. i really like the skulls. very nice.



Bravo, nice carving , paint are realistic than ancient sepik masks...maybe except the last one! :lol:

Very nice Dude ,


Lovin' those, Kirby - very FUN - looking forward to when they are available..... :wink:

Start Paintin Dude , Tygers & Bikini,s

Cool stuff as usual Kirbs! I like the dude with the bone through his nose.

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