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NEW Benzart Black Jade Marq 3-6-14

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WOW!!! BenZ !!! You find your cruise! I am glad that your hand is better. :D You work faster than I can read english...

The koa curved lono is amazing! What's the hell for this fine curved edge and detail for tongue and mouth... I don't talk about this fabulous toogle in a gator teeth. I'm Jealous!!!

Lake wrote "museum quality". He's right!

Also happy to see your next project!!! Ok ! I'll must go to my Workshop! All this makes me want to make chips... :P


Ooooh, Benz! You hit the nail on the head...where do we find investment capital to fund the mini palm-size chainsaw!!??


Ooooh, Benz! You hit the nail on the head...where do we find investment capital to fund the mini palm-size chainsaw!!??

I was lucky enough to see one of Ben's tiny little masterpieces that his wife was wearing at the Hukilau this year. They're even smaller in person.. Very very tiny with much, much detail!

Benz would have to hire a flea to handle that tiny little chainsaw. His pieces are getting smaller and smaller. It had better be a very tiny, tiny little chainsaw. :lol: :lol:

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2009-07-25 01:47 ]

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2009-07-25 01:48 ]


The chief is back, and he is on fire! I'm SO glad :)


Amy thanks for the kind words, Happy to see you 'round here more often too!

Jerome, Thank you too for all the compliments and about lusting after the Gator tooth, it was only a few minutes work. BTW, I didn't see a return address on that beautiful post card you sent???

Surfin, you are Correct, and What a Question. I don't wish to fund the creation I just want to use one one day. :lol: Thanks

T-Pak, Thanks for the stuff. I wouldn't need too small a chain saw, one with about a 2 inch long by 1/4 inch wide bar and fitting chain it's not too much to ask? C'mon you inventors out there?
Hmmm trained fleas. not sure about that, there is housing and food to consider and do they work for minimum wages? :o

Clarita, Thanks, BUT Don't mention fire, I might burn myself the luck I've been having! :D :)

Been working on a few of those pieces and will have photos Soon I promise!


Here are a couple I have been Arguing with and don't quite seem to be done yet.

Hi Ben - Nice, but where-um those black spot come from and what are they? I haven't see any in the pieces I've carved!

I've noticed what seems to be an interesting technique that the chinese have been using to get rid of unwanted inclusions in otherwise very nice jade. They use a very small drill to "drill-out" the inclusion or vaporize it with a laser!

A Dremel size chain saw? I think I've seen one but I'll have to look about a bit to find the source again. If I can find it, I'll post it here.


WOW! faux jade: actually you Win!!! :o
Very nice inlay work on the bone mask, even look a curious light...

Just one question,

[i]On 2009-07-22 21:48, Benzart wrote:

I finally figured out the 4 Plait braid after much trial and error and a video from Paipo.

Where is this video? Please!



Thanks TimidT, not sure about the black spots, thet were just There and I have no idea what they are except for possibly ink that remained un mixed into the formula as suggested by another poster somewhere in recent history. I suppose they could be drilled out and filled with something perhaps a different color more pleasing for an occlusion. :) Yes, if you can find it a Dremel sized chainsaw would be Great, WOW, think of the Fingers That could re-shape? :o

Laojia, Thanks too. First HERE is the link to the braid video. You will also find other interesting braids and weaves that look very doable. Hope it helps.
Yes I think I am winning this battle with the synth Jade though in the end it will still be synthetic, but I found the formula for the finishing I think
The bone piece is finished but for clean up and I thought the jade was done , But there are still a few areas I need to complete.
HERE are yesterdays work photos.


wow benz,
great work. when i can get detail that fine on as small a piece as that, i'll sit back and think "now i'm only half as good as the master". i bow to the east, in your direction. once again great work.


well, i finally put down lono long enough to post. this is truly an amazing piece. there's not really a straight on view. well there is, but with a very slight turn either way it becomes a profile. that's because of the triangular shape of the wood. the details are incredible! i'm so glad the gator tooth was crying to be carved too, cuz it's a piece of art in itself. this is my 6th benzart pendant plus i have a small tiki. with all the others i was just in the right place at the right time. lono is the first piece ben made especially for me and i couldn't be happier! mahalo ben!

Bullet,you better be sportin that beauty at Oasis so i can get a chance to snatch..um i mean look at it up close and admire Bens handywork,insane piece!

yep, lono and i are oasis bound! his new cord is a heavy chain with a padlock. :)

jade maori gleams like an emerald in the sun!
mad detail!

and I'm really looking forward to seeing Bullit's Lono

Holy Makerel!


Big Daddy, Thanks for the praise, but don't bow down to me, save that for the real master who lurks about. I'm only Half as good as the Master who taught me a Lot in the short year I worked with him. Mostly I have learned from the likes of you and All the other TC Artists. I see your great moves and I also see your mistakes as well as my own. I've a Long way to go to be The Master! :o

Thanks Bullet. "there's not really a straight on view. well there is, but with a very slight turn either way it becomes a profile. that's because of the triangular shape of the wood. ".......
This guy is Difficult to photograph for the same reason but you got some excellent shots anyway Thanks for the heads up he arrived OK and I'm Really Happy you like him. I think you own more Benzarts than any one person, Thanks again.

Kustom Tiki, Thanks for the kind words, I'm sure Bullet has much security unseen to protect his Lono! :lol:

Bullet, Yep I knew that. See Kustom? "o

LLT, Thanks Kinny,the Maori gleams so because he has received More Hand sanding and polishing than Any Benzart jade to date. Also I spent More time on this guy than I should have. Paipo must have been looking over my shoulder giving me the correct lessons, Thanks Paipo. :)

Here is the FINAL result of way too much time spent on this guy. All day yesterday was used teasing this guy, and cleaning everywhere. Just Crazy and just watch me do it again,,,NOT!

On 2009-07-30 18:54, Benzart wrote:
I think you own more Benzarts than any one person, Thanks again.

that's funny cuz paipo and basement kahuna told me the same thing! i must have really good taste! i'm still hoping for a big benzart someday. the jade maori was worth the time and effort cuz he came out beautifully. the gator tooth toggles are a fantastic touch.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2009-07-30 22:20 ]

Excellent as usual Benzart! My hands are cramping just thinking of all the hand sanding YOU did. The extra time and effort really shows.

GMAN posted on Fri, Jul 31, 2009 5:14 AM



Oh, the talent. Another treasure created.



[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 03:37:46 ]

Number 104 is my favorite for now. Pics dont do you stuff justice, Ben. they have to be seen and handled in person. Thanks for sharing with us at the S. Fla carvathon.

I am proud to know you and thankful for your ability to instruct, educate and encourage others to be like you.

I'm left speechless about the Maori jade. Congrats on finishing it. It should be museum bound!



Ben your work is great, I just can't ever get enough of your carvings. Fun, fun, fun.

Really sweeeeeet pendant! Getting a lot of use out of your electron microscope I see. Perfect detail down to the smallest of cuts except the one on your hand that is. That will be a great scar. Thought up any good stories for it yet? Saving a baby gazelle from a 20ft croc while you were big game hunting in Africa maybe? Great work as always!


Thanks for posting your "Benzart's" Bullet, thats Quite a Haul you have there. Thanks for being a #1 Fan!

T-Mango, Thanks for noticing. C'mon down next time I have one of these guys to sand down and I'll be Happy to let you feel the Burn! I'll have one waiting for'ya. :o

Thanks GMAN, You OK? Haven't seen much of you recently??

Thanks Johnny I appreciate that ,, like you don't have talent to spare there, You can DO IT!

PopTiki, Thanks and Enough said, I Really appreciate you coming around with the kind words. :)

PalmCity, Thanks a Bunch. It was Great seeing you again especially since I didn't have to wade through Mud. Glad you enjoyed the Jam, we need to do it more often.

Thanks Andy, Nice to see you here too and especially with the Props. Yes, this guy almost made it into "The Box" but I'm glad I persisted.

Hiltiki, Thanks but I know you're just saying that to Butter me up! :lol: :D

TikiLizard, Thanks, I like Your story better than mine. :D Hmmm, Electron Microscope, Wonder if eBayyyy,,,,,
Sherry's gonna shoot me!

I am Just about all recovered from the Jam and my shop is almost ready for work so Here I Goooo, See'ya

Bowana posted on Thu, Aug 6, 2009 7:33 PM

Mr. Mailman just brought me my copy of TikiMag. Congrats on being featured! Well deserved and it's about time!
So, when are ya gonna croon for us, you ol' honeydripper? :)


Ben,awesome stuff I cant even think about carve'n something
as kool as that on such a tiny scale.YOU ARE THE MAN!!
Cheers Watango


That Lono turned out to good! I looove him, and the jade guy looks great too! I'm very glad to see you are better from that terrible cut. I won't say on fire, you are right,just in case.... but very inspired :wink:.
I'm still at bamboo camp, getting beaten up, but i think i'll survive... at list to see more of your updates, they are worth it :)


Bows, Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the article, I just got mine today and was amazed at the love I felt reading it..I think, however, my Crooning days are over. :)

Watango, Thanks mate, for the kind words, glad you like my stuff.

Thanks Clarita! Yes the scar is all that remains except for some nerve stuff thats going away too.
Don't let those Bamboo Musicians take advantage of you, You're the boss, remember you can cut off theur hands if need be and Tell them that and maybe they will calm down.

As I said I received my copy of the Tiki Magazine today and I Really want to Thank you All for making me what I am today, it's all your doings. Big Thanks also to all you peeps who contributed to the article with all the kind words, you have no Idea how nice it felt, Thank you's to all you guys and girls. Special thanks also to Nick , Jon Paul and the rest of the crew and Andy too for spinning the tale.


[ Edited by: Benzart 2009-08-08 21:45 ]

Benz congratulations!!!

You deserve it and if it wasn't for your constant support and help half of us would have given up a long time ago! You have constantly supported all of us on this thread and have answered every question, no matter how weird, I personally thank you for that. Congrats again, well deserved!


[ Edited by: Queen Kamehameha 2009-08-08 22:20 ]

definitely my favorite issue yet. you deserve every nice word written about you, ben. you're what makes tiki central special to me, and i'm sure, so many others. your willingness to share your techniques, offer encouragement, and especially your kindness were some of the reasons i found tiki central the right place for me. i might go through periods when i don't post, but i'm always checking up on you, ben. not only are you the heart and soul of tc, but you are also one of its most talented artists with an inimitable style. mahalo for your true aloha spirit! oh yeah, crazy al's tiki corner was about my crazy al and kirby tikis. that was pretty cool too. :)


Thanks Amy, I appreciate your comments. I Really feel like you and all the other peeps are my personal students or My Kidz and to see you do well makes my days go so sweet.

Bullet, Thanks big time, either myself or any of the other carvers could not do it without all the constant support from you and other TCr's. You are special to me and one of my tiki friends no matter what. Thanks for your support, Glad you liked the story.

Thanks Again for everyone's suppport and recognition from this Tiki Mag article. It doesn't seem like it was Me there, who is the imposter? :)
I haven't been around much the ppast few days, still lingering in the shop re-do but I Have been carving a bit on several items. Here are a couple or 3 I have to show, one Non tiki included.

love the bone Lono Benz, really nice. I will be represent'n at Oasis with your jade pendant! have a great weekend and thanks again for everything.


beautiful starts Ben, looks like you are going a little multi-tasking.
And you know how much I like birds....so your big beak bird is top-notch!

I really like the bird! The bone Lono is really shaping up nice as well. I've been playing with my bone too!

Woo Hoo, a little Octopi action there! Well I have to finally break down and get a subscription to Tiki Mag now that BENZ is featured. Can't wait to see it...yay!


Just finished reading the Magazine. Great article about a great man. You always are positive and give great advice to all of us carvers, so all praise is deserved. I like the new pieces too. Have a great day.


really nice looking stuff benz! now i gotta drag my butt offa this chair and find your article.



Thanks Amy, And Thanks for Wearing Benzart at Oasis this year too!

Conga Thanks for the kind words, I finished the bird and he wants to Fly away

Thanl\ks Aloha You are playing with your Bone? :o
Glad you like the stuff. You got more carved?

Surfin! Thanks for the sweetness, Yeah Get that MAG and accept NO Substitute!. Cheers man

Bali Dan, Thanks for the kind words, Glad you liked the story and the new stuff :P :lol:

ig daddy, Thanks for the positive words and get up outta that chair and go get that article! Thanks big time man.

Finished the non tiki eagle today from a Wart Hog Tusk. He's done.


Benzart, I can't even start to comprehend the dedication to detail in your work. It gives a beginner like me LOTS to strive for. Keep doing what you're doing and how you're doing it - great work.


WOW Benz! The eagle head look very realistic! and I'm also impressed by the bone Lono...
My curiosity is piqued about the latest tiki mag. I will get it as soon as possible!



Benz, this eagle looks so good and so detailed. We have seen a close up on one that lives by the creek near us. How is it that you seem to just get better and better with every piece you make? :D :D :D Keep up the great work.

Man, I hate it when you do that! :x

Just kidding, of course. :P It's actually really cool to see you do something non-tiki. I've seen some pics of your sea life pieces and they are truely outstanding. I would really like to see you do some of that again!


Putitiki, Thanks for the kindness, I guess when you have done a Lot of carvings you just start looking for ways to stay interested by not doing the same old things and by getting into all the little corners and crevices and cleaning them up to the best of your ability.

Thanks Laojia, Yes definitely get the latest Tiki Mag, it has some great stuff in it not counting the story about me.lol Glad you like the new bone stuff.

Thanks T-Pak, Uh-Oh, you've seen the real deal up close which means I'm busted. Mine doesn't look real but when I saw the Wart hog tusk, it just looked like an Eagle so I carved away the stuff that didn't fit. As to why I keep getting better with every piece maybe it's your glasses getting worse every week? :) Have yer eyes checked recently? :lol:

Thanks Finky, yes this is the first non tiki piece I've done since I began carving again here in '04, guess it's about time.
Thanks again for your kind words in that story!


The only word for this is WOW. You continue to inspire Ben!


wow benz.......wow. that mean ole wart hog didn't need that tusk anyway, good thing he donated it to you.



Thanks BigT, I do my best most of the time :P

Big daddy Yeah, goot thing that hey?
AND I just HAPPEN to have a Few More :o

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