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NEW Benzart Black Jade Marq 3-6-14

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WOW! :o What is the size of this one BenZ? Is G$man throwing hog carcass' over your fence or what?? O-dem bonez dem craaazy bonez...:lol:

GMAN posted on Sat, Sep 5, 2009 8:56 AM

Happiness is a stinky Carcass...on Benz's side fo the fence! :lol:

[ Edited by: gman 2009-09-05 09:10 ]

Paipo posted on Sat, Sep 5, 2009 8:41 PM

Ben, this is the sweetest piece you've carved in a long time (no disrespect to any of your other pieces implied). The tightness and flow of the surface decoration is INSANE. Now you gotta do the same on that tusk, but better...


Hi Ben,

This Taiaha is certainly my favorite in your bone/tusk works. It really looks spectacular even through the pix.
Thank you for your answer on my thread, it keeps me motivated. I know this spaulted piece of wood won't let me hope fine details but it is certainly the occasion to run it more "basic". Thanks for your constant support and (good) advices.




Thanks Jonesey, This one is 4 inches long the next about 5. Gman is throwing the carcasses AT me insteaad of To me)^@@#&(%^)Beasstid. :) However, these are Wart Hog Tusks I got from S Africa.

GMAN, You are a funny, Sick man! So it was YOU who was throwing the piggy carcass over the fence? Stripped so clean of meat the dogz didn't even know what it was. Hahahaha. Whatever makes You happy. :o

Paipo, Thanks, this one was difficult to get smooth as I had to remove Lots of meat and the design just kinda follows the flow of the tusk. this IS the tusk, However, I gots More. :) Glad you like it and I understand about no disrespect for anything else I've carved, you Hate my other stuff? :D

Ben, Thanks for your kind words. These tusks are kin of magical to carve, once you start it is difficult to put down. I found myself dozing with a running handpiece in my hand all hunched over the bench. Glad you like. You're welcome for the other stuff too, that spaulted wood is a curse but a Beautiful one. It's challenging to say the least and you are doing well with it.

Well I have this box of Tusks that are driving me crazy. They look so cool and they stink so bad when you grind them but are Super to work, the surface can go from Ugly to beautifully polished right before your eyes and it is like a drug, you can't get enough. So I started another larger one to prolong the pleasure. :)

Raw tusks lighted so you can see how thin they are at the top

You need to cut away about 1 1/2 inches to get to a carvable thickness

You can see there is a Lot of material removed to get the smooth"tongue" end of the piece.
Down here it's almost Solid anyway.

I tried to be a Bit more careful with the drawing on this one! :o :) :D :lol:

Heath posted on Sun, Sep 6, 2009 8:58 AM

Absolutely stunning work Ben!

Warthog tusks are GO!

you create miracles around every corner!


Bowana posted on Sun, Sep 6, 2009 9:32 AM

They leave me toothless!
Fantastic work, Benzo!!


Great tusk design Ben! Can't wait to see this one develop.

Just wanted to mention that Bono touched down just in time for the TIKI ISLAND 3 CLOSING RECEPTION and simply dazzled all attendees. San Diego's carving illuminati were thrilled to be able to finally see this piece in person. Just goes to show you it's not the size of your bone that counts, rather, what you can do with it.

Keep up the good work Ben!


Oh wow, very inspired carving really! I'm going to follow this one as it develops closely, very, very nice!

Just goes to show you it's not the size of your bone that counts, rather, what you can do with it.

Hahaha, Very funny! You made my day with this statement hahaha!
That's like saying the important thing about the pretty girls at your shop is the size of their talent! :D

Hey Benz about the bribery thing, I know you don't mean the power of wearing a bikini, you mean the power of being able to bribe you with my work, 'cause I know you :) and i thank you so much for the way you are, and how much you support all of us.
But honestly I didn't feel worthy at all so far... I know you like my drums, even I also know you are being super generous about how important you want to make me feel... I'm going to take a big risk here and say..
How about you make me a pendant, and based on your design I make you a bamboo drum?... a Boo-Benz. you don't have to say yes, I know I'm not good enough yet :) and that it would be a big challenge for me really... well I don't know.. think about it..

Babalu posted on Sun, Sep 6, 2009 1:53 PM

Howdy do Ben!!

Man, I got to fondle that last piece of yours the other night over at Hanks...I must say, I was as giddy as a school girl :)

You Sir are one AMAZING feller!!

Paipo posted on Sun, Sep 6, 2009 3:33 PM

I was talkin about the Bono, he IS bone isn't he? but maybe these new tusk guys will supercede him in awesomeness...


Great looking tusk designs! I know you gave me one to try, but I'm too skeerd to mess it up by trying to carve it. For the time being I'll live vicariously through your carvings.

I can't wait to see all that detail come to life in your newest tusk design.


Wow....looks like ol' Ben really sunk his teeth into this one!
Always amazing....

I am always blown away at the detail and futhermore at the scale.


Ben, your work always gets me teary-eyed with joy!

One day, I'll have a Benzart of my own that wasn't half-done by me!

Hot damn Ben!

These are incredible.

I think you're on to something...


That tooth is gonna be stellar! The two pieces that made it to Tiki Island 3 were awesome as well.


Off to a great start!


Thanks Heath, nice hearing from you.

LLT, Thanks, Glad that because I ordered a few of the stinky beastiids!
Miracles, yes that I didn't cut off a finger or more? :) I Love that Slackjawed look too!

Than ks Bows,,, I umm ah ,,, Know a dentist friend who could fix you up...

Hank thanks , Thanks also for the heads up on the arrivalm of the bony/moko/lono, Happy he arrived OK and that everyone loves him

Clarita, Thanks for the kind words, Yes we will do a pendant/ drummer swap, we'll work it out and it will be easy for you.

Babs, caught fondling the goods again hey? Was it fun? Thanks for the comps!

Paipo, Ahh yes the Lono, Yes he was all Bone, all 5 inches of him, He Was kind of special and different. Tusk guys will have a hard time surpassing that Lowly Bovinee boneee.

Thanks Rat, just draw on that one I gave you until you are ready to carve on it. keep watching'.

Conga, "Sunk his teeth into this one" Harharhar, I really DID get all toothy here. Glad you like him.

G-Poobah, Thanks big time for your comments

T-Lee. Yes we'll have to work on that Whole Benzart thingie!.

Thanks Lake I hope so since I have so many, want some?

Mr NoName, I'm happy you were able to see those 2 pieces,Thanks for the comps.

Heres a bit of an update on these guys.......Thanks Everyone.


Oh-my this is a horn fit for a King! very nice indeed.

Geez, Benz. One of these days, you'll get the hang of this carving thing! :roll:

Tremendous tusk, man. Always a huge kick to check in on your stuff.

Hope your summer is/was a godd'un.

All the best, buddy~


wow, what else is there to say.....amazing Ben


Amazing details! fabulous spiral with curve smooth!!!... I think it should be as pleasant to the touch's than to the eyes... I think also what this batch of horn tusk wart bring you most challenge and pleasure for carving.

Cheers and keep up the nice work, too modest man!



Thanks Jerome, I guess I'd better step it up a notch as I see that Beautiful Box is nearing completion. How do you make those joints so invisible? Glad you like this guy.


How do you make those joints so invisible?

Like you with your carving: with patience and tools sharpened... :roll:
Glad you like too!



:) !


Seeks, Thanks, Kings with Horns? Heard of horny kings but never kings with horns? :)

Thanks Andy, You could always come on Down for some carving lessons? C'mon down. Thanks for stopping by and Yess my summer was great!

Amy, Thanks, you always say just the right things . :lol: HappyHappy

Jerome, Ahh Yes, Sharp tools are a Must and patience is great too but it gives out sometimes.

Clarita, , , There's that Sunshine Again!


Just a quick update on the eyes of this one Probably from Malachite?

Another Incredable Piece of art!!! Can't wait to see whats next!!!

Hey ben I meant to say also that I love the toggle Idea,Very cool,Aloha, Jimmy


The malachite is superb and expensive really sets the piece off

Ho Ho, friggin awesome!

On 2009-09-11 08:44, Benzart wrote:
Just a quick update on the eyes of this one Probably from Malachite?

I swear there's some intelligence behind those eyes! I'm waiting for him to speak some Words O' Wisdom.

Pupule Tiki!

[ Edited by: TikiMango 2009-09-12 17:33 ]


Hey Mooney??? Thanks for the kind words my friend, Appreciate them, Glad you like the toggle too

Nomolos, thanks, The Malachite for me was cheap in the form of an ashtray broken in half given to me by me step brother, I love what it did to the tusk too, Than ks again.

Surfin, HoHoHo, Thanks too, Love it!

Finally Finished this tusk except for a plug in the opening.


Seeing it in its entirety with the eyes it looks sensational


The owner of this beauty will score for sure !

Thanks for this visual pleasure.


Beautiful Benz...I just can't imagine how you keep crankin'
out one masterpiece after another. Very cool....now whatcha gonna


All that making me drool!!!!

Cheers sensei carver!


Benz!!! That piece is just incredible! The way it looks at you...lol wow another amazing piece!



Thanks T-Mango, You snuck this one in while I was busy! I see he has you under his spell already, He's good. You can't at look those eyes directly for long and I se you found out how long.

Nomolos, yes seeing the total piece is very different, glad you liked him, that keeps him happy and away from my fingerz.

Benny, Thanks for sure, Glad you like him so much. He's actually going over to your part of the globe to a certain box maker who has touched us all I think?

Conga, Thanks man, they just keep jumpin' up to my bench and expecting me to fix'em up Next up is the other tusk similar to this one and then another one and a Other nother one and a Maori bonehead and who knows, they just keep showin' up. I got a feeling you are behind all this?

LAOJAI, I've been waiting for you, I think I'll be needing your mailing address pretty soon sir. We don't want you running out of drool now do we?

Thanks Amy, And Don't be looking him in the eye too long, Tiki Mango knows that too. Glad you likee!

Thanks everyone I appreciate All the comments. Really givess me inspiration!

More inspiration heading your way this week buddy!



Hank, Thanks, Inspiration is a GOOD thing. How's everything out there??
Got it under control?
Don't fergit the T

Little lost tiki,ALive? Of course they said it was alive when I picked him up but I didn't believe the, Now I'm starting to wonder.. Lemme know if he starts talking to 'Ya Will'ya?
Cool stuff guyz!


WoW! Benz that sucker looks alive! Nice!


Thanks Seeks,
i tried to put life in this guy but he still just sits there looking back at me.
Glad you like him.

here is the update on the Other Tusk piece
I have going on.

TikiG posted on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 9:35 AM

Ben -

I'm bedazzled and bewitched with these tusks, man!

As a rock hound, I absolutely love the malachite eyes. Malachite, with its banding, is one of lapidary's most beautiful delights isn't it? Farewell broken ashtray ((G salutes)) - make way for those MYSTIC EYES!! Keep that malachite handy for future projects, its really a beautiful touch.

One last comment..Your swirly parallel grooves I see in many of your pieces are undeniably trademarks of your work. In my mind I associate this feature with human
fingerprint 'epidermal ridges' and thus give your works a trippy dichotomy for me: The human spirit mirrored with an ethereal God given life-force.

Carve on Ben! Thanks!


wow, stunning. The eye inlays really accentuate the whole piece. Outstanding!

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