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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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the shrunken head is incredible i would love to sit and watch you work truly amazing.
I heading back to the easel right now.

I really dig the shrunken head too. I also like the night in the jungle one. Awesome as always. :D

One page is never enough. I just have to back paddle to look at those I've been missing. Come to think of it I miss you too Kenny. Oasis was such fun, plenty of hugs but remembering isn't as good as having. See you at some event in the future dear friend meanwhile keep em coming, Wendy

Hello Folks!
Just got done with a Saturday morning til Monday evening painting Jam
Wait til ya see it!

But first.....

On 2012-08-26 07:31, zerostreet wrote:
Great work as always Ken!! TWO ROWERS is particularly amazing! Have a great show!

Thanks zerostreet! it's mutual! Your constant challenging of yourself with color,light ,and mood is something that inspires all of us artists here on TC! Glad you liked the Two Rowers....What a Lazybones that third guy is!

On 2012-08-26 09:18, anthonymaye wrote:
the shrunken head is incredible i would love to sit and watch you work truly amazing.
I heading back to the easel right now.

If you're ever in Orange California,Anthony,you are welcome to come visit the studio for an artjam....it's no big deal.....paints,movies on the flatscreen,iced coffee,and a bong... :)
Glad this helped light a fire....Now GIT to dat easel!

On 2012-08-30 02:06, tigertail777 wrote:
I really dig the shrunken head too. I also like the night in the jungle one. Awesome as always. :D

Thanks tigertail! I really dig that shrunken head too....The theme itself...the head in repose....reminiscent of john the baptist....and especially taking the semi-cubist angle...it kinda makes it into a higher art than the usual kitsch treatment of the subject matter. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

On 2012-08-30 06:56, danlovestikis wrote:
One page is never enough. I just have to back paddle to look at those I've been missing. Come to think of it I miss you too Kenny. Oasis was such fun, plenty of hugs but remembering isn't as good as having. See you at some event in the future dear friend meanwhile keep em coming, Wendy

You are just too kind,Wendy! Your encouragement,and love always brings inspiration and smiles to my heart! and I'll keep em coming as long as you do,my dear! xoxoxoxox

ookay! It's been awhile,but here's some more progress on the 6 foot Cannibal King
Still not done,but CLOSER!
Lot's of Progress made on this puppy over the labor Day weekend! i had worked here and there,for an hour or two every few days,but pulled a marathon paint/nap/paint/nap/repeat from Saturday morning til Monday evening! Iced Coffee...i Loves YOU!

joined together so you can get a better look at the deets!

a little more fleshing out of Tommy's favorite bird!
not actually... this bird gives Toe the CREEPLES!

Detail of top left bird

As you can see, i realized that these poor birds need a little bit of comfort and stability in their lives and community.soooooo i made a few nests inside the skulls!

Close-up detail to show how the ribs and horns and tusks are affixed to the helmet.Two obvious head wounds serve as the perfect spot to cram and tie some ribs onto! :)

a little bit more work down here...not much.... Should i add flowers? hmmm....

A little bit more detail on the bowl of snacks ,chest,and arms

Nosey Neighbor Bird fleshed out a little bit more...

There! Much more comfortable!

a half finished nest...

Even tho the Cannibal King derives his Helmet shape from the Lono style from Hawaii,i have taken some liberties,as usual, and added 1) the cassowary-ish birds and 2)this smiling heart shaped mouth,both loosely inspired by Papua New Guinea fauna and decorative motifs... Sorry! When you create your own artistic world and inhabit it with characters,there's bound to be some overlap and whatnot...

and so ends our entry for tonight..
Sweet Dreams Ohana!
and thanks for all the visits!

http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,REALLY!
I'm on FaceBook Too!Look me UP,folks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-09-04 19:42 ]

I liked the birds before, they are even better in living color! Awesome work Kinster! Hooray for iced coffee (and other chemicals)


Love,love, LOVE the 'creeple' bird!

Dude your sh-t rocks....

Aloha Folks! Another late night entry before a long work week....sigh....

But before i share some stuff,lemme chat a bit witchoo...

On 2012-09-04 05:58, MadDogMike wrote:
I liked the birds before, they are even better in living color! Awesome work Kinster! Hooray for iced coffee (and other chemicals)

Hooray indeedy! :)
Have a few lil side projects for some group shows,but after that i will get back to them boidies!

On 2012-09-04 19:47, ZeroTiki wrote:
Love,love, LOVE the 'creeple' bird!

Me too!
Screw Tom!
What does he know?

On 2012-09-07 19:28, hang10tiki wrote:
Dude your sh-t rocks....

Mahalo Hang10...glad i can still bring some amazement to folk's lives....

Well....unless you were hiding under a rock
there are still a few Classic Cocktail Sets available at Tiki Farm..

Customized the first set with cel-vinyl and enamel
and it got swooped up by one of the natives....

Soooo....this weekend
i decided to paint up another one...
This time skipping out on the time-consuming enamels
and just tinting the exposed bisque...
and came up with this!

the SECOND Hand-Painted Custom Classic Cocktail Set!
Yhis one os more night time and i've dubbed it the Colorform set
because it reminds me of the Colorforms of my yourh for some reason...

Here's a roundabout of the Pitcher...

and here's a roundabout view of the mugs...

That's it until i can get my PNG crocdile studies scanned to share!
Good Night Dear Ohana!

The painted mug set is very sharp, Kinny.


They look great Kinny.


Beautiful set, love the design and color choices on all specially the one on your decanter.

Wonderful stuff as always, LLT. Yeah those painted classic cocktail sets remind me of colorforms too... guess the idea pretty well stuck once you mentioned it. :wink: Those new birds are creepy are they gonna pluck my eyes out for looking at 'em too long? I look in their beady little eyes and can't help but think of Bodega Bay...make them stop looking at me!

Ken - I'm STILL ALIVE, despite a serious attempt to kill me!

Your new work is SHOCKINGLY COOL!

I see the colorforms connection, but those were never this awesome.

I'm always surprised that you are in a CONTINUOUS STATE OF EVOLUTION. How do you always keep your work so fresh after all this time? Baffles me...

Hello Folks!
Quick Driveby
but will be back soon to post some goodies
and reply to everyone's comments and stuff...

in the meantime....
I will be on the Ray Boylan Show tomorrow, Wednesday night at 6pm Pacific Time!
The show runs from 6 to 7....
Ray and his wife Amy are such wonderful people,and Amy is the mastermind behind the Tonga Hut renovation and the World famous Mojave Oasis!
Their energy and dedication and love makes everything around them blossom!
We're gonna be talking about Art,Tikis,inspiration,exhibitions,projects,and many ,many other things related and unrelated ....
So tune in and hear my weird voice and heartwarming laugh as we chat it up for your education and amusement.


Here's Ray's Bio...Great Reading!

Don't blow it Kinny.......

i won't mess up ATP! Ray is a joy to converse with! Cracks me up!

In case you were out headhunting and didn't hear.....
I will be on the Ray Boylan Show tomorrow, Wednesday night at 6pm Pacific Time!
The show runs from 6 to 7....
Ray and his wife Amy are such wonderful people,and Amy is the mastermind behind the Tonga Hut renovation and the World famous Mojave Oasis!
Their energy and dedication and love makes everything around them blossom!
We're gonna be talking about Art,Tikis,inspiration,exhibitions,projects,and many ,many other things related and unrelated ....
So tune in and hear my weird voice and heartwarming laugh as we chat it up for your education and amusement.


Here's Ray's Bio...Great Reading!

WELL.... if you missed it LIVE,you can still hear the interview here in the archives
scroll down and click on the Sept 26th "Listen Now" button!

Guaranteed to make you LAUGH!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-09-26 21:10 ]


Kenny you are such a goofball. Hilarious show. You drove the poor guy crazy with the rim shot and trombone :wink:

On another note.... TWO HOURS SLEEP??? Good Lord. No wonder you get so much done you sleep paint...it sure explains those freaky bird things. :wink:

I went back to page one so I could judge your improvement over the past 6 years Kenny. Well there's been none! You were so talented when you started posting that you have just turned out the best tiki art consistently. We are so lucky to have you. Hugs, Wendy

Babalu posted on Fri, Oct 5, 2012 8:21 PM

On 2012-09-26 22:10, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

yeah, what he said...!!

Very entertaining radio show. Thanks to Ken, Ray, and the trombone player.

Hello Folks!
Well....decided to come out from under that rock and actually post some work on here.... It's been over a month since you kids got any new art.....
AND i just busted the 500,000 views
so i THANK you ALL for visiting here and enjoying my babies....
Anyways.... i have a lot of you to speak with
and a LOT of artwork to share
so sit tight
go grab a cocktail
and YOU will be rewarded
shortly my dear guest!

here is a picture to amuse you

On 2012-09-10 01:20, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
The painted mug set is very sharp, Kinny.

Mahalos Lancey! it's still available if you'd like to get Nancy something special for the Holidays! :)

On 2012-09-10 01:47, swizzle wrote:
They look great Kinny.

Thank you Swizzle! i prefer this colorway to the latter
just because i'm such a sucker for blue!

On 2012-09-10 09:02, hiltiki wrote:
Beautiful set, love the design and color choices on all specially the one on your decanter.

mahalos hil,my sweet friend!
Glad it makes you smile... i hope these decanters add to many a jolly atmosphere at parties and celebrations!

On 2012-09-11 20:33, tigertail777 wrote:
Wonderful stuff as always, LLT. Yeah those painted classic cocktail sets remind me of colorforms too... guess the idea pretty well stuck once you mentioned it. :wink: Those new birds are creepy are they gonna pluck my eyes out for looking at 'em too long? I look in their beady little eyes and can't help but think of Bodega Bay...make them stop looking at me!

Hey tigertail! Total Colorforms! i used to have the Spiderman one...Which one did YOU have? Toe gets REAL freaked out by them birds too.. Well,they are supposed to have evolved from reptiles....
Congrats on the new studio! Time to cut loose...

On 2012-09-23 14:34, Robb Hamel wrote:
Ken - I'm STILL ALIVE, despite a serious attempt to kill me!
Your new work is SHOCKINGLY COOL!
I see the colorforms connection, but those were never this awesome.
I'm always surprised that you are in a CONTINUOUS STATE OF EVOLUTION. How do you always keep your work so fresh after all this time? Baffles me...

Hey Robb! Good talking to you on the telly a few weeks ago! looking forward to you coming back out of your shell and creating more masterworks! Thank you for being a steadfast art-brother and a major inspiration! As for the evolution part....One's got a responsibility to push their talents and gifts as far as they can go....
and how do i keep it so fresh?
Saran Wrap! :lol:

AND here's some replies to your comments after that World-Famous appearance on the Ray Boylan show...

On 2012-09-25 21:13, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Don't blow it Kinny.......

Thank you for that vote of confidence.... i was SOOOOOO nervous before that interview! I drank a 5-hour energy,a WHOLE Monster drink,a doubleshot of absinthe,and a bonghit to settle down and MAN! What a fun interview! It's always fun talking to Ray,tho,and he was such a gracious host to allow me run of the grounds in a straitjacket....

On 2012-09-26 22:10, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

Shush Brad! You're making me blush!

On 2012-09-28 01:10, tigertail777 wrote:
Kenny you are such a goofball. Hilarious show. You drove the poor guy crazy with the rim shot and trombone :wink:

On another note.... TWO HOURS SLEEP??? Good Lord. No wonder you get so much done you sleep paint...it sure explains those freaky bird things. :wink:

Glad you enjoyed the show... AMUSE AND INFORM i say!
Sleep is for Suckers... Plus,it's WAY quiet around here in the wee hours and i work well in quiet and stillness....

On 2012-10-05 08:15, danlovestikis wrote:
I went back to page one so I could judge your improvement over the past 6 years Kenny. Well there's been none! You were so talented when you started posting that you have just turned out the best tiki art consistently. We are so lucky to have you. Hugs, Wendy

You're too kind,sweet Wendy! You may not notice,but there has been improvement in the drawings and the speed of painting..little things
the kinda stuff we all notice about our work when viewing it 7 years later.... I love your energy and YOUR talent and love is astonishing!
Hugs Art-Sister! :)

On 2012-10-05 20:21, Babalu wrote:

On 2012-09-26 22:10, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

yeah, what he said...!!

love you bablu...
art/clay jam in the future?

On 2012-10-06 00:29, MadDogMike wrote:
Very entertaining radio show. Thanks to Ken, Ray, and the trombone player.

and let's not forget the brilliant rimshot drummer!

Okay...first off....if you haven't listened to the radio show
it's archived HERE!
Giggles Guaranteed!

Anyways... I'm going to start this thread with 2 NON-Tiki piece
that were mentioned in the show

"Time Enough at last"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

at the "Twilight Zone-the realm of the Imagination"
at the Harold Golen Gallery in Miami

Other esteemed TCers participating in this show
Doug Horne
El Gato Gomez
and Sneaks! aka Bryan Anthony Moore!

That same weekend
in Georgia there was a Big Car show
and within that Car show
was the Skull Canvas show!
Where artists got to tackle the canvas of the helmet....

here is my
"Auspicious Helmet"
a 360 view...

and some handsome fellow posing with it
(in progress)

Time for Tiki stuff!
First off....
There were these great Plaster Skulls
at Michaels during the Halloween season last year
and guess what? They had em AGIN'!

Soooooooo,after etching out a Papua New Guinea inspired tableaux
and painting and weathering it

Ancestor Skull TWO was born!
360 view for your convenience....

there was a notch in the back of all of em...
for a light and cord i imagine....

Here's the top

a close-up to show the aging

and the tippy top!

and some new paintings!
"the lazy Rower"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on found thrift store plaque

"the Lonely Rower"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an awesome Bamboo Ben frame!

just the piece

a close-up

"the Whistler"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with another awesome Bamboo Ben frame!

A close-up

Remember that "Sliver of moonlight" piece from a while back?

Well....decided to revisit that theme
but with a different style

here's the initial sketchbook study...

"the Sliver of moonlight"
acrylic and cel vinyl on wood
with a bamboo ben frame!

Just the piece

and some details!

Moai Mug!


a Papua New guinea mask inspired this mug!

Clamshell bowl fulla fruits and yummies!

PNG mask on the wall

a lil further back inside the bar....

and the infamous sliver of moonlight peeking thru
and changing the atmosphere...

Here's another BAr scene study....
Toe and i are each doing a Dream bar painting for our show in january
"Clash of the Titans"
I chose a PNG Bird/Crocodile bar theme
This is one of a few studies i will amking before
undertaking this SHALLANGE
(say it in a Peter Sellers voice)

"the Watchful eye"
Ink,bleachpen and pastel pencil on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
private collection

the Watchful eye...

a close-up of the table

Here's some additional sketchbook studies you may enjoy!

and a bunch of playing!

"Ten Birds"
Ink on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

and finally
Fresh off the grill
"the Welcome Oasis"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
private collection


Well....that about wraps it up
Gotta get up in about 5 hours...
Sorry i wasn't so talkative
Might come back here and add some witty commentary
when time allows!

Here's a pic of me at work
Ugh Work........
i love it!

Goodnight Dear Ohana!

I will have to risk expanding your ego,But hell you deserve it!

"Time Enough at last" "Jesus H. Christ" out of the park buddy!!!
Those PNG Skulls are insane in the membrane!
I want to see those Modernist Studies turned into paintings now!
you will make me part with some of my hard earned cash for one of those (who needs electricity anyway?)

Since "Sliver of moonlight" is resting in the Atomic Tiki Lounge, you know I love long time
where your taking that theme.

I could learn to respect you....maybe.... :) :) :)

Love the latest painting! HOLY CRAP those skulls are the stuff of nightmares....brrr!

Regarding colorforms: I had several over the years the two main ones I remember are a Mickey Mouse birthday party one with the art probably directly stolen from the 1930's Floyd Gottfredson comic strips. And a large set for Peanuts summer camp where it had a stand up 4 way divider that you could stick the colorforms to as a backdrop, and it also had cut out stand up Peanuts characters that you could stick on various props and clothing kinda like paper dolls. The whole thing seemed based off of the movie I grew up with: "Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown". Oh I think I also had a Popeye one too, at one point I went through a Popeye craze due to watching the package TV show where the guy would host the cartoon clips and show you how to draw the Popeye characters. I also used to love getting Shrinky Dinks, especially the glow in the dark kit where you could make a jointed skeleton. :)

Aloha Ohana!
Thanks for all the visits!
3,000 views in such a short time...DANG!
Get a LIFE,kids! :)

i nailed that PNG Crocodile Bird Dream Bar...
so be patient while i respond to friend's comments
and you will be rewarded.

On 2012-10-22 01:31, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
I will have to risk expanding your ego,But hell you deserve it!
"Time Enough at last" "Jesus H. Christ" out of the park buddy!!!
Those PNG Skulls are insane in the membrane!
I want to see those Modernist Studies turned into paintings now!
you will make me part with some of my hard earned cash for one of those (who needs electricity anyway?)
Since "Sliver of moonlight" is resting in the Atomic Tiki Lounge, you know I love long time
where your taking that theme.
I could learn to respect you....maybe.... :) :) :)

Thanks for the kind words...they are rare,so i will treasure them...
and thank you for inviting my babies into your swanky hut!
The walls just make the work go ZING!
and thanks for the props on the twilight Zone piece
it's nice to wander outside for a bit....
If you haven't seen Doug's piece for that Twilight Zone show-go here!
This second half of the year has gotten me into gear,art-wise
Buckled down and figured it was time to cook out a bunch of winners in a short space of time..
lemme tell ya... it ain't no cakewalk either!BUT with the KinnyBigToe show in january
i cain't mess around!
Will try and bang out some compositions around these modernist pieces
as well as workin with BooBen on some 3-d versions of these,so STAY TUUUUNED! :)
Scroll Downward Lancey
and see what the sliver of moonlight
has revealed
from an open door!
Hugs to you and dear Nancy!

On 2012-10-28 09:11, tigertail777 wrote:
Love the latest painting! HOLY CRAP those skulls are the stuff of nightmares....brrr!

Regarding colorforms: I had several over the years the two main ones I remember are a Mickey Mouse birthday party one with the art probably directly stolen from the 1930's Floyd Gottfredson comic strips. And a large set for Peanuts summer camp where it had a stand up 4 way divider that you could stick the colorforms to as a backdrop, and it also had cut out stand up Peanuts characters that you could stick on various props and clothing kinda like paper dolls. The whole thing seemed based off of the movie I grew up with: "Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown". Oh I think I also had a Popeye one too, at one point I went through a Popeye craze due to watching the package TV show where the guy would host the cartoon clips and show you how to draw the Popeye characters. I also used to love getting Shrinky Dinks, especially the glow in the dark kit where you could make a jointed skeleton. :)

I remember those dividers!Also remember a Snoopy magic Show one.....
the Popeye one sounds KILLER! Was there a Sea Hag and Jeep?

Found this Battlestar Galactica one online...
was probably too old by the time this came out...

and Shrinkydinks! YES!
used to trace old Kirby Thor poses
and Romita Spiderman and Villian situations
and make necklaces out of em!
Good Stuff!
mahalos for the visit,tigertail!

"the Watchful Eye"
ink,sharpie,and Copic marker on Aquarelle watercolor paper
14 x 10"

this drawing shows the birthing of the bridge,the 2-sided croc tanks and birds,
the waterfall,and some of the mugs chosen to attend....

After a false start on a smaller page,decided to go bigger
and maybe ...instead of making a painting for this piece
a well-involved and masterful drawing
framed beautifully
would be the proper and respectful entry for the exhibition in January...

So i sketched and inked out this final..
Took me about 12 hours and a lost night of sleep
but well worth the effort...

"Gathering at the Spirit's Hut"
Copic Marker and Sharpie on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Two Birds examining a Curious Crocodile...

Three Birds taunting a hungry crocodile in this tank...

a little lower...

some of the lighting at the Spirit's Hut
Also note the bird/croc carving carving suspended by the ceiling
as well as two flanking crocodile shields behind the hut...

the path to the bridge through the opening court...

a little further over ...
Note the drums (bird and croc)
over by the vegetation...

the obligatory Spirit hook

the moat...filled with crocs.....
Also note my two FAVORITEst wooden carved planters EVER!

the crocodile bridge over the moat...

Shield attached to one of the HUGE trees growing inside....
Also note the HUGE clamshell and lil mug on the shelf to the right...

a lil PNG bowl
next to a Very happy little fellow...
AND WHAT is that to the right?
Where is this motif also used on a mug? Can u guess?

Here he is front and center....

PNG Birdman face (based on a configuration on a Sepik river mask)
a carved skull bowl (sans skullcap)
and a shield inspired mug peepin from the bottom

To the right of the fallen warrior bowl
i have tangled up 3 mugs....
a PNG drum mug (with Babalu and Squid fondly in my thoughts)
a spooky "radiating Eyes" motif
in addition to YET another shield motif bottom right
with the happiest stirrer EVER!....

and ....after another 14 hours of watching Black and White Horror films
and drinking copious amounts of coffee and 5-hour energies
and ciggies
i am proud to say.....

May i present to you
dear Ohana...

"Gathering at the Spirit's Hut"
Copic Marker,Ink, and Sharpie on Aquarelle Watercolor paper

Here's four shots of each corner
We'll close-in and look around in a sec....

Looks like FUN?
Come On! Let's go take a look around...
Please do not wander too far from the group
The crocodiles have not been fed yet.

Wandering sleepily from a dugout canoe
after a 4-hour glide thru the Sepik River
you arrive at your destination...
Twist down the trail
under the crescent moon
towards the Welcoming green glow of the entrance....
To your immediate right are what i gather to be 10 foot carved wooden drums
Also note the HUGE MONOLITHIC Stone carving for the kids to crawl all over...
Upon entering
you turn around and take in the MASSIVE shield in the recess of the entrance hut
Also Check out the PNG Crocodile tribute shields flanking in the background..
I like how they ALSO form smiley happy fellows! :)

Here's the ENTIRE Opening atrium/courtyard/receiving space...

Please be sure to look up and admire the GARGANTUAN wooden bird/croc carving
suspended by the ceiling,bathed in the light of the fish floats ...

Here's a better shot,showing more of the Doug Horne sized mask..
Didja notice the eyes are ALSO BIRD HEADS?!?!?!

Here's a panorama of all the lights and the branches all tangled up in the canopy....

To the left of the entrance is a wonderful giant tree and Clamshell waterfall
inspired a bit by the Kon-Tiki AND a bit of the yard at Amy Boylan's home
There's a HUMONGOUS Clamshell by the pool that i just adore! :)

This shot also shows my second attempt at a janus Bird shield motif....
Don't forget to check out the Crocodile arched bridge as well
inviting you further into the labyrinth that is the Spirit's Hut...

BUT... before you cross that bridge,come check out these stylized bird planters i made!
i want a yard and i want to put them in there.....

Also be sure to stroll over to the 10-15 foot carved drums over here by
what i refer to as the Diorama area...

It's about time the group crossed the crocodile bridge and
entered the main area... LOOK UP! BOIDS
and CROCODILES in tanks! JOY!!!!

that croc looks reeeeeealed focused....

and how 'bout these fellahs
appearing to tease this hungry reptile!

staring contest!

now that you've all had time to get your bearings...
time to gets out drank awn! :)

i count 8 mugs and 2 Bowls!

Here's three!
help yourself!
Two Dufus and a Croc Bowl
Way too happy Yellow and Olive guy
and blank Stare Chap!

Here's a janus Bird Face and a peepin Tom Shield motif face...

a Bowl and Three More
the Fallen Warrior Bowlwith a magical Blue Elixir
a PNG Drum with a Bird handle in the foreground
Staring Eyes Shield motif (either for intimidation
or a representation of an ancestors gaze/presence ...
And a partial top of a mug with a happy happy Stir stick!

and here's an Ultra Closeup of the Fallen Warrior Bowl
just cuz i loves it so!

That still leaves ONE MORE mug.....
Here it is!
and help yourself to some fruit!

and thus concludes our tour of the Spirit's Hut
Canoes arrive every 13 hours
Please enjoy your visit!

http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,REALLY!
I'm on FaceBook Too!Look me UP,folks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-10-28 19:48 ]

Double Post... Got excited....sorry!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-10-28 19:47 ]

Freekin awesome,
I was tryin to remember the names of the cool ones to talk about here,
But holy crap, they all rock...

U da man

Kinny, what happened to the good ol' days when you used to post smaller chunks more frequently? My mind can't digest that much awesomeness all at once! :o

Kenny I always search for the birds and I found Ten of them in one painting. Truly amazing work. U are a Tiki Rock Star. Hugs, Wendy

Wonderful stuff! I'm saving up my pennies to get a LLT painting one of these days.

There is a 3D effect (Or maybe my eyes are just popping out!) going on here.

Medieval Times T-Shirt - Cool
Time Enought at Last - very cool
Auspicious Helmet - Bitchin'!
Handsome Fellow Posing in Auspicious Helmet - Whack
Ancestor Skull II - Awesome aging
360 View of Ancestor Helmet II - low tech, can't you animate that for us?
Lazy Rower - the boat looks concerned that they are not moving fast enough
The Whistler - That would make an AWESOME tattoo around a belly button! :lol:
The Watchful Eye I & II - Kinda hard to enjoy a nice drink with all the crocs watching!
Gathering at the Spirit's Hut - AMAZING DETAIL!!! Have it printed in black flocking and it would make a cool blacklight poster

Aloha wonderful Ohana!
well,shirked responsibility this weekend and woke up 8:30 am on Saturday and took a one hour nap 7:30-8:45 am on Sunday and plan on hittin the hay at midnight
it's Toe's 50th birthday,so i have to acquire a walker and some adult diapers
before work tomorrow.... :)
Anyways, i just surrendered and let it flow
and finished four pretty swell paintings
which is surprising for four in a row
cause one will usually fall back a lil behind

But i ramble
{lease forgive my sleep deprived rambling ons....

First ,lemme respond to all your wonderful....responses! :lol:
giddy giddy!

On 2012-10-28 20:07, hang10tiki wrote:
Freekin awesome,
I was tryin to remember the names of the cool ones to talk about here,
But holy crap, they all rock...
U da man

Well thanks for being so specific,Hangten! :lol:
Glad you liked that batch...

On 2012-10-28 20:43, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinny, what happened to the good ol' days when you used to post smaller chunks more frequently? My mind can't digest that much awesomeness all at once! :o

The good old days are GONE.Mike!
I have lil pockets of time,and i post when i can
making sure to take step-by-steps if i remember...
i'm sorry!

On 2012-10-29 07:10, danlovestikis wrote:
Kenny I always search for the birds and I found Ten of them in one painting. Truly amazing work. U are a Tiki Rock Star. Hugs, Wendy

Hugs to you Wendy Darling!
The work you create brings so much joy to so many folks!
i salute
AND hug you!
I'll see you in December at the International Tiki Marketplace!
:) Joy!

On 2012-10-29 09:16, tikilongbeach wrote:
Wonderful stuff! I'm saving up my pennies to get a LLT painting one of these days.

Thank you Sir
for liking these enough to want one in the hut!
if you're ever bored.PM me and c'mon down and visit the studio!

On 2012-10-29 10:50, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
There is a 3D effect (Or maybe my eyes are just popping out!) going on here.


On 2012-10-29 11:44, MadDogMike wrote:
Medieval Times T-Shirt - Cool
Time Enought at Last - very cool
Auspicious Helmet - Bitchin'!
Handsome Fellow Posing in Auspicious Helmet - Whack
Ancestor Skull II - Awesome aging
360 View of Ancestor Helmet II - low tech, can't you animate that for us?
Lazy Rower - the boat looks concerned that they are not moving fast enough
The Whistler - That would make an AWESOME tattoo around a belly button! :lol:
The Watchful Eye I & II - Kinda hard to enjoy a nice drink with all the crocs watching!
Gathering at the Spirit's Hut - AMAZING DETAIL!!! Have it printed in black flocking and it would make a cool blacklight poster

Was a "Knight to Remember" short from Danville Illinois!
with you on the Black Light flocking idea..
Just need someone to provide the funding and take care of production!
Love you man!

Well, it's official
i AM delirious and will have to go to bed SOON!
So here's what i created during my sleepless weekend
in order of their creation..
I'll try and ad details later
but for now,just this....
my sincerest apologies.

"the Clamshell Bowl"
Cel vinyl on wood
with a beautiful Bamboo Ben frame
overall dimensions 20.5 x 20"
image only: 18 x 14.5"

and the image only

"Bird Drum"
Cel vinyl on wood
with a beautiful Bamboo Ben frame
overall dimensions 21 x 21"
image only: 15 x 18"

and the image only

and a companion piece...

"Crocodile Drum"
Cel vinyl on wood
with a beautiful Bamboo Ben frame
overall dimensions 20.5 x 20.25"
image only: 18.25 x 15"

and the image only

and the final one
AND you can TOTALLY tell that i have been deprived of sleep
and have achieved an altered state....ie: mild cray-ZAY!

"the Sun visits the Brothers"
Cel vinyl on wood
with a beautiful Bamboo Ben frame
overall dimensions 20 x 20.25"
image only: 15 x 18"

and the image only

Sorry about the lack of dialogue
i am tired and at a loss for words
and it's hard enough uploading and typing
so maybe later,dear friends!
Good night! :)

Pure Eye-Joy Kinny, you bastard!
See ya tomorrow.......


I don't think i've ever left a comment here on your thread, and now i know why.

Dammit Kinny, I am fully convinced now you DO actually paint in your sleep. There is no human way possible this could all be done so fast otherwise (plus it explains the surrealness of your subject matter). Just admit it. :wink:

Beautiful eye wrenching stuff as always. I dig the black light idea that would be awesome... but I know how much printing is on things like that...too bad I think your work would look exceptionally awesome in black light.

Since I know now you paint in your sleep... do those birds...ummm whisper things to you? Tell you to do things you probably shouldn't do? Unspeakable acts of mayhem for those birds with the big eyes that penetrate your soul and pin it down like a gentle butterfly to cardboard? I've seen how they stare. It's not natural. They want something.

mp posted on Thu, Nov 8, 2012 8:12 PM

These are what youve been doing lately! Oh my tiki lord. Each new painting is like an extra pillowcase of halloween candy and im eleven years old! Floored again dooood. Greatest tiki artist ever. I said it.


When I write you do I write to little lost tiki or Kenny.
When other's write they write to Kinny. I'm confused by this but not by your art which is stunning and creative and a joy. See you soon Kienny. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-24 08:50 ]

Got a lot to do today,so I'll post the new work here and reply to all your lovely comments in the near future.....
Here;s 7-8 of the new ones that i made especially for the Holidays
and ,seeing as i rarely am so blatant about sellin
i thought i would provide a link Here!
Hope y'alls had a GREAT Turkey Day and relaxing weekend so far!
Mahalo for everythang,Ohana!

Aloha Ohana!
Sorry i took so long to share some more
but been busy...
Still have 6 paintings to finish for the january 12th
"Clash of the Titans" exhibition with Toe
Busy time of the year!
I do appreciate all the art adoptions online and during these recent vending events at Don's and the Sunday gig at Damons with Andy "the nazzler" Nazzal and Tiki joe's Ocean

and now to answer all of youse kind enough to write....

On 2012-11-05 00:34, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Pure Eye-Joy Kinny, you bastard!
See ya tomorrow.......

Don's Ohana is alive and well and GROWING!
It was great seeing you lancey!Always a lot to converse about and never enough time
and especially being able to snuggle Jungle Ginger when you wasn't lookin!

On 2012-11-05 01:48, swizzle wrote:
I don't think i've ever left a comment here on your thread, and now i know why.

How can a fellow
be so witty?
Go bug Toe on his thread!

On 2012-11-06 03:04, tigertail777 wrote:
Dammit Kinny, I am fully convinced now you DO actually paint in your sleep. There is no human way possible this could all be done so fast otherwise (plus it explains the surrealness of your subject matter). Just admit it. :wink:

Beautiful eye wrenching stuff as always. I dig the black light idea that would be awesome... but I know how much printing is on things like that...too bad I think your work would look exceptionally awesome in black light.

Since I know now you paint in your sleep... do those birds...ummm whisper things to you? Tell you to do things you probably shouldn't do? Unspeakable acts of mayhem for those birds with the big eyes that penetrate your soul and pin it down like a gentle butterfly to cardboard? I've seen how they stare. It's not natural. They want something.

Tigertail-it's NOT just the birds....Also been talking with HP Lovecraft's Dagon,Hercules and the nemean Lion,the walls of jericho and a slew of other pieces in the mix lately....
it's like a museum went INSANE in my head lately....gonna need a break after the january show...
Thanks for all the STOKE!
and as for sleep...that is a luxury that is 6 major paintings in the next 3 weeks will grant ...

On 2012-11-08 20:12, mp wrote:
These are what youve been doing lately! Oh my tiki lord. Each new painting is like an extra pillowcase of halloween candy and im eleven years old! Floored again dooood. Greatest tiki artist ever. I said it.

You're too sweet.empee! great talkin to you the other day! So proud that a few of the january pieces will be wrapped in an official empee frame! YAY!

On 2012-11-17 09:01, danlovestikis wrote:

When I write you do I write to little lost tiki or Kenny.
When other's write they write to Kinny. I'm confused by this but not by your art which is stunning and creative and a joy. See you soon Kenny. Wendy

It was such a Joy to my heart to be able to see you and hug you and talk and share fleeting smiles that crazy day at Don's!Your energy and love stay with me always,dear friend!

lots to share here
so i'll cut to that and minimalize the chatter!

Been doing a lot of woodburning lately...

"the Voyage Home"
Pyrography (woodburning) and matte acrylic tinting on wood

before tinting

"Fishing Expedition"
pyrography and matte acrylic tinting on wood
private collection

"night of the crocodile god"
"Fishing Expedition"
pyrography and matte acrylic tinting on wood
Private Collection

another woodburn,but instead of the Solomon Islands,i decided to take inspiration from the art of the people of the Sepik River in papua new Guinea...

"Night in the Village"
Pyrography and matte acrylic tinting on wood

"the Bellyache"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

"Smiling Sun"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

"Happy Tapa""
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on linen

"Smiling Shield"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

"Crocodile Bird Shield"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

"Closing Time"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

and finally,another peek into the process
this one will tackle the formation of a final composition of a narative
How to capture a myth,not just a snapshot from it
(which i had recently already tackled in a Hercules and the Nemean Lion painting)
but actual storytelling a bit....a capturing of the most dramatic part of a story
but still leaving the background stuff accessible to the viewer....
Such was the dilema for this painting
a painting that will grace the walls of Rothick Art haus in Anaheim on january 12th...

Sooo after reading SO many crocodile thangs,i couldn't find a myth that immediately formed a picture story in my head...
then i went back to this sculpture,and the story behind it...

and the story...

Motherly Love and loss
an Ancestor Spirit
a Bird head (i chose a Kingfisher,like the sculpture)
and the consequences of not contributing to the well-being of the village
a morality tale of sorts....

Here's some of the sketchbook studies...

Here are some studies...

once i got the basic composition down
cracked open the books and started doing studies of the folks living on the Sepik River....

and here is the final piece.....

"Bird headed Woman"
27.5 x 38"
(shown without Bamboo Ben frame)
will shoot it with frame later...
acrylic,cel-vinyl,and paintpen on wood

See if you can identify parts of the story...

That's it for this batch kiddles!
i will leave you with a fond mahalo for all the love
and a shot of my almost finished newly refurbished studio library!

First off, Smiling Sun looks like a tiger face :wink: dig it.

Secondly, the bird woman one... I am floored. You are using a style I don't think I have seen you utilize before; a much more realism based style with a hint of cartoony. It's a little jarring after what I normally see you do, but I like it. I especially dig the subtle graduation of tones. This style of yours sort of reminds of of Japanese Ukiyo-e prints. I always find it interesting to see all the different styles an artist is capable of doing. You really spent some time on this one I can tell, and it turned out really wondrous. :)

I feel sorry for the septic bird: does he feel well?

Seriously, though, I don't believe how fresh the woodburnt stuff is. I really want to throw the velvet out and become a sheep herder. Crap, this work is SWEEEEET.


[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2012-12-12 16:39 ]

bellyache and croc shield rock



[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-12-12 18:04 ]

December 2nd 2012 Don the Beachcomber's sale in Huntington Beach. I got a few great Kenny hugs and a nice long visit with Gogo and Danny of GO TIKI. I never made it away from my table to see all of your work up close and personal. Are you going to be there in January? Wendy

Were you getting a pinch during this photo? Wasn't me Dan was taking the photo!

Look at those long fingers on my back, they sure are good at turning out beautiful art.

Aloha Ohana!!!
it's been a while..
to quote Dolemite...
"but Baby! i been Busy!"
preparing for the "Clash of the Titans" exhibition with BigToe
and to make a long story short....
We're tackling 11 subjects with paint
and then hangin em next to each other
Well... Three of them subjects involve TIKI!
So i'm gonna share them here....

But first.....

On 2012-12-12 00:14, tigertail777 wrote:
First off, Smiling Sun looks like a tiger face :wink: dig it.

Secondly, the bird woman one... I am floored. You are using a style I don't think I have seen you utilize before; a much more realism based style with a hint of cartoony. It's a little jarring after what I normally see you do, but I like it. I especially dig the subtle graduation of tones. This style of yours sort of reminds of of Japanese Ukiyo-e prints. I always find it interesting to see all the different styles an artist is capable of doing. You really spent some time on this one I can tell, and it turned out really wondrous. :)

hey Tigertail!
Thank you so much for visiting and writing.... Been busy as a bee,but finally found that if i don't sleep i can get more done....Horrible on the looks tho! :)
That so-called "new" style is actually an OLD style revived for this show because i wanted to display a range of styles and mediums for this array of themes for the Clash show.... If you look in the early pages of this thread at "Land Of Pele" "the Arrival" Any of the Surfboards that were painted..they all utilized this style... Dropped it for a while to get better at the brush only (was feeling like less of an artist because half was acrylic and the other half was just embellishing/drawing over it with paintpen.....) Well, i got over that and will be returning to this style as it goes a LOT faster sometimes than the purely painted pieces....Glad you picked up on the Asian graphic influence....some of those prints make my jaw drop...a perfect blend of masterful drawing,color,and filling of the space,often to clever effect! Thanks so much for enjoying this piece...it makes me happy when i can move and inspire my fellow artists! :)

On 2012-12-12 16:38, Robb Hamel wrote:
I feel sorry for the septic bird: does he feel well?
Seriously, though, I don't believe how fresh the woodburnt stuff is. I really want to throw the velvet out and become a sheep herder. Crap, this work is SWEEEEET.

Robb-I am so glad you chose velvet over comedy! :lol:
i feel the same way when looking at your velvets...especially in person..there's a magic there that would be wasted on herding sheep,my friend! Scroll down... I have a new one to share! :)

On 2012-12-12 18:03, hang10tiki wrote:
bellyache and croc shield rock

mahalo Jon! Thanks fer the Visit! :)

On 2012-12-18 16:31, danlovestikis wrote:
December 2nd 2012 Don the Beachcomber's sale in Huntington Beach. I got a few great Kenny hugs and a nice long visit with Gogo and Danny of GO TIKI. I never made it away from my table to see all of your work up close and personal. Are you going to be there in January? Wendy

Ah Sweet Wendy!It was so wonderful to see you at Don's... Someday the Tiki Gods will let us visit for more than 5-10 minutes at a time! I won't be there in january.... Will be recovering from the Clash show... But maybe February! I need my Wendy Fix! :)

Anyways.... Here's another woodburn...a commission for a dear friend from his wife!
How sweet is that?

Pyrography and acrylic tinting on Basswood
private collection

Now for the pieces in the Clash of the Titans show!

"The Cannibal king's Fancy Headdress"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on canvas
24 x 72"

Finally Finished with this thing!
here's some details...

Here's the second entry..you may have seen it before...
"Bird Headed Woman" with frame
(Papua New Guinea Folktale)
acrylic and paintpen on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame
27 x 38"
Subject:Polynesian Mythology

just the painting

Next up!

"Gathering at the Spirit's Hut"
excuse the glare please...
Ink and Copic marker on Aquarelle Watercolor paper
24 x 30"
Subject: Dream Bar

just the piece...

And here's some amusing Fliers for the show...

i am BEAT! Goodnight Dear ohana! Sleep Tight
and if you're local
C'mon down to the show on Saturday
We'll be wearing Suits!
Fancy pants!Oh! Before i Forget!
the Toe and i will be on the radio sparring with Ray Boylan on LA Talk radio!
Wednesday January 9th from 6 to 7pm
It'll be waaaay funny!


and if you missed my previous interview...
Complete with Sound Effects!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2013-01-07 00:00 ]


Awesome! Love the "Morning" woodburn!

Thanks for the morning eye candy, great start to the day.


On 2013-01-07 05:42, WestADad wrote:
Awesome! Love the "Morning" woodburn!

Thanks for the morning eye candy, great start to the day.


I heard Morning Woodburn can be pretty bad! :D

Excellent work Ken! That's gonna be a great show!

"Pyrography" ~ I like it!
Love the Duck-headed Damsel too, the head and body really blend well together. MOasis is coming soon!!!!!

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