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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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llt: I like that you called it Hameltiki, thanks... but who the hell is Yorick?

I didn't call it Hamlettiki,that was Chongolio's moniker for him! :lol:
Randy is both a scholar and a gentleman....at times.... :)
and yes,that IS white water-soluble colored pencil
Aquarelle or Durer,not sure of the brand....
good eye!

Your question supports my theory about the importance of reading and learning
all throughout an artist's life....

As for Yorick.....
"Hamlet looks at the skull of Yorick, a court jester he had known as a child, and grieves for him. In this complex speech, which is one of the best known in all dramatic works, Hamlet goes on to consider the fate of us all when he compares the skull to those still living: "let her paint [her face] an inch thick, to this favour [state] she must come”
As a child Hamlet found the jester Yorick amusing and entertaining. They used to play and frolic in an intimate but innocent way. Now that Yorick is a smelly corpse the memory of touching him seems revolting and makes Hamlet feel ill."

As you can see,the Remorseful Cannibal is not only sad about the death of his victim/meal
but he also looks beyond that to the whole human condition of dying...

A lot of the paintings within these 100 pages appear happy and content within their titles and narratives
but if you get your fingernail under the first layer and peel
there's other stories going on...other universal experiences also represented..
i guess that's why I'm such a sucker for narratives.......

Anyways.my home and work scanner are both rebelling,so I've been stockpiling some more drawings to
post as soon as the situation is resolved...Did some woodburning and finished that waterfall village.
I'll post pix when things slow down...
Babs,Robb,Chongo,Toe,and all you others who bless me with your visits
(except GROG)
a Big Mahalos to all y'all!
and thank you for letting me fill 100 pages full of ramblings,rantings and frantic doodles!
you are the wind beneath my wings.....

GROG posted on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 9:09 AM

On 2008-09-23 08:10, little lost tiki wrote:

you are the wind beneath my wings.....

...and up your skirt.

Great new work Kinny! Hope to see you Sunday.

Attention Kinny Fans, just in case Da Ruz's larger artwork doesn't match the contents of your economy bruised wallet, Freaky Boutiki is offering a wonderful selection of Kinny's smaller handpainted vintage monkey pods.

Please check out our Virtual Kinny Ruzic Show and pick up a couple beautiful but inexpensive accent pieces for those perfect spots in your pad.

Just a sample...

(LtoR) Study from Elma Tribe Ancestor Board, PNG & Study from Purari Tribe Ancestor Board, PNG by Ken Ruzik - $79 SET

You are a prolific son-of-a-gun LLT. Beautiful stuff. I've been here
a year and 10 months longer and you beat me to a hundred pages. I really
dig the Hamletiki. I'll join you in the centennial club pretty soon :)


Hey Kinny!

Congrats on 100 pages... I'm with Big Toe... you need to have a Ruzicspective... I'm sure it would fill several gallery rooms! Heck, a whole museum!

Your work is such an inspiration to me... and thank you for taking time to check out my work... your comments are SO VERY appreciated!

Hello kiddles!
got two pieces finished ......finally!
but first.....

hank-lovin you man!
it's such a blessing to have folks like you and Rita as friends...
thanks for the luv!
you have such a way with words..... :)

Conga-thanks man! I think 100 pages of carving is a much more valiant effort than 100 pages of frazzled scribblins!
What a testament to OBSESSION! :lol:

speakin of Obsessed....
Eric-you are goin OFF!
You, Sir, inspire as much as you are inspired!
After hanging out with you and manuel, i can feel all that energy
you have inside....if you didn't create-you'd explode! can't wait for your 100th page!
20 year retrospective show next year....already got the confirmation-but not the date yet...

BUT.... who wants to read 100 pages of babble?
Not i!
here's the
"Waterfall and Village" finally done!

i may add some puff paint embellishments on some of the flowers....or not.....

here's some details....
this one has no perticular narrative...
I wanted to get a cool/shady feel with little spots of light here and there....
let the emotion/mood stand in for a story...
more like an experience....

and...haven't done any woodburning in a LOOONG time
so here's the first of at least 3...

"the Watchers"
taking a previous theme and re-examining it...

i tinted the wood after woodburning...

It's weird....they feel tropical and tribal
but they're ON PINE!

what a poseur i is.....

got about 7-8 new drawings
but no working scanner,so stay tuned dear friends!
thanks for the visits! :)


duude! those rawk!

Seriously I love that woodburn piece! and the colors look real cool!

and the water and village is really beautiful!

Wow can't wait to see more! :D

I agree...that wood-burning is great...the colors are awesome.


Whoa, Ken! You're working with wood now?!? I love it! What's next, tiki carving? :lol:


LLT - The painting is just marvelous, but the wood burning is totally my favorite...it has this really cool ancient vibe going on with it. Nice shot of the work against that black back drop too.

I have a feeling that your going to get hooked on that burner brother; it is such a cool tool. I brought one for my dad, now I have to get me one, and quit bumming Zaya's.

GROG posted on Fri, Sep 26, 2008 8:58 AM

GROG always wondered what all that smoke and burning smell coming out of your studio was from.

Kinny's "GREEN Period"


"Waterfall and Village" Is so beautiful!! :)!

Yeah, the burned work has a amazing look. Bet it's even better in person! Good stuff LLT!



welcome to page 1 of the next level...
new and experimental things in store
always examining and pushing the form,context,and narrative of most things Tiki!

Clarita and jonesy-your visits are always filled with love and encouragement
thanks you guys!

Ben-:lol: great to finally get to show you the studio
especially so you could see how wonderful your chess set /board looks
in it's new home..I am always stoked to be able to chat and learn from friends like you!
beer garden at the carnival? Terill might have to work
but i'll work on it...
I got's a Tilt-a-Whirl Jones!

Tikishark! miss you already man! it was sooo fun to be able to got to the juxtapoz show and
the planet rooth all in one crazy day! Todd Schorr's piece was AWE-INSPIRING,eh?
Glad you could see so many pieces by so many folks dripping with genius and talent
both in that scene and our own....
i am stoked to have an art-brother such as you

Thank y'all for the thumbs up on the woodburning and all those other nice things...
i can feel your excitement and smiles....
I've tried Zaya's woodburning at Bill's chop...
incredible detail..
i would be spoiled if i got one of those....

that's why i'm glad i got such a cheapo woodburner
if you start off with inferior tools
it makes you try harder and think around the tool...
then, by the time you get quality tools and mediums to work with
you know what you're doing
and it makes it a lot easier
but you gotta pay your dues...
but i digress...

Squid recommended a soldering pencil
different tips
you can regulate the temperature...
gotta look into that...

woodburning...gotta focus on the story...
it's a second re-visitation on the theme
did these and a couple more last year when the wife brought home a woodburning kit...
here's 2 of 'em...

"tropical landscape"
NOTCH owns this one! I know it has a good home amongst
strange and wonderful things..

and here's my very first one...
i tinted it with sepia ink like so..
(if you're gonna tint your woodburns-water down the ink!)

and in the spirit of experimentation,i colored it more colorful!

i kinda miss the original sepia version.... :(
the new piece was a mix of both ink AND gouache on the wood
that way you get transparency and opacity of color...

the woodburner...
anyways, i used it for so long
that the tip i was using
freaked me out
and i haven't used it for 6-7 months before the Watchers piece
did the Watchers and was ready for the next...
but was stopped short....
because it DONE BROKE DOWN!
long story short...
wanted to woodburn a baby Cannibal onto a round piece of wood...
plugged in the woodburner,all stoked and ready for that campfire smell
and i touch the metal part to see if it's hot enough
and it was ICE COLD!
so i gouached him on there instead...

"the Baby Cannibal"

looks like he may have committed infanticide
judging from the skull's size!
maybe one of them adult wee peoples...
we can only guess...

speaking of re-hashing themes
i prefer the term "recycle"...
it's hipper!
i did this ink/tissue paper drawing a while back...
"Outside the Village"

and there was something in the loose style,the looseness of the background
how the tikis were a mixed-up hodge-podge of different intersecting cultures
i just liked it...it haunted my head on and off,since i drew it...
maybe it is haunted!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways, i wondered if i could translate that look onto canvas...
so i did the ink/tissue paper,then sealed it with an acrylic paint sealer
i saw that it was gonna come up so i worked fast and saved it
may i suggest a spray varnish ..
Anyways, after the varnish dried, i took some sepia ink and swathed big brown brushmarks
here and there....
after that, i used paint pen,
making sure to go over some lines twice to get that thick and thin look of the original
and here it is....
translated to canvas....
"Outside the Village"

kinda the same...but not...

here's some of the tikis in it...

see if you can guess the cultures,,
some are made up and/or homogenized
so be careful!

a little balancing act...

Owtch! my head!

I'm seeing a theme here...
of dominance and aggression!
or not!


i want that little spear holding dude to jump off his friend
and start doing some interpretive dance Maori/PNG stylee!

self portrait,,,

next painting!
Squid had a GRAND Retrospective as should befit such a Grand master....
Display shelves had to be created to honor this chunk of history...
after the show,the pieces go outside Kona,near the back...
Squid hooks up C'Al with some shelves for his Bahooka show coming up
squid calls,informs me that there's a couple of 3x8 footers
painted black
out back at kona
during lunch on monday,the toe and i made the trek
and took a looong lunch and shot down there
packed em into his truck
and divied em up upon our return...

so i did some studies...

and started to Get to gettin!

been having fun with those little Maori munchkin fellows
so i decided to try my hand with the theme of an expedition in the dark jungle
on a dark river...perhaps on a dark night!

working on top of the black has been an opportunity to learn about extra dark grounds
because it peeps thru,so you gotta learn to work with it....get widdit!

anyways, being in a jungle,i started painting them overhead....

I'm trying for a loose semi-abstract piece
more like broken up in that stained glass style
see how there's gonna be a second color where the branches overlap?
I'm gonna do the same to the water
like in the "Night rowers" piece....

see the water-how it blends and how the lines bisect and flow into each other?
that's what i'm gonna try for with this one....

the boat wood color is real dark for now....
and the drawing underneath is water-soluble white pencil
that way i wipe it off when the acrylic dries...

there's something about the big head and silly look
on the face of the prow dude!
makes me giggle to meself! teeheee!



and here's an extra up close shot so you can see how rough it's starting out...

that's it...g'night ohana!

"The waking mind is the least serviceable in the arts."
Henry Miller

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-09-30 08:13 ]

Dude your post never cease to make me laugh out loud (or lol if you will) nor fail to amaze me. That self portrait is spot on. I hope you get a new wood burner for halloween or what ever crazy pagan festival you celebrate. The next level has a great view.


On 2008-09-29 21:58, little lost tiki wrote:

i did this ink/tissue paper drawing a while back...
"Outside the Village"

and there was something in the loose style,the looseness of the background
how the tikis were a mixed-up hodge-podge of different intersecting cultures
i just liked it...it haunted my head on and off,since i drew it...
maybe it is haunted!!!!!!!!!!!

Love this one!



i am feeling massive easel envy. love the progress on the canoe!!


You do so much awesome work I can't think where to start, so I'm giving up.

I think the singed synpapses in my head attest to the quality and quantity of the new work.

Wood burning... insane, but at least awesome.


got the
and he's comin down to the studio
this week for the interview/centerfold pictorial for Tiki magazine...
i hope my tapa speedo will suffice.... :lol:
so i figgered i'd better get it in gear and Tikify the Library
and redo my art-makin room...
wouldn't want a messy studio...
You can see those on Sneak's thread...
took a good 6 hours,but i was pleased with the outcome!
it feels soooo good to work and know where everything is...
and even tho it's musty and dusty
it appears neat,but well-worked in...
Any of y'all are invited! PM me and make it happen!
Free Tour every visit!
Chongo! :lol:
Dude ! I keep thinking of the way you say "RRRRRandy!" on your old answering machine!
now THAT is lol!
more of the woodburning saga ahead!
Glad you like the view my friend...
it seems that a lot of the artists are jumping onto the next level!
see what a bunch of kookies can accomplish
when they share art,thoughts, techniques and a common subject matter?
each of you guys imbibe that work with that awesome terrible power of the originals
but temper it with the polypop humor and sensibility...
It seems like this family we have here has birthed a bunch of
really special creations...
LOL Tiki-Thank you!
the fact that that piece just kinda spilled out is what made it so successful....
with no reference but a foggy fevered brain's visual recollections
the play element was important because it dropped the rules of
keeping the tikis in context/in a realistic setting..
and it turned out FUN! a double-smiley-super-deal!
if you want it, PM me and i'll send you the skinny on it..

PiGTOe-no my friend....
you're a much better painter/drafstman
i'm just more retarded.....
you RULE!
too bad you're CHICKENING OUT on tackling that 3x8 footer..
A BigTow 8 foot totem would be awesome!
it would take that scale to capture some great real detail in there!
and lots of it!
callin SHENANIGANS on yew...

Robb-Mahalo my Midwestern muse!
sorry about the singed synapses....
you'll adjust...be patient....
like i said to Chongo, there's a NEW WAVE of recent talent
that just livened up Tiki in such a fantastic way!
MUTUAL INSPIRATION PACT gang in full effect!
i assume you've received your membership card recently...
dues are quarterly :lol:

let's start off with how i usually paint
of how i spend 12-20 hours a week
or MORE! :)
this is where i sits during
the drawings and smaller paintings....

tv/dvd for art documentarys/stereo/coffee/cigs...

well, with this huge 3xeighter,i been
paintin on me feet..
gettin all jazzercizing with it!
pacing and painting and backing up and "hmmmm"ing at it and mixing colors and
blaring Bach's Mass in B-Minor and Melvins...
here's the two studies-freshly scanned...

here it is after this weekend's work....

got a lot more color in there....got to do some initial lighting on the boat
and the faces and the overhead branches....

there's a glare on the arm areas that really isn't there....
and it's tickin me off! grrrr!
still lots of rough brushwork
but a slow steady hand for the black to define the other colors
to frame them......

the boat/oar/wave area is fun and blends
a flat decorative motif with dimensional elements
(you'll see more of this later when the shadowing starts)
all these will be addressed throughout the painting!

the red areas where the branches and leaves intesect looks
a lil bit odd right now
but will make sense later...

they appear to be in the midst of
realising they are lost....

subtle influence of GUSTAV KLIMT!

there's even metallic gold in areas of this! :)

Hoping to suggest a slow hesitant paddling of the crew.....

and of course....
the DOI-YOI-YOI prowboy....

Woodburning saga continues...
whilst spiffying up the place
decide to twist the woodburner and knock it repeatedly on the concrete floor
and plug it in to see if it got done fixed....
well Ma! it worked! it done worked!
so i started a Cannibal drummer
influencd by a zombie hut matchbook
and (subconciously) Lupo the Butcher
from Spike and mike's animation festivals
back in the day...werd...

got this much done and remembered that last time it overheated and
the tip melted off...

i got this far before it done MELTED OFF!
dang! that's hot!
i just gotta go get a new one....

here's the tipless tip on my cheesey woodburner....

still no scanner action
so i decided to give y'all a peek at them
so you wouldn't think i was slackin...

I promised I would replace these with real scans when all this squares itself away!
well, i got some of em scanned on my new WORK scanner!
Here they is-what i gots so far...

"Three Brothers"
private collection,as of a few minutes ago.....

"study of Bird from a Iatmul lime container sculpture.PNG"

"Hungry Cannibal"

"the Greeting"
this time with some Maori fellows!

"the Forest Awakens"

"drawing inspired by paddle carving,Solomon Islands"
or... "Fishing"
private collection,as of a few minutes ago.....

"the Dinner Guest"

"the Crybaby"
this one was inspired by an OMC Ku candle in the book of Tiki..

original sketch for aborted woodburning...
"Cannibal Drummer"

"Cannibal and Appetizer"

"study for future surfboards"

"study of a bird from a carved wand-Admirality Islands"


"Lost in the Jungle"

"Study for Marquesan Bowl"

this next one is a mystery!
Which way to hang it?
"Motif"-working title til i figger this out!


"the Prized Shield"

"Inspired by Purari River Shield,PNG"

There ya go! All the scans!

G'night all!


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-10-09 11:40 ]

teaKEY posted on Mon, Oct 6, 2008 3:31 AM

Real exciting stuff. Best version of that Solomon island piece that I have seen. I was always thinking of doing something like that on a lampshade.

Study of a bird is WERD!!!! Just F^C$ING nice!

Kenny is DA MANN! one day I will own a LLT original!


Thanks for the Ken's eye view - I really like seeing what other artists see for all those long hours.

GROG posted on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 10:20 PM

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-10-07 22:22 ]

GROG posted on Tue, Oct 7, 2008 10:21 PM

This is AWESOME!!!!!!

"Three Brothers"

You suck.

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-10-07 22:23 ]


On 2008-10-07 22:20, Little Lost RRRRRRuzic wrote:

Glad you like the view my friend...
it seems that a lot of the artists are jumping onto the next level!
see what a bunch of kookies can accomplish
when they share art,thoughts, techniques and a common subject matter?
each of you guys imbibe that work with that awesome terrible power of the originals
but temper it with the polypop humor and sensibility...
It seems like this family we have here has birthed a bunch of
really special creations...

I couldn't agree with you more, there is a real talent pool in this digital tribal gathering hut. Having so many awesome artist postin' eye exploding' images and willing to share their thoughts, processes and insights is a groovy thing for sure baby. Nothing short of inspirational. Carry on smartly Troops!

Mahalos Gang for all the LUV and encouragement...
if you only knew how much it keeps me from
setting myself afire...
Where you been?
Welcome back stranger!
Glad the new stuff excites ya!
it was exciting to just follow my bliss for a short few days
and to just explore and play and LEARN!

That Solomon Islands Paddle motif
relates the ancestors as spirits guiding the tribe to
the biggest amounts of fish...
Ive always been drawn to the flatness of certain culture's art
there is an innocence and freshness that's hard to capture in contemporary life..
too many distractions..
Would love to see your take on this motif..
especially as a lampshade!
the best part is you could wear it to parties! :lol:

Wow! you've been out of commission too..
keeping that low-profile style....
Hopefully,this ArtBlast will inspire you
to bust out some more BIG paintings!
we need more Sneakyart!

thanks my friend!
Hope to see you on Saturday!
and you may own an LLT original someday..
but i will always have the Biggest collection! :)
you may be surprised how affordable a lot of the pieces are....

if ANYONE is interested in ANYTHING on this thread
PM me..
I'm very reasonable..
i WANT you guys to have art in your huts...
Most folks see the gallery prices and shriek!
a little secret...
we get charged a 40-60% commission for the
honor of showing our hard work in Their gallery...
which means we got to bump up our prices
just to recover our costs..
most of the time we take a loss..
so cut out the middleman
and buy DIRECT!
i WANT you guys to have art in your huts...
Heaven knows i have Lots of Inventory! :lol:
and remember..
i WANT you guys to have art in your huts...

Robb-yup...that's my little tunnel vision...
sitting on an afghan saddle/pillow for hours on end
art supplies to my right on the shelf
coffee and ashtray nearby
and usually an art documentary playing...
check out the
(you can get it on Netflix)
shows how the drawn/sculpted image evolved
I agree with Picasso
who....upon viewing the cave paintings at Lascaux said..
"we have learned nothing.."
Seeing the boldness and surety of line of these bison and horses and such..
i would have to agree.....
Keep cookin out those small ones Robb!
That way i can see a new painting every week
and not reruns! :lol:

Ernie-thanks..i guess...

Chongo....I agree with your agreement...

The new stuffs is looking pretty freakin radical!! What kind of music do you listen to when you are doing what you do best? BTW you are a freakin Art workhorse.


Excellent work.
Thanks for the eye candy.

THOR's posted on Thu, Oct 9, 2008 6:18 PM


I tell ya..you astound me with your amazing work! When you sleep, do these images dance in your head? If so..send some my way....they would be dreams that I would never care to wake from! Great job!! I missa you face!!! Hope to see ya at an event soon.

I like that Solomons/Abelam/Iatmul schwag yer waggin'-- the colorful tikis in dark backgrounds are spectacular ASS well!


oh wow! love all the studies you been doing, and "tropical landscape" is so beautiful! your burning skill are getting wicked!


LOVIN' the Solomon Island Dog-faced-boy and sundry booby bird-gods!!

and yeah, u saps should all PM young kenneth and buy an original NOW, because GOD KNOWS that whatever drugs he's doing to crank out this amazing art at such an alarming rate is gonna cause a bad case of death soon and THEN u'll be sorry.

mad alohas, t

Still recovering from babalu's ClayPlay workshop and the Closing for the Tiki Magazine show...
What a great time! So many cool people-too numerous to list!
Well, got some new drawings scanned
new painting stuff too,but that'll have to wait til i take pretty pictures..

hmmmmm....Melvins....Rat Pack....Bach...Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys....Vivaldi....Mozart.....Zeppelin....Soda pop Kids......early Hank Williams.....
Tikiyaki...louis Prima and Keely.....Ray Charles...the Orb....
that's for last week....it changes every week....
depends on me mood....
stoked that you're stoked,Scott!

UngaBunga-thank YOU man! I'd be creating this work anyways,so it's a good thing that there are people here i can share it with!

THOR's-Thank you Sir!
to hear such kind words coming from such an intimitable genius as yourself
is the best type of encouragement! I'll trade you 2 dreams for one of yours! :)
I missa you face too!

Sneaks-just doin what i do.....
Speakin of art....what have you been workin up lately?
Hopefully some midwestern PNG pieces!

Thanks sistah! Hopefully all that wickedness inside is seeping out during the woodburning...
Started looking for a new woodburner this week so stay tuned!
BT-ZIPFIZZ is my drug of choice....
tho i do get high looking into your eyes! :lol:

and unless i OD on vitamin B
I'll be around long enough to dance on yours and Clysdalle's graves! :lol:

Thanks y'all!
makin me feel so Special!
you all Rock me like a Hurricane! :)

new drawings
Drive-by posting!
fresh off the pad!


a revisiting of the tangata manu/orongo theme...

"Siamese Shields"

"the Morning Walk"

"Altered study of bird sculpture,Yuat River/Sepik Region/PNG"

"A Visit from the Sun"
this one i grabbed two figures from the above study and brought them to full development

that's it for now!
i'll have painting progress pics soon!
pinky promise!

"A Visit from the Sun"
this one i grabbed two figures from the above study and brought them to full development ...

Wow, that is a very cool take on the Madonna and child image. Powerful and unique work, Ken, as always.

GROG posted on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 10:29 PM

Damn you Hakalugi!!!!!!


I was originally gonna quote a piece...but then realized I actually like each and every one for it's own element, whether it be the style or the coloring.

The Lame Cannibal tho is my fave because it reminds me of Karl from SLING BLADE.
And I love Karl...and dem taters MM-HMM :lol:

Rawkin pieces tho - inspires me to do some quick pieces!
(which I will be doing to vend at this saturday event weeg's friend got in! wee!)

can't wait to seem dem paintin progress shots too!



On 2008-10-13 22:29, GROG wrote:
Damn you Hakalugi!!!!!!



On 2008-10-13 22:29, GROG wrote:
Damn you Hakalugi!!!!!!

X2!!! You snagged the piece I wanted, 5 MINUTES before me! :evil:


On 2008-10-13 15:17, little lost tiki wrote:

a revisiting of the tangata manu/orongo theme...



Kinny, have I told you lately how much I love your work?

Hi Kids!
just a lil note to check in and reassure you that
i ain't been slacking...

Had hakalugi over to the studio this week!
What a terrific fellow!
All the Ohana seems to be just that..Ohana!
thanks Karl!

The Madonna and Child/Mother and child theme is such a Universal theme
to all people...so why not translate it with a South Seas twist....
Thanks for droppin in and leaving some niceness!
oh...before i forget....
I'm caretaking some paintings and prints by Brad in my studio in Orange...
Now would be a good time to buy them,as you can save on shipping...
in the meantime i will be examining them with a microscope in the vain attempt
to capture TikiShark's style...
Here's two I have up right now....
i know...i know....they make my paintings look pathetic... :(

So PM Brad and make him an offer and then just drive down to Orange and pick it up!
Closer than the Big island!

GROG-you snooze you lose.....Hakalugi was quite pleased with his new pieces....
i think even more pleased because he shanked you on a drawing....

raves-can't wait to see some of YOUR newly inspired pieces!
french fried taters...MMMM-HMM....
i kinda have a liking towards the lame cannibal...most cannibals seem so healthy and active..but what about the old and infirm ones?

can't wait to see you tomorrow! Sorry you got shanked too...
i'm kind of sad it's gone...

but scroll down..i may have a surprise for you!

LOL-thanks man! so glad you're enjoying that "Outside the Village" piece..
I did a LOT of Orongos last year...even a mother and child...

Eric, I feel the same way about your work!
Always inspiring!
Always makes me smile!
tell Manuel i said "Aloha!"
(I fear that you get all the attention)

Here's some REAL crappy progress pics-so bear with me....

"the Lost Rowers" progress
the whole piece....

now i'm gonna left to right..


Oars......the Oars.....

wide angle shot...

branches..please excuse the glare..til i seal it
we'll be dealing with that..

Got some wooden goodies at the thrift store near the planet Rooth gallery..
Squid DID get the Maori songbook tho!
But i got this beautiful oval serving tray that i started painting on with acrylic...

Also been loosening up just to see where it would go..
started with this... a twice failed/painted over canvas.....

and started roughing in this...

Dunno how these are gonna turn out...
I'm so used to being all tight with the pieces....

Here's 2 more....dunno...it's an unknown territory i'm entering....
could turn out Super crappy and Embarassing...but I'll 'ave a Go at it!
wish me luck....

We'll see...stay tuned!

Also worked on some drawerins....
and here they are!
i took the blurry out of em!

"the little Rower"

'The Advance"

and seeing as Bill 4WDTiki was soooooo bummed at hakalugi
gettin that Solomon Island paddle piece..
I did another version with a different composition and colorway...

similiar...yet very different if you compare.....

that is all friends...less blurry pics next time.....


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-10-20 15:08 ]

everything looks awsome, man. the Abstract Shield piece is Really cool, and the Solomon guys are a favorite!
cant wait to see more of the rowers too..!
Great stuff Ken!

Zaya posted on Mon, Oct 20, 2008 10:33 AM

Hi! It was great to see you at the chop on Saturday! Thank you for letting me dabble with your paints, that was so much fun! It was cool learning some of the techniques you use to create such neat back grounds. I had no idea! Here's a picture that Babalu took of us in action...

Here's a picture of the finished piece...

I have to figure out what I'm going to make with this! I'll definitely keep you posted. Thanks again, and hopefully we'll see you soon!!


Thanks Duddy!
if you look above-i put clearer scans in there!

and Zaya!
it was soooo much fun seeing all my dear friends
and to be able to share some techniques with them!
i cannot wait to see what y'all create with this arcane knowledge! :)

Well, got the oval PNG wood Thrift store thing done
and the 3 abstract paintings done too but no pics yet!
i did get these other drawings finished before/during/and after the Chop on Saturday.....
Here they is!

"the Voyage"


"Solomon Islands Canoe Prow Ornament"

and this one i started at the CHOP and finished at the studio..

That's it for today! Will have photos of those 4 paintings sometime this week!
Aloha ohana!

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