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LATSA Picturez! Tiki Table!

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Wow, it's stunning!

Yeah, that turned out awesome! It's so smooth and I love the detail. RAD!


surfin... that's a beauty. I'll bet it is hard to let go of.
Get out there and carve up another one before you start missing this one too much.

Nice work man.

Amazing job! Beautiful finish too!

Hmmmmm, looks like a tall potty so far...
Whatever shall it be??!

GMAN posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2007 6:12 PM

Looks like a figure in front of a surfboard.....?????


Paipo posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2007 6:15 PM

One of these?

Classic! Paipo, that is a closet classic. You'll have to give us background on that guy.
But, good ol' Gman's got it. It's about time I carved my own mascot.
G gets a :drink: on the house!


With the final coats of poly loaded on, your guy Really looks Superb, Nice and smooth, clean lines and beautiful finish. He's a Real Keeper.

Paipo posted on Thu, Sep 13, 2007 1:32 PM

On 2007-09-09 18:59, surfintiki wrote:
Classic! Paipo, that is a closet classic. You'll have to give us background on that guy.
But, good ol' Gman's got it. It's about time I carved my own mascot.
G gets a :drink: on the house!

I had just seen this listing on ebay before checking out your thread. "Hawaiian Rain God" - pretty cool huh? Just scored myself a copy of that book too!

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 13, 2007 1:58 PM


Thanks Paipo! Another great book to add to my list.
Benz-thanks, but he's going to be living in Palm Beach County!
Here's the latest on surfintiki...

Wow what a great sunday morning, and what a great classic looking tiki. Excellent work
so far.

Thanks Conga!
A weee bit of progress over the weekend...

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2007-09-17 17:28 ]

Paipo posted on Mon, Sep 17, 2007 5:36 PM

Man, that is a great looking roughout. This looks like it will be a pearler!

GMAN posted on Mon, Sep 17, 2007 5:37 PM

Man, all smiles here!!! :) :) That's some good stuff man!



Very nice, man you're fast.


He's definitely going to be a Keeper and I'll bet that there are Many TC'rs who would like to keep it, ME Included. Can't Wait to see this guy done. Where's he going when he's done?

OK now I got my system down pat. Wear this adjustable band around my forearm to relieve pressure on my muscles...and take breaks to put some ice on my right arm! MAN you gotta be popeye to carve around the clock. Worked 9 hours on Saturday with one mini break, probably 7 or 8 today. Beautiful day, man all the other things I could of done. Ohhhhh wellll.
As usual, this wood is weird all over the place. Wet in some areas, dry and cracked in others, black rotted parts, stuff that looks like bark on the INSIDE! These logs came from Maine, and my guess is these trees had rough lives! Lots of Nor'easters, storms, weather, disasters, all which make a stressful career of being a tree. I have had a couple of goodies, but every now and again (the last 2) it's scary.
I really need to get some of Gman's red cedar!
Anyway, here take a look...I did a good job hiding the trouble spots!

You gotta be kiddin me! That is one awesome carve Surfin'!

Surfintiki moves to the head of the class! Wow Wow Wow.

Very nice!! Thats the way to do it - marathon sessions - with a great result.

GMAN posted on Sun, Sep 23, 2007 6:07 PM

Holy crap! Dude, that is sick! I admire your drive to pull off the epic sessions, but be careful or the pain gods will punish you severely! This "SurfinTiki" is absolutely magnificent! I bet being Maine tree is tough, the poor bugger - but how many Maine trees get to end up as a masterpiece like this one? You've probably said earlier, but is this guy a commission or a keeper? I vote keeper......

Stoked for you!,


MBL posted on Sun, Sep 23, 2007 6:09 PM

DUDE!? GREAT JOB!!! If I could only get there with my carving.

Aloha Aloha-S, TikiF, Conga, G, MBL and all peeps! :drink:


Your Arms SHOULD hurt after this guy was done with them. Way over the top Excellent tiki my Man.Total thumbs UP

Deeeamn! That is one helluva piece, Surfin'. How tall does that stand? If you already addressed this, my bad. Cant wait to see this badboy stained up. Keep kickin' that ace.


Very nice. Im also right in the middle of a surf tiki you may
have been in my head if so thanks.

Egadz! Worked over 12 hours on Saturday, most of today. And I still see HOURS worth of cleaning up I could do...guess what...I aint gonna.
It's done. Except for the staining. I could of engraved "surfintiki" on it, or put a hibiscus on the back of the surfboard...NAHHHH.
Break time!

GMAN posted on Sun, Sep 30, 2007 2:14 PM

Shazam!!! Dude, don't stop. Don't get me wrong, this is a seriously pimped carving for sure, but the hibiscus sounds great and so does putting your name on it. This is one of those "once in a lifetime" pieces....don't quit on him. If you do, you will always wonder what if.......





[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-09-30 14:30 ]

Yo! That piece is kickass. Its great as is,,,,BUT, I'm gonna second Gman's thoughts. If your gonna keep this badboy for you,, put that Extra Surfin'T Touch into 'em. He will be ultra masterpiece, Brotha!!

[ Edited by: FreddieBallsomic 2007-09-30 17:46 ]

Dude you have to sign it! Its your work. Just my thought.

hewey posted on Sun, Sep 30, 2007 5:58 PM

On 2007-09-30 14:14, GMAN wrote:
This is one of those "once in a lifetime" pieces....don't quit on him.

Gman got it in one! This is a signature piece, a definitive piece in your carving career. It's a surfing tiki, and you're surfintiki! If you're sick of him put it aside for a little and play with something else and come back to him. Push yourself that little bit more, at the end of the day you'll be glad you did!

You guys are awesome.
I'm going to sleep now, and think what else he'll get!

Very nice work.


Excellent work.


Dude, very tight, clean lines on sufintiki. I like him very much.
You got it down. I had a coast run this weekend but no surf.
I dropped a nice size tree that might become a large TIKI
next summer?


WOW, did He clean up Nice. Way Excellent job surfseeker. Can't wait for the next one!


Sweet tiki! You gotta sign that one for sure. Great job!


I agree with Gman- This is a wonderful piece.


surfin... some really nice work there! Mixing two of my favorite things right there, and your's too. When you mix passion in great things happen, and you had heart and soul in this guy. Keep it up man... you're doing your best work!

Just gotta say thanks all, for the great support. But that's the standard for ol' TC!
I had fun photo'n as usual.
There's some shots just after staining, then some with the poly.
This guy is sportin' dual shakas (hang-loose sign), check 'em out...

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2007-10-06 11:48 ]

Yeah Surfin'!!! That is BADA$$! The stripes in the board look really good as does your whole carving.



Hella Ya, that is NICE! Love the stringers. Great work,
his bro is getting closer.

hewey posted on Sat, Oct 6, 2007 8:20 PM

That came out gorgeous mate! The stringers look awesome and show off the wood, and the text on the base looks great too! You've inspired me to make my own surf tiki mate :D


it looks like perfection's in your piece.



Tiki F, seekSURF, Hewey, Ben...thanks, I wasn't sure how the stringers would come out. I masked off the area, and applied the stain lightly...no problems. The only thing is the wood itself had some pretty rough spots in the lighter colored area which is clearly visible. I could of reversed the stringer colors, and it might of hid the dark rot spots. Oh well, I still love it.
We've had weak waves for a while now. Now that surfintiki the surf god is complete, I noticed the forecast for next weekend is for 20 ft!!
Wooooo :o

GROG posted on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 11:08 AM

Nice one! Crisp, clean lines and a really nice finish. GROG like!!!

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