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4WDtiki - Bill's stuff. - first new pics in years

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Finally started something else!

Just the chainsaw and a 2" flat chisel so far.


Looks like a great start!!



After some sanding.

Very nice and simple. Doesn't take away from the pond.


Awesome work on the vertically carved tikis, Bill! They came out great! Any particularly challenging aspects of carving like that?

Oh, I guess they're pretty safe from theft too, since they're rooted to the ground! Cool!


Thanks guys.
Eric, the biggest change in the vertical carving was holding the damn saw up! Usually, it's hanging straight down at arms length. Chainsaws are heavy after the first two minutes.

I finished up this toughguy yesterday. Here's a couple snaps.

Just a little deco around the eyes, mouth and chest.


Nice! he looks great in the beautiful yard.

Tikis... yeah, yeah - whatever. What I really want is pictures of the pond posted HERE

Actually, the tiki looks great Bill. Getting in a few last rock climbs before it gets too hot?

Gotta say, Bill. Those two stumps you did are F***ING AMAZING!!! Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.


Thanks, seeks!

Mike, yeah yeah ponds, whatever. :P Actually, I've been too embarassed to post in that thread cuz my pondwater is so green! But okay, I'll get on it. Give me a few days for this 'rainstorm' to pass. :wink:


Thanks Bill! I gotta go back and get some pics with me standing next to them for scale. Without any reference, they look small.

I really dig your tikis, they remind me of older classic tikis the kind I remember floating around restraunts and apartment blocks in san diego twenty years ago. I always amazed at how smooth they appear as well,great work.!

the palm logs you have must be quite dense...here in Australia the most available is cocos palm logs which are pretty crap....do you know what type of palm you are using?

I'll give ya A-Hunert Bucks for dat new one! :wink:

Sooper-Kewl as always, Bill!


Cap'n, I atually DO know what kind of palm I'm carving. :wink:It's all Mexican Fan Palm, which you don't have down there, but maybe have something similar? I try to get older trees, as the wood is denser, and will last longer.

Lee! I remember the Hunert! You want I should set this guy aside for you?

I just cut down a 30' Chinese Fan Palm. Its still fresh, and I hope it carves similar to the Mexican Fan Palm when it is dry. Washingtonia(sp?) are another Fan Palm that I heard is very similar (if not the same) as the Mex. I would look for the local versions of a Fan Palm as opposed to long-leaf palms (like Coconut, Royal, Queen...).

Bill, that new one is awesome! Love it!



Outstanding! Again. :)

So on the tooth-shaped cuts, like around the eyes, are you cutting down across the grain for those cuts or turning the log over and going with or into the grain?


On 2010-04-22 10:38, AlohaStation wrote:
I would look for the local versions of a Fan Palm as opposed to long-leaf palms (like Coconut, Royal, Queen...)

I totally agree with AS here, Cap'n. Tell us what you find.

Skinny, thank you! I'm working on getting the log for yours. I'll keep you posted.

On 2010-04-22 11:50, TheBigT wrote:
So on the tooth-shaped cuts, like around the eyes, are you cutting down across the grain for those cuts or turning the log over and going with or into the grain?

BigT, I use a 90 degree V-chisel and cut straight into the log, as shown here:

Probably not as tricky as you thought.


GREAT PIECE ! It is very clean..and the head perfectly round,,AWESOME job


Somebody done gone and commissioned me to carve a Ku.
I've never done a true Ku, so I was slightly intiminated.
But here's where I am so far, rough carved and about to even things out and then sand.

Bill, on this one, as with the stumps your recently did.... you don't give yourself nearly enough credit. Your style and craftsmanship show thru even on the styles of tikis you haven't done before. If I were you and if I had your skill, I'd keep expanding on the types of tikis you carve. Your stuff is top notch.


Cant wait to see it done!

HEY!! As you well know, I invented the KU tiki, Bill. You owe me a comission when this one sells, by golly!


Anyways, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow...er, today. Lets strip some BARK!!!

BTW, Im ripping off this design. Brilliant, my friend!

View my work @


"96 tears from 96 eyes".....RIP Lux Interior

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2010-05-01 02:03 ]

Bill that is SICK! I want one!



You all are too kind! Thank you.

Got a little more accomplished on it. More sanding, some evening out, some detail in the headdress...

You can see the pencil lines around the mouth that I didn't get to today.

Tomorrow, finish the detail, stain, and done! Guy is coming to get it around 4PM, so the pressure's ON! :D

See some of you tomorrow at Bamboo Ben's!


Done! Came home early from Bamboo Ben sale to finish it up.

Great job Bill, sorry you had to stop partying early to finish it :)

This pic looks like there is a distinction between the heartwood and sapwood but it doesn't show up after it's stained. Is there a way to keep that coloring?

Dangit, Bill. I'm not vending an event again without you, so next time bring some stuff!!! Talked to Mieko about a group booth. I'm game, she's game......we just need to iron out the details with Otto. I'll never forget the hand-up, man. We're a community. Lets' make that work for us!


On 2010-05-02 18:17, MadDogMike wrote:
This pic looks like there is a distinction between the heartwood and sapwood but it doesn't show up after it's stained. Is there a way to keep that coloring?

Yeah, don;t stain it. :lol:
Seriously, there's not as much a difference in person, the reddish is just below the bark. I could've sanded a couple more milimeters, and it would've been all white.
I know, come to the chop this weekend and you can carve a piece and try for tu-tone.

Billy, thanks, but I didn't feel like haulin' my crap up there. Next time, yes.

On 2010-05-03 09:58, 4WDtiki wrote:
I know, come to the chop this weekend and you can carve a piece and try for tu-tone.

I'm not much of a carver, somehow I don't think I want to learn at a big event with 1,200 people looking over my shoulder :lol:

I'm scheduled to work this Saturday, but I'm hoping to get off so I can come up to the Chop.


On 2010-05-01 10:21, Skinny Dog wrote:
Bill that is SICK! I want one!


Jen, the guy backed out on buying the Ku, so I give you dibs if you want it.

Otherwise, it's going on craigslist!


Great style you have, and what a nice garden!


Nice work he came out great!


BACKED OUT!!! WHAT A d@##!& Still did an awesome job
How tall is it?


Bill,that KU is really nice........good to meet you at Bens.

So stoked, Ku is ours! Can't wait to meet him on Sat!

Thanks Bill, you are the best!



No, thank YOU, Jen! It couldn't be going to a nicer home. :D

Clarita and seeks, thanks!
tikigodz, funny, that's the exact same word that I used! :lol: The Ku is 51" tall.
skoot, thanks, and it was good to meet you and the missus, too! See you again, neighbor.


Yay Bill! Way to successfully step outside your comfort zone! I hope to see more of these with bigger and BIGGER headdresses!!!


Excellent tiki Bill, you really have the gift. Whats next?


What's next, you ask? Why, THIS!

Right in line with Hank's suggestion to go bigger on the headress.
I think I was inspired by something I saw at the BB Ben yard sale Sunday, maybe a Bowana pendant.
It's just roughed out, but I'm liking the tiny body.


Also, I went back to check on the two vertical stump tikis from last month, and took the opportunity to pose with them, just for scale. :wink:

The bottom one has a healthy growth of mold, and some knid of oozing sap. I'll give it another month or two, then go do a cleanup.


I had no idea they where this LARGE! holly crap!
Very cool they will be there a long time.


Did a little more on the other Hawaiian today:

I should get it finished tomorrow at the chop.

Nice work Bill!


WOW, These "next" ones are Outta sight! AhhSome stuff Bill, Can't believe how excellent your Tikis have become.


Thanks, Lennie and Ben! I finished up the Lono at the outrigger chop yesterday, here it is.

Here's me and the new owner Lea, a fireman from Az who was paddling in the race.
Who knew Arizona had an outrigger club!?!

She bought it before it was finished and requested that I add some flames to the headdress. That's what the red parts are supposed to be. I need to work on my flame-carving. :wink:

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