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Kirby's Rumpus Room 10yrs. & still going strong!

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Looks like I will be swinging by the Rumpus Room tonight!!!
See you all there :)

kirby posted on Wed, Jun 23, 2010 6:29 PM

can some one bring a bartender tonight, kelly wiil be arriving late and I only know how to mix beer!!!

bringing ice, limes & lemons


Oh no! No Kelly tonight! No Grog, Tonga Tom or Sherriyaki! It almost wasn't Rumpus Room!

But we all rallied and TikiGeeki made Navy Grogs, Dr. Z whipped up some mai tais, Manuel mixed up some Jetsetters and mai tais and then Trader Tom arrived and saved the day!

Big, and unexpected, turn out tonight too! The afore mentioned Dr. Z, Ravenne, Filthy Midget, Robert... lots of MIA Rumpus Roomers making their return visits tonight! Plus first timers Nicole (friend of Jocelyn, AKA lilusako), who got her first taste of Tiki on Sunday at the TIkiyaki DVD screening at Tonga Hut... two tiki events in one week... tiking like a pro!) and Travis (friend of Filthy Midget) who even brought his own tiki mug!

I think Cap'n R H Falernum snapped a few pix tonight too... crippled in the documentation department without Tonga Tom... But a GREAT time was still had by all!

Hope ALL the regulars make it out next week! Kelly, we need you!!!!

A crazy night at the Rumpus Room. We missed a lot of our favorite faces, but had a great time with everyone that was able to make it out.

Although it was a rather packed house at one point, this photo (captured at the end of the night) shows just a few of the attendees (and Kirby's great new faux-hawk).
My apologies to everyone I didn't get in this photo, including Manuel who was running about taking care of all kinds of tasks.
It's no Tonga Tom level of photo, but it was the best I could squeeze out of my crappy camera phone.

Cheers, everyone.

Oh! And through the murky lens of that same, wretched camera, may I introduce everyone to...

[ Edited by: Capt. R.H. Falernum 2010-06-24 09:37 ]

Bummed we didn't make it out last night to see many regulars and irregular regulars. It sounds like you all had a great time! Looking forward to next week, and trying "The Volcano Cooler". Thanks for the recap Tobunga, and for taking some pix Capt. R.H.F.!

Wednesday Night we are on people! June 30 2010

Hope to see you, If you need a address to the Rumpus Room please PM Kirby or Hiphipahula
Don't forget at least 3 limes & a lemon or so to get into the Rumpus Room


Clear Plastic cups 9-16oz.
Coruba Dark Rum
Appleton Rum
Barbancourt Rum
Stoli Vodka
Bombay Gin or ?
Kern's Nectar's Guava, Peach, Mango, Papaya
Torani Passion Fruit Syrup
Torini Orgeat

Anything new and different you would like to try & THANK YOU ALL!

Kelly, I brought a bottle of Coruba Dark last time, so we're not as low as you might think. We can always use more, though. It goes fast.

I bought a little mint at Whole Foods this evening to take with me this week and will also try to make some more tasty syrups for Wednesday.

I think we're out of brandy and cognac, too. We had some Remy Martin floating around for a while and I think it's gone.

We definitely need more orgeat. I think we have half a bottle left but it goes so fast!

Please, no more pineapple juice. We have plenty.

The fresh-squeezed grapefruit for Navy Grogs was nice, though, last week, if somebody wants to do that again...

See you guys soon!


Oh! And through the murky lens of that same, wretched camera, may I introduce everyone to...

[ Edited by: Capt. R.H. Falernum 2010-06-24 09:37 ]

WOW! this Looks and SOUNDS fantastic!... I can't wait to try it soon- hopefully THIS Wed.


Going to try and stop by after the Tiki Ti.
If all works out.
The RR looks like a great Tiki bar!!!
Happy 4th all!!!!


I'll be there a little late as usual, but I've got Barbancourt Rum and Orgeat with me. Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight.

I would like to go, but I am ride less today


Looks like Sherriyaki & I are gonna miss the RR again tonight. :(

Do you have the pics from the last time you were at RR?


On 2010-06-30 16:36, PolynesianPop wrote:
Do you have the pics from the last time you were at RR?

They're posted here:

I probably have some others. Were you looking for anything in particular?

Okay, I forgot to post photos from the 16th of June for some reason...must've been a busy week. Here they are...

[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2010-07-17 10:15 ]

A great time was enjoyed last night at the Rumpus Room with some new faces, TWO broken mugs and the addition of a beautiful new lamp. So many people showed up that a large portion of the party moved to the back patio for much of the night.

Since Tonga Tom wasn't able to make it, I did the best to fill his shoes & get some snaps of the goings-on...

It was bright out when we were getting started:

One of Kelly's new cocktail creations (with incredible color & taste):

Yes, the Rumpus Room serves virgin drinks as well:

Kelly works her magic:

And, at some point, she was moving so fast to keep up with the numerous drink order that she literally disappeared:

The Tip Monkey is hungry. So very hungry...

The great, new lamp from tikiskip...

Thanks for the great times, everybody!


RR Rocks!!
Great drinks Kelly!!!
Nice to meet some TC folk.
Thanks all!!

On 2010-07-01 09:38, tikiskip wrote:
RR Rocks!!
Great drinks Kelly!!!
Nice to meet some TC folk.
Thanks all!!

Mahalo! So great to meet you, that was a gas of a night, have a safe journey back to Ohio!

Tom & Sherri??? What the heck? Come back to the RR tiki geeks, tiki geeks!!
Thanks again All for coming out from so far away ... Capt. RH for the photos, Illusako, bewitched.... Everyone for the generous donations that keep it happening every week. Thanks Kirby & Polly!!

TikiG posted on Fri, Jul 2, 2010 2:22 PM

I will be attending next week's Rumpus Room Wednesday - its been way too long between visits.

Bringing gifts from another land, a little booze and stuff...

See you guys next week! G


Just got back home thanks Kirby for the great party!
Your bar is way cool!
If you get some time I wanna do that collaboration light with you.
Pm is on it's way.
This is my bad ass pose, It says don't f with me or I will eat your twinkie.


Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight! I'm gonna try and stop by Smart and Final on the way to see if I can track down passion fruit syrup. This is madness! How hard is it to find passion fruit syrup?

Looks like I will be showing up after 9pm with Travis. I will bring Limes & lemons, and of course ice. See you all tonight :D


Sorry, but I can't make it tonight. Ilene spent most of this last week in the hospital and just got released this afternoon. She's feeling much better though. Hope to see you guys next week.


On 2010-07-07 16:17, lilusako wrote:
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight! I'm gonna try and stop by Smart and Final on the way to see if I can track down passion fruit syrup. This is madness! How hard is it to find passion fruit syrup?

We'll be bringin' some Torani Passion Fruit Syrup!

TikiG posted on Thu, Jul 8, 2010 11:51 AM


Landing back at the Rumpus Room after a long journey away from my extended family -
felt great to be in the company of Rumpus Room friends, at last, again.

Needless to say I simply carried on where I left off. There were some new things to scope eyes on, new refreshments to test courtesy of Hiphipahula and okay - I brought a few gifts from distant tiki horizons that were new to those that received.

I did manage to take a handful of snapshots too...

New addition to a Rumpus Room wall - green Marq courtesy of TikiG via Florida's Tiki Hana

Melekalikimaka and Sherryaki enjoy their Painkillers

Tyler really digs his new (in-process) tiki-buggy stroller built by pops Kirby

TikiG presents Hiphipahula with his latest painting, made especially for her

Some of the gang proudly wear their new "MechaMoai" T-shirts courtesy of Florida's TikiMango

-until next-time, Aloha! G

Last night was great!
I was staggering my way out as Kelly packs a mean punch in her tasty cocktails :drink:

Tiki G that painting is super amazing!
We were all still adoring it last night 8)

TikiG posted on Thu, Jul 8, 2010 12:20 PM

Thanks, Midg!


Some of the gang proudly wear their new "MechaMoai" T-shirts courtesy of Florida's TikiMango

Thank you TikiMango & TikiG for the cool shirt & stickers! Thanks for the 'Kahiki' swizzle stick too!

Here's some more snaps from last night....

TikiG doing his Tasmanian Devil impression....



Dude...Tiki G DOES have a big arm in that one photo! HAHAHA

Awesome pictures, dude.


On 2010-07-08 14:42, Tonga Tom wrote:

Lookit this aweosme vintage barkcloth shirt I got from TIkiG! And it FITS!

Mahalos TikiG!

Shout out to Ilene Morgan! Thinking of you! Feel Better Soon!!

Wish list for July 14th

Orange Juice 
Cruzan Light Rum
Any Demerara Rums- Banks, ElDorado, OVD, Woods, Skipper, Lemon Hart....
Pusser rum
Coruba dark
Mango Rum-Coruba prev- Cruzan good
Martinique Rum
Passion Fruit Torani Brand

I'm bring the Or. Curaçao & a nice Rum

Thank you all!

Anything else?

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-07-12 12:27 ]

I'll be coming up with the one and only Tikimecula this wednesday. Can't wait to see the digs.

kirby posted on Tue, Jul 13, 2010 8:34 AM

Reesnik and Tikimecula !! It will be great to see you guys!!

Will have Mr. NoNaMe (Eric the Red) with us as well. It'll be great to see you guys also.

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2010-07-13 21:19 ]

Ilene is feeling better this week and I think I'll be able to swing by for a visit Wednesday night.

I hope you guys arrive hungry. I'm going to make a huge Hawaiian Pork Chili and will have plenty for everyone.

See you there!

Eric and Manuel, if you guys have a vegetarian dish you'd like to bring, I'll have plenty of plastic spoons and paper bowls...

I wish I could be there! I hope you guys have a lot of fun... I'll be venturing out to Smuggler's Cove (or the Tonga Room) with a friend tomorrow. :)


On 2010-07-13 22:19, Trader Tom wrote:
Eric and Manuel, if you guys have a vegetarian dish you'd like to bring, I'll have plenty of plastic spoons and paper bowls...

Oh, rum will be just fine... it's vegetarian!

It will be great to see Reesnik and Tikimecula and Eric the Red up at the Rumpus Room!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2010-07-14 18:09 ]

Have fun at the Cove Illusako, we will miss ya!

I heard we might have a visit from the west...... Ummmmm.... Bongofury.....ummmmm....
See ya there after dinner everyone!


Wish I could make it to RR tonight but can't :(

Hey Eric - You're welcome for the shirt, man! Good news is that I have a few more tiki shirts that are too small for me in my tiki shirt stash...I'll be sure to bring one next time I get a chance to visit Kirbs'.

Aloha RR ohana - I miss you all. G

I've one LH80.

Erik the Red

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2010-07-14 12:06 ]


On 2010-07-13 22:19, Trader Tom wrote:
Eric and Manuel, if you guys have a vegetarian dish you'd like to bring, I'll have plenty of plastic spoons and paper bowls...

Well, to make sure the veggies are represented, I'm making some mini veggie pizzas!

See everybody tonight!

Thanks for making and bringing the pizza Eric, it was delish! I didn't get to try Tom's chili, but I heard rave reviews.
Awesome turnout last night with lots of irregulars (some from far away lands), sorry I didn't make it to the backyard to get pictures of many of you, but there is the group photo at the end.
To much drinkin' not enough snappin'...Here's a few photos from last night.

Bowl of Big Brown Nut!

Some outdoor bowling...

It was a great & very drunk night!
Good way to kick off my vacation!!!

Had a really good time. Thanks to everyone involved with such a nice evening. Hope to make it up again sometime.

GROG posted on Thu, Jul 15, 2010 8:56 PM

A little more than 2 dozen people. That's a pretty good turnout for a weekly homebar gettogether.


If My eyes dont decieve me, it looks like Manuel Chopped his doo !

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