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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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Thanks Will, good to hear from you!

Actually heading out in a half hour to go surf a south. Strangely warm for this time of the year right now... 62°
Tomorrow the bottom drops with the approaching cold front... highs for the rest of the week in the mid 30°'s with snow.

Rollercoaster weather in the Midwest...

Hope you're getting some surf on your coast.


Dave, the bar looks like it's coming along great. You are making a lot faster progress on your tiki room than we are on ours. We've got it ours in acceptable condition for our first luau in our new place. Now I just have to hope I get a new skill saw for Christmas to build a tiki bar. The tiki on the last post looks very cool, our little friend is adjusting well to his new home, but might be getting a little lonely. Keep up the good work.

Aloha Jason! Thanks... the room has turned into quite the project, and it is hard to stay away from when I should be doing work or sleeping. Some fun stuff coming up.

I'm stoked for this part of the room. I've had a picture in my head of how I want it to look and it is turning out exactly how I hoped. The bar top is all ready for the Pour-On clear coat. A lot of it.
I think I'm going to need a bigger bottle of it. The surface area is 23 7/8" x 96" at a depth of 1/4 inch... not counting the gouges and what the sand will soak up. So, I'll probably be buying the gallon size or bigger after this first pour. It is recommended that you not pour more than 1/8 of an inch at a time anyhow. So, slow and steady we go...


Yup Lake, that's gonna look great when it's done. Do you have to wool it when it's finally dry? Or does it settle in somewhat perfect? Gotta go slow so the sand doesn't elevate! Looking rowdy down there bro. Keep it up.



So far so good... first pour in the cracks and crevices... looking good!

Hoping the white sand goes from dark to light again when things dry out... only thing I wasn't expecting.

I poured around the outside and let the mixture creep it's way in.


I blew through the 1/4 I had left and two new bottles... looks like I'll be buying the $50 gallon size...

McTiki... the stuff is self leveling... and as long as your surface is somewhat level you're good to go. Mine's not, but going slow is the solution. 1/8 inch at a time is the recommended method.
These are the fun parts of building a bar. :)

Hula girl wall hanging for a new customer. 2 feet tall.



This Hula hanging is sweet! What material? Is there some relief carving in her? (Can't tell by the pic)

It looks awesome!

Bartop finishing is what I would consider as dessert of the whole project. Very entertaining and rewarding at the same time.

(You are probably enjoying this space already. Just post pics!)


McTiki... she's made of a pine board. Ahhh, pine. Seems everything I make is made from pine. Pine logs, pine boards... easy to carve, nice grain, easy finishing...

Anywhoo... yes, she is relief carved. The flash washed it out. I'll try to get a better shot but it is cloudy here again... awaiting a foot of snow to start tomorrow.

Have to go make sure the snowblower is gassed up...

That is a great idea with the sand and shells. Nice work LS!

Thanks Mach... kinda in a holding pattern until I get some fun money to spend on the gallon or so I'm going to need to finish the pour...

Until then, I deliver these guys today in a snowstorm... flat backed and rounded front... they are going on the drink menu board at Foundation.
3 1/2 wide by 11 high

Oh yea, almost forgot. One of these bit me too. It's been a while since that happened, but I made sure to shove that freshly sharpened chisel good and deep into my thumb. :x

One of those times when you continue to do something that your mind is telling you not to, and then it happens and your brain tells you... " See!"

[ Edited by: lake surfer 2011-08-12 02:04 ]

Blood sacrifice to the tikis - you know you have to feed those things or they get hungry. The bar is looking really good. Keep posting progress shots, because this may be in my near future!


The sacrifices that we make for art. You brain may have said see, but I bet you mouth said somethign that started with an F. The new Tikits look great, did you spray a stain on them? The look like the have a distressed aged and sand worn effect on them. Or I may just need new glasses


Yeeeeoouch! That's part of this crazy hobby we have.

It's been a treat to see your work again. How did the bar sand dry?

Did you dig out from the snow? It is still raining here- no snow yet.

I saw on the news last night a bunch of surfers in Lake Superior, I thought you might be one of them.


Got over to Foundation yesterday to take measurements for three new masks I'm doing for them... and after that I am doing two 9 foot half poles that will flank the entrance of The Rendezvous tiki bar in Kenosha.

The drink board tikis are up... Foundation's tiki drinks appear on a hand held menu. Being Milwaukee, beer and other liquors are still the staple at most bars.

One of the masks I'm doing is 20" x 28" and will be a fun project.

Oh yea.... McTiki... here is that detail shot of the hula girl. Sad thing, she was wrapped in 5 inches of foam wrap on a short UPS trip to Chicago... somehow a hand broke off... I think a refrigerator must have fallen on her :roll:

Her new owner said all was well though with a little glue, and she's back to her old self. :)


I really like the finish on the drink menu board tikis. Can you give up some secrets? --What kinda' wood, what kinda' stain/technique, etc.? The bar is looking great also!

Wow Dave, I haven't checked you thread in a while. Seems I've missed a ton! I'm glad to see your new work at the Foundation, and that hula girl is amazing!


Lake, your Huls girl sure has Sweet and Graceful lines, too bad her hand broke off, but good it's fixed. The Drink Menu really looks greaat too. Also your bartop is coming along fine. I started out carving while working for an old man who also made resin top tables packed with all kinds of stuff. It is a tricky process that takes a bit to learn and it seems you are doing a good job of it.


Very cool, Dave - can't wait to see those Rendez'vous tikis!! Mike had mentioned a little while ago that he still wanted to do them - glad they are becoming a reality! TOO COOL!

YEAH! The drink menu came out bad to the bone! I love 'em.

Bete posted on Tue, Dec 26, 2006 5:02 PM

The hula girl looks cool! Happy holidays!

surf-n-turf: thanks! sorry, can't give up the secrets on the finishing :wink: The wood is young pine, Arbor Vite to be exact.

finkdaddy: thanks! You seem to be making a name for yourself these days! Foundation is looking hep these days, and I'm happy to be a part of it.

Ben: Much thanks from you also! The hula girl was something new, after being comissioned I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but it worked out alright.
I have to do one more pour on the bartop to cover some more shells... it is challenging but fun stuff when it works out right!

croe67: The Rendezvous poles are going to be great! I'm really looking forward to doing them, they will really make the entrance.

surfintiki: Thanks much! They were a lot of fun to do and I'm pretty stoked now that they are up and people can see them.

Bete: Aloha! And Happy Holidays to you also! Thanks for the compliment! I'm sure she won't be the last now that I've figured it out. The client mentioned she might want a Kane sometime in the future!

One big mask carved for Foundation... doing the other two today. Pictures to come as they are finished, they are looking pretty sweet!

Delivery day Friday afternoon for the Foundation masks. Don ordered them last Friday and a week later they are ready to go up!

The third one was finished up and received it's final touches after dark, so I'll get a shot of all three before delivery.

The big guy is 3 feet tall. Plan is to have them bottom lit with a votive candle that will sit on a shelf below the mask.

I hope to have pictures of them installed in the bar up here shortly.

The whole family together before they go to their new home...

These are nice! I have been contemplating doing a relief piece but every time I start I get disgusted and toss them. Thanks for making me feel even worse.

Bete posted on Fri, Dec 29, 2006 1:47 PM

They turned out great! Happy New Year!

Thanks A.S. Didn't mean to make ya feel bad. :wink: Let them serve as motivation for what you could be doing... I know you have it in you!

First time doing masks with edge glued wood, which is a pain in the ass but I didn't want to take all the time to glue boards together. Just find out which way to go with the grain and don't go too deep with the cuts.

Hey there Bete, thanks and same to you! I'll be ringing in the 007 with a Mai Tai at the Tiki Terrace while raffling off a bunch of my stuff.


That hula girl is really a break out for you. Different ideas, different style, good changes. It looks very much alive and the style is great, like it better than a Shag hula and looks like a Witco but better.
I think it is the best work that I have seen from you. You should try a tiki running man like that.

Bete posted on Sat, Dec 30, 2006 8:41 AM

On 2006-12-29 22:13, Lake Surfer wrote:
Hey there Bete, thanks and same to you! I'll be ringing in the 007 with a Mai Tai at the Tiki Terrace while raffling off a bunch of my stuff.

COOOOOOL! I'll see you there!!!!!!!


NIce trio family there Lake You have reall created some Fine workmanship there The lines are Clean and the detail is Smoothe where it counts.. Excellent Job.

Thanks much Ben! They were a blast to do, and I can't wait to see them hanging in their new home.

Happy New Year to you, and much health and happiness! Oh yea, and we expect to see many more wonderful tikis from you!


Ddave, Happy New Year. Those Masks are looking good, how is the bar coming. Can't wait to see some more progress pics. You've got me motivated to finally get to working on the mini bar (odd sized room 6.5' wide X 26' long) for our tiki room.

Aloha Jason!

Bits and pieces still on the tiki lounge. Working on the rest of the house transforming kitchen, dining room and half bath to our liking.

Did get some cool lights for under the thatch and a bamboo curtain for the doorway to the carving studio. Got money towards lighting... going with recessed eyeball lighting on a dimmer switch... the light will project onto the walls. Bartop needs 1 more coat then that's done. Been buying and adding various fake greenry. Have my eye on a bamboo 4 shelf unit as soon as the local garden center puts it back out on the Spring sales floor. Plans to do bamboo beams on the ceiling this week. Few more pictures going up with custom frames and a couple masks I'm working on... one 16" x 30." Someday a bamboo floor...

So yea, bits and pieces. Savoring if you will.

Here's some pics with the flash until I get the lighting finished...

Good luck on your room!


Home sweet home! It is always nice to see your tiki's in a bar. I bet you spend a lot of time there, especially now that it is winter albeit a warm winter. You have done a fantastic job in a short amount of time.


Bowana posted on Thu, Jan 4, 2007 7:13 AM

Wow! Your house rocks, Lake Surfer! Looking forward to seeing more progress shots.

When's the party? :)


Whoa! That's a helluva space you got goin on there Lake - very interesting. Nice! Wish I lived closer - I'd love to see it in person...

Johnny... Not as much time as I was a month ago, but the fun hasn't worn off. There is a lot more work to do and I like that it will probably never be done completely. But there is a lot of progress... and in a short amount of time as you mentioned. When things need money that I don't have at the time, I do something that doesn't cost anything such as carving. I have a big mask in the works that will go next to the bamboo fountain.

And if I spend a lot of time down there, it is also because through that bamboo curtain is my studio... and I'm in there a lot!

Thanks Tikidav! Party? When I get more of the bar and the rest of the house done... hopefully soon! Need to throw a "stock the bar" party! :wink:

tikigap, thanks! If you ever find yourself in the area, the invite stands. I'm going for a nice mix of 1940-1960 Hawaii-California surf mixed with classic tiki... they're flowing well.


Great work, Dave! Hopefully we'll get a chance to check it out in person this year. Keep it up!



Did your sand ever whiten back up? I had thoughts of doing a bar top with sand but may rethink it if you can't really see it that well.

You betcha Josh! I've been real busy up at Foundation too so there will be more to check out there too.

Surf tiki... It never did, and some of it even became suspended. Most of it turned out alright, and with the shells I'm still pleased with the results. Too late now to do anything about it, as there is about 1/2 inch of resin on. I imagine sealing the sand might retain the white color, however you would do that. Adding a fixitive would keep it from floating too. Might take some experimentation.


Looks GREAT Dave. Expected nothing less. Good job. Nice talking with you yesterday. Appreciate the call. Keep up the good work. We'll have to make a trip up there to see you two one day.


Bete posted on Sun, Jan 7, 2007 12:07 PM

Looks awesome Dave!


Hey Lake, Looks great, only it needs a couple more dozen tikis hangin around.. Where's all the tikis you have out in the garage? bring'em in and spread'em around let them enjoy your beautiful work.
Nice job.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-04-20 16:08 ]

A little more than half way through a order for Tiki Terrace...

These little guys were all carved individually today. 2 1/2 inches high.

Fun to see them all lined up.

They got their stain baths and the Tangs are awaiting paint jobs.

9 more to carve Wednesday...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-01-09 22:00 ]

how cool...an army of tikis! It looks like the Terrace is keeping you fairly busy,
congratulations. Nice work on the home bar too!


very good picture ... and very nice work too.
You carved them a way i love.


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