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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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Bete posted on Wed, Jan 10, 2007 3:41 PM

Cool pictures Dude!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-04-20 16:07 ]


Love that long line of mugs, nice job. The hooks are very good too, very nice flow and shape, just a bit short on the inside sanding, but Cool!

Thanks Ben. :)

Yea, I skimped on the sanding... just wanted to see if I could do the basic shape and all that. They were pretty fragile buggers, I going to try some harder wood.

And yes, sand, sand sand the hell out of them!


Next time the craftsmanship will be better!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-04-20 16:09 ]


Great news on the Rendezvous tikis!!! I wish we'd known you were coming down this way - we woulda stopped int for a drink! Shoot me an email or PM on your next visit. We're heading over to see Mike & Bill tonight. Can't wait to see those poles by the door - they're gonna be amazing!!


Congrats on the order, Looking forward to seeing the completed pieces installed. I hope I can get over to IL and see them in person this spring.


[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:19 ]


That room is looking great. I can't wait to see the pics of the 9 footers when they make their debut.

Bete posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 5:11 PM

Very cool Dude, very, very cool indeed.

hewey posted on Tue, Jan 16, 2007 5:34 PM

Havent checked in for a while, some great stuff going on in here mate. The room is gorgeous, the bar in particular. I would like to see some close ups of the finished bar surface and the buried shells :)

Thanks guys!

Hewey, I'll get some lights plugged in and try and get a shot of the bar top without glare.

Made a sign over the last 2 evenings for my tiki room...

Something new...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-05-08 00:07 ]


Nice Roa's Lake!


Very nice work.


[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-05-08 00:08 ]


I like the cook island guys, Nice idea and touch adding the rope detail. I would think those would sell big.


[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-05-08 00:08 ]


These are nice Lake. Sorry about your temps bro. Sposed to be 80 here today with a nippy cold front coming in bringing us down to the 60s the rest of the week.




Hey Lake, this cold weather has you doing some Really Nice stuff, Don't stop now, you have us All Smiling!


You must spend real funny time carving those beautiful pieces. Marq and tangaroas looks quite easy for you. Nice job.



I really like this one.

14" h x 11" w

Is the weather clearing up there at all? My folks to ld me last night that my Aunt and Uncle and a couple of cousins were snowed in, in Chicago. I Don't miss that part of the area, although I really wish I still lived up there for the hill that was in my backyard, I would be having a blaist on the sled right about now.

Lake, these masks are looking really great, very original and stylized and yet very vintage at the same time. I love that double tang!

McTiki, thanks much! I'm taking a break from the logs and clearing the head a bit these days. And I've had these and some other creations I've been wanting to take a crack at. The temps... yea... kinda sucks. I snowboard a lot too, normally. And I should be totally stoked on this winter turnaround, 20's and 30's and 9 inches of fresh this week alone. But I didn't buy the season pass, banking on a warm winter like last year. It was great, surfing 2 days out of the week for the last month and a half on the lake. But El Nino sold out on us and we're stuck hard in a winter pattern. Lakeshore is icing up.
I'll take 60's. :) I'll be the only guy out at 2nd Light with a shorty on. :wink:

Ben, thanks! Your warm weather has you doing your epic work! I'll get down there by the time I'm 50. Figure my joints won't work in this cold anymore then. :wink:

benella, thanks! These have been a lot of fun! When it all stops being fun, I get bored easily. Blame it on the ADHD. :) I've always like the simply forms of the Tangs and Marqs, and sometimes simply is more striking than the most complex carvings I've done.

frost, thanks! That my new favorite too. For my first one I was real happy how it turned out. Sunny today... we got nailed by 6 inches of white death yesterday... that was supposed to hit Chicago. I don't think they got as much as us. We're due for more tonight... and the average temp has been around 30. Stuck with winter for at least a few more weeks. Hoping for a thaw.

finkdaddy, thanks also! Stylized is always what I'm looking for, I think we all do it to distinguish ourselves from other artists. I find the less I stress about it though, it happens more. That's when the work comes from the heart... and the ancients that look over us.

Back to work... Hawaii is calling!

hewey posted on Mon, Jan 22, 2007 5:55 PM

That bar sign looks great :)

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-10-01 21:50 ]

YEAH! Hawaii! It's an omen. I'm going to Oahu in March. Psyched! Have you been Lake?
Nothing stopping you this winter eh? Cranking out the hits.

On 2007-01-24 14:30, surfintiki wrote:
YEAH! Hawaii! It's an omen. I'm going to Oahu in March. Psyched! Have you been Lake?

Yes, I have... took a surf trip back in '97 for 2 weeks... Oahu and Kauai... wonderful!

Nothing stopping you this winter eh? Cranking out the hits.

Oh.... so YOU'RE the one who jinxed me! :wink:

Sometimes shit happens way too quick...

Worked on a mask late this afternoon... went upstairs to get dinner started for the wife and I...

Started doing some dishes... washing a drinking glass... the skinny ones... shoved my hand in it with the sponge and twisted hard...

SNAP! SLICE! Shattered the glass...

Trip to the ER... tetnus shot, xray, stitches and a cut so deep on my left thumb knuckle I nearly severed one if not two tendons to my thumb...

No nerve damage, no tendon damage... need to keep the thumb immobile for 4-5 days... stitches out in 10-14

Lucky. I'm a lefty too.

I'll save you the gory shot... I can't unwrap it anyhow... but at one point I asked the ER doc about something in the cut... he said, "Oh that... that's fat...."

Way too deep of a cut.

I miss carving already.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-01-25 00:08 ]


Oh man Lake, that stinks! Get well soon! I really love what you've been doing with your most recent pieces.
Hang in there, maybe you can find some books to look through as you heal up.

mieko... thanks for the well wishes and the compliment!

I think I heal pretty fast... we'll have to see. I just have to be more careful with my tools!


OOOOOOh man that so sux for you. Give the remaining glasses the toss if their that weak, and invest in some old libbey's thick highballs!

That'l teach ya to be domesticated. Stay in the basement!

Get well rapidly and give the sink the ole stinkface!

Have a stiff rum n coke and take a load off. You should get sympathy for about 2 days, so, exploit it whilst you can. (JK)




OUCCHIE, That hurtz. Now if you would have only Asked, I would have told you Not to Do That. But NOOO You wouldn't Askkk.
Really sorry you can't carve for awhile, Thats what hurts. Get better soon.


And it is not even a good tiki bite.

Changed the bandage and hit the slice with some hydrogen peroxide for a little cleanup...

Some good healing progress already... looking promising! Hoping for sooner than later...

Thanks again guys for the well wishes.


Very good looking hawaii mask.
Very bad injury. Take a rest for your hand, this will heal faster.
Hope you will carve again very soon, 'cause we'll miss your things :)


hewey posted on Fri, Jan 26, 2007 3:36 AM

ouch man. You spend all this time with sharp tools and you injure yourself doing dishes? Rest up and catch up on some TC threads.


That's one hell of a way to get out of doing dishes. You might want to stay off the carving for a few days after the stitches com out. I had stitches in my ankle from surgery that looked great and healed nicely, but two days after I go them out the incision opened up from doing a little more that normal movements. Take care of that wound, no more trying to see what the inside of you hand looks like, if you want to do that watch discovery health.

Holy crap Lake! Tell your wife that from now on she has to do all the dishes. :lol:

Take it easy and don't rush the recovery. Get well soon!


How do you feel now with your hand? Hope fine.



Yeah, Get well soon, we can't have no takin time off now. Can't you hold the chainsaw and the grinder still? LOL
Just get some R&R in and some reading. Feel better soon!

What the hell is going on around here!!!??

Here's the score,

Lake Surfer- 2 legs, one arm

Jungle Trader- 2 legs, 2 arms, no back

Rev Boo- 1 leg, 2 arms.

All within a week.

Aye carumba!!


Just received a copy of a CD on 'Chainsaw carving techniques' Dare I?

Thanks to you all for the well wishes. Things are healing pretty good. Doing little things more and more... the splint has been off for a few days and the swelling is going down. I can type fairly easy again. I'm hoping by next week to pick up the tools.

hewey, yea... I know :x

frost, I hear ya about the stitches. First time in my life I had to get 'em. But I can see the weak points in them... I do something and then a little spot that wasn't stitched opens up. Not fully, but cracks. My mom is a RN... knows bunches of this stuff and she is following the progress and will remove the stitches for me.

finkdaddy, thanks... plead my case for a dishwasher again.

benjamin, thanks. Feeling better. Still have some pain, still awkward as hell, but I'm getting there.

ben, I think you give me a chainsaw and grinder now and I won't have any limbs. :wink:
But I have been doing a lot of research and reading and I've got some great stuff waiting to come out of my head and hands!

benbamboo, I caught wind of your injury via the other channel. Sorry to hear about it. Gotta watch your step! Heal up quick and get back to making magic for us all. I don't know what's up with the gods... someone made 'em made. I don't think I qualify for a Purple Tiki though, as it wasn't tiki related. We'll have to ask General Basement Kahuna about that. Jungle Trader... if you're out there, heal up quick too!

Mc... I got one of those too. The one with the "good 'ol boy" carving? Lots of good tips in there, and cool to see it live, even if it wasn't tiki. I got some more ideas on how to handle a Lancelot too.

Mahalos all around... this time off was good and I hope to show some really cool stuff I've been planning soon.

Sent off payment. Can't wait to get some of your fine work!

Holy Moly Surf! I didn't know till just now. Thanks for the good vibes my way. And back to ya'. Glad to hear your mom is a RN. Heal quickly my friend.


Yeesh...get well soon, braddah.

ditto Lake...hate to see a carver go down...especially such a good one. Heal brother heal!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:15 ]

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