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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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12 big boxes of carvings, but I can't stop!

With a week to go, I think I'll be working into the weekend. I've got a few more ideas to work out in wood and then the rest of it gets packed up.

Monday I finished up yet another in my canoe series, makes it's first appearance at Hukilau next Friday!

Tons of other goodies!

Here's a Ku I just finished up this evening... checks in at 24" high.

Bete posted on Wed, Jun 4, 2008 8:02 AM

So cool looking Lake Surfer!


Looking good Lake This sucker is a good size.

Man you are still going to town! Hight gear,
Full steam ahead.


this is just what i need for the front of my new bar!!! let me know how much and if you have any left after hukilau put me down for one and i'll get it from you a.s.a.p.......or if you plan on going to the aku tiki auction on the 23rd, bring one along and i'll get it then.....

very cool- reminds me of the witco wall hanging in the bar at the chef shangri-la. (which was originally from jimmy wongs or was it shanghai lil's before they closed down..??...)

Bete: Thanks bruddah. :)

seeks: much thanks.
I was cutting some other masks to replace the ones that sold this past weekend when I realized I had a lot of board left over. Rather than do two more masks I drew up a tiki large enough to eat up the rest of the board length. Gotta love the big carvings, always an eye catcher. Full steam ahead is right, I've averaged about 3-4 pieces on each of the last three days.
I'm carving up a frame Thursday for a new piece that is quite unique for me. As soon as I get it finished up I'll get a picture up. Probably Friday morning.

Tipsy, thanks man. I'll be in touch. I won't be attending the auction, I'm not much for collecting stuff, I'd rather make my own. I get some more experience carving and it doesn't cost me anything. Hope you get what you're looking for there.

On 2008-06-04 23:20, Lake Surfer wrote:
I've averaged about 3-4 pieces on each of the last three days..

Wha.?? :o Surfing, partying and chizzlin' like a man possessed!! Go Lake!

Hows the thumb?

Aloha Lake!!!
More carvings from a mad carver(mad talent) do you keep the FIRE DEPT on speeddial because your on FIRE my friend!!!Look forward to seeing you at the hukilau! Aloha your friend, Jimmy Mooney

Tamapoutini: No lies. Actually, I started and finished 5 pieces Thursday in about 12 hours. It stormed all day so I had no reason to go outside, just hunkered down in the basement studio and carved. The thumb, well its a sprain so its taking forever to heal. I still have minor pain and swelling, but have regained 80% of my mobility.

Jimmy, keeping busy keeps me warm up here! Its been abnormally cold this Spring, sucks when you're stuck in the 50's everyday. Looking forward to that heavy, tropical air next week! Make it real hot and throw in some scorching sun for me. :wink:

Thanks for your kind compliments bruddah, looking forward to seeing you and the Florida chippers soon!

A bit pressed for time this afternoon with a few other pieces to go yet. So I went with the boo frame on this Tangaroa. The tiki is half a log.
I was going to carve a frame, but I've got boo coming out of my ears.

About 9" x 16"

Next Wednesday needs to come quicker because as long as there is time, I keep finding more wood to carve. :)

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-06-05 23:39 ]

Have a great time at the bash. I can't see how you can miss, your
stuff should be a real hit. I really love the last one in the frame,
has tons of character for a relatively small piece.

teaKEY posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2008 5:33 AM

I too like the framed up tiki. Different from the others you have carved. And the way you treated the lower portion. I think others would have done something different but your different is refreshing. Eyes great too.

Hey after the party you could probably sell the canoe. And a couple more if you made them. Their not a tiki but they certainly are tiki.


Nice Lake, I like the shell eyes.

Keep a thought out for that thumb, you
have been carving like a mad man.


Excellent new Stuff lake, the Hukilau peeps are in for a Real Treat!

Paipo posted on Sat, Jun 7, 2008 1:56 AM

Loving that Ku - he looks like he stepped straight off the cover of one of those cool 1950s Hawaiian travel brochures.
Take it easy on that thumb (way too late for that perhaps!) - I bent mine playing basketball years ago and it never came right. At least you got yours checked by a medical professional!

Thanks guys for your compliments. :)

A bit stressed out right now, but I need a break while the fans work.

We got a little wet here. Its still raining as I type. Been raining for 3 days straight, but Saturday it started again at 3 and we got 5 inches in the span of 2 hours. The yard couldn't hold it anymore. It came in through the windows, the sump overflowed even with the pump running. Water everywhere. We tried sandbagging for 2 hours to no success. So much for Hale Nalu for now. So much for my workshop for now.

The rest of the basement's contents we slowly carried up the stairs. It looks like we are just moving into the house again... stuff everywhere.

There was a half hour break in the action. The sump pump caught up a bit. Some of the water in the yard drained.

That revealed more damage. A big portion of the landscaping is trashed. Has to be redone or fixed if it can be.

We've got fans running and things are drying a little. But predictions are for this whole thing to happen again tomorrow afternoon into Monday.

Keeping my fingers crossed the rain ends and we get things dried out, for Wednesday is coming up quick and we have to be on the road.

Hopefully we'll see many of you on Thursday.

At least the walls are intact...

No more tiki fountain, for now...

To the lower left is where the sump pump is, and was overflowing. To the upper right is the window that became a tropical waterfall intro my workshop for 4 hours.

Please, make it stop raining!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-06-08 17:17 ]

GROG posted on Sun, Jun 8, 2008 12:57 AM

Sorry about the lake in your yard and in your house, Lake.


Man, Thats a tough way to clean house, sorry you have to go through that, especially now, trying to get ready for a trip. Hope it all dries out today for you.

I guess we were lucky to get what we got, I think this week many parts of the city will be eligible for disaster assistance.
We had water running everywhere but were able to get things dried out. Still, everything will stay on higher ground until the weather changes.

Bracing right now for round 5... we've had 7 inches in the last 24 hours. Rain and heavy storms through Monday night.

We are sandbagged and the pump is ready to go in the backyard.

Holy Moly Lake! Just because you're Lake Surfer, doesn't mean ya need a lake in your tiki room!
Sorry to hear about this, don't stress...you'll be at Hukilau sooooooon.
Grog's funny.

Holly crap lake hope you are staying dry.

I see board! :)

The Ku is amazing Lake! Probably one of my more favortite lake tikis!!!


Sorry to hear about all the water Lake - not exactly Tiki is it? Or perhaps you could drown your sorrows in the Tiki-Bar and imagine youre riding out a tropical storm on a Sth Seas Island somewhere? Make a theme party out of it!

Seriously, I hope you get through it safely - and then back to work ok?


great work - lover you TIKI BAR
here in Europe it also don't stop raining :(


Lake, I heard you got rained on at Hukilau too? And you were the Only one? That sucks, but Florida bees that way sometimes. Hope you had a great show.

Thanks guys for your concern, and Scott, thanks for the compliment!

Whew. What a 2 weeks it has been. The rains, the floods, Hukilau, and a well needed vacation.

3500 miles. 9 states. 12 days. 400 + photographs.

It started with Hukilau, then a tour of Eastern Florida, Eastern Georgia and it's islands, South Carolina and the Low Country. Back home via Wilmington, NC, The Blue Ridge Parkway and highways through Tennesee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

Saw some beautiful sights, met a lot of great people and had a blast partying in Fort Lauderdale! Even got a couple surf sessions in, even though the waves were small.

A huge thanks to everyone who made our trip possible by supporting my artwork! I am honored to have a place in your tiki collection!

It was great to see old friends again, and meet so many new ones!

Brad, it was great to finally see your wonderful tiki creations in person, you're a very talented and humble artist. Jen and I had a great time at dinner and drinks at the Jungalero Room with you and Alicia. Keep up the inspirational work!

Jim, a real pleasure to meet you and Bruce! You guys added a lot of fun to this year's already stellar Hukilau. Anytime the California Ohana is involved, it always spices things up.
Thanks for all your support!

Benz, always great to see you again! I did get drenched carrying merch back to the van, one of your 2 inch per 10 minutes rainshowers you get in Florida. Actually, rain followed us everywhere on vacation except for Charleston, SC. We arrived back home to rain again, and some slight moisture in the basement again. Hoping for a drought for the next year or so here. :wink:

BK, thanks so much for all the great gifts and for all your hard work this year as coordinator. I wore my Deep South Pacific shirt with pride as we tracked across the tropical sands of Tybee Island last week. You do your home state proud.

Kai, so glad you could make the trip to Florida, even the U.S. It was great to meet you in person and to see your excellent art work close up!

Next to 2006, this was my favorite Hukilau ever. Benboo and Al, anytime there's a pool or an ocean, you guys know how to make the best of it!

Again, thank you all for your support, it means a lot and inspires me to keep creating.

The time away from home has recharged me, and I've got some great new stuff coming very soon!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2011-11-16 21:33 ]


Right On Lake sounds like your liven life.
The booth looks great.

Looks like you been holding out for Hukilau, I think I see a few wall pieces
that you haven't posted before. Actually speaking of the middle row on the
thatch, after the two marqs, and the double tang; the fourth and fifth
pieces, especially the one with his fingers just below the mouth. Whew,
sorry for the ramble, but could you show a close up of that one?
Really great collection, I gotta get something before you get too famous!

Kahu posted on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 9:34 PM

On 2008-06-23 18:52, congatiki wrote:
I gotta get something before you get too famous!

Well I heard a rumor that he is vending at the Hot Rod Hula Hop.

Aloha guys, sorry, its been a while. Had a lot to catch up with around the house and work after being on vacation for 2 weeks. Everything is back to normal and its back to carving. I've got a couple more events this summer to get ready for.

Seek, thanks, the booth was jam packed with goodies, gave everyone a wide assortment to choose from. :wink:

Conga, thanks for your kind compliments! I have been busy and wanted to show some great new stuff at Hukilau that hadn't been seen. I'm a bit hesitant to show a lot of stuff these days on the web. I'll send you off a picture of the guy you were asking about.

Kahu, you are correct! I will be making my first Hot Rod Hula Hop this year finally. I always had another event that weekend, the Third Coast Surf Shop Luau in Michigan. I'm taking a break from it to get to the Hop this year.

I've got a pile of carvings started... some basic stuff to replace what sold in Florida, but also a bunch of new ventures.

Here is a 3/4 scale Marquesan Ceremonial Paddle I started Wednesday during a rainy afternoon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I'll be kicking back the next couple of days to celebrate both the country's and my wahine's birthday.


Lake, I'm loving this paddle its looking great!

Welcome back to the real world.

just bring a good load down with you to the chef on the 20th....i don't see you as often anymore and need some stuff for the house....bring some paddles too if you got em'...definately bring a large flat ku carving.....see ya then.


Loving the paddle. And it was great seeing you and Jen again and being vendor neighbors at the Hukilau this year. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Frostiki

visit us at http://www.frostiki.com

[ Edited by: frostiki 2008-07-03 14:16 ]

Seek, thanks!

Tipsy, no worries.

Mr. and Mrs. Frost, thanks much! Great to see you guys again! Glad you made it this year!

What a nice weekend. Got down to Summerfest to see some bands this weekend, hung out at the beach a few days and got my tan back, watched some fireworks and drank a lot of beer.

Back to work now. Lots of irons in the fire. A minor set back Monday morning as a thunderstorm tore through and I lost power for a couple hours. Kinda tough carving by candlelight, so I waited it out and did some sketches.

Power came back on and I got going on another Marquesan Voyage. Foundation Tiki Bar ordered one for their new tiki hut booth. This one is a bit different from my others though, its 4 feet long by 21 inches high.

I got a lot done today, and need to finish it by Wednesday afternoon when it goes on the wall.

I'm also back to carving some log tikis, I'm considering selling at a beach festival here in Milwaukee since it looks like high airfare will keep me from Oasis.

I have a bunch of other pieces in different stages of carving, I hope to get some more things wrapped up after this canoe is delivered.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-07-08 22:06 ]

Amazing stuff, as usual, Lake. Looking really good.

Kahu posted on Tue, Jul 8, 2008 3:40 AM

Lake I hope you have a great weekend selling at the Chef!

If you have not been to Oasis you should really find a way, especially if you could vend, you need to spread the midwest tiki. :D


That's a big boat---looks great! Howz the paddle coming along?

Pappy, thanks for your support! I really appreciate the compliments!

Kahu, thanks for the good wishes! I'm looking forward to seeing the Chef's new and improved digs. Should be a good time next Sunday!

Brad, it looks bigger everytime I go back to work on it. All done now, though, and ready for a new home!

I've been doing some work on the paddle, but I've got about 4 different things going at once in addition to ongoing landscaping in the yard. Too much at once.
Now that the boat is done I can cross that off the list and get to finishing other stuff.

Speaking of the boat, here it is all finished... 48" wide by 21" high

If it gets hung on Wednesday I'll get a picture of it in the new digs at Foundation.

Here's another new piece I started on today... inspired by a Marquesan staff.

Carving is done and Wednesday it gets stained and aged.

More to come!


Wow! Nice work, Lake Surfer! I like the clean, consistent line work you've got going.

Bowana, thanks for the compliment! Sometimes the concentric linework gets dizzying when I'm working on it. Concentration is key so you remember where you left off. It'll look great when its all finished!


Great , promising new piece Lake, and the Bigga boat issa really Sweet one. Sorry to hear you won't be making it to Oasis, I think you would have done well there.

That new boat looks great. So when will there be a life-size version? BTW - hurricane in the Atlantic!!! I'm spending the weekend in Daytona with the hopes that I catch the swell.


Your boat series is pretty darn nice. It is Weds, so is it mounted yet? Where are the pictures?

You guys drying out?

Yeah, I gotta say Lake, your line work on these flat panel are real tight! Very consistent. Any lake surf?

Benz, thanks for the compliments!

Just too much out of pocket to start for me this year for Oasis, airfare is nuts this close to the event and I still would have to get everything shipped out.
I would be lucky to barely break even, if I was able to bring enough. Maybe next year. I've got a few big events before the summer is out though, and the Tiki Mag show in September that I am just stoked to be in this year.

A.S. at the rate I keep going there may just be a life size version of this. :wink: I am glad that we went big for the space it is in, it looks great on the wall!
Hope you get some waves, we're flat, flat, flat here.

Johnny, thanks! It is up and unfortunately I left the house in a rush and forgot to grab the camera. I'll get a shot of it next time I'm up there, maybe next week.
Not drying out much here, at least in the yard. We got over 2 inches this past weekend, and more rain in store this week. The lawn and the plants look great though.

Surfin, thanks much bruddah! No surf to speak of here. Probably not until mid to late August the way things are going. I can barely call myself a surfer I'm so dried out. Water temps are only in the 50's to make matters worse, so the warm air doesn't push the cold water very good. Hopefully somethin will give soon, if not I'll hopefully catch something in SoCal in September... hope you get some waves off this dying 'cane out there in the Atlantic.

I hope to have my work ideas nailed down by the end of the month for the Tiki Mag show... sneak previews to come!



The boat - very very nice.

The rest? - Great!

A Tan way the fheck up there? That's got to be special for you guys.


Loved the stuff at Hukilau, especially the boats.

Maybe you can set up a wave pool in your yard, catch a homemade wave?

Here's hoping the weather gods show you mercy.

Greg, thanks much!

Yes, it is possible to get a tan up here, even hold onto it until maybe October. Then the layers of clothing start getting thicker and the sun goes away until May.

I guess that gives the skin a chance to get healthy again! :wink:

Angry Idol, thanks for the compliments! A wave pool would be more consistent that the lack of waves we've had on the lakes. I'm going on a month without surf, and I had to go to the East Coast for my last waves. The weather has dried a bit here... and it looks like a heat wave this week. One extreme to the other in the Midwest.
Thanks for the well wishes though!

It seems like I need to injure myself every once in a while. I don't know why, it just happens. Accident prone I guess. Or I need to stay away from sharp objects.

I had just started trimming the hedges with a very long bar trimmer, in the blink of an eye I opened up my arm with it. Barely felt it.

Luckily, the only interruption to my carving was the 2 hours spent getting it stitched up. Should be healed in another 8 days and I'll have another scar with a story. :wink:

Back to tiki carving, not arm carving...

I'm experimenting around with some new carving, getting new experience for my work that will go to the Tiki Magazine show. I'd like to get some crazy detail for those pieces.
Here is a Lono with some fun stuff going on in the headress.

This Sunday I'll be down at Chef Shangri-la in the Chicago area for the Chef's Anniversary party. I'll probably have this finished in addition to some other fun stuff.
After that I am considering vending at a 2 day volleyball tournament and beach party here in Milwaukee called the Bradford Beach Jam. After that is the Hot Rod Hula Hop in Columbus, OH. Labor Day Weekend is the Dairyland Surf Classic. That brings me right up to San Diego in September for the Tiki Mag show!

I gotta get back to work! :)

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2008-12-21 00:59 ]

Kahu posted on Tue, Jul 15, 2008 9:36 AM


Do you have any necklaces?
Curious if you have thought of doing your great panels in necklace form?
See ya at the HOP!


On the list in my head I was hoping to get to doing just that thing. I just have to figure out how to shrink these buggers. Its always easier to go bigger, but smaller takes some figuring out. Gonna do my best to get at least a handful of them to the HRHH for ya! :wink:

Bouncing between carvings and building some new displays for upcoming shows today. This last piece should be ready to show tonight.

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