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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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awsome maori carve very cool stuff!!! glad all went well w hand surgery! and the best and speediest recovery too yah!! cheerz lake!!

Whoah Dude! Where did the hand thing come from? It just pop up? Or you knew for a while you needed surgery?

Benjamin, thanks for the well wishes, and thanks for the props on the new piece!
Good time now to think about all the fun stuff I'll make next year!

BIG tiki scott, thanks also for the well wishes and props!

surfin, hope you're surviving the East Coast Blizzard!
I noticed pain in my hand back in October, but there were so many things I wanted to get in before the end of the year that I kept
watch on it and finally scheduled surgery for around the time I hoped to have commissions done.
I've got plenty of design work and research to do that's zero impact, so its a good time for carving downtime!


Dam Dave, hope you heal soon.


Hope you get better soon, your work is so great!

Seeks and Clarita, thanks for the well wishes!

I go in next Monday for a post-op.

Things seem to be healing well, so I'm hoping to be back at it by the new year.

Can't wait!


Had the opportunity to do some low-impact carving today...

The Merry Marquesan

6' H x 32" W

Mele Kalikimaka Everyone!


EXCELLENT! I've never seen a snowtiki before!
Merry Christmas, Lake!

Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you Bill!

I was thinking about doing that tomorrow. We have a blizzard going on in Texas!

Awesome!! Your snow tiki almost makes me wish I lived where it snows. Almost. :)


Lake, that is really COOL and I guess it really Was low impact! How is your hand doing, you following the Doc's orders??

drasticwagon... go for it!
Seems like its snowing everywhere this winter.
Snow is a very forgiving medium... take a chunk off, put a chunk back on.
Problem with this guy is 10 minutes after the picture was taken he fell over from the rain.

Thanks Jim!
I'd trade all the snow tikis in the world to live where it didn't snow, but you make the best of where you are!
It's only crummy weather here 8 months out of the year. :wink:

Thanks Benz!
Softest material you can carve!
The hand is doing well. The incision is healing pretty quick, though I can't exactly say this activity was doctor approved. :wink:
But the driveway needed clearing and then I just got the urge to play in the snow.
Still going to be a little time before I'm swinging the mallet.

LOVE it, Dave~! Merry Christmas, pally~!


Thanks Andy!

Nice talking story with you Saturday night!

So, snow tikis are fun and all that, but they don't have much staying power.

Off to see the Doc in the am for a Post-Op evaluation, but the hand has been healing nicely.

I won't be swinging mallets around within the next few weeks still, but I can use my left hand to carve with,
with no effect on my right one. Pieces that I work on are clamped down to the table.

Here is a 44" tall Marquesan relief piece that I have had waiting for a while.
Managed to get the top guy done... maybe wrap the whole thing up Tuesday.


Cool Dave! Glad to see ya back in action. Received the Maori piece today... I DIG! Thanks for the pendant, too!

AKUAE posted on Tue, Dec 29, 2009 1:47 AM

great Maori work
keep up the great work

Aloha Woody!

Its good to be back at it. Saw the doc this morning and he said I'm good to go.
Days are just a little more fulfilling with tiki in them. :wink:
Good to hear your Maori piece arrived safely... enjoy!

AKUAE, thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate the compliment!

glad to hear your doin good!!! and i LOOOVE YOUR SNOW TIKI!!! i to ALMOST wish i lived where it snows to make a giant snow tiki myself!! and even w one hand your carvin is bad ass!!! cheerz lake!

He's Back!!!
Glad the doc gave the go-ahead for more carving. Really like
the start on the latest, and I'm so envious that you can move from
start to finish so fast. Sometimes I struggle to get 15 minutes
a day of carving...drives me nuts.


hey is that taking it easy? be careful please! looking great I have to confess :)

Aloha BIG tiki scott, thanks much for your compliments!
Snow is a bothersome thing here in the winter, and sometimes you need to make the best of it.
I'd gladly trade you snow for palm trees any day, I've had my lifetime's fill of it!

Conga, yes, I was cleared for carving again! Very happy to be back at it.
I have a real problem putting work down until I'm finished with it.
Then I pick something else up and start cranking away on that!
Can't figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Clarita, thanks much, but the 2 weeks of idle time were driving me nuts!
So glad to get back down to creating again!

Put the finishing touches on the Marquesas Panel in the wee hours of this morning.
This was a fun piece to do, and a nice piece to get back in the swing of things.

Marquesas Panel

44" H x 7" W

3/4 View


Great work Lake,Hey do you use any power tools in your carving, Router etc. such detail.

Back in the saddle again!

First of all, that think just ROCKS. But what really puts it over the top for me are those wonderful little stylistic details you put into it, like the curving incisions in the nostrils and the geometric patterns between the three tiki that are soooooo typical for Marquesas carving.

Two thumbs so far up they hit the ceiling.



Lakes,good to see your back in action and pump'n out that tiki goodness!cheers Watango

Lakes,good to see your back in action and pump'n out that tiki goodness!cheers Watango


Welcome back Lake, I'm Sure those words from the doc were Mucic to your ears AND I see you wasted No time pushing out your latest Marq. Excellent work with the tools, I bet you are really Happy to finally use that Christmas Present too?

Atomic Tiki Punk, thanks!
99% of the carving is chisels and gouges, but given the opportunity to save time and effort I'll use a few bits on the router.
Hand tools still offer the best control and precision.

surfintiki, yes, back in the saddle again!

Aweulekuula, many thanks for the compliment!
I'm a stickler for detail, and I like to stay true to the art.
I probably spend more time doing research and learning the whys of Oceania then the actual carving.
But knowing the background of the cultures helps a lot with the final outcome of the piece.
I appreciate your feedback, thanks again!

Watango, cheers to you, and thanks for the props! Good to be in action again!

Benz, thanks so much, and the doc's words were music to my ears. I'm glad the downtime went quick though, carving is such a wonderful part of everyday life and
days seems a little bit more fulfilled.
The new present from my wife has opened up a new work of carving again. Having more tools is always a good thing and it teaches you new carving techniques.


Nice to see you carving. Recovery must have gone fast. Is this an item concieved of while you were "off"?



Nice to see you carving. Recovery must have gone fast. Is this an item conceived of while you were "off"?


Thanks Johnny!

Recovery went faster then I thought. But after further review before surgery, the doc said things were pretty clean cut.
Just a 3 cm incision about 1 cm deep. It healed pretty quick with a double layer of stitches.

Regarding the Marquesas Panel... it was cut out a month ago and on the stack of new work I wanted to get to soon.
An ambitious project, but I was ready for ambitious after 2 weeks off!

laojia posted on Sat, Jan 2, 2010 1:26 AM

Happy to see you back on the studio! Your hand surgery was don't lose your "hand" for carving! Happiness for you and for us too! :D :D :D



Thanks Jerome!

Happy to be back!

I've got some other non-tiki wood carving commissions going on this week, but I found some time to sneak in some tiki.
This is a project that I wanted to do this past summer, but things got real busy and I never got the time for it.

I started on one of four support post covers for my patio awning in the backyard. Carved wood looks so much better than aluminum poles.

The design was inspired by some patterns I saw in the Bali Hai the last couple of times I was there.

6 " sides

Two 6" sides torched and ready for assembly

The other two sides are 4" wide and are some basic Marquesan designs. The whole thing stands 7' 6" tall.

Finished post cover.

When things warm a bit in the Spring, I'll stain them up, give them some spot painting and some rope accents.
One down, three to go.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2010-01-05 00:09 ]

Lake - lookin good - I think someone else in your home is happy about them too!

party on!

Aloha Jack!

Hope you are staying warm over this brutal winter. Thanks much for the props!

The wahine is always appreciative when a little bit of tiki stays here on the homefront!


lake surfer
those look sweet,i have been wanting to somthing like that on my deck

what did you say your address was..........

buzzard, thanks for your kind compliment!

I live in Wisconsin, its 18 degrees here with 5 inches of snow on the ground.

How about I bring them to you where its sunny and 72 degrees? :wink:

We just had our annual Polar Bear swim this week. The air was 30 degrees and the water was 76 - people ran for the water and did not want to get out! I actually had to wear a spring suit last week!

A.S. I'll take some of that 76 degree water!

We are fully iced in here now, no surfing until we get a heavy rain or an extended period of warm weather (April).

Actually, your 30 air temp would be a heat wave as the average daytime highs here have been in the teens.

I've locked myself in the studio until at least May!


hey it was only 70 today and i did feel a chill when i sat in the shade(ha ha)
man you guys should head to the buzzard ranch and get warm


On 2010-01-05 00:06, Lake Surfer wrote:
I've got some other non-tiki wood carving commissions going on this week, but I found some time to sneak in some tiki.
This is a project that I wanted to do this past summer, but things got real busy and I never got the time for it.

I started on one of four support post covers for my patio awning in the backyard. Carved wood looks so much better than aluminum poles.

The design was inspired by some patterns I saw in the Bali Hai the last couple of times I was there.

Nice. Great to do something for yourself once in a while huh?

No snow here, but lows in the 20s tonight and for the next several nights. Sheesh. :(

stayin warm lake!? lol!! the post covers rock!!! got a nice space to do some cool stuff w!!!! and i agree its always nice to do sumthin for yrself sometimes!!! cheerz!!!

Thanks guys for the compliments!

I guess I shouldn't be in much of a hurry to get these done seeing as how we're getting a foot of snow right now. :x

Maybe things will thaw out by May and I'll have some pictures for you then!

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