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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Papuan Hornbill Post Topper!

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He shoots, he scores.

Awesome Mike

Guys, thank you so much - it was a fun project and I'm looking forward to getting some use from it once the weather cools down. Robbie, I think that you're right that I missed an opportunity :lol:

New tile project. Making some 5 inch tiles to get glued to that acrylic cube. I had the idea months ago but couldn't find a reasonably priced acrylic cube at the time. This one is bigger than I expected, at 5 inches, it will hold about 9 cups! I guess it will be more of a bowl than a mug :wink:

Wow you are working all the time. Me too. I like those tiles. Wendy

We like keeping busy Wendy :D

Got the 4 tiles pretty much done, letting them dry between 2 sheets of weighted drywall. IF they dry & fire flat and IF I calculated the shrinkage right, I should have a Jade Tile Bowl in a week or so. Maybe I should have made 5 tiles and then I could discard the most warped one? I also re-measured the volume of my bowl and it's more like 45 oz. Still plenty for a 2 person bowl.


Nice work Mike, looking forward to more pictures of your tile bowl.

Interesting Mad Man
Will keep watching updates


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-08-22 15:46 ]

Love the lava! That really looks great.

Thanks guys :D

Fired my tiles and glued them to the acrylic container. Next to work on making them look like they are lashed together. I think it will look really cool filled with a blue drink and a couple of blue LED ice cubes. Or maybe a tropical silk flower arrangement?

Like most of what I do, this was an experiment. Lessons learned;
5x5x5 is too big for a mug. Mathematically 5x5x5 holds 69 ounces (but actually closer to 45 oz drink volume). 4x4x4 would be a max capacity of 35 ounces which is better. 4 inch tiles would be harder to make, smaller is harder to detail. But I really do want to make a mold one of these days
Glass cubes would be better than acrylic. When I glued the tiles to the cube, I got some glue on the acrylic and I wasn't able to get it all off. With glass I could scrape it without scratching the glass.

"I want you to shake the freak tree and invite anyone that drops to the ground. Dwarfs and giants, magicians, Zulu tribesmen, contortionists, fire eaters... and priests. We're going to need to confess" Freddy Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2019-08-28 08:35 ]


Love it Mike, a pink drink would be nice hehe.

SO. AWESOME. Oh my days, how I love that.

First thing I thought of was a planter. I would want, like, 4-6 of those and have orchids and bamboo and the like in them. That would be amazing.

Thank you Hilda and HopeChest. I guess it would make a planter, the box is acrylic and you could drill some drainage holes.

I couldn't actually lash the tiles together because of the acrylic box behind. So I cut some short pieces of 1/4 inch rope and glued them on with hot glue. We'll see if they stay

I made an ice chest cabinet to go with my Pele mini bar, it stores under the bar when not in use.

Nice ice

:up: :lol: :D :P

Hot Idea.
Cool application.
Or, a,
the other way around.

LOL, thank you Will :D

Decided I needed a volcano bowl to hold limes and lemons of my Pele bar.

Rolled out a slab of paper clay into a rough circle the size I needed. Did not trim the edges as I wanted them ragged and uneven

I dropped the slab into a bowl and cut out some of the extra, making deep folds. It sat in the bowl until sufficiently hardened to support itself. Then I textured the outside with a lava rock. I tried pouring some slip down the inside of the bowl to give a molten lava effect but but it didn't make much difference in the finished project.

Because it was made of paper clay, I was able to dry it in a day by placing it outside in the 110 degree heat.

I almost messed up! :o I made the bowl at work and didn't take my kiln sizing template, I didn't even measure it, I just assumed it would fit into the kiln. It did but JUST BARELY!!!

Glazed and done


I wonder what it would look like if you glazed the outside of the bowl with red lava coming down the center and then use the bowl upside down as a volcano art piece.

I like it Hilda. If I made a depression at the top to represent the crater then it could still be turned over to be a bowl. Sculptural AND utilitarian! :D

Hamo posted on Wed, Sep 11, 2019 7:55 PM

Another great project, Mike!

Nice one Mike

"Sculptural AND utilitarian!"
That doesn't happen often in Tiki.

Thanks guys!
Working on something new, a Pele Clock. I know that Tiki has a love/hate relationship with Jimmy Buffett but I like the "it's 5:00 somewhere" concept. Working on a Pele clock with volcano textured clay and a picture of Pele, the volcano goddess, in the center. All of the hours are marked "5", half of them in the Hindu-Arabic system used by most of the world. The other numerals are Hebrew, Thai, Roman, Mayan, Armenian, and Chinese. The inset is a color photo of Herb Kane's "Pele Honua Mea" that will be covered with a layer of clear epoxy.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2019-09-16 00:09 ]

Always 5 o’clock inVegas

You are so much fun to watch as you create all these fun art items. You never run out of ideas so I guess I will return here for many years to come, Wendy

My Pele clock is glazed and fired. I put the photo insert in the middle and coated it with epoxy. Should have a finished clock by morning!

Pele is taking over your home
Freekin awesome u lucky Mad Dog

Jon, Ms Pele has been good to me :lol:

Finished and hung

Looks like rock around the clock,
or, is it country?

Good one Will :lol:

Nice work Mike!

Are the symbols for numbers real or from your unusual mind?
Looks great. Wendy

Thanks Wendy & Robert :D

Wendy, those symbols are real. I had trouble coming up with them though, most of the world uses the same ones we use.

What origin?

The 1:00 position is Hebrew
3:00 Thai
5:00 Roman
7:00 Mayan
9:00 Armenian
11:00 Chinese

(but they are all the number 5)

cy posted on Mon, Oct 14, 2019 12:36 PM

Nice work MadDog!

The Summer Swap. danlovestikis with MadDogMike.

It took forever but Dan hung the beautiful lamp that MadDogMike made for the swap. We were so lucky to have this for our home.
We have been changing things so rapidly that we didn't know where it would go until now. We love it.

This has been a dark corner of the room until now. It has a large amount of Dan's stereo equipment collection. They are all hooked up but now with the hanging lamp by MadDogMike it is lit up and easier for him to use.

Here's a photo with a flash used.

Thank you MadDogMike and I'm so sorry it took so long. We will enjoy it for many years to come and think of you when we do.

Cheers, Wendy

Thank you for the pic Wendy, it looks beautiful there!

A few moths back I made my first visit to Trader Sam's and was inspired by these lamps.

I decided to give them a try and this is what I ended up with

I bought a 3.5 x 9 inch straight sided glass vase at the dollar store, drilled a hole in the bottom, fitted it with a light fixture, glued burlap to the glass and painted on some geometric Polynesian designs. Google suggested ModPodge to stick the burlap to the glass, I'm skeptical that it will stick. I want to make 2 more but I will see how well this one holds up.

Merry Christmas!!!

So you’re the one that stole the lamps from trader Sam’s


Great Santa pic

Love it!

Mele Kalikimaka, MDM!


On 2019-12-17 18:53, MadDogMike wrote:
Merry Christmas!!!

Your patio is looking great!
Where did you get that tiki, nice!

Merry Christmas Mike!

Jon the only thing I stole was inspiration :D
Mele Kalikimaka to you to Bam, thank you
John, thank you. My father-in-law was a Tiki restaurant owner and Tiki carver. He taught his son to carve (my brother-in-law), this is one that he carved sometime in the 80s


I missed the flaming sculls garnish.
4 different ones ?
So what do they do?
Do you fill them with over proof rum?
Or do they bask in a flame?
We need to know.

Good morning Will! They are small ceramic skulls that you put in a lime shell, douse with 151 or lemon extract, and LIGHT IT ON FIRE!!! There aren't 4 different versions of the skull, it's just a set of 4 but since they are hand made, they're all a little different. I made 8 sets and sold them all, working on some more :D

Another MadDogMike special creation. These are creepy in a very good way. Wendy

I love mine


Etsy tells me there is a market for cigar ashtrays so I thought I'd give it a try. Not really "Tiki" but would fit well in many Tiki bars. Posted an Etsy link in Marketplace

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