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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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They do it big in Sheboygan! beaut stuff Lake


wow lake, really beautiful stuff, congratulations. the grain on the beachcomber ku is wonderful. how nice top have such a wonderful place of entertainment so close to home. once again lake congrats on your pieces hanging in a place of honor.


looks good lake.....but the tikis get kinda lost on the wall with so much space around them....i would have doubled the size of them considering where they were going to hang...unless of course you are not done and plan on adding something else......


The place looks great with your stuff hanging in it Lake! But I think they need some more, the walls still look a little bare to me. Look at all the room they have in there! :wink: :wink:

Thanks guys for all your kind compliments!

I'm not done yet! :wink:

I realize there is a lot of room left around the pieces, and I am currently in contact with Vic's regarding more work for the room.

Hopefully I can get a canoe or two in there within the month of March.

...i think i can see your masks flanked on either side with some spears and some war clubs of your own creation.....how about it?


Bravo!The set is very beautiful, I reserve a table for Saturday evening

Gonna do my best Dave.

I've laid out a few different ideas for them... have to see what they go for.

All your suggestions are good ones too.

laojia, many thanks! I'll put in a good word for ya! :wink:

They look great in their new home,Lake!
you make momma proud!


Yes, they're quite happy to adorn the hallowed halls of Trader Vic's.

Momma, Daddy and the wahine are all proud. :wink:

GROG posted on Mon, Feb 23, 2009 11:17 PM



Everything looks perfect and I'm sure that the people had a great time there.

My eyes would love to see more pix of that beauty:

Thanks for sharing so quickly the pix for the ones that are far.


Congrats! A perfect match, your classic work and the Trader!

Grog: Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate the compliment.

Benjamin: Many thanks... and you're quite welcome!

I've got to keep the Island Fire Collection a bit of a secret until the next premier!

I promise some pictures after that for your viewing pleasure.

Sven: Big mahalos for your kind words! Thanks for stopping by my thread for a look-see!

Maybe someday you'll be by the Windy City and you can see the work in person.
I'm sure you would love the new Trader Vic's... it is not the Palmer House we all loved, but the staff, service and decor is all top notch at the new location.

The Midwest is very lucky to have such a great establishment again, and from what I've seen in the last 2 months there, it will continue to succeed and grow!


Most excellent Lake! It reeks of exquisite taste.
One can only hope the food is as good.

Many thanks Seeks!

Thanks for swinging by.

Nothing better than starting off with a classic Vic's Mai Tai and Cosmo Tidbits for Two.

For dinner, I highly recommend the Macadamia Nut Mahi Mahi...
Wasabi mashed potatoes , Roasted Vegetables, Orange Ginger beurre blanc.

Of course, there are many tasty items on the menu!


Love the Trader Vic's pieces...congrats!.
Great place for your work for sure.

Looking forward to your next temple creation also.

I am really into these new pieces your coming out with. Awesome stuff all around!

leleliz... thanks a ton for your kind compliments!

Things have slowed here a bit. I did finish another "temple" but have yet to photograph.

Some new things in the works, but home remodeling has gotten in the way again.

As soon as I get this dishwasher installed, it will give me extra carving time that was once wasted on doing the dishes!

Heath posted on Wed, Mar 4, 2009 9:17 AM

I'm amazed at the amount of detail you put into all of your work, and congrats on the Trader Vic's!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:28 ]


Lake that KU is a killer carve! Strait forward classic look!
I like how you left of the lines above the eyes. I
think it would have contrasted to much with the area just above
if you follow me.

You have to love a tiki in the snow. He
would look even better at the Tiki Bog.

My i ask about the stain? what how? great looking contrast of color.


Forgot about the "The Idol of Tahuata"
so cool! makes me want to try something like that.

Laketiki in Trader Vics?!?!?!?! AWESOME!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I think I would wet myself if I had a carving in TV's!

I gotta say, lake your marquesian carvings are ouddasite! Seriously, the pictures you post are amazing, and after purchasing one and seeing the rest of them for the first time in person I know for a FACT that the pictures don't do them justice! I wouldn't be surprised if TV comes calling for more.

Your tiki temple series looks like a lot of fun! I love architecture miniatures! too cool!

Nice job lake and congratulations once again on the trader vics job! Your carvings look like they are "at home" in those pictures!


Thanks much, bruddah!
Nice to see you stop by my thread!

And thanks for the props on these guys!

I get what you say, totally. And its a fine line too with details... sometimes too much, sometimes not enough... sometimes just right!

Hopefully not too much more snow out there as march goes on... time for Spring!
We got hammered by 14" of snow on Tuesday.

The stain... a mix of the lightest you can get and the darkest you can get. :wink:
I'll PM you some details.


Thanks for stopping by my little pile of sawdust!

I appreciate all the kind compliments!

Trader Vic's was a quick hitter... still have to pinch myself when I think about it.
I'm really hoping they bite on some more work in the future, but am really happy that I was able to do a few pieces for them.

You're doing some fine work yourself, I always find inspiration in your thread! You've got a real connection to the old school style!

Hope to see you at Oasis this summer, I'm coming out this year... if not maybe I'll get back to the Bay in the fall!


Hey Lake
Let's hope that spring is on the way. I did a little outdoor carving
earlier this week, but at 5 degrees below zero it was a wee bit chilly.

It's hard to come up with superlatives on your carvings. Nice. You set
a high standard for classic style carves. And I've never seen a Lakesurfer
carvings that wasn't "finished" to perfection.

Conga! Thanks for stopping by!

Winter has to give eventually. We're in the low 50's today, but I see a return to cold temps next week.

This week's lake effect snow was a real kick in the teeth, but its melting now.

I hear you on getting outdoors, I've got 2 real big logs that I'd like to get to for a change of pace.
Its been a while since I could really let loose on a big chunk of wood.

No worries on the words, I just like to throw stuff up here and see if I am on the right track with new things or if they are too far in left field.

I appreciate all the feedback and the kind compliments!

hey lake, i really dig your work!
and thanks for your comment!

KuKu posted on Wed, Mar 11, 2009 1:28 AM

Dave! LS carvings in a T.V.'s?!? That's monumental bro! WOW!!! Just historic... Congrats man, they look Great hangin there.

The ceder KU rocks!!! So does the Idol of Tahuata, it's on my wish list...

Surf has been really good off & on here, had an awesome January with summer like days and well over head high surf. Sucks right now but suppose to pick up next day or so.

Just got back from Hawaii a couple weeks ago and it was pretty much flat the whole two weeks I was there. Ah well, got to hang with Gecko instead. You gettin any waves this frosty winter?

I just picked up a couple of palm chunks from the side of the road here and will be needing some advice in the near future as I attempt my first carvings, Wish me luck...

Keep up the nice work dude and we'll see ya at Oasis!

One day, there will be a cure for tiki,
That's the day I'll throw my rum away...

[ Edited by: KuKu 2009-03-11 01:29 ]


That Ku's shading really gives him an amazing sense of inherent age. Great work!



Aloha Kevin!

Thanks for stopping by my thread, good to hear from you!

Thanks for the compliments and the congrats for the work at Trader Vic's!

It was a proud milestone in my carving career, and I was honored to have the opportunity.

Thanks also for the compliments on my latest work! Mixing things up lately with the logs and flatwork... keeps things fresh.

I'm jealous of any surf that you have gotten, we've been iced in here for pretty much the last 4 months. I did get out for some knee to waist mush back in February... we had a 2 day thaw and it allowed access to the water, but we've been in the deep freeze since. Water temps are running about 34 degrees. Unfortunately it doesn't look very promising soon as we've been plunged back into winter today with a air temp of 20 and a windchill of -5. There is a lot of ice out there.

Way to score the palm! Good luck with them, take your time and have fun! Let me know if I can help ya in any way.

Yes, I shall see you at Oasis! Really looking forward to it!

Aloha Marcus!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my carvings, I really appreciate the compliment!

Aging is something that I've been really striving towards and experimenting with.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-03-11 11:41 ]

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:27 ]


damn lake, once again outstanding! just beautiful work dude. only wish i could view them in person and see all the detail you put into these temples. great job.



I want all of these..they are so fabulous.

But you cant keep them under wraps for the folks who may not be able to make it to Oasis.

Be sure to at least take pics of them and post them after so we get to see them.

Great stuff as always!

big daddy, many thanks for your kind words.

Its going to be hard parting with these come August, lots of love goes into 'em.

leleliz, aloha and mahalo!

No worries, I make sure to take lots of pictures of my work so that I can look back on it someday when I'm old and grey. :wink:
In time there will be more photos of the whole collection... I'm terrible with secrets.

DYNAMITE job on the Polynesia, Dave. Alas, wish it was still here in town. How many Temples are you planning on bringing to Oasis? Lots and LOTS, I hope.
Great job, man!



Thanks, I appreciate the compliment!

I wish that I had the opportunity to see it in person also... from the pictures I gathered it is an impressive "Tiki Temple."

It's design has given me a new appreciation for the a-frame, which I always loved, but three are better than one!

I have three temples done now and I am shooting for ten total.

Long time until August, so that number may go up. :wink:


Sweet!! cool creations. You gotta throw the big Witco masks on front.
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=68&forum=1&start=15&hilite=tropics seattle

[ Edited by: keigs20 2009-03-11 18:45 ]

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:27 ]

Very Nice Lake love the detail looks so real with the shade lighting.

I had to google The Polynesia because my Local tiki knowledge is so
bad, but it looks like keigs has the scoop. Looks like it use to
sit down at the waterfront.

Howzit Seeks!

Thanks much!

I shot this one quick out in the front yard on a card table since it was cold outside, but I hear ya on the sunlight and the natural shadows.

I hope to do some different outdoor photography on these when it warms up some... some different angles and some sunset shots to try and make it look real.

Yep, The Polynesian was a real tiki treasure for the PNW... too bad it is gone. :(

Right on now its just like the The Polynesia with
the mask!


Hello Lake here are the 2 masks. One from Sophista Tikis post and the other is from Bills photo collection. Also in Svens book Tiki Modern on pg249

GROG posted on Thu, Mar 12, 2009 9:39 AM

A little help seeing some detail.

Many thanks Ken and Grog!

Going to get started on these lickity split!


On 2009-03-11 12:07, Lake Surfer wrote:
Ok... still keeping the majority of these under wraps for Oasis, but this one turned out so good I wanted to share it. :)

A ton of work went into this one.

Not only in the figuring out of all the beams and angles, but all of the wood siding was cut to size and put on in individual pieces.

This one was inspired by The Polynesia, of Seattle WA.

This has been on the top of my list to re-create as soon as I started this series. It is number 3 in the Lake Tiki "Tiki Temple Collection."

It will get some more details... maybe a tiki or 2 out front or a couple of masks on the walls like the original had in some other photographs... have to ponder it for a while.

10" H x 36" W

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2009-03-11 12:13 ]

It couldn't be better!! Amazing amazing work!!!

Mahalo Clarita!

Thanks for stopping by!

I hope everyone gets a chance to mix up a Mai Tai or your favorite beverage tonight...

Raise them up and join me in a toast to my 39 years on this earth!



Happy birthday!! It's 10 pm here, so I'm going to raise my glass already, cheers! Have a great one and I hope your 39 bring a lot more great work like 38 did!

I've meant my Tiki mug, my tiki mug! :)

My Space

[ Edited by: Clarita 2009-03-13 10:15 ]

"Let's drink to the salt of the earth."
Happy birthday Lake, thanks for all of your support and for
all your work that inspires us all!

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