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The show me your Witco thread.

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get your basins re cut by ken pleasant.... he can duplicate them down to the detail and cut them to fit. probably just needs measurements of the slots they rest in on the tiki...

Witco or Nowitco?

Yah, Viiiiitkoooooooo!


On 2012-01-17 10:52, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2012-01-17 03:00, 3Tikis wrote:
Our best find so far was a 1960s Bantam products tiki bar.

Now what did that look like? I know of Johnson Products selling bars, and Witco, but never heard of Bantam - and at such an early date. Was that a Rattan furniture maker, perhaps?

I understand it was sold through Sears. So as to not pollute the Witco thread any further, I posted the details and a photo of it here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=42129&forum=20&start=last&0

My first Witco! A Nuba Totem. It's seen better days, has a few repaired breaks, but with a little love I think it will look great with the PNG and Haner masks!

By the way the room it's in is called Hale Moa.

aloha, tikicoma

As promised...
the good one and the one I dug out of the ground.
I'm still cleaning the rocks for the base of the nicer one.

Wow, John!


I have this carving that I'm pretty certain is Witco. Any idea of the name of this piece?
Much appreciated!

The Three Faces of Eve?

Hey John-

I recognize that sun-beaten Witco fountain... I think you & I were looking at the same for sale post!

We had the car all gassed up and ready to go... but alas sniff someone came and picked it up before we could get there.

If you ever find that two Witco fountains is just two much to bear... let's say I know a guy that'll take the crummy one off yr hands...



On 2012-02-08 15:07, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
The Three Faces of Eve?

Thanks, I appreciate your help!



[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2012-02-09 13:03 ]


On 2012-02-08 13:00, tikijenn wrote:
I have this carving that I'm pretty certain is Witco. Any idea of the name of this piece?
Much appreciated!


Been waiting a few months to finally get this.

As purchased:

After two orange Pledge sessions:

Mom and Dad now have a tiki in living room!

So, I know this is on pg 247 of Tiki Modern on the Malihini menu.
Does this piece have a name, and roughly, what years was it being produced?



Well, it's not MY Witco, rather it appears to belong to Anakin Skywalker.

This weekend we celebrated our son's birthday and he's a certifiable Star Wars nut, so it was nice for him that the 3D release of Episode 1 opened on Friday and he got to see it on the first night. It was on the big screen and in three dimensions that I noticed that Anakin was leaving behind his Witco kid when he packed his backpack and took off to become a jedi:

And from Sven's "Tiki Modern":

There was an amusing assortment of other stuff used to dress the sets that was barely disguised (plastic crap from the thrift store spray-painted silver or brown) but that discussion probably belongs on Star Wars Central or whatever forum they have.


Witco in Space! Sven, Sven you can't get away from it....:lol: :lol: :lol:

Came across the quintessential bar at an estate sale outside of Pittsburgh, and was knocked speechless.
There was nearly a bidding war, one bid was in, I was second, and two couples were kicking the tires as I scrambled.
Something else will have to leave the Boom Boom Room for it to fit, but that's a small sacrifice :)
In situ:

While cleaning:

I plan on waxing it to get it to the shade of the wet one on the left.

Very nice score !
And right under my nose.

On 2012-02-13 08:56, TIKI DAVID wrote:
Very nice score !
And right under my nose.

Hey, you can have up to Youngstown, leave us the rest! :)


I NEVER thought I would find one of these.

WOW that thing is amazing. That's one of the late-period 70s bars, right? Original cushions too. Incredible find, congrats!

Could we have a peek of the side tikis? They look almost like kava kavas to me...

Kava Kava men, good call! The photo from the 1976 catalog in Tiki Mod is so dark you can't see it. Yes, please shoot some different angles of those bad boys.

U dudes seem to find a lot of these kool bars
I must be lookin in all the wrong places


More shots of the Kava man

Wow that thing is crazy! And all the different shades of wood on the front & back make it. Looks almost showroom-new too. Great bar!


On 2012-02-22 06:10, happy buddha wrote:
Wow that thing is crazy! And all the different shades of wood on the front & back make it. Looks almost showroom-new too. Great bar!

It looks brand new except for some wear on the bar top. I was surprised at how good the seat cushions looked.

[ Edited by: tedtiki 2012-02-22 07:26 ]

nice find!!

On 2012-02-22 07:26, tedtiki wrote:
It looks brand new except for some wear on the bar top. I was surprised at how good the seat cushions looked.

Maybe the first owners bought it and then were embarrassed by it and didn't use it much. :D

got 1
needs some work

found this in Ft.Lauderdale,first day in town.

this was at an estate sale this a.m..... I passed on it because I have no room for it and they wanted $300, which is a good price if you are going to keep it and not resell it. Let my friends anne and stefan have it where they will proudly display it in their own tiki room.....


My Mother-in-Law bought this in the 70's we also have the sofa, chair, lamps, foot stool and tables.

Does anyone know the value of this piece? (Sorry if it's in the wrong place)

This is a Witco decor piece from the Viking or from the Conquistador (Pre-Columbian) line. As opposed to the Tiki and Modernism lines, these Witco genres are not really as desirable for collectors and Tikiphiles. So besides sentimental value (?) to your family, I cannot say what it would be worth, it solely would depend on IF someone wants it, and how much.

Even though it is not "Tiki", a whole living room set in matching style might be so outrageous that it could be cool to build a non-Tiki rumpus room around it, with shag carpeting and other period decor like Spanish Armada or Viking ships and helmets - but you gotta find someone who's willing to go that far out! C'mon folks, who's gonna do it !? :D

You gotta post pictures of it all, though. Folks on this site generally don't like to see it to be used as "value-estimate getting" site only by first time posters, but if you contribute with more photos, and a story where it was bought, i.e. give it some cultural context, this could lead to an interesting discussion of "ugly duckling" Witco. :)


Thanks! I will get some pictures together so I can share them. I have always been drawn to this furniture for some reason. I've thought of having it reupholstered and setting up a "Man Cave" for my husband.

What I know about it is my MIL bought it in Dallas sometime in the 70's. The furniture is the same as in Elvis' "Jungle Room" which I have always loved Elvis so maybe that is also my fascination with the pieces. We have some other Tiki pieces she has collected over the years also I will share with you. I guess she's into this strange style. lol

Actually, the term "Man Cave" seems far more appropriate than "Rumpus Room" for an all-Witco lair. :)

The Elvis Jungle Room furniture is indeed by the same manufacturer as your piece, WITCO from Mt. Vernon, Washington, which closed shop in 1976. Elvis chose a mixture of Tiki and "Marco Polo" Chinese pieces, plus the Mama Lama bar (not shown):

Here are some examples of their Conquistador/Spanish line:

Behold the "Monterey Bar"! Crushed velvet goodness!

And here is your baby:

Its title is a bit less poetic (x-ept for "gold dinero crush"!)....and here is one of the most impressive Tiki Bars Witco ever whittled, it made it all the way to Antiques Roadshow - and left them stumped! :D


Wow. Thanks for the pics, Sven. Never seen some of those pieces before.


We do indeed have the chair on the bottom left of your top pic, and that is my baby in all it's glory. Thanks for sharing this information with me.

So, I am visiting some friends home (Ron and Cathy) and they have a LOT of Witco. There is one item though that appears to be one of a kind. I have not seen a bar like this with tall tiki side peices and top rail. Photos were taken and posted with their permission.

This is the overall view of the bar:

this is a detailed view of the front panel:

A shot of the side including the tall tiki pole holding the cross piece:

A detial of one of the four stools:

Nice find, thank you for the multi-angle photos! This bar seems to be an expanded version of this classic 60's Witco Tiki bar:

Perhaps not as successful a design concept, your friends' bar indeed seems to be a one-of, and as such is tres cool! The only other Tiki bar I have seen by Witco that has the "canopy" concept is even less convincing in it design:

....because the Tikis were carved in flat 2D profile.

And I like the Leopard shawl on those bar stools - they did that for some of their floor Tikis, there's an example at the Hala Kahiki.

The 5 ft. version.

Yep. It was me...

Witco hanging tiki lamp #2.



On 2012-03-26 13:12, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
Yep. It was me...

Hahah - I knew it :) Nice one Duane!


Oh boy, look who I found at this rummage sale today! I gladly gave them their $1.50 :)

He's 10" tall and looks great at my house.

they have this guy at one of my fav. vintage stores in philly.

C'est un faux Witco, monsieur. Does it have any form of I.D. or signature in the back?

And 8FT, nice grain pattern on your lil' fella!

On 2012-03-29 20:04, bigbrotiki wrote:
C'est un faux Witco, monsieur. Does it have any form of I.D. or signature in the back?

i haven't actually been in to see it in person; but it looked close from the picture. i'll investigate further if it is still there the next time i come by.

Ubangi Planter!!

Sans planter/holder sadly, but still a really cool piece. The bright orange & lime-green paint on Witco wood is kind of jarring at first in person, but I like it! Even w/out the planter; it's kind of a 'native bust'...

Anyone know anything about this stool I found? Is this part of a bar? Anyone need it to complete their bar or stool set? I'd like to swap it. Happy hunting.

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