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2 of my New Wacky Packages paintings for Series 9, 2012. p. 103

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Thanks a bunch, GMAN. You don't know how close I was to painting Fat Bastard on there instead of Sean Connery.. :wink:

GMAN posted on Tue, Jul 4, 2006 4:37 PM


Now that I would love to see!

teaKEY posted on Tue, Jul 4, 2006 5:27 PM

is that acrylic paint cause that is amazing. You can't get any better at realistic than that photorealism quality that you are able to do.

Thanks, teaKEY! I haven't done much of anything with acryllics. This was done with oil-based enamels (the girl is enamel and gold leaf). It's what I'm most familiar with. Thanks again for the kind words...

GMAN, maybe there is a Fat Bastard painting in the future! :wink:

hewey posted on Tue, Jul 4, 2006 8:25 PM

Despite seeing your stuff on 2 forums, im always compelled to reply to both cause your work is so cool...

Maybe if you spent less time on forums you could paint more! :)


SAm, I really can't believe the work you are doing, It looks so Real it is Unbelievable. more, more and then some more!.

You did an excellent job capturing the attitude of Mr Connery. Great work!

Cool painting Sam, that image of Bond is dead-on.

Thanks very much, hewey, Ben, cheekyhalf and Doug... Coming from you guys, it's always a great compliment!


Still love your work Sammy!

Thanks, Unga.... It's good to hear from you!


Wowwww~fantastic! would not have guessed that the image you created was a painting!

Thanks, Exoticat!

On 2006-05-30 13:13, Sam Gambino wrote:
Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone. Hey foamy, how did you know? There are metal and wood signs of my work coming out right now. Hey hodad, I did paint the letters. Great pic, J$....

I was just about to ask this! I saw several in the Bali Hai gift shop last night and said to my wife "The Tikis on those signs look famil... Hey! I know that guy!" :D


Looks great as always!


MAybe thet fat bastard eating the babyback ribs would be Great. Lets DO IT!


GMAN posted on Mon, Jul 10, 2006 7:18 PM

Get in my belly!!

that is awsome!! how HOW do you do that? that is some skill right there i mean that is ALOT of skill right there. its perfect. good job show us more.

Hey Freddy- Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know they were in the Bali Hai gift shop - I had just heard that they were going to be in specialty stores and a few big box places.

Thanks, Thanatos and Tiki Duddy! I REALLY appreciate the kind words.

Tiki Duddy- I paint these with enamels. There is no pasty consistency with enamel like there is with tube oil paints, so I cannot get any texture with the paint - but it works well for what I am doing. Enamel is more of a liquid type paint. By the end of the painting, there are tons of paper cups which are folded closed at the top lying all over with mixed paint colors in them - I dont use a palette, but rather dip the brush into the mixed paint in paper Dixie cups.

I know that it may be much easier to use tube paints for this kind of painting, but I am very familiar and comfortable with 1-Shot enamel colors, so I'm like an "old dog."

Hey Ben, I may work Fat Bastard into my hit list! :)

hewey posted on Wed, Jul 12, 2006 4:38 AM

What kinda brush you use man? Ive started building up a one shot pallete, and want to move into painting as well as pinstripes.

Hi hewey-

I use Mack and Grumbacher lettering brushes and Mack striping brushes. Most of them are sable hair. Some of my brushes were passed on from my father years ago, and I still use them. The names and sizes are log worn away on those.

Here's my take on a suave, aged Grinch for the upcoming "The Cat is Out of the Hat" Seuss tribute show in August at M Modern Gallery.... The pinky ring, eyes and cufflink are gold leaf, and it's 14x18 enamel on masonite....

Amazing Sam, Looks like the love child of Mrs grinch and Cab.

looking so cool sam keep up the awesome work my friend

GMAN posted on Thu, Jul 27, 2006 4:51 AM

Mr. Sam,

That is wild! The grinch was one of my favorite cats. You gave him such a sophisticated look....almost like Sean as 007! The pinky-ring is over the top. I love the smile - just like the one that ran up the whole length of his head in the film. The paintings you do are just unbelievable. And..."he even ate the last can of Who-hash."

-Gman ("a rotten banana with a greasy black peel")

"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-07-27 18:01 ]

hewey posted on Thu, Jul 27, 2006 5:17 AM

haha nice

Sammy Boy your grinch he rocks.
That painting is cooler than frozen lox.
Nobody paints quite as neato,
As the man called Sam Gambino.

Chongolio, freind of the Lorax

Thanks for all the kind words, rodeotiki, marcus, GMAN, hewey and Chongo!

Rodeotiki, you are the second person to say that he looks like Cab Calloway - it was unintentional, but one I'm glad of! :)

GMAN- I was going to have a heading on the painting saying something like "Cooking with the Grinch", and have him holding a banana with a greasy, black peel or a rotten tomato with moldy purple spots, but I changed it to a lounge theme halfway through the painting.

Chongo - you could go to work writing children's books! I like The Lorax and the Star-Bellied Sneeches too...

Sam, love that new Grinch painting!
Always great to see a new Sam Gambino piece.


awesome work as always sam!! i love seeing your work on here & always look foward to what you come up with next. keep up the great work!

Thanks a bunch, Doug and t5-0! I always appreciate your comps.


It is amazing how you take such common recognizible icons and represent them in a way that fits TC Style. And at photo quality at that. It is always a pleasure to see you post.

Thanks, Johnny P. I really appreciate you saying that because many times, I do try to paint certain characters with a retro, swanky slant.

Here's the latest for a horror art show this month at Disneyland put on by Christian Simpson who did Tikis and Terrors at A Stuart Gallery a while back... 11x14 on canvas. It's Tor Johnson for all of you Ed Wood freaks....


[ Edited by: sam gambino 2006-08-04 22:19 ]

Now THAT is scary!

And to Wrestling affisionados he was known as Tor Johnson, The Super Swedish Angel!

GROG posted on Sat, Aug 5, 2006 10:48 AM


GROG like alot!!!

Great idea, great execution, great skill.

Thanks for the kind words!

Very cool. I coincidentally just dug out my Tor mask (an original Don Post) about a week ago. Gotta love that guy. Great painting as always. That would make an incredible t-shirt for all the goth/disney buffs.


That would make a great shirt to scare the little kids at Disneyland. Gotta love the kids. I had to check that guy out on Google images.


The execution is amazing as always , this one kinda freaks me out.


Well There goes my fond childhood memories of the Mouskateers. Excellent piece there Sam, I don't know how you do it!

Thank you, Matt, teaKey, rodeotiki and Ben. I guess this one is a little freakier than the others, but I tried to balance the levity with a little gore... :wink:


Aaaargh! Dammit! That is cool. I want a print of this soooo bad. If I hadn't just laid out $1500 for a camera I'd be all over this (be doin the sofa-cushion buffet for a while yet). Hey Sam, ever think of sending some of this into Juxtapoz magazine for some publicity? Think they'd love it.

Thanks, twitch, and welcome. I hadn't seen your posts until now, but I don't get to log as much time here as I did before. ....been busier! I will be offering prints of this soon, as I just had it photographed. Thanks again for the kind words! Vampira is next - I'm almost done with the painting. I'll be posting it here soon.

Here's the Vampira painting as promised for the upcoming Tikis and Terrors 2. 14x18 enamel on masonite board. I feel like I personally spent a week with Vampira doing this painting:


GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 12, 2006 9:15 PM


I will never get over how realistic your faces are in your paintings. I love the vamp - I had a ladyfriend who dressed that way once....kinda fun! I didn't comment on the last one, the Tor, as I had no idea who he is/was. Can you tell me a bit about him and the piece?


That is "un-tiki"! Just kidding. Astounding work, as always Sam.

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