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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Quicksand Quincy

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and they are OFFA DA HOOK!
Mike-you're a talented wise man... Keeping the day job and being able to go where your bliss leads you is a most wonderful gift...
as is having you as a friend and art-brother!
great seein you and the missus last weekend!
You're one-of-a-kind....

same here, I snuck behind the bar and looked at all the neat things you made, as a whole really neat, but even as induvidual pieces they each had great quality and I felt like I was looking at found treasure.

Mike, you did an amazing job! you took an idea and made it lifelike and fun...thank you!!!!!!



Geez Mike - you should have gloated a LITTLE! And if it hadn't been for you informing me of all the neat-o stuff in the bar - I never would have seen the freakin' mural Kinny painted! LOL I'm not the most observant! It looks and sounds like a good time was had by all - maybe next time for me!

Very nice piece! Congrats to all involved!

Wendy - that bar is a permanent fixture. The back of my panels are boxed in with plywood (courtesy of Bamboo Ben) for some protection from the elements, I made a big fleece cover to protect the front. Maybe when we have "The Big One" Sacramento will get closer to SoCal and you can make it to Mojave Oasis!
Dusty - good to meet you, thanks to the shirt :)
John-O - you didn't ask!
Kinny & Dawn - When I do a project, I like to add detail in proportion to the audience viewing distance; there's no need to add a bunch of detail to something that will be viewed from 50 feet away. But I knew on this one SOMEBODY would cross the velvet ropes and check for detail :lol: Thanks for noticing :)
Amy - thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of this.
Bead & Robert - thanks. Bead, I do most of my gloating right here, safe behind my keyboard on my platterful of pupu thread.

It is time for my annual self-imposed hiatus from tiki art from now 'til middle of June - I'll be doing a "Panda-Monium" themed stage set for church. I'm in the process of collecting 300 identical cardboard boxes to make into the Great Wall of China along with some styrofoam art and hopefully a giant steel gong :D

Much success with the church project Mike, we'll miss your tiki art!


Even though this is Tiki Central I for one would love to see your church work here. I'm sure that I would learn from whatever project you are working on. Photos please.

I would like to get to Mohave without the "big one" please, my prayer, Wendy

Every time I look at your thread, I feel like it is a kind of "Other Crafts" microverse where you and a team see how many different kinds of artifacts you can produce. I'm glad Mojave was fun for you.

Wow! I need you to come to my house, great work.



Bring on the church progress!!

  • hi mike -


Yep :D


You're building a fort out of those. I can tell. Is it gonna have secret passwords, an' decoder rngs an such, the club yer gonna hold in yer box fort? Huh, Mike? Huh?


On 2011-05-26 20:28, MadDogMike wrote:
Yep :D

I see wheels here - are you making a BOXcar racer!?

Mike gotz da mad skilz, bra. (note the tiki face fountain)


Zero, I think a box fort is definately in order. Bead, no soapbox derby for me. I've taken over my son-in-law's garage - that's his Karmann Ghia that he doesn't have room to work on :D

BBear, that was great fun, a Mayan themed Chili Cook-Off booth complete with costumes. Did you see the llama poking his head up on the right? That was before I learned that you can carve foam with a SurForm rasp.

In between glueing boxes, I'm learnig how to do mosaic. Workin' on a plan for the "Ladies of Tiki" Swap :D

That's not tiki! Back in February, I started attending a loosely structured workshop where people make mosaics for public art. I started a Quetzal bird mosaic and have finally got all the tiles made and cut.

They didn't have any blue tiles in the colors I wanted so I made and glazed my own, I wish I had made them lighter in color so the bird would have more contrast. Next I'll learn how to mount and grout it. This will end on on the side of a concrete trashcan on Main street in my town. :lol: I do have a few tiki themed mosaics planned and I'm working on a commissioned tiki bowl but can't show that until I surprise the "commissionee"


All I can say:
dig the llama.

Great job on that mosaic!!

Excellent work, Mike... as usual. I've got to get busy with something, anything, art wise. Maybe some hydrocal castings if nothing else.


Once again I am stunned. The mosaic is awesome Mike! Did that for a couple of outdoor side tables and now I may have to do some more. Beautiful bird, can't wait to see it finished.

Zero & Zero (Robert & Ray) Thank you very much
Brudda Bear - time to get crackin' with some art. Release that creativity!
Chris - Thanks, I've got a mosaic table planned too.

I'll post one more pic of that bird after he's finished and mounted to a trashcan :D

I got a request to do a bowl several months ago from a fellow TC member. I had been busy wirh prior commitments, fortunately she was patient. She wanted a bowl inspired by her tattoo

So here's what I came up with

Now, if my Google research is correct, Pua Huna means "Hidden Flower" in Hawaiian because...




There's a big yellow hibiscus hidden at the bottom of the bowl.

Wow! Great job on that bowl! That flower is a great touch!

GROG posted on Sun, Jun 19, 2011 11:10 AM


Very Nice & Happy Fathers Day!


Very cool! That drink looked awefully refreshing as well!


Beautiful bowl!

Great job on that bowl! The flower is the perfect touch.

I did not know you did requests.
Looks great!
Good job.

:) OMG!! that's my bowl!! I can't wait to get it and try out a drink of my own!!!! Mike you are a genius!!!!


WOW!! Love the bowl Mike.


Thank you, thank you, and thank you. TC peeps say the nicest things :blush:

LilTikiChef, so glad you like it. Thank you for being patient with me.
BeadTiki, you wouldn't like that "refreshing drink" - it's just CranRaspberry juice with no rum! I needed something dark for the picture to hide the flower and at 8am it was too early to crack open a Pepsi :lol:

I made a pictoral tutorial of a slab formed mug for a friend, this is the mug I used. It's only quasi-Tiki as it's simian but has no fez. Not anything fancy or especially creative, just something to take photos of as I made it. I named him "Want Coffee NOW!" because he reminds me how some people look before their morning coffee :D It will hold about 30 ounces.

love it, me want coffeee now too

Very Sharp Mike! I like the direction you went with on this.

Looking great so far!

Very Cool Mike, that's about the size mug I need for coffee every morning and
Pua Huna is awesome, I love the bowl shape and hidden flower... Keep' Em Coming.. :wink:


I just want to see someone drink some coffee from it. Since grog won't drink from his and all.

Great job on the bowl and the Simian mug is a beauty!!!

Thanks all. The ape coffee mug is in the kiln right now.

I finally found inspiration for GROG's Moai Madness Show I thought that the top knots on Moais looked a lot like a drunk partier with a lampshade on his head :lol: I sculpted it solid and gave it a 45 degree twist toward Tahiti. Cutting it in half and hollowing it out was a bit of a sphincter puckerer for me, I've only done that once before. Put a real mini lampshade on his head and got some cleanup to do as it dries, hope to get it done by the July 10th deadline.

Not a very flattering Moai depiction, hope I don't get excommunicated from TC :D

Ha! Great job on that one Mike!

That is totally awesome!

Ok, honest show of hands....how many of us have resembled that fella at least once? :)

Only once.

Little mad monkey and drunken moai, what's next MDM? You rock and roll too.

Cheers, Wendy

Thanks Robert
littlegiles, I will admit I looked like that once - but only once and I swore that I would never do that again!
Wendy, OK - here's what's next;

I have always been fascinated with the Vintage Jade Tiles and come up with a few ideas to use that image. This is a prototype jade tile drink coaster.

It's about 4 3/4 inches square. The jute twine wrapped around the sides is to keep the drink from sliding off the glazed tile surface and the cork on the bottom protect the table and absorbs any condensation. This one was just a quickie, it's not really symetrical. I put shellac on the twine, hoping to protect it and keep it tied. Experimenting to see how to cut the cork and what glue will stick the best. If I can get it all worked out I might make a mold so I can make a few sets.

PS - BeadTiki, don't get excited - it's mango soda with a little Maraschino cherry juice :lol:

Very cool coaster! It seemed huge in that first pic. Haven't seen Mango soda before! Looks great!


Mad Maestro Mike strikes again! Those coasters look awesome.

Fabulous...love the coaster...what a great idea. Will you be selling sets and what colors?

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