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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Papuan Hornbill Post Topper!

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I saw you and your gun mug all over my first trip to tiki o!

I never thought mold making could be so entertaining. I can't wait until the end of the story! I would never make a mold in my kitchen. Buzzy carves in his living room and you trying to out do him? Wendy

That watercolor is nice...I love watching your fun with clay.


HaleTiki - sorry I missed you at Tiki Oasis! I post pictures of myself because it gives others a laugh. But it also makes me recognizable. I met several people at Tiki Oasis who I hadn't previously met because they said "Hey, you're MadDogMike aren't you!" I'm not much of a drinker or a buyer, I go to those events to visit with old friends and to meet new ones. So if you see me, introduce yourself :D

Wendy - every since I joined TC I've been trying (without success) to "out-Buzzy" Buzzy. He's a character, a great artist, and a heckofa guy.

Marlene - thank you :) Brace yourself, it looks like that was only Part 1 of Cammo's story

Well I got the kitchen mess mostly cleaned up and I split that mold apart. The Mold Maker's Guild Hall of SHAME called this morning and want to induct my mold :lol: It looks like it will work. Fortunately, I won't cast a lot of them and I don't mind doing a bunch of cleanup, so look for some skull projects to come.

The good news is that the BeezleBug mold box method worked really well. It's easier to adjust the size and to get everything square. It also takes up a lot less space once it's broken down (old box with clamps on the bottom)

Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints
5149 - Not quite crazy enough for a three day involuntary hold

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-09-09 08:54 ]

Cammo posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2012 10:49 AM

I have to apologize for the previous post - someone actually hacked into my TC account and has been writing really nasty dirty stories under my name. I've been out of town for the last few days and didn't catch it, sorry again. This is really out of line with the general mood and intent here at Tiki Central, which is to promote and recognize the mid-century Polynesian art movement that was such a creative force worldwide.

I have changed my password and intend to change it once a month from now on.

Great looking molds, Mike! You have almost out-Buzzied Buzzy! Extremely well done and I am ashamed to have been the 'fly' on your thread!

Sorry about that hacking things Cam. At least this was a harmless joke. Hopefully they didn't hack into your email account also and send Communist manifestos to the House Committee on Un-American Activities Committee, that sort of thing can be hard to recover from!

And I will never be able to out-Buzzy Buzzy! :lol:

Cammo posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2012 7:33 PM

Helen Confesses
Part 2

Now BadDog was expecting Helen to jump up and down on the bed smiling fit to burst and squealing “Yes! Yes! I thought you’d never ask BadDog! I’ve wanted to pluck your cock ever since I first met it! I didn’t want to say anything cause it’s your cock but sure is as sure does, boy oh boy I want to pluck your cock right now! I’m excited and ready! Lets start plucking!”

Nope, that isn’t what she said at all.

In fact, she didn’t even look so happy about it. She looked sort of shy and sad for a second. Then she looked up and tried to smile and said,
“I guess I’ll pluck your cock if you really want me to.”

Now that kind of bothered BadDog. If it was him being asked to pluck somebody’s cock he’d be right happy to tear into it right there, stand back, hooooYEAH, where’s that cock, lemme at it! Heck O’Nelly, his whole family would jump right in, Mama Grace, Aunt Parsnip, Uncle George and even old Granny Sally, they’d be shoving each other out of the way for first chance to pluck a cock! But here was Helen who he knew from personal experience she knew a lot about cocks and here she was shying away! What it was was that it don’t make no sense.

“But... Helen, I thought you’d want to pluck it! I thought you’d be all fired up and happy to pluck it all day if you had the chance! It’s a big cock, just right for plucking! What you so shy for?”

“I ain’t shy with cocks, just with plucking them for my men. I don’t know if I want to talk about it, it’s just a funny thing with me. All my sisters do it, but with me, well...”

BadDog nodded his head, smiling, cause he knew from personal experience that every single one of Helen’s sisters were experts in plucking cocks, even that ugly one that was in the barn fire when she was nine. Must run in the family, and BadDog started thinking about Helen’s mom and YUP she sure did look like she knew her way around a cock too, heck she was a strong lady, she could probably do three of four cocks at once and clean it all up before dinner!

“But Helen,” BadDog butted in, there’s nothing to it! Every girl does it, and lots of boys too!” BadDog thought about his cousin in New York City, “Some boys do it a LOT! Nothin’ wrong with it at all! You ever hear Preacher Jones say anything bad about it in church?”

“Uh, no, well, um, I mean, uh...”

“See what I mean! Iffin Jesus Christ was standing right here, naked as he was on the cross, he’s want you to pluck his cock too just to celebrate his return to Planet Earth! And Preacher Jones would probably help you!”

“Preacher Jones, from personal experience, I would say would be right GLAD as sunshine in the morning to help me pluck ANY cock I could throw at him. The bigger the cock the better.” said Helen, with a dawning look of agreement on her pretty face.

“So what’s the holdup? This cock ain’t getting any younger! Lets go!”

“Ah, there’s something I ain’t telling you BadDogSpike. It’s something I never told nobody nowhere ever. Maybe seeing as we is so close now, sharing the same pillow and can opener and we is both saving up for our very first toothbrush just like city folks in Cherry Valley use almost every day then I should tell you as long as you promise not to laugh or make fun of me.”

“I promise not to laugh at you!”

“I ain’t told you what it is yet! How can you go to promising first before I even told you!” Helen shook her finger at him, getting angry for a second.

“Okay, honey sweet gum-gum bear, I promise to listen to you and then when I heard what you us talking about I promise to not laugh or to make fun of you.”

“Fine then. Here it is I might as well get it all right off my chest. The thing is, I been plucking cocks like crazy since I was just a little kid. A girl in third grade showed me how after school, and once I tried it I liked it so much I just plucked any old cock that come along. Then I plucked the next one and the next one too. You know your boss Oliver down at the gas station? I plucked his cock when I was only nine years old, and after that he told every single man who came to his station who had a big strong cock that I’d do it for free and HOLY CRIPES you should have seen them lining up every day right after work. If I’d charged for it I’d be a millionaire but I did it for the love of it. I did it for the art of it. Oliver ended up giving out coupons for every fill-up and you needed 10 coupons for one of my cock pluckings. They was coming over all the way from Ohio for those coupons. Some guys would have ROLLS of coupons! I was so excited! But see, I was plucking every single kid’s cock down at school too, it got so that at recess every single boy would whip his cock out and I’d do it so fast that even though the whole school would be lined up I’d keep that line moving so it was like they was marching in formation right up to me! I guess you wasn’t supposed to be plucking cocks though, I mean, I didn’t know, I thought it was just simple fun and like you said every girl was doing it, but I was the best...

I was the one to beat.”

She looked sad.

"And then what happened?" BadDog asked, sensing a turn in Helen's story.

CAMMO!!!! Someone hacked into your account again! I'm thinking "tiki" probably isn't a good password :lol:

I finished up my Trader Vic bottle. After I glazed the inside it had a few glaze skips inside that I could see even without my USB bottlescope. So I coated and refired it, it looks now like it's covered. At this point, I can't really reglaze the inside again even if I don't have full coverage, the glaze would be too thick and would bubble. Now, when the bottlescope comes in, it will tell me if this bottle can be filled or if it will be for decorative use only. I ordered some natural corks to fit, they shipped from Texas Friday so they should arrive this week.

I tried using less steel wool this time but it didn't really leave any mark, guess I used too little. LittleGiles, my copper wire was too thick & stiff to wrap around the bottle, so I tried your suggestion of some hemp twine around the neck - it left some cool marks.

Here's the finished bottle, saggar fired and waxed. I think it accomplished a found artifact look, even more so with a natural cork in it.

I plan to use this glass bottle as a form for more bottles. Since VampiressRN gave me the bottle and suggested I should use it, the first one goes to her :D I put her (slightly modified) logo on the back. Marlene, PM me a shipping address.

URDABOMB Mad Dog...that turned out great. Looking forward to adding that to my collection.

Attention Cammo's Hacker...don't leave us hanging!!!!

Mike, that bottle is very cool. Love the finished look and glad to see that the hemp cord did add a bit of marking and wasn't just a dumb idea. WOOHOO!!

Ok...I'm ready to see more stuff now. Well done!

  • Dale

Very nice, sir. I could see that with two little handles on the neck as a tiki drink canteen!

Hay Mickey
I like it

Looks very cool mad dog
Came out great
Should look great in the Vamp lounge

Mike, Your a creative animal!

Totally looks like an old artifact!
Mike-you never cease to Amaze.....
When we gonna have a weekend Art jam?!?!?!?!

Wow that Trader Vic's bottle is so terrific that you should show them what can be done. Vamp you are so lucky. It's just outstanding. Mike you are the bomb and the wick on fire. Wendy

The bottle came out great Mike!

And I can't wait for Camo's hacker to finish the story.... LOL.

Cammo don't leave that there cock hangin' that'd be jus' imperlite. :wink:

Beautiful bottle Mike! :)

Cammo posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2012 8:02 AM

Helen Saves The Schoolhouse
Part 3

Then the schoolteacher, you know, old Mr. Hassam, you remember him? Well, he come around the corner just as I was plucking Charlie Chillwutt’s cock once and you should have heard him, it was like I was doing something wrong! He yelled at me and got mad at me and I had to explain that I knew I wasn’t too good at it but I was just a beginner and I needed practice.

Well, Schoolteacher Friggins kept me after school that day and scolded me and told me I was a real bad girl but he’d make me a good one by showing me the secret techniques of cock plucking that they taught him at teachers school. Then he brought out his cock, and you know what? That was the biggest, ripest, bright reddest, most muscular cock I ever seen, Schoolteacher Friggins was real proud of his cock and I told him he should put it in the State Fair cause that cock would get a couple of gold medals and he could brag about it until he was old and rocking on the porch every day. No, Schoolteacher Friggins said, this cock needs plucking. Right now it needs plucking but I wasn’t supposed to tell anybody I was learning it from him because it would “ruin my amateur standing” whatever that meant. If ever there was a cock that needed it, his cock was it, and he showed me how to start at the bottom and work my way right up to the head and then go over it all over again carefully and slowly, getting it right, then finish up real fast yanking and yanking until it was plucked and plucked good. Now it seemed like Friggins had a whole farmyard of bright red cocks cause every single day he’s bring in a new cock and pop it out right in front of me and tell me to get to work on it.”

“Good fer YOU!” yelled BadDog, “That’s my girl!”

“Yeah, I was doing pretty good, huh? But then the darkest of dark days came along. Schoolteacher Friggins gave a speech first thing in the morning to the whole school, all fourteen of us, and he told us that our school was going to be condemned on the basis of a definite lack of achievement scores in comparison to national standards of scientific acumen.”

“What?” said BadDog.

“Don’t make me say it again. It was hard enough the first time.” says Helen, “So he says we’re all gonna have to go to the big school, maybe as far away as Hopkinsville and have to wear shoes and do Geography and Number Learning just like the rest of the kids. And the schoolhouse would be bulldozed down and probably be given over to feedcorn farming. And he was awful sad about it all. And the Commissioner of Internal Academic Affairs, don’t make me say that again or I’ll hawl back and slap you BadDog, that Commissioner was coming that very day to close the school and kick us all out.”

Helen stopped and caught her breath.

“So what happened?”

“What happened is one of the most amazing things I ever seen. All day long Schoolteacher Friggins was moping around looking awful droop-tailed and down, he was way down in the dirt he was, and when the Commissioner arrived in a big black truck out front towards the end of school, he looked even more miserable if that was possible. Then he sort of looked at me and I looked at him and BAM! It was like Schoolteacher Friggins was struck by lightening and got religion and suddenly looked happier than three puppies in the morning! He jumped up and ran outside and shook that Commissioner’s hand like he was an old friend and slapped him on the back, and pushed him inside the schoolroom and he started bragging about us! He said we were the best, smartest and most terrific kids in the whole dang You-Nited States and he could PROVE it and there was no way he could close the school down if we broke every academic record in the whole world right there in front of him! Then he said he’d pick the smartest kid in the whole school and get show the Commissioner what he was talking about.”

“Well, that Commissioner was looking at him, then at the schoolroom with no floor, we still had a dirt floor that year, and at us sitting there and we all looked at Schoolteacher Friggins like he had gone crazy, which was the only explanation I could think of or anybody else could either!”

Then the Schoolteacher bragged about his best student, and said all kinds of crazy stuff about Grade Point Averages and Unique Testing Scores and said his best student could ace them all, and then he said,

“Let me introduce you to my best student. Her name is ...

It was me he was talking about!

And then he said that class was dismissed and everybody should go home and not worry about the school being closed, cause that weren’t gonna happen. And then it was just me and those two men in the room and BOY was I scared! But I shut up and let Schoolteacher Friggins have his say cause he was cruisin’ at 90 now and there weren’t no way to stop him.

“Go ahead,” Schoolteacher Friggins says, “Quiz Helen on any subject you can name.”

“Alright,” the Commissioner says, taking the bait, “Helen, what’s the square root of 144 divided by the square root of 100?” Then he smiled.

“Um,” says me, “What’s a square root?”

“It’s a mathematical definition.”

“What’s a mathematical definition?”

“It’s something you learn in Math Class.”

“What’s Math Class?”

“It’s how you learn to add and subtract numbers.”

“Is a number the things at the end of the alphabet?”

Well that got the Commissioner read mad, he looked at me and Schoolteacher Friggins and looked like he was gonna kick us both right there, but Schoolteacher jumps in all smiling and says quick -

“You haven’t asked her about American History. That’s one of her best subjects!”

“Alright,” Commissioner says, hands on his hips, “Helen, where was the Declaration of Independence signed?”

“On a table?”

“Yes, on a table, but what city?”

“Uh, Independence, Missouri?”

“Close, it’s a little East of there.” Schoolteacher Friggins whispered to me.

“Um, St. Louis?”

Commissioner threw up both of his hands. “This is the most pathetic example of American Educational Decay I have ever witnessed! Never in all my travels have I ever seen a more dirty, vile and miserable excuse for a schoolroom and if I ever get out of...” and he started walking to the door like he was gonna knock it down himself and the whole building too, but Schoolteacher Friggins beat him to the door and stood there in his way, smiling like summer sunshine all the same.

“You didn’t ask me what her BEST subject is. History is her second best, not the first.” Schoolteacher says.

Commissioner stops right there. Something about Schoolteacher stops him and you can just see the little question marks popping out of his head. He looks right at Schoolteacher and asks him in a real serious voice, I never heard such a serious voice ever -

“What’s her best subject?”


And you know what? That Commissioner was a fair and able man and he had his cock with him, most men from Kentucky carry their cocks around wherever they go, you know, just in case, and he had that cock out on the table faster than you could say Jack Sprat and then Schoolteacher yells

“GO HELEN! Pluck it right now! DELUXE VERSION 3, just like I TAUGHT YOU! YEEEEEEHAAAW!”

And I rips off my shirt to get a better grab and jumps right on that cock and starts plucking lick the dickens. I thinks this is it, this is my shining moment, my whole life has been leading up to this and this is it, the Olympics of plucking and I was America’s one chance for a medal so I plucked and plucked and the whole schoolroom started swaying back and forth with the intensity and the velocity of my fierce plucking Commissioner looks happy but sort of scared, and then suddenly Schoolteacher Frigginswheips out his big red cock and yells


...and throws it down on the table beside me so I grab that one too and I’m working up a pretty good sweat now but that ain’t nothing cause I done two before, both hands at the same time and then I think I was the one who went crazy cause everything starts going into bright colors and there were explosions going off all around me and I think the table broke in half and there was a lot of screaming and bellowing then I blacked out and when I came to everybody was lying on the floor beside me and those two cocks were good and plucked, all limp and laying there flat.

Those cocks never had a chance.

Commissioner was the first one to move. He sort of nods his head a bit and shakes it back and forth. He looks around like he can’t believe what happened and then he nudges Schoolteacher Friggins awake. They both sit up with a bit of a smile and Commissioner says,

“Well, that was really something.”

Which was not what he meant. What he meant was that he liked me plucking his cock, he must have liked it a WHOLE LOT because he said he’d keep the schoolhouse in business, give Schoolteacher Friggins a raise in pay (double!) give the schoolhouse a brand new oak wood floor, donate a whole lot of books to us, and put us on the National Register of Historic Buildings or something like that to make sure that the excellent quality of the education available here at Woodrose Corners Schoolhouse #1 would be available for generations of young women to come.

He also said that he would personally oversee the improvements and that he’d be bringing new cocks this way for quite some time if it wasn’t too much trouble for me.

I said it weren't too much trouble at all, thank you sir.

Cammo - whoever is hacking into your account deserves a Pullitzer prize! :lol:

Vamp - glad you like it, I hope to get it in the mail this week
LittleGiles, Hang10, ATP, Lori & Tiger - thank you very much!
Kinny - what do you say we meet half way? Say, Buzzy's house on the 29th. One of these days I'll make it up there for a weekend artjam at your studio!
Hale - great idea about the handles, see below. I wanted to do some twine or wire to make marks diagonally across the body of the body, handles will give a place to attach the wire or twine.

I'm working on a pirate rum bottle next. The pirate is from a candy mold and I think I'll put a "Why is the rum all gone?" inscription on it.

I have a runny green glaze that I'm going to experiment with. I think patches of that with the saggar firing will look like algae on a ship wreck treasure.

I ordered half a dozen corks so I have more bottles planned :D

cy posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2012 10:44 AM

Great looking rum bottle MadDog!

Awesome work on the bottles Mike! The pirate one looks very promising!



See. They look freaking awesome. I dig the skull too, man. Looks good.

Cammo posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2012 1:55 PM

Nice bottle, the green is great, maybe you can drip some dark glaze down from the top like it's bubbling out!

I have to really sincerely apologize about that last post, apparently it isn't as easy to protect your TC account as I thought. For security purposes I have only given my password out to MadDogMike, tonga hut, Swanky, Soccertiki, Woohoowahine, BayParkBuzzy, Sandra Dee, bigtikidude, Otto, JOHN-O, Bora Boris, Big Vic, Rongo29, Atomic Tiki Punk and hanford_lemoore.

So I think it's safe. Should be no more problems. Sorry again, MadDog!

Can you resend that password, Cammo....
Mike, Now your just making the rest of us look bad :D

Here is to you :drink: :drink: :drink:

"he had that cock out on the table faster than you could say Jack Sprat and then Schoolteacher yells

“GO HELEN! Pluck it right now! DELUXE VERSION 3, just like I TAUGHT YOU! YEEEEEEHAAAW!”

I'm thinking we outta watch out for Helen... :wink: Thanks Cammo! :drink:

Mike, That green glaze on that pirate bottle is going to look awesome brada, great job on that.. WOW... Such a cool antiqued look..

Go Mike, Go!! I think you are going to have another winner on your hands. can't wait to see this one finished.

Between you and Wendy, I'm really getting an itch to get my kiln out and do some playing.

  • Dale

Looks good

Will it be a pirate or pyrat rum bottle??!!??

Cy, Robert, Hale, ATP & BBumz - thank you very much
Dale - you need to break out that kiln - don't let Wendy & I have all the fun!
H10T - I think "pyrat rum" is already taken, I'll have to settle for pirate

Those 2 pieces were together when it went into the kiln :lol:

I think it wasn't quite dry and I fired it too fast (impatient) ~ bad combination. I'll see if I can't salvage it with some Magic Mender.

ARRRRRRRR...me thinks Cap'n Davey has walked the plank there Mike.

Hope you can get it mended.

  • Dale

Love that Magic Mender! Wendy

Arrr, just in tyme for International Talk Like a Pirate Day, my "Why is the Rum Gone?" bottle be out of the fires of Hades

I am still expirementing with this saggar firing. I piled the chemicals of thicker this time and it left uneven markings. And I forgot to add LittleGiles' twine. In theory, I could re-fire this back to cone 06 glaze temperature (1800 degrees) and burn off all the makings (except the red and black underglaze) and start over. Or maybe I could brush it with Ferric Chloride again and refire to 1000 degrees to even it out?

PS - the Magic Mender seems to have worked
PSS - I would like to stain the cork a little darker but haven't found anything "food safe" yet to do that with. I have some brown paste food color but it doesn't soak in. I think an oil based wood stain would do it but wouldn't be food safe. If it's used purely decorative, then the cork doesn't matter.
PSSS - I vetoed the runny green glaze because the outside of the bottle is burnished smooth and I was afraid the glaze wouldn't stick completely

Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints
5149 - Not quite crazy enough for a three day involuntary hold

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-09-19 20:49 ]

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-09-19 20:51 ]

Yo Matey, Looks like you have a winner ther...!!
Loving it Maddog, More distressed the betta..

Great looking bottle there Mike. Glad to see the mending appears to have worked.

As for staining the cork, could you use some espresso or perhaps some red wine? How about a soak in a good dark rum? that would be fitting considering the name of the bottle. Just some thoughts.

  • Dale

Damn, Mike is going after Wendy's work ethic.....but I don't think anyone can keep up with her.

Try a very strong dark "Tea" solution Mike.

"Yo Ho Ho it's a pirates life for mike"

MDM, I agree with ATP. I use tea to darken light colored rope and fish nets alla time and am usually satisfied with the results. I leave it in the hot sun for a few days-does it get hot where you live"

Mike I love the bottle. Could you burn the cork with a match to darken it?
ATP thanks for the work ethic note. I'm always trying to keep up with Mike. It feels good to be mentioned. littlegiles you have a kiln? Get to work now and start a thread for us to watch! Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-19 23:40 ]

Thanks for the kind comment guys. I tried soaking that cork in various solutions but 1) nothing soaks in and 2) it floats on top of the solution :lol: I ended up trying your suggestion Wendy, I took a torch to it! Much better.

Since I already committed the ultimate sin by posting piratey stuff, I might as well open the floodgates and post a couple more. As a Charger fan, this goes against every grain of my being - but I made a Raiders mug with my skull mold. It was for the guy who introduced me to my wife 30 years ago so I guess I owed him :D

It has a big flat black twisted "wrought iron handle" on the back that is "riveted" to the to the skull. Of course, I had to put a little "dig" on the bottom since the Raiders are the mortal enemy of the Chargers. I'm sure it's different in NorCal, but here in SoCal the Raider fans are inmates and ingrates, many don't even realize that the Raiders is a football team. They think it's a gang that wears silver & black instead of red or blue. So I engraved on the bottom "Raiders, a team - not a gang!" :lol:

Since Amy posted her Pirate Ship about 5 years ago I have been dreaming of making one as a treehouse. Of course I'm not nearly the master craftsman that Ben is, but I'm going for it. My older grandson is now almost 3 years old and it's time to get started.

The plan is to build the floor frame first, then hoist it about 5 feet into the trees. With a stable platform, I can get up there to finish the deck and the stub walls. The framework is done, here's a picture of my daughter with Cap'n Goobie and First Mate Tater Tot. The Cap'n was rapidly approaching nap time and was in a rare "I don't wanna" mood, hopefully the next pic will be better :D

The stern of the ship will be against the left tree, the right side of bow will be against the right tree, and the center tree will come up through the deck to serve as the mast. The framework of the bow is rather pointy for strength, but the deck and sides will be more gracefully curved. I had to order 3/4 x 10 inch lag screws since I couldn't find them locally, hopefully they will be in this week and we'll have her in the clouds this Sunday.

I found out that getting old isn't for wimps! While working on the ship Saturday morning, I was crouched in an odd position and pushing hard on the drill to put screws in. Then I heard and felt something POP! in my chest. I seemed to have separated one of my lower ribs. By Saturday afternoon, I just couldn't seem to get comfortable in any position so I put on a rib binder & an ice pack and took a nap. After a couple hours of ice, it was doing some better and I was able to go back out to work. Wendy is going to be mad at me but I don't usually wear a dust mask, I just sneeze instead. Except now, it hurts like hell to sneeze so I wanted to avoid that at all costs! Here I am with my mask, rib binder, and ice pack :lol:

You're dang right about the face mask. As a respiratory therapist aka the boss you know what happens to those who abuse their lungs. Tell Goober to kiss and make it better.

That's an awesome ship there mate. I loved living in trees as a kid but I never had a tree house, just favorite limbs. You are a fine grampa.

Your skull turned out really well. Thanks for all the entertainment. We are resting up after our trip and tomorrow I'll give hang10tiki his fix.

Cheers, Wendy

BTW - what happened to the rest of Cammo's story?????

Wow...you are crazy energetic. When I fell last year and broke my wrist, I didn't know that by twisting when I hit the floor I had broken a rib...OMG...that is some crazy pain there...do be careful.

Get help when you start to raise that ship so you don't do more skeletal havoc on your bod!!! Those kids have an awesome Gpa.

Hey the pirate bottle turned out great. ARGH!!!

Way to go Mike. Love the plans for the Treeboat. Wish I had had something like that growing up. You one great pawpaw. :) Hate to hear about the ribs, but take it easy and take care of yourself.

Love the look though. At first I thought maybe you had made another costume to wear. Perhaps Cobra Commander from GIJoe?

  • Dale

Hay MikE,

Sharp saw.

hate to see any future projects done with a wooden leg...

But then again, you would make a kool one with all the xtras
(Compass, hidden rum compartment, bottle opener, etc)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-09-23 22:57 ]

I Hate!....Hate broken ribs!
I have broken more then my fair share of bones & Ribs are the worst
feel better Mike, XOXO


G'day Mike,

I must say you look great as Hannibal Lector but i know Wendy will be mad at me also as i very rarely wear a dust mask either. I have to agree with hang10tiki though, bare feet and a circular saw are probably not the best combination. I want to hang out with you again at another TO. Please be careful, you're no spring chicken anymore. :lol:

Can't wait to see the Pirate Ship finished and all your recent work has been great, i really liked the Trader Vic/Vamptiki Lounge bottle.


No, no no Mike! Yer supposed to crack a bottle of champagne (or in this case rum) over the ship, not yer ribs! :wink:

Yer grandson is lucky to have such a wonderful paw paw.

The pirate bottle turned out ARRRRRsome! :wink:

You look very happy in your dust mask.

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