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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Last night's post storm sunset:

Aloha:Thanks for the tips. Much appreciated. Got a link to an example of the blades you use? Also, that stain was a new one i was trying, so I wanted to test it on a piece that I would look at in a few months and say, " I'm so much better than I was` when I carved that piece. Look at this ugly thing. Glad I kept practicing." So I figured I'd test it on my first "messy" hookknife piece. Kind of like a double negative makes a positive? Anyway, I do not like the stain, and am glad I didn't use it on a better piece. I was thinking of doing my next one with just clear sealer.

Benzart: Today I can handle this stick:

To work I go...

Back To Big Buzzy Out


Holy Moly, thats a big, BIG Stick, Why is it Not carved yet?

Keep up the excellent work.
Love the Sunsets

nice work buzzy! looks great with that stain and all. its amazing what you can do with one tiny blade

Sunset for the sunset fans:

On 2006-11-15 14:35, Benzart wrote:
Why is it Not carved yet?

I'm not one to make excuses, but I had to prep another log for my hookknife adventures. With the size of the big log, I cannot drag it into the house every evening. So, I had to spend most of my day, ironically, prepping my night project. Here is the log all ready to go:

I will admit the versitile ryobi planer might not be the best tool for this job. I did it by hand.

Today's progress:

TikiDuddy: Yeah. Everytime i look at that little guy, I still cannot believe that it was one tool that did all that. I'm starting my second one right away.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-11-15 17:11 ]

Hey BambooBen! Thursday's two for one special:
I like the visible rays coming through the clouds on this one

Looks like yesterday, just different clouds(fog)

And the work I did under that Fat Old Sun:

Did part of the mouth between sunset and dark:

What's on Tv tonight?

The Cops Caused a Traffic Jam I was Stuck In Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on Thu, Nov 16, 2006 6:04 PM

UFC Unleashed on Spike @ 11:00 eastern


Double sunsets =double work. The tiki looks good. Whatz your next small yiki gonna be?
Love the sunsets.

Da kine!!

Those Rays are like an upside down Jet Pilot from the

Mai Kai!!

Would you mind sometime if I posted a Sunset, here or there, from 2 hrs north of your sunets sometimes on the same sunset day? Sunsets rock! They are the last free thing we have these daze...!

Rock on Buzzy!!

On 2006-11-16 20:42, RevBambooBen wrote:
Would you mind sometime if I posted a Sunset, here or there, from 2 hrs north of your sunets sometimes on the same sunset day?

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours...
Oops! Last time I said that I got onto trouble :(
How about:

Show Me What You Got!!!!

This is pretty much live, so pretend it's a window

I was at the Res all day: Drinking Firewater, doing a rain dance, gambling and working. I did manage to carve for about 8 minutes.

Little light left...

Mi Casa Es Su Casa Buzzy Out!




[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-11-17 23:19 ]


More cool!

Happy Holiday UFC Weekend!

At this time I would like to wish GSP good luck

Nice, warm day today...
Progress on the King Tutiki:

Break's Over!

zaya's working...

Like Matt Hughes Buzzy Out!

Zaya's done. I'm still working...

Last update before the final update:

You're up to date.

By The Minute Buzzy Out!

We had to start the UFC Holiday rituals, so I couldn't post Saturday's sunset:

Left the tiki like this:

Now it's back to the rat race...

9 To 5 Buzzy Out!


Buzzy, I am starting to understand the science behind carving......

On 2006-11-20 13:20, hiltiki wrote:
Buzzy, I am starting to understand the science behind carving......

Yes!!! Can I call you "Grasshopper?"

Taking a break from the science of carving:

Today's subject: Anatomy

Back to Teaching? Buzzy Out!

Monday Sunset

Little more done, no more light....

Buzzy Out!

Today, like every other day, is a great one for carving!

I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat beacuse that means I will stop carving.

I like ham....

Eatin Bird Tomorrow Buzzy Out!


He's looking really good! Thanks a lot for the progress pictures, it really gives me a better idea on how to start attacking a log. I had wanted to do a headress, but wasn't sure where to start. I'll have pictures soon.

Any hey, where's the tuesday sunset? I was driving home last night and thought that the sunset looked really nice from where I was at, so I was looking forward to seeing an even better view. :)

Lunch break:

Mieko: Here are a couple of other angles of the headress:

At this rate, I'll be doing the headress ornamentation in a couple of hours. Just have to finish the feet first.
I missed the sunset yesterday :(

Burrito Eater Buzzy Out!

Well, I'm taking my time, just moving along, do not forget about me after I've been gone....
This thing doesn't weigh as much anymore:

Getting close to sunset :)

Doobie Brother Buzzy Out!


Buzzy, I like carving....:) Actually I LOVE carving....
Buzzy your last piece looks fabulous. I can't wait to see it finished.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-11-22 17:48 ]

hewey posted on Wed, Nov 22, 2006 6:02 PM

Thats coming along nicely Buzzy :)

Hey Ringo!

I keep missing our sunsets.

Doh! Will try soon.

On 2006-11-22 20:44, RevBambooBen wrote:
Hey Ringo!


If you think that
I look like Ringo:
Click that link. :up:

Everyone else: Please do not click on that picture if you do not think I look like Ringo.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-11-22 22:05 ]

On 2006-11-22 22:01, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2006-11-22 20:44, RevBambooBen wrote:
Hey Ringo!


If you think that
I look like Ringo:
Click that link. :up:

Everyone else: Please do not click on that picture if you do not think I look like Ringo.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-11-22 22:05 ]

Your Science of Humor and Resemblaaaance is top notch!

You are Ringo Starr Tiki God! ( to me for now on!!:)

classic old school pics!!

I'm taking a break to watch that world Hamburger eating contest on ESPN2. Joey Chestnut is the FUTURE of competitive eating! I cannot wait until he brings the belt back to the USA! Down with Kobayashi!!! USA! USA!


One time I ate a 2 pound chili cheeseburger in 11 minutes. I had the Chili Coast Iron Man title for a couple months until this 400 pound guy came in and ate one in 8 minutes. I was a buck thirty seven, at the time, so I'd like to think that I am the Iron Man Lightweight Champion.

Buzzy Out!


Hey Champ, Nice looking tiki and sunsets. Hope you had a nice T day.


Buzzy, I thought you were a vegeterian......no really??? (tuna and egg!?!)...nice legs on the tiki...bring it on buzz!

Benzart: T day was cool. It's good to take a day off from red meat once a year...


Tiki Work:

I think I'll drag this sucker in the garage tonight....

Early Moonset:

Hiltiki: I'm about as far away from being a vegetarian as one can get. I don't eat donuts or cereal for breakfast because they don't have meat in them. When you fed me, I only considered it a snack. You didn't notice, but I went out to the car while you were mixing drinks and I took a couple of shots from a can of Dennison's No Beans All meat Chili. Kept my blood sugar and chloresteral levels at acceptable levels while I ingested the fish.

Clearing the Garage Buzzy Out!




Buzzy read your pm please.

Glad I brought it in tonight. Got a lot done.

It's getting real close to being time to let it sit for a month and then spend about 20 hours of sanding. Oh the joy!

New 10' x 2" Bamboo Photo Fence Backdrop Buzzy Out!

the guy on the throne is looking good Buzzy, he has a real "classic" vibe
going on. At least he does to me, but I'm pretty old fashioned.

GMAN posted on Sat, Nov 25, 2006 5:39 AM

Very nice my man, very nice! This guy is light years away from where you started off all those months ago. I am very impressed. Great chops indeed.

I hate GSP, but I will admit he is a better NHB fighter. He is where he should be now.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-11-27 07:18 ]


BayPark, This tiki Really looks Great, He looks SUPER and well done. So now tell the truth, who carved him for you?
Nice Sunset again.


Hey Buzzy- I've been reading through your thread and it's great. Others have mentioned this to you before, and I agree with them that your work has come a long way since that very first one. Keep it up, man! The Gods smile upon you.

Were you an English teacher in your previous incarnation?

GROG posted on Sat, Nov 25, 2006 9:55 PM

Damn Buzzmeister!!!! That looks awesome!!! GROG like!!

Thanks all...

Here's the sunset

and an extra one since I missed yesterday

Can't decide what to carve next...

Pondering Buzzy Out!


How about a different type of wood???

Cammo posted on Sun, Nov 26, 2006 6:47 PM

How about carving that dang tiki on the Thor cover we keep looking at? His eyes are SCARY!

And he looks kind of like a bad-ass banana!

Interesting ideas, thanks people.

I was asked question about sanding. Here's the stuff I use:

I start out by doing cleanup and detail carving with the dremel tool. First, I use the carving bits on the right side, and then finish with the sanding drum. I usually use a 60 grit on the drum

Next I hand sand it,using a quarter sheet sanding block

I start with 60 and go up to 220. I buy the big boxes because I sand a bunch of tikis at the same time

I also use this electric sander a lot. It has all kinds of fancy attachments to sand at all kinds of different angles and spaces

I also have a quarter sheet finishing sander and a belt sander, but I do not use those that much.

Buzzy Out!


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I am not sure about this sanding business???? it's so complicated. :(

Hiltiki: Start with this

when your arm gets tired, go to home depot and buy the first thing that looks like it will save you some work.

Or just say, "I'm going for that old, rustic look." and burn the hell out of it with the blowtorch


Super double sunsets, I love the detail you are getting on this tiki. Thanks for sharing the sanding and finishing tools. A reminder that 75% of the work is Sanding, Sanding, and More Sanding! Whats in the wooden box in the last pic ?

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