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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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I have no last letter of the alphabet ( working) on my keyboard.

So, bare with me....

aya and Bu y rock!

Visit me on Myspace too! It's Benz Arts fault!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2007-08-20 20:11 ]

Hi Buzzy, it was a pleasure, and you were very nice to sign a picture for me...lol

Thanks again and thanks for making me feel so welcome


Cammo posted on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 1:15 AM

Those are the funniest dang string of pictures I've ever seen; Buzzy didn't go to Oasis, Oasis came to the House of Buzz.

Sven looks overjoyed to be in the presence of Buzzmaster Von Buzz!


Oh Captain, my Captain!


Buzz and Queen Bee:

'Nuff said.

Since this is the Buzzy worship thread, here's my contribution~

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 21, 2007 4:29 PM

Those pics in Cammo's post remind me of the old Beastie Boys video for "Shake Your Rump-Ah"

Glad to see you had such a great time Buzzy! It looks like you made it fun for a lot of other peeps too. That's the good stuff man! Keep it up.


Zaya posted on Wed, Aug 22, 2007 8:49 AM

:music: :music: Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy BIRTHDAY Dear Buzzyyyyyyy! Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUU! :music: :music:


Have a Happy B-Day, "B"....Hopefully not in your B-Day Suite...:)

happy birthday Buzzy!

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 22, 2007 12:39 PM


Happy birthday, Buzzy! This is the cake that Grace made me last year, but you can have a piece!


Haha, more proof Grace rules!

Happy B-day Buzz, are you 39? :D

Happy Birthday Buzzy!!!
have a great one!


Happy Birthday to you Buzzy. We had birthday cake for you tonight, too bad you couldn't come, really had a great time,Even if it was Sherry's Birthday too.

Happy birthday Buzz (& Sherry too)It'll be my turn next Tuesday. I'll be 28. Are we all Virgos?


Happy Birthday Buzz!


Happy Birthday, Buzzster. Does this mean that Zaya is going to be putting you in the Old Tiki Carvers Home now?

On 2007-08-22 21:06, Tikidav wrote:
Happy Birthday, Buzzster. Does this mean that Zaya is going to be putting you in the Old Tiki Carvers Home now?

I wood hope that she'd put him in Bondage rather than the Old Tiki Carvers Home!!!!





:tiki: :tiki: :drink: happy, happy, happy, :drink: :tiki: :tiki:

Alright, I have a lot to cover, so I'll do a couple of posts here...

Let's get the sunset fans out of the way first


And a few from today:

Come back tomorrow ya'll
Buzzy Out!

Sunsets, one post back. Just words here:

Thanks to all my friends for their good birthday wishes...

Zaya: Thanks for getting all this crap started...
Freddie: I always dress for the occasion, and I always dress for success!
Amy: Thanks a bunch! I had a great day.
GROG: I know I'm number 1!
BillyBobaloo: Sorry, I'm on the atkins diet...
4WD: I'm still two years away from buying my bright yellow convertable corvette. :)
TDuddy: thanks Buddy!
Benzart: I actually had the evening free, but never got the invite. :(
Hank: 28? I think you need to get your mom's permission to hang out with me. And no, you're all losers! We are LEOS!
Tornhalo: Thanks man!
Bowana: No old folks home for me, I'm going to settle down in Florida. Things are a little slower over there, and in my advanced age, I feel like I'll thrive in that environment. You'll always be tikidav to me...
BambooBen: Talk about tied down...
Hiltiki: *

I love my friends!
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-08-24 01:31 ]


Now on to tiki stuff...
Old business:

I finished these five guys just in time for Oasis

Newer business:
I put a couple coats of wood oil on this guy

He keeps looking better and better! :) It blends in with some of the finer furniture in my house.

Newest business:
After tiki oasis, I told myself I'd take two weeks off from tiki to decompress from all the tiki overload I experienced during and leading up to the event. That lasted until about 11:30am on Monday. I finished carving the last couple things I left unfinished and started sanding this guy

I cleaned my garage on Tuesday, a little...

I finished sanding it today and stained him this evening

I've been so busy last few days. You guys would hardly recognize the place:

Looks like a months long mess waiting to happen.

Back to work...
Buzzy Out!

If you don't mind, I would like to come over and help you mess it up once a week. I'll bring Cherry Pepsi!!

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 4:17 AM


That oil finish looks mighty nice. It compliments an already killer carving. Thanks for that. I can't wait to see him in person.....


cheeze buzzy....your a machine......can i come and apprentice with you ? ...you can call me grasshopper

hewey posted on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 9:48 PM

Happy Birthday Buzzy! Some very nice pieces there, and looks like you had a blast at Oasis :D


Nice one, Buzzy. Is that the ficus? Good use of asymmetry.

I've got your pendants.


Hey Buzz, That Ficus wood is really turning out some great looking tikis,,, or IS that You turning out those great looking tikis? Hmmm I'll have to tink-a-bout-it.

A few sunsets to catch you guys up during the nonTc era:

Started another ficus piece a couple days ago:

Here it is now:

If it wasn't so hot, I'd be working on this big one I have all marked out and ready to go:

I'll be in touch with you all when this TC thing works.

Buzzy Out!

I read my last post and felt like a wimp. I wasn't going to carve because of the heat.I thought of Van Gough suffering for his art: drinking, hanging out with whores, and cutting off his ear. So, I went out in the heat to suffer for my art. Now That I've done this, I wonder if they'll let me carve at Cheetahs?

Here's a little time spent in the warmth of the sun:

It's so hot you can see the heat(I have my camera set on infrared)

Cheetahs is in the same parking lot as Rockler! :)
Buzzy Out!

Buzzy! lookin amazing as ALWAYS! the one guy with his foot proped up looks like he's in for a photo shoot. im looking forward to the progress pics on the new guy there!

buzzy......are these first cuts by chainsaw or by chisel.?.... if its not secret caving info.....

Today's sunset photos:

Alright now all you "sunset people" go away. We're talking tiki now:

On 2007-08-29 18:28, Tiki Duddy wrote:
im looking forward to the progress pics on the new guy there!

Here you go stranger:

Still got heaps of work to do, but it will not take that much time.

On 2007-08-24 01:33, billybobaloo wrote:
If you don't mind, I would like to come over and help you mess it up once a week. I'll bring Cherry Pepsi!!

Throw in a couple of those Arizona Ice Tea: Sweet Teas too, and we can probably work something out. Rum Cake: No thanks. :wink:

On 2007-08-24 21:16, closettiki wrote:
cheeze buzzy....you're a machine......can i come and apprentice with you ?

I am the Buzzmaster model 2007. I'm just about to upgrade to the 2008 model. Apprenticeship schedule: 1 year of cleaning logs and House of Buzz. 1 year of chisel sharpening. 1 year of rough sanding. 1 year of finishi sanding. After that, I'm just going to quit carving and make mugs. Wax on, Wax off!

On 2007-08-24 21:48, hewey wrote:
Some very nice pieces there, and looks like you had a blast at Oasis :D

Thanks Hewey.I had the time of my life, and for the second year in a row I haven't commented on it: Yet!

On 2007-08-25 19:18, Bowana wrote:
Is that the ficus? Good use of asymmetry.
I've got your pendants.

Yes it is Ficus and I have no idea what you are talking about and what have you done with my friend, TikiDav? I'm going to spend all my money on his pendants. I didn't use asymetry, I mostly used a hookknife and some sandpaper.

On 2007-08-27 19:27, Benzart wrote:
Hey Buzz, That Ficus wood is really turning out some great looking tikis,,, or IS that You turning out those great looking tikis? Hmmm I'll have to tink-a-bout-it.

Benzart: Thanks for giving away my secrets. Just because you know what I know, it doesn't mean everyone else needs to know it too. Yes, I just scratched a couple lines in the wood, put on some stain, and Poof! tricki tiki all done. Don't tell anyone all I'm doing is relief carving too. They cant tell from the pictures and I'm doing a pretty good job of making them think i'm doing this on round logs, instead of 2" x 12"s.

On 2007-08-29 19:08, closettiki wrote:
buzzy......are these first cuts by chainsaw or by chisel.?.... if its not secret caving info.....

Carving secrets?:I guess I'll tell you before Mr Benzart the secret killer comes back. I used them ones in the middle

Those four tools are all I've used on it so far.

I love cherry pepsi!
Buzzy Out!

Today's progress:
Did the bottom of the nose, brought down the eye line, moved the ears back a few inches, and did the back of the arms.

Now I have to slant the nose.

Weinerschnitzel time! Gotta go before rolling blackouts...

Buzzy Out!

Today's sunset:

Getting real close to wrapping up this one

Just have all the little obsessive details to do now

Did a little more on my nightime working while watching tv project last night:

Still a lot to do on this one.

Tomorrow I will be a prisoner of slury seal!
Buzzy Out!


On 2007-08-29 23:08, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Yes it is Ficus and I have no idea what you are talking about and what have you done with my friend, TikiDav?

Don't worry about your little friend Tikidav. I've got him safely locked in a closet carving a likeness of Ernest Bourgnine out of broccoli.

....and it's not looking half bad.

hey buzzy....i was wondering what this meant... lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.....i translated to english and came up with this......left ogne hope, intrate you ch'.....im lost...is it just another one of buzzy's mysterys.........by the way the new carving is looking great......

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-08-30 20:37 ]

On 2007-08-30 20:10, Bowana wrote:

On 2007-08-29 23:08, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Yes it is Ficus and I have no idea what you are talking about and what have you done with my friend, TikiDav?

Don't worry about your little friend Tikidav. I've got him safely locked in a closet carving a likeness of Ernest Bourgnine out of broccoli.

....and it's not looking half bad.

Bourgnine is a brother.......33rd Degree. Good man, but he looks more like cauliflower to me.

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 1:19 PM


This new Hawaiian guy is the shizzam! Dude, you're killin' 'em!



Buzzy, I love the new guy with the long nose. Nice....

Yesterday's end to the brutal heat:

This f^(#er took my blood last night...

It's that stain on the right elbow

This is Buffy Tiki now: The Bloodsucker.

TikiDav: Please carve the Ernest Bourgnine to look like his character from Airwolf, complete with the hat and flight suit. That was the pinacle of his career, in my opinion. Are you being fed in there?

Bowana: Free TikiDav!

Closettiki: If it was a mystery or a secret, Benzart would have already blabbed it. It's the sign over the entrance gate to hell in Dante's Divine Comedy:

"Through me lies the road to the city of grief.
Through me lies the pathway to woe everlasting.
Through me lies the road to the souls that are lost.
Justice impelled my mighty architect:
The power divine, and primal love and wisdom
surpassing all, have here constructed me.
Before I was created, nothing was save things eternal.
I shall last forever.


GMAN: Killin' and cuttin'. But Benzart is right, as always: It's just the wood. I'm running out of magic ficus, though. I'm going to have have a midnight meeting at some southern crossroads sometime soon...

Hiltiki: Well hello there Hiltiki. Thanks for sending some of that valley heat this way. It's like going to your house without the drive! Have you seen my friend TikiDav? I think Bowana did some bad things to him. :( That Dave was a nice guy too.

Today was the highest thermometer reading of the summer: just got above 89 in the shade.
Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-09-01 14:45 ]


It's 108 right now, and I am slowly melting away. Sounds like you are having winter weather there ha?
Just a question, can you use blood for wood stain?

thanks for the enlightenment......i feel like im at the gates of hell here.....im trying to carve but the log keeps getting soggy from me sweating all over it....its 104 here in the central valley ....feels like 110.....

That's shaping up great! Nice n' deep too. Keep'r coming!


Buzz, you just Don't run out of energy do you? Excellent tikis as usual but a bit MORE So it seems. Better hurry and find more of that Magic wood, you're gonna need it in the upcoming months I hear.
Back to work

Bowana posted on Sun, Sep 2, 2007 6:49 PM

On 2007-09-01 14:43, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

TikiDav: Please carve the Ernest Bourgnine to look like his character from Airwolf, complete with the hat and flight suit. That was the pinacle of his career, in my opinion. Are you being fed in there?

Bowana: Free TikiDav!

Hiltiki: Well hello there Hiltiki. Thanks for sending some of that valley heat this way. It's like going to your house without the drive! Have you seen my friend TikiDav? I think Bowana did some bad things to him. :( That Dave was a nice guy too.

Oh yeah, he's being fed in there. He keeps eating the broccoli that he's supposed to be carving. Ernest Bourgnine now looks more like Burgess Meredith. Yeah, he was a nice guy all right, but absolutely no table manners.

Sorry to hear that you drew blood, Buzzy. Hopefully no stiches were required.

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