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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Today's sunset:

Babalu: Yes, it's them last two palm trees on the far left, in between the two big clumps of trees. Right before the sun will set by the palm tree on the left, we will be able to see it set on the horizon of water

We still have a little ways to go. It will be real exciting when it hits that building. It will be a milestone.

I've been taking chunks of this with a chainsaw. slowly but surely.I'm just seing how much work it will take to do something of this scale on a large hard piece of wood.

Got some good wood chunks out of it too.

I think that I will now side with Buffy, because her name sounds like mine, and she has never looked tougher than she did in GROGS picture, and only with the following stipulation: I will only acknowledge Buffy as the true ultimate badass of all space and time as long as she uses Zaya's spoon as her sole weapon of choice.

Buzzy Out!


Gimmie October 4th.

C'mon sunset!

GROG posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2007 10:25 PM

I think that I will now side with Buffy, because her name sounds like mine, and she has never looked tougher than she did in GROGS picture, and only with the following stipulation: I will only acknowledge Buffy as the true ultimate badass of all space and time as long as she uses Zaya's spoon as her sole weapon of choice.

GROG pretty sure she would go for something like that.

This guy got all prettied up tonight:

I cant remember what color stain it was, but I do know I reduced it by 40 percent.

He looks like he wants to jump off his pedestal and run away.

Why is the bark in the back?

It's not bark on the back, he's just turned around

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on Thu, Sep 13, 2007 8:16 AM

Doesn't this guy look like he's eating one of those Sara Lee Cherry Pie Pockets? Like, bud, take small bites!

Jumping off is right - has anybody noticed that Buzzy's stuff is attaining this freaky level of mastery where everything is starting to look ALIVE?

I think it's cause he isn't measuring every little detail, or going for a perfect geometric machine-like balance. Buzzy's just carving away by hand, and every part of these Tikis have a bit of 'gesture', just like real life. They just look right.

And I think this hand done craftsmanship is gonna make these more collectible and valuable. Way more than sanding the thing ultra smooth or getting into microscopic details.



Either that, or they are going to rise up and find a volcano to toss him into.

Happened to me one time. True story!

Today's sunset:

Tiki stuff: I just put oil on the spoon today, and tried to not carve anything. the spoon is soaking up the oil, so it really doesn't look different yet, hence no pictures.

Long day of nothing
Buzzy Out!


I think Buzzy's tikis Have Already risen up and tossed him into the volcano, How else could he be so HOT right now. Buzzy your carving skills are going through the roof. Before you know it YOU will be THE Old guy around here and Look, you post tons of tikis too, Along with the tiki sunsets.
Thanks for the buzz!

hey buzzy...i only count two entries into the pick the sunset day contest....my chances of winning is looking really good.....i cant wait to see what shape your new tiki takes...looks like a robot right now...im still looking for carving logs....im tempted to jump in the car and come see buzzys carving village and log supply
big belly tiki says hi !

Another sunset inches closer to a winning day:

closettiki: I think there are three in so far. sept 29, oct 1, oct 4.

On 2007-09-13 08:16, Cammo wrote:
I think it's cause he isn't measuring every little detail, or going for a perfect geometric machine-like balance.

That's because I use warped wood to start with and am too lazy to mill it right. Misshapen wood makes warped tikis.

Speaking of milling, I made a couple pieces of raw carving stock today.

These cames from a small sliver I removed from the big guy that looks like a robot

These are all the tools I used to make these pieces. It was originally a pie shaped sliver.

On 2007-09-11 04:19, Tornhalo wrote:
A matching fork of course!

Here it comes, but it will not match...exactly.

Benzart: That Old Guy list looks more like a missing persons list to me. You should try to get on the Tiki Guy list with me instead. And, I'll be here long after the new guys are the old guys because Tiki Guys like me can transcend time and space. Just like Buffy.

Buffy is on encore in 4 minutes. I might finally watch it.

If I was a little bit taller, I might not be able to smell my feet anymore.
Buzzy Out!


Hola Buzzy, I'll guess Oct. 3. PS Another Great Tiki :)

  • Oct. 5.

On Oct 6th the sun will surely set behind 2 of those trees...you should announce the winner on the "House of Buzz" episode 3.

If Buffy had a fork to go with her spoon, she could toss vampire hearts around just like a normal person would do with a salad..FORK - FORK - FORK!!!


I'm going to stretch the field and take Oct 22.

GHEEZ..i should have kept my mouth shut....now everybody is guessing....my chances are narrowing......big belly tiki says hi


Thanks Buzzy, but I'm on a list all by myself here for some reason. I don't fit anywhere, I just Am!

Robin posted on Sat, Sep 15, 2007 3:44 PM

October 7th. :)

I'm doing some werk on the fourk today:

Here it is drawn out. I put in the slats with a circular saw because there was an awkward part of the grain that was hell to carve through with the hook.

A little more work done with some palm sweeps, a palm v tool, and of course, my two favorite hookknives:

Benzart: At one time I felt like you did, alone, doing my own thing. Then I noticed I was never on any of the right lists. So, I made my own list! Now all those list pale in comparision.

Looks like the dates are filling up fast! Who's going to win? Keep watching to find out...

Buzzy Out!

Today's sunset

And a little progress...

Buzzy Out!

Here is where my work for the day will end:

Needs a lot of finishing and I want to hollow out the mouth

Just about have the set finished now

Buzzy Out!

Nice! No doubt, you need to make a comparable size bowl for the utensils afterward, just stands to reason! Then invite me to dinner! BTW, good luck against the cheaters today!

Cammo posted on Sun, Sep 16, 2007 6:41 AM

OK, the spoon AND knife are now the funniest things I've ever seen on TC.

Hey out there in TC land - somebody pick up a sunset date THE LAST SIDE of the LAST one! (Check back through the posts) cause Mr. Sun is sure moving SLOW! This is a sure thing! Easy money!

[ Edited by: Cammo 2007-09-16 08:27 ]

HEY....quit giving them help....youre cuttting down my chances!......

OK, the spoon AND knife are now the funniest things I've ever seen on TC.

Laugh!...laugh a full belly roll they might Buzzy? But HE who laughs last laughs loudest longest...right? :roll: Whatever that means?

I say "SPORK THEM!" Spork them all!!! When you can combine the volume capacity of a spoon and the three tines power of a fork, then AND only then will one achieve true greatness!! Little do they realize your master plan to combine forces of these simple wooden implements, forge a precision eating tool sooo powerful and ginormous in scale that our planets rotation will be offset by .00000000000001? When you take this master carve to be replicated in exotic woods of far away lands by indigenous craftsmen of remote tropical islands... THEN the world economy will buckle within your powerful grasp!!!

Nice carves on the set of wooden salad tikis... :wink: Oh yeah and the posted pic was stuck on the bottom of my flip-flopPp when I passed through your crib, I thought you'd like to have it back for reference. Your secret is safe with me! :D

Keep hangin & stain'n!!
8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
PS. "Greenflash Sunset" appearing at House of Buzz, will occur next Sunday, September 30th at 7:02pm PDT.
BYOLC (bring your own lawn chairs)

Yesterday's sunset

Some thunderboat action from down on the bay this weekend

Tbird: We can feel each others pain on this somber Monday morn...
The bowl will be coming soon.
Cammo: Hey, that wasn't your original post! Misleading the masses...
Closettiki: Your chances still look real good!
Jonesey: Better watch what you suggest over here, a spork just might be in the very near future!

Yesterday=Sleep, Today =Work.

Buzzy Out!


Now it's ready for final sanding:

Buddy Cat's hanging out, watching me work today.

Oh that Buddy Cat!

Buzzy Out!

Sanded and stained:

Time for a nap.
Buzzy Out!

I luv the idea on this spoon-n-fork set. They look great. Isnt it crazy how your cat takes an interest in your carving. Mine do the same thing, except they try to sit in my lap.... Also, great pix on the thunderboats,, those are kickass. Maholla!!

GMAN posted on Mon, Sep 17, 2007 5:48 PM

The Ceremonial Spork of Unity......

GROG posted on Tue, Sep 18, 2007 12:56 AM

These are the utensils used by Buffet the Vampire Slayer. Buffy's twin sister they never show.

Monday, taken on the road

Tuesday, doesn't help the contest data at all

Today-Did it hit the building? Cannot tell...

Started working on another chunk of ficus today:

This one is really curved. Should make for some fun times.

GROG: That picture was your finest work! A true masterpiece!

So who would win in a fight between Buffet and Buffy?

Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 20, 2007 3:09 AM

I think Buffet would walk right through Buffy.......or over....

GROG posted on Thu, Sep 20, 2007 9:37 AM

GROG think Buffet would have Buffy for breakfast.


Are you cats nuts?? Buffy would smoke Buffet...the dude smokes - drinks too much, cuts his feet on pop tops all the time, and still wears Hush Puppies.

I agree that Buffy would smoke Buffet.........too many cheeseburgers in paradise, but if not for Buffet, drunk people, over 40 in Florida(the same group that were all coke-heads in the 80s) wouldn't have a clue what to listen to.

I remember watching Deke Dickerson play the Venus Lounge in Vegas (before it was destroyed) and two drunk chicks walked up between sets and asked him to play Margaritaville. SO sad.

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 20, 2007 12:30 PM

I was talking about Buffet, Buffy's relative above........


Ohhhhh, "Buff"-et! Yep, I agree...Grazing for Vampires!


What's wrong with Hush Puppies?

They're almost as cool as Desert Boots! Hiya, guys!

Glad you guys were able to work out that moment of Buffett confusion...

last night's late night progress:

Just winging it so far. This piece has a lot of challenges in it. Makes for carving fun!

Pretty tiki pictures to look at because they will all be gone very soon:

Bye bye guys...
Buzzy Out!


That's a gang of hooligans if I ever saw one! Buzz, you have yet to let us down.. great stuff man!

Yeah, those little bastards are up to no good for sure. Nice gang-o-tikis, Buzz. See you around 7pm tomorrow, just in case you didn't get the message.


Most Excellent Stuff there Mr Park-Buzz. I love how you have made the Hook blade an extension of your arm.

We had about .33 inches of rain this morning. Leftover clouds make for good sunsets:

Sunset contest update:

The sun has officially passed the building. Only a few more days to get your guesses in.

Spent the day here:

Doing this:

Have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow. :)

Buzzy Out!

On Saturday, I forgot to bring my log to the PIFA carving party. Luckily, Babalu was sitting in my driveway when I called him, and he threw a chunk in his trunk for me. There was way too much going on, and I couldn't concentrate on carving like I usually do, so I just fake carved all day.
In between looking at every pretty woman, scantly dressed lass, and hula girl who walked by that day, I got all this done:

Does that look like a full days work? That's more than I usually carve at a chop. When the cute ladies stopped by the booth to watch "us" carve, I would pick up my chisels and pretend like I'd been working real hard the whole time. When they'd leave, I sit back down in my lawn chair until another pack would wander up and I'd start the whole charade again. It was damn near the best day of my carving life, I reckon...

On Sunday, it was more of the same, but I remebered this log. I actually worked on it a little that day:

Brought it home and did a little more:

Forgot to take the sunset photo though. :(

I was in such a good mood when I awoke today that I raked my living room carpet clean.
Buzzy Out!

[edit ad this link]
the PIFA pictures on another TC thread

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-09-24 14:30 ]

Paipo posted on Mon, Sep 24, 2007 2:57 PM

He's got the Coco Joe's lean happening! I dig this one already Buzzy - he's got a surly scowl. I've just been reading how Hawaiian tikis are meant to look contemptuous, so that's a good thing.
Looks like you guys had a blast at PIFA....closest we get to that here was a island hangi/umu night at the rugby clubrooms. Compared to the rest of NZ we're pretty monocultural, although we do have a very cool Maori art gallery in town.

Today's sunset;

early update

punched some holes in it

Later, after I put another hole in it

Next is the back of the headress

Hey Paipo: I think that since I've seen so many of those ccj leaners, that's what a tiki should look like to me. My carving style in the future will be influenced and defined by the features found in cheap plastics and crappy molds. Looks like you're enjoying that new book as much as I did when freddie sent me mine. Babalu's toting that thing around with him these days too. that's a great book. Tops on my list. you guys are monocultural, we're multicultural but speak monosyllabic, cause we don't understand each other. Everytime I order a large fries here, I get a large Sprite. That's a downside of multiculturalism, in my opinion.

HOKU: Thanks again for that book, Freddie. :)

Buzzy Out!


Whatever the inspiration, this lono is going to be a pretty cool looking dude. When are you gonna learn how to use the hook knife?

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