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2 of my New Wacky Packages paintings for Series 9, 2012. p. 103

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I love the abstract art, Very cool Sam, And the guitars look awesome! Very well done as all ways! Gogo

Richard Dawson!?!?!?



Do you mean Richard Dawson of The Family Feud?

If so that man disturbed the hell out of me. Did you ever notice that he ALWAYS kissed every woman..most of the time on the mouth..and that he ALWAYS rubbed the shoulders/back of the men if they were standing at the end playing the final round?

He was bizarre.

We even invented a driking game based on the reruns of that show and all is kissing/rubbing antics.


GREAT looking striping mr Gams!

someday please teach me how to pull a straight line...let alone those sexy lines u have on ur geetars!!!

Thanks so much Gogo, and Big Toe!

Ken and leleliz - I'm just kidding about the Richard Dawson painting. I do feel that he is.... shall we say..... a little sickening in his own way. I would much rather do something with Chuck Barris from the Gong Show as subject matter!

Here's a new finger which is bonier and more like a real mummy finger which I saw in storage last week at the historical museum in my hometown. No beads, but more feathers AND a split nail... Thanks for looking!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-05-23 00:37 ]

Nice looking finger you have created, yet again. I feel sorry for your parakeet, but a little sacrifice is needed for tiki art. :wink:

Great work on the expressionist pieces and the finger Sam! You can "give me the finger" anytime! The REEF tiki bar locally has a copy of every print you've done (tiki). Nice!

GMAN posted on Sat, May 23, 2009 5:00 PM

Same to you buddy!

Hey Tiki Mango-

No parakeets were hurt in the making of this finger!!! :) All feathers were given on a voluntary basis by said bird!!! Thanks so much for the kind words too!

Hey Sneakytiki - Thanks for the kind words and the details on the use of my prints at the REEF! I love to hear that my work is being enjoyed by tiki lovers anywhere. My main objective is to bring a smile to someone's face with it - however I can!

Anytime GMAN!!! :wink:

Very cool Sam! Best one you've done so far!


Sam what about trying to make the fingers jointed? You know..show off a bit!

Nice Boner! Oh, wait - that's Bonier... :lol:

Great series Sam, would make a great pen to carry around in your shirt pocket at work. That'll freak'em out!

Those are REALY KEWL I must say Very nice !

Thanks so much, Iokona Ki'i, leleliz, MadDoMIke and tyger jymmy!

Hey leleliz- That's a great idea! I may try that jointed finger when I get a little more comfortable with carving!

Here are 2 new paintings for the upcoming Harold Golen show. Both are enamel on board, 11x14. Very fun paintings with lots of texture. The first is called "Relic on Cass Avenue." As an old school sign painter, I painted this one with lots of respect, as I was sad to hear that Chin Tiki was torn down recently in Detroit. It's a site I visited every time I went back to Michigan to visit.

This one is called Tiki Bob in the Jazz Age. I researched jazz lps from the 50's and 60's. I've wanted to do some pieces with the abstract qualities that this one has. It's also my first ever mug painting. Thanks so much for looking. I really appreciate your feedback!


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-06-01 16:38 ]


Sam,any chance of you doing prints of Relic on Cass Avenue? Being from Detroit I could dig that.

teaKEY posted on Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:42 PM

The chin looks just right. What the sign looked like near the time of its demise

Very Nice stuff.....your thread is always a joy to visit....Very nice texture in the new paintings....you are always coming up with new ways to up the bar...keep it up!!!!

Very nice Sam , both are realy kewl . the jazz thingy is realy neat . Cheers Dude


My dream--as lame as it sounds-is to own every Tiki Bob themed piece of art that TCers make since Tiki Bob is my favorite mug.

I like it and its dead on to the one I am currently drinking from my friend.

mp posted on Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:18 PM

Killer work Sam, I too love the Tiki Bob.
You have the oldschool down pat!


Love that Chin Tiki. Nice little memorial for the place.


SAm that chin tiki sign looks like it could have hung at the restaurant for 40 years!

nuKKe posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 12:02 AM

I really like them both.

Babalu posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 7:13 AM

Morning Sam,

The jazzed bob is outta sight! the abstraction works really well. Yup, this one sings...

TikiG posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2009 9:31 AM

Sam -

Inspiring works. Love the Tiki Bob jazzy thing but the Chin Tiki brick wall image is just whoa!

You really struck a chord with both these pieces Sam!
Chin Tiki feels so vintage and authentic and the abstract
Bob one is a great blending. Outta-sight!

Lovin the brick/peeled paint texture on the ChinTiki!
It's hard to believe this is your first mug painting,
but you hit a HomeRun mixing it with the jazzy exotic abstract!
Way to go Sam!

Hey mudbone- Thanks so much! Great to hear from a fellow Detroiter!

teaKey-Thanks for the kind words! I always appreciate your comments!

Hey Meheadhunter - Thanks too. I've inhaled so much oil based paint, I'm trying hard not to trip over the bar :wink:

Thank you, tyger jymmy, Oh King of Flamed Fish! I love those things....

Hey leleliz- You like Bob? I appreciate that! Your kind words are always welcomed and appreciated. I'll probably do prints a little later.

Hey mp - thanks for the kind words! That's a great compliment, because I tried hard to get an old school feel to these.

I appreciate the comps, Dusty cajun!

Hey Polynesiac- Great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you. I'm forty now, and sometimes I feel about like that cracked, peeling sign!

Thanks so much too, nuKKE! I appreciate your kind words...

Hey Babalu- I'm glad you like the jazzy Bob! I think those old jazz LP covers have so much class and style to them.. Thanks for the kind words!

TikiG- Thanks much! I love those old building wall signs like this was. Such character. No one really takes the time to do that sort of thing to buildings these days. Everything now is vinyl stick-on letters....

Thanks Iokona Ki'i - You've been kicking out some killer stuff yourself lately here!

Hey Ken- I always value your input! You're the bionic artist with them great big ol' eyes! Thanks for the kind words. I did paint Sam's Shrunken Head, but that doesn't count as a mug painting because he wasn't a mug yet.... :)

Bump!sweet stuff sam!


On 2009-05-14 22:49, Sam Gambino wrote:

Aloha Sam,

I thought it was interesting that your recent painting is a Tiki Bob with an abstract, as I see an abstract Tiki Bob in your Frequency painting - see it in the upper left corner? I think Tiki Bob must be running around in your head! Or maybe your sub-conscience is drunk?


Sam, Sam, Sam......
Once again, you have stunned me. Your Jazz age Bob is so good, on so many levels... I would have to say that is my most favorite Tiki painting that I have seen all year. Sincerely. Keep up the awesome work, Mr. G!



On 2009-06-02 22:28, Sam Gambino wrote:
Hey leleliz- You like Bob? I appreciate that! Your kind words are always welcomed and appreciated. I'll probably do prints a little later.

Awesome! Being a fan of both Bob and jazz, I would love a print of that painting! Love the vibe off the abstract! Cool man!

Thanks so much for the bump, Mooney Tiki! Always great to hear from you!

Hey Mo-Eye - I see it! I had no idea.... Thanks for the kind words and for pointing that out!

Hey ZeroTiki- I feel great that you like the painting that much! I'll be doing prints of it in a few weeks. I'll post here when they're ready. Thanks again!

Thanks so much JenTiki! I'm glad I killed 2 birds with this painting! I'll let you know when prints are ready. Thanks again for the very kind words!


Sam, have you been drinking the One_Shot again???

Crazy good new stuff sir!!! I too dig the Jazz Age Bob! It could easily be a 1956 Emarcy LP cover.

Thanks Squid! That's the effect I was shooting for. I appreciate that. Also, yes, the 1-Shot is kicking in now - site is blurring, Zappa music is up loud, and I have that floating feeling.......


Hey Sam, great stuff man!!
I thought I saw a picture somewhere of some guy stealing a sign off the side of the Chin Tiki before it was demolished!! That must be it!

Awesome work! Your details are bang on when you need them to be and laid back when you don't. Looks like everyone is in favor of the abstract pieces you are doing so keep them flying man!! Oh yeh, and the Zappa music loud!!

Take care,

I love how you handled the paint on that tiki bob! What a fantastic glaze he has! I love the subtle shading in the whites on his face in particular!

Thanks a bunch TabooDan! Yes, that was me ripping off the brick wall! :wink:

Thanks too suburbanpagan! I appreciate the comps. I tried to keep that painting simple, and I'm glad to know that it works and doesn't look unfinished.

Here's a new commission abstract based on Hala matchcover art. It's 11x14 on board. Thanks for looking!

By the way, Tiki Bob prints are ready. They are $30. total and signed. Just pm me if interested. Thanks again....


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2009-07-14 23:55 ]


Very nice juxtaposition of the abstract with the Hala matchbook!
both styles different
YET evolving from the same general time period!
Tiki Bob-Hala Kahiki-Frequency-Reverse-Twilight at tiki Gardens-Curse of the Idol
You could have a whole gallery show around this theme/style!
I love the teal in the Hala painting
it just makes friends with the golds and browns!

always a joy to see your newest work

You are on fire with this mix-up of styles...I'm really diggin' it!!!
I'm always eagerly waiting to see what's hiding up your sleave....always amazing!!!

You are the BOMB Sam!!!!!! I love the calmness on the one side next to the manic movement of the other side. The two pieces will look great together.
Perhaps in Wildsville Man's Palm Springs Tiki Hut!!!!! Keep it coming Sam and stay away from the fumes!!!!!! Now can you dig that?

Photo's from the last time I was at the Hala Kahiki back home.
This place has more Witco then Elvis's jungle room and even had a rainbow the day I stpped by with my brothers.

Right on Sam! Great new piece.
Really compliments the Bob one.
Could this be a series on the horizon?

Thanks so much Ken, Meheadhunter, Rory and Iokona Ki'i!

Ken- Slopping one shot on half the canvas makes these a blast to do. I appreciate your kind words!

Hey Meheadhunter- Thanks much! I like the vintage look and feel of this style. I look at lots of thrift store LPs for inspiration.

Hey Rory- Thanks a bunch! I DO dig it! Believe it or not, I'm listening to Isaac Hayes theme to Shaft as I type this, and I AM digging it, literally! :)

Hey Iokona Ki'i- Maybe I should do a series of "vintage slop paintings"! I love the look and looseness of them - much different from what I have been doing.... Thanks for the vote of confidence!


Sam, nice composition very cool look with the abstract and realism playing together.

Keep DIGGIN' Sam.

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