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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Yesterday's sunset:

Yesterday's mess:

Yesterday's progress:

Those three tall ones standing and the real tall one on the rack bring my total to 24!

Last night's tiki impulsive/compulsive project:

I treated myself to set of wax sculpting tools recently. last night, I broke them out and gave them a test run:

Here's where I left it in the early am:

It still needs a little more smoothy work here and there, and i have to fix the little guys face a bit. The plan is to cast this for a resin pendant.

On 2010-09-07 13:25, Creative Chimp wrote:
brings back memories when my dogs got in and killed all my chickens...sad times.. ha ha
hurry up and get to work buddy so i can see how a professional gets stuff done........im so slow!!!!!

I don't blame the dog.Those damn chickens are loud! He probably got tired of asking them to keep it down a bit and shut them up, permanently!
I'm getting back to work in six more logs...First project is a quick warm up carve to get the rust out, and then back to work on that drum I have all blocked out from a couple months ago. It just needs some fancy decorations carved on to it and it's done.

Until then, back to the log pile...
Buzzy Out!

Cripes! Haven't laughed like that in a while.
After avoiding it for fear of having to read what you wrote,
I thoroughly enjoyed your breakdown of your fans pics with your pics.
btw..I wasn't sad, I was scared!
Buzzy (if that IS your real name) - great hanging with you at Oasis on your birthday!
It's as if you planned it that way.
Bummed I missed your mom. We could have sung Xmas carols together.
Now stop typing so much an start carving, maniac!
ps Kids haven't slept since Oasis.
Bad idea to put your cheesecake pics by their beds......


is that a tiki taking a man from behind! Or have i had to many beers' HAAHAHHA
Love the sculpting set looks like the Doctor is in>

Wednesday Sunset:

Thursday Sunset:

Wednesday's log cleaning progress brought me to a total of 26 at sunset:

Thursday's work brought my total to 29:

I anticipate that after I do the last one tomorrow, I'll will be set for quite a while.

On 2010-09-08 10:07, Tiki Joe's Pop wrote:
Buzzy - great hanging with you at Oasis on your birthday!
It's as if you planned it that way.

I know, people finally had a reason to show up to that thing.

On 2010-09-08 17:02, tikigodz wrote:
is that a tiki taking a man from behind! Or have i had to many beers' HAAHAHHA

I think he's just having a taste before the main course. Here's one like him from an ebay auction a while back:

and if the little guy's taste is to his liking, he goes on to the main course:

Whatever he's doing to that little guy, it sure is making him happy!

Confuscious might have say: As long as it makes you happy, do it!
Buzzy Out!

A couple weak sunsets:

Sometime on Friday, I finished cleaning log #30. I tried to consolidate them all in one pile. They take up a pretty big chunk of my work area. All these are quite a sight to behold:

For a sense of scale, the one on the far right is a little over 6'. the tallest in the back row is a little over 7'. I don't think I've ever had this many logs ready to go at one time. It's pretty exciting!

It's such a nice view:

Lotta logs:

First volunteer out of the pile for a warm up carving:

About 3' tall x 11" diameter

I started by rounding out the top:

All my chisels were rusty or dull when I took them out today, so it took forever.

I also put a dent in the back of it before I called it a day:

In other news, we have a visitor this weekend:

In that picture, Ringo looks a lot cleaner than he is in reality.

A rare moment of rest:

and we'll end today on dogs and logs:

Buzzy Out!


Nice Wood!

Happy New Year Buzzy, and I can see you are ready to rock! Jealous of that palm stash since I have just recently learned the joys of palm carving. If only San Diego wasn't so far away. Looks like you had a great time at Oasis, I was bummed I couldn't be there this year to get a signed photo!

Looks like the year is off to a good start, I wish you lot's of luck, stay healthy and keep carving!

Yesterday's sunset far away version:

Yesterday's sunset close up version:

Tiki update:
I got off to a slow start yesterday, but managed to pull myself together enough by the end of the day to get a little more done on it. I took a chunk out of the front and made a couple slashes down the side:

It looks like a simple carve, but it's been hard to keep it all together and even

Then last night I brought it in and worked on the merging areas and started the head. Here it is now:

I already fixed the uneven part on the chin. :up:

It's getting close...

Don "The Predator" Frye quote of the day:

"I scratched my back and a puppy fell out."

I have no idea what that means, but it sounds tough as hell!

On 2010-09-12 14:20, McTiki wrote:
Nice Wood!

Mc Tiki! back from the land of the lost! Seeing your name brought back memories of the good old days and made me wonder if you made the Old Guysthread back in the day...
I just looked.Guess not. There's still time. :)

On 2010-09-12 22:18, Lake Surfer wrote:
Happy New Year Buzzy, and I can see you are ready to rock! stay healthy and keep carving!

I'm damn ready to ROCK! healthy carving's the plan.

Now back to it...
Buzzy Out!

On 2010-09-12 14:20, McTiki wrote:
Nice Wood!

thats what she said!!!! buzzy ? ya missed that one man......

ha ha ha

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2010-09-13 13:09 ]




Still rolling along on the tiki. Here it is pretty much all blocked out:

And now with some face work done:

On 2010-09-14 05:27, RevBambooBen wrote:

Poor Poki had to say goodbye to her friends today:

Off they went to their new home in Bonita this morning. Bye bye bunnies! Poki will miss you guys.

Don "ThePredator" Frye Quote of the day:

"Have you seen his ears? They're like potatoes, looks like his head was stuck in the birth canal for 4 hours and they had to beat him out with a stick."

If Don Frye was a Gynecologist, he wouldn't do C-sections, he'd beat the baby out with a stick!

On 2010-09-13 13:00, Creative Chimp wrote:
thats what she said!!!! buzzy ? ya missed that one man......

Damn! I can't believe I let that one slip by. I guess I was still trying to figure out the puppy in Don Frye's back riddle. Thanks for covering for me!

You should never pass by on a chance to tell someone what she said!
Buzzy Out!


I was hanging out with Mr NoNaMe the other day, and surprisingly, the conversation turned to tiki and carving. He asked if I was still carving in the livingroom. Since I wasn't carving at the time, I had to sadly inform him that I have a more typical livingroom currently. However, time marches on and things change, and once again my livingroom looks a little more like "Home, Sweet Home":

Poki has been contributing to the mess as well. She likes to make small pieces out of larger ones as well

It's not a living room, it's a working room.

Here's the progress sequence:

A little done on the eyes

More eye work:

Some mouth work and some sanding done:

Now I have to do a couple pain in the ass cut thrus in some hard ass wood...
Buzzy Out!


I still cant picture it but every little cut is a suprise.... Cant wait Its like christmas!


Nice progress shots Buzzy, Your log pile will Never get down at this rate,,Speaking of which have you thought of putting an armed guard in place to guard that pile??

"The lion and the lamb shall lie down together, but the lamb won't get much sleep"

On 2010-09-16 14:56, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

I was hanging out with Mr NoNaMe the other day, and surprisingly, the conversation turned to tiki and carving. He asked if I was still carving in the livingroom. Since I wasn't carving at the time, I had to sadly inform him that I have a more typical livingroom currently. However, time marches on and things change, and once again my livingroom looks a little more like "Home, Sweet Home":

Poki has been contributing to the mess as well. She likes to make small pieces out of larger ones as well

It's not a living room, it's a working room.

Here's the progress sequence:

A little done on the eyes

More eye work:

Some mouth work and some sanding done:

Now I have to do a couple pain in the ass cut thrus in some hard ass wood...
Buzzy Out!

pain in the ass like this?

long live the rabbits!!


On 2010-09-17 19:39, RevBambooBen wrote:
pain in the ass like this?

No, like this:

9 inches of log to go through at an angle, on a curve, and with the top ever so close to chipping off, carving against the grain on them top cuts. That's the type of pain in the ass it is!

On 2010-09-16 18:28, tikigodz wrote:
I still cant picture it but every little cut is a suprise....

Here it is making a little more sense with the two new pain in the ass cuts:

Same cuts from the back:

Cleaned up a little, and now the detailing begins:

The indented part on the base is where I'l wrap some rope.

On 2010-09-17 05:57, Benzart wrote:
Speaking of which have you thought of putting an armed guard in place to guard that pile??

Kinda...No arms, but plenty of TEETH:

We all lost a good friend yesterday. Rest In Peace,Tiki-Kate

On 2009-10-10 20:25, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Me and my best friend, Buzzy.

Buzzy Out!


I finished carving the tiki last night:

The base will be dark, the tiki, a little lighter

the rope will look the same

Now that my warmup carving is done, I have a whole lot of work to do.
and I'll start it all tomorrow...
Buzzy Out!


Buzzy, that's cool! What is it? I mean is it going to be used as a banister or..... Nice though. What's the inspiration for this one?

Yesterday's sunset:

Next up on the rack:

A trio...

On 2010-09-25 15:32, TheBigT wrote:
Buzzy, that's cool! What is it? I mean is it going to be used as a banister or..... Nice though. What's the inspiration for this one?

I trying to get "rounder" in my work. Trying to get away from carvings that are shaped like tubes or the original log. Stylewise, for this one,I wanted to a Marq on a base with some rope, like this one I did forever ago:

Kind of like an update of an earlier piece...The arms turned out to be too wide for the rope on them like I planned. I was thinking of a banister when I was carving it. It started to look a little like one. I just need to use a skinnier piece of wood. This one's a little to short and stocky for a banister, though.

It's finally summer here!
Buzzy Out!

Buzz, have you done an Andres Bumatay slice of pie style tiki? Got any pics?


I almost missed it yesterday:


It's time to work on the big drum again. Last time I worked on it, I pulled a stomach muscle and had to take a few weeks off of carving. I survived my warmup carving, so it's get 'er done time.

I got the stencils made for the legs this afternoon:

Front, sides, they're all there and ready:

I have to sharpen all my chisels before I do anything on it. that should take about half a day...they're in horrible shape.

On 2010-09-26 10:09, MadDogMike wrote:
Buzz, have you done an Andres Bumatay slice of pie style tiki? Got any pics?

I once started with a big log:

Then I took a 90 degree slice out of it:

Here's the leftover pie slice:

And what I made from that pie slice:

#52 all finished up:

I carved the crust of the pie, instead of the filler like Bumatay did on his pie slices...

#59 was the leftover pie that I made my fence corner tiki out of:

And here's #115, my quick nod to Bumatay

Does all that count as bumatay pie slice tiki?
Buzzy Out!


I trying to get "rounder" in my work. Trying to get away from carvings that are shaped like tubes or the original log. Stylewise, for this one,I wanted to a Marq on a base with some rope, like this one I did forever ago:

Well done. It's a nice departure from the usual stuff (which is superior anyways). :)

Thank you Buzz

I missed yesterday's sunset, so here's today's sunrise instead:

That view makes me glad I'm not a morning person.

The end of today was much prettier than the start of it:

I was looking on the horizon for the two trees that mark the sun setting on the water, but it looks like one is missing. I hope that it got carved into some nice tikis.

I'm carving the drum legs now. here's the start of the first one:

I'm doing all three legs in stages instead of one at a time like I usually do. that's because this is a carve I'm familar with, so I don't have to teach myself how to do it right before I replicate it.

Here I go on the second one:

Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on Wed, Sep 29, 2010 8:17 PM

Unbelievably amazing sunset today, San Diego has been getting great pink cotton candy sunrises as well! Whenever I see these sunsets now I wonder if Buzz is jumping up and running out to the back porch like a newsman seeing smoke.

Cammo posted on Thu, Sep 30, 2010 6:03 PM

This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Hey Buzzy, HOW MUCH?!?!?!


Love # 52 and 59. I wish I had them.

Yesterday's sunset:

Still working on the legs:

they look a little bit like tikis now, at least.

On 2010-09-30 18:03, Cammo wrote:
This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Hey Buzzy, HOW MUCH?!?!?!

i'll trade you for a big pile Mitch's shirts; two pairs of trunks, one red one blue; and a pair of flip flops, because Poki ate mine.

On 2010-09-30 19:27, hiltiki wrote:
Love # 52 and 59. I wish I had them.

If you ever see anything you like before it gets passed on, I'll trade it for that maori cane and the tahitian adze you have. :)

Anyone else have anything* they want to trade for my tikis?

New tikis for old! New tikis for old!
Buzzy Out!

*excludes mugs. Other restrictions may apply.


What "Maori Cane" I Need a new cane??

A couple sunsets:

Two tiki legs look like this now:

Third one always goes real fast...

On 2010-10-02 15:37, Benzart wrote:
What "Maori Cane" I Need a new cane??

It's nothing. Just an old stick of wood with some tiki carvings, inlays, and a bunch of marks all carved into it...
You actually need one of those canes that pulls out into a sword. Only the sword is carving knife.

Buzzy Out!


I will put a picture up when I can. Buzzy, the lady who gave it to me comes and visits here and there... I can't give it away yet. :)


You got some killer legs.

Yesterday's sunset:

Today's looked just like that

Now the three legs look pretty much like this:

They're getting pretty close to being done now. I'll do the smallest details after I do the bell part so that they will not break off while I'm carving on it.

On 2010-10-04 19:28, hiltiki wrote:
I will put a picture up when I can. I can't give it away yet. :)

I'll find one some day...Do you have any pictures of the fancy new deck? I'd like to see it all lived in.

Speakimg of canes, here's my PNG cane I found last year:

It has some nice figures and faces carved down it.

Starting with the handle face

Moving down, first:


and third figures:

Ornately carved all over it. Now from the side:

All the figures and faces are done back to back:

On 2010-10-04 19:56, TheBigT wrote:
You got some killer legs.

Yep! Thanks to the Thigh Master....

Buzzy Out!


Buzz, will this drum have a bottom vent? Maybe you'll do that after the legs are done? As always, killer drum!

I can't tell if this was sunset today, but I took the picture around the time that the sun usually sets:

I spent the evening last night watching all the episodes of the last season of Entourage and carving out the three drum legs. They're all to this point now:

The eyes, chin, and headress details will be carved right after I do the bell.

Blurry picture, sorry. I must have caught "the shakes" by that point last night

I wanted to relax a little after the high stress drum carving session yesterday so I started on the first cannibal guy today:

I plan on spending my evening working on it.

On 2010-10-06 18:39, 4WDtiki wrote:
Buzz, will this drum have a bottom vent? Maybe you'll do that after the legs are done?

Nope...I did that last July. Here's a flashback from that happy time:

On 2010-07-07 22:03, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
... I set my goal to get all the way through on the drum:

The happiest moment of all is when I see that daylight shining through it. Hooray! After this step, it's all easy going until it's done:

That's a 42" tunnel.

I'd take a picture of how I snuggled it between the legs, but I don;t want to hurt my back moving it. It was a pain to get it on the table! It's still top heavy until after I carve the bell. I left an extra inch inside of it for support while I carve the outside of it. It will be a reasonable weight after I hollow it out the final time.

I hope there's something good on tv tonight.
Buzzy Out!

Wow. Kicking major ass on those drum legs Buzz! I love the classic Kona Style you went with for the tikis, for sure one of my favorites!

The drums are really something special, and you've got the market cornered!

Good luck with the Cannibal, and I hope you get some sun soon!

The sun came out today. Later on, it set:

It looks like the sun will start setting on the water every night. One of the two palm trees that used to mark that spot on the horizon is gone. Bye bye sun calendar... :(

Cannibal work from last night:

I walked out into my yard yesterday and immediately noticed that something was drastically different out there. My once proud and tall bird of paradise plant was no longer quite so tall. The cause:

She's about shoulder high right there. She takes a running flying leap to get up on the nest/shelf that she made for herself.
Now she spends her time lying up there on the plant, chewing on her toys:

I have no idea what possessed her to do that...She seems to really enjoy it up there.

On 2010-10-06 19:14, Lake Surfer wrote:
Good luck with the Cannibal, and I hope you get some sun soon!

I got this huge list of things that I want to carve some day, and somehow the cannibals jumped to the top of that list. Lists are weird like that. The sun made a comeback today. It's supposed to get in the 80's out here on the coast this weekend.

Last night was a horrible night for background tv programming. I hope tonight's fare is better...

Because I have more carving to do.
Buzzy Out!

It's a perfect day for carving:

Quick update on the Cannibal:

I'm happy that I have to go to work now.
Buzzy Out!

bird of pokidice

Today's sunset:

I got some more done on the cannibal. In progress:

Here he is now:

I'm just a couple details and refinements away from wrapping this guy up!
Tomorrow I get back to working on the drum...

Buzzy Out!

The first Cannibal of the set is all carved now:

I still might have to thin the thumbs a bit. I'll have to look at it some more and see if it clashes with my inate sense of proportion:

I feel like this:

Buzzy Out!

As always the Buzz is keep on keeping it on. You are amazing Buzz
a real caving machine.

End of Day picture:

It was sunny most of the day...

Back to the drum now. My first task was to sand the parts that I'll be working on next:

Next step was to carve in the details on the bell base. Here's what my view was for most of the afternoon:

It appears to be a very simple cut, but it was damn hard to execute.

Top angled section done,

now ready to move down a bit for the horizontal section:

These cuts worked better with the drum laying flat:

Flip and repeat for the last row of triangles:

All done with that section:

On 2010-10-11 22:52, seeksurf wrote:
As always the Buzz is keep on keeping it on. a real caving machine.

It's just that I don't have anything else better to do right now. Carving's a real time killer.

Someday, someone will knock on my door, offer me a real job, and take me away from all this...
Buzzy Out!

The drums looking pretty damn impressive Buzz.

I love the Cannibal, I love the drum, I love those sunsets.


Awesome drum Buzzy!!!

buzzy? seriously.....DUUUUUDE!!!

how do you get so much done...? really? im lucky if i get 2 hours a week..is this full time? do you sleep.....

great stuff...i love your thread. got your brady bunch tiki here with me just puzzled how much you pump out.

i mean CMON!!!!! now hurry up and post some more pics :)...quit slacking

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