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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Papuan Hornbill Post Topper!

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Beautiful Mike!
and Happy Hunnert!
see you in a few days!

The gun and the lantern are cool. If you have to make the lantern tiki than you could change the ball on top to a tiki.
No, I won't be at Tiki Oasis because I stupidly agreed to pet sit for a neighbor without checking the calendar first.

Well then bring that "Pet" to Oasis with you!


Thanks for the pics Jon, so good to see you again and your Pele is Awesome! :D Had a GREAT time at Tiki Oasis!!! Got to catch up with some old friends who I hadn't seen in too long, got to know some people better who I had only met in passing, and got to meet some people in person who I had only met online before. I talked so much that I'm hoarse now! I think I was able to visit with at least 100 good TC folks. Got to spend a lot of time with Dan & Wendy, hope I didn't hog them up too much :D

I even got to help host a room party (thanks Marlene & Sandy!) I made a couple of room decorations, Marlene and Sandy did all the hard work!

I think we had the distinction of being the only room party closed down by Security :lol: I had a good time with a few spy-inspired costumes; Jake Cutter of "Tales of the Gold Monkey"

Fat Wong

And Bond villain "Jaws"

"Jaws" was quite imposing thanks to a pair of drywall stilts and football pads. When he walked into the room party, conversation stopped for a second and I think the band even missed a beat! :lol: I was a little unsteady on the stilts and afraid I was going to step on someone's toes in the tight quarters so I didn't stay too long at the party.

I even made a (non-winning) entry for the Spy Briefcase Contest. I wanted to take a little different approach, so I went for a low budget theme; a ratty old briefcase filled with items in envelopes. The envelopes had descriptions of the contents, but they weren't quite what you expected.

Here is the Clandestine Camera (wait for it... picture what you think it is)

The spy camera even worked. (Hopefully this picture doesn't violate any privacy laws, it was taken in a public area and the identity of the person is not revealed. If that is you, please send me your phone number :wink: )

Next, the "Cloaked Communication Device"

"Deception Paraphernalia"

"Hardware Based Encryption Device"

"Covert Rear Vision Glasses" (with use directions)

"Decoy Weapon & ETOH Delivery Unit"

(one of my ceramic gun mugs)

"Exploding Pen"

"Incendiary Document Destruction Device"

And my favorite, the "Fem Fatale Assassination kit - Laced with Femcide® which combines with Estrogen to form Cyanide but does not affect the male wearer"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-08-21 20:00 ]

ingenious! yet evil! well played my good? man.
Jaws was aw-some!!!

Mike I can't believe we didn't get a photo together :(

I do have to say that I was beyond thrilled with my gun mug. It was such a surprise and so thoughtful of you-not to mention everyone was jealous of its awasomeness!

I love you much my friend and it was amazing to see you and to talk with you after not seeing you for so long.

You are a class act and if more people in this world had your heart it would be an amazing world indeed.

Lots of love xxoxoxoxox



Hilarious!! Fantastic "Jaws" remake. One day I will get to Oasis.

Love the creativity with that briefcase Mike. Pictures of the costumes and briefcase contents was a lot of fun too, but I can't believe that you would actually talk about the room party being closed down by security and not provide any pics from that event! :D

cy posted on Wed, Aug 22, 2012 8:12 AM

Great and funny stuff as usual Mike and nice spy work- I'd know my girlfriend's bikini anywhere. (She told me she was visiting her sick grandma in Montana)

We never get enough MadDogMike time. More next year. When the judging for the brief cases contest took place they never opened the envelopes, if they had well I'm just saying.....

You are the total tiki package Mike and we love every second we spend with and admiring you. Hugs, Dan and Wendy

On 2012-08-23 17:56, martini kings wrote:
so many great looks at oasis but when jaws walked into the tonga room party i was floored! the best!!!!!!

I just had to re-post Tony's comment, I thought they missed a beat! :lol:
ATP, Liz, Dawn, Chris, Dale, Cy & Wendy - Thank you so much :)

I'm going to drop names, here is a list of the people I can remember that I actually got at least a few minutes to visit with at Oasis:
Dan & Wendy
Babalu & Amy
Joanne & Jama
Woohoo & SoccerTiki
Eric & Manuel
Hang10Tiki & Mrs
Buzzy & Christina
Liz & Filthy Midget
ATP & Ginger
Ikabod & KitKat
Otto & Baby Doe
Holden & Ron Senso
Andy of Tiki Joe's Ocean
HB Tiki
Dr Shocker
CDTiki & Mrs
Dr Z
VampiressRN & CoronaContessa
Hurricane Kat
Matt Reese
Nui'umi'umi & Mrs
Marie & Jon Paul
Max & Mrs
Doug Horne
Boris & Humuhumu
Hibiscus Hula Hips
Mr Smiley
ZeroTiki & Mrs
Mr Noname
And I'm sure I left some out

I forgot Heath & Big Ed!

"Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-08-26 20:07 ]

Thanks again for the Gun/Mug Mike! I promise not to shoot anybody.
XOXOXO from Nancy & a Big Man Hug from me!

You didn't just visit with these people you got hugged too! Wendy

Dude u rock

MDM. How do recall all the names? I don't recall you having a notepad or pencil in your hand. In keeping with the theme-were you recording everything? I'm scared of you Mike! ATP "big man hug" quit bragging.
P S What an awesome list of tikipeople.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-08-23 21:55 ]

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-08-23 21:57 ]

Sweet lord your work is amazing! What can't you create?? And that pie cake tower...HOLY SMOKES! How can I get one of those in my mouth like now?

What? I give good Man Hug!

I know it has been awhile since we discussed the japanese Lantern mug that Mike made, but I wanted to let you all know that I got the mug and it is absolutely breathtaking. Mike, maybe you thought it wasn't tiki, but it sure looks right at home with some of the tiki stuff on this shelf.

Thanks again.

What a beautiful gift you received brada.. Looks perfect on that bamboo tiki shelf too... Great Job MDM!!

ATP - just be careful you don't put an eye out with that gun!
Wendy - thanks for lots of hugs from you
AtomicChick - welcome to the party, I'll bring the Cherpumplecan :)
nui'umi'umi - I have a mind like a steel trap! Unfortunately, it's rusted shut :lol:
H10T & BeachBumz - thank you very much
LittleGiles - that Lantern mug looks perfect there, Enjoy!

I really liked the way that saggar firing finish turned out so I'm going to try some more of that, I need more fodder for the saggar cannon. Something relatively smooth so I can burnish the clay. I made up 2 more preColumbian MesoAmerican Olmec heads from my mold and started working on a bottle. VampiressRN had given me an empty Trader Vic's Macadamia Nut Liqueur bottle and said "Here, I'm sure you'll find something to do with this" so I didn't want to let her down. (The bottle was one of the secret ingredients in her "Gold Monkey" cocktail, shhhh) The right way to make a ceramic bottle from that would be to use it to make a plaster mold then cast ceramic bottles. But that takes a week and I'm far too impatient, so I slabformed the clay over the bottle.

A slab of clay placed over one side on the bottle which was wrapped in tissue, wetted down, and smoothed

The bottom and other side "Frankensteined" in

Smoothed with a wooden rib tool, after the picture smoothed more with a metal rib tool and allowed to dry some

Cut in half and pulled from the bottle. The tissue paper keeps the clay from sticking to the glass. Then the seam areas were brushed with slip and scored in preparation to go back together.

Put back together and a top ring added

All let it rest in a plastic bag for a day or two to equalize the moisture then some burnishing and some sort of decoration.

All three of those will look great with the saggar finish on them. The pictures just don't do justice to the shading and depth of color that is created by that finish. I might try and get a closer picture of the lantern to show off some of those colors.

The Olmec heads should provide a great background for that and the bottle will too. Great pics and can't wait to see the finished product.

Wow Mike, I loved this lesson on how to make a bottle. I need to try that in the future. You are one cool guy.

The glaze on the Asian prize is beautiful. littlegiles is a lucky man.

Don't hide your Olmec head we are waiting for those photos.

Hugs, Wendy

man of 1000 faces
and master of all crafts...


On 2012-08-23 18:34, MadDogMike wrote:

I forgot Heath & Big Ed!

"Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-08-26 20:07 ]

No Mike, you didn't forget me, I blend.

Mike you nut, you convince me of your artistic insanity a little more with every new project. :D

Love the briefcase contents and cannot stop laughing at them. I still really dig the awesome gun beverage holder, has to be one of my favorite pieces I have seen you make. :) I keep wondering how it would look in that shiny metallic glaze... the one that looks sort of like a silver mirror finish if you know what I mean.

Anyways, great stuff as always. :drink:

reading your posts mike is great and really keeps me wanting to try more tiki stuff. Love the bottle formation, I need to try that too! I'm not so hot at hand forming stuff so I need ways to help with that.

littlegiles and Hang10Tiki - thanks
Tiger - "artistic insanity", I like that
Wendy and Lori - try it, you'll like it. Wendy, I'll put up some pics of the Olmec heads after the saggar firing (probably this weekend)
Heath - I found you while you were working, sorry we didn't get much chance to visit

I made some progress on the ceramic bottle. There is something primal about burnishing clay with a smooth river stone (or the back of an Onida teaspoon) like the ancients did 4,000 years ago, so I burnished the bejesus out of it.

That's probably going to bite me in the butt when I try to paint a tiki design on it with underglazes. I hope the clay still has enough "tooth" to hold the underglaze. It's been bisque fired and it's ready for color.

I need to order some corks to fit, I plan to try some different things with these bottles. I also ordered a "Borescope" on e-Bay
for $15 including shipping.

It's a fiberoptic camera that plugs into a USB port. I guess it would be good for a DIY Colonoscopy, but I will use it to see inside the bottles and insure good glaze coverage :D

"Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-08-31 06:38 ]

What a clever way to make sure the inside of your bottle is fully glazed! I lovehow your mind works!


I thought you were going to make Super Spy Tiki Ware :D

Lori, I have used the fiberoptic laryngoscope at work before to inspect inside of ceramic pieces but some members of management might not understand

BaddTiki, maybe I can use it to make a Tiki NannyCam? :lol:

My bottle is progressing. Since it was molded around a Trader Vic's bottle, I thought I might as well put a Trader Vic logo on it.

Those with photographic memories may notice that I modified (simplified) the logo some. Maybe it will be enough to prevent Trader Vic's from suing me for copyright infringement? :D The white parts of the logo are not protected so they will color with the saggar firing. I hope it end up looking like some amphora plucked from the bottom of the ocean. It's painted with underglaze and fired on. I was worried about the underglaze not adhering to the smooth burnished ceramic but it seems OK. Next is a special logo to go on the back that I won't reveal until it's finished. I'll glaze the inside in the next few days but I won't be able to saggar fire it until I can check the inside for glaze coverage. My fiberoptic borescope is on it's way on a slow boat from China, so that will delay me a little.

In the meantime, here is some more saggar firing experimentation on some Olmec heads

The one on the left was fired with Ferric Chloride, Copper Carbonate, Plant Fertilizer, Copper Mesh, and Eucalyptus leaves & seedpods. I didn't use use any Iron Oxide, it is more yellow and less red than the one on the right. The fertilizer caused cool crusty green deposits that look like Lichen on a rock. I picked the Eucalyptus because it contains natural oils but it didn't seem to do much.

The one on the right was fired with Ferric Chloride, Copper Carbonate, Iron Oxide, Copper Mesh, Coarse Steel Wool, and Orange Peels - the orange peels didn't seem to have much effect either. The wad of steel wool made the dark mark on the left check which is fine but on the bottom, the effect was better where the steel wool was more spread out and less wadded. Something to remember for next time.

And finally, a shameless Poppi plug - here's my 3 month old Tater Tot trying to fill Buzzy's beefcake shoes :D

He's such a happy boy!

Your Tater Tot is a cutie...gonna give the Buzter a run for his money!!!

The bottle is looking great and love all your glaze experiments.

Cammo posted on Mon, Sep 3, 2012 8:08 PM

Haven't looked at your thread for a while but HOLY COCONUTTIO! This stuff is great!

From the Orange Spray Paint to JAWS, its all da best! Keep going!!!!!

You got the best guns!!!!!

that baby is too cute Mike!!!

Love the Olmec heads, especially the one with the green spots-dig it!

Your lil' tater tot is cute as a button. :)

Oh my! That is one adorable Tater Tot. I'm sure you aren't the spoiling type at all.

Loving the different effects you got on the Olmec heads. Can't pick a favorite as they are both unique in special in their own ways. Wonder what would happen if you wrapped them in thin rope before firing? Would it just leave smudges or would it leave a rope impression? Just curious cause it could be a really cool effect on some things.

  • Dale

awwwww such a cutie!!

Friends, thank you very much :D I don't think I can take much credit for Tater Tot's cuteness, my daughter looks just like her mother. Fortunately for our descendants, I didn't seem to add much to the gene pool in the way of looks. Hopefully they will get some creativity from me.

Giles, I don't know what rope would do but I have some copper wire to wrap around that bottle when I fire it.

Speaking of creativity ~ in the past 4 years I have acquired a minor measure of proficiency with clay but my 2D skills suck! I can draw flies. I can draw a bath. If I do something really stupid I can even draw a crowd. Every so often I'm inspired with an idea for a painting. Close your eyes and picture this... (wait, if you close your eyes you won't be able to read it!) A powerful Maori warrior and the sternpost of his war canoe silhoueted against the Southern Lights with the Southern Cross high above in the sky.






Yeah, not quite what I had pictured either. Go ahead and laugh, I can take it :lol:
Watercolor, ink, and chalk pastels. One of these days I'm going to take a painting class so I can at least make decent sketches of my ideas :D

"Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-09-04 20:15 ]

Wow wow wow, I just had a blast looooking at all your pictures and reading what every one had to say. Love the baby, bottle (notice that connection), heads and water color. You've been holding out on us, you can do more than 1000 things. Very entertaining. Any photos of you drawing flies or a crowd? Wendy

I'm not going to laugh at all. I have seen MUCH worse hanging in art galleries fetching tons of money. Remember that art is different things to different people. I think the Southern Lights in that picture are perfect and I like the dark sky at the top contrasting with the dark silhouette at the bottom.

Can't wait to see what the copper wire does to the bottle. That firing technique leaves so much room to play and experiment. I'm hoping when I get moved into the new house I'll be able to drag out my small kiln once in a while and play around with some clay.

  • Dale

On 2012-09-04 19:59, MadDogMike wrote:
A powerful Maori warrior and the sternpost of his war canoe silhoueted against the Southern Lights with the Southern Cross high above in the sky.

Yeah, not quite what I had pictured either.

If, on the other hand, you were doing an artistic interpretation of the time Great-Grandmother (MeeMaw) Mobley visited San Francisco and sampled a street vendor's "special" brownie recipe back in '68, you'd have NAILED it. "Don't nobody bake brownies more special than MeeMaw," were her last intelligible words until the family got her back to Oklahoma.*

*This utter fabrication was gratefully inspired by the endeavors of MadDog Mike.

Wendy, Dale, and Professor - Thank you for the encouragement. I'm still not happy with it but some day I will try again :D
By the way, next Wednesday (9/12) is National Day of Encouragement; how about a call or card of encouragement to someone you know who needs it.

Wendy, here's a picture of me drawing a fly :lol:

My favorite photo of you. Tator Tot is even cuter. Did you show this photo to goober? Wendy

Made a rum runner
Sat down to check out TC
Clicked on your post
Almost spilled my drink
Dang u mike

U 1 funny mo-fo

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-09-07 19:26 ]

Cammo posted on Fri, Sep 7, 2012 7:54 PM

BadDogSpike Pops the Question
Part 1

MadDogMike’s cousin BadDogSpike lives in Woodrose Corners Kentucky. Don’t look it up on that map thing on yer phone. It ain’t that big a place, they can’t afford a real Town Name, but it’s just down the road from Virgin Gulch, which used to be called Cherry Valley everybody knows that but they don’t call it that no more since BadDog can remember. BadDog ain’t so bad of a guy, he’s into environmental recycling, meaning he takes all the oil they drain out of the engines down at Oliver’s Gas Station and Oliver gives him 25 cents to get rid of it. He has a couple of places he dumps the oil, like East Lake or that patch of mud down beside the power station or sometimes he just dumps it in Mrs. Farnswallow’s stinker out back, which makes it smell real nice for a few days so Mrs. Farnswallow don’t mind.

Which is all off the topic, the topic of which is BadDogSpike’s new girlfriend Helen. Helen’s a real beaut, she still got all her teeth and she takes a bath once a week like a good girl and she knows right from wrong and so when she gets up each morning next to BadDog she tries not to wake him cause she knows how men are, you know? And BadDog knows what a catch she is, and now that he’s caught her he ain’t throwing her back no how, no way.

No matter how quiet Helen was every morning, it didn’t matter anyway. Cause BadDog had a big rooster that woke him up at sunrise every single morning and that was the one most annoying thing in his whole life. Except for that big cock his life was peaches and cream and chocolate on Sunday. That cock bothered him in the morning. Helen tried everything she knew, holding it real firm, stroking it’s head, cozying up next to it and talking real purty to it, but it went off every morning as soon as the sun popped up, up popped that cock too and BadDog, Helen, God, the Minister or the Devil couldn’t do nothing about it no way.

Seemed to me like that cock liked Helen a whole lot and did everything it could to get in her way as soon as it could see around the place each day.

That cock bothered BagDogSpike. And him being almost 16 years old now and Helen almost 14 he figured it was time to stand up like a real man now and do something about it. It got him thinking. He thought about how much he liked Helen and how he didn’t want her to get away from him. He thought about a family he’d like to have some day. He thought about his future. He thought about his cock. And the more he thought about that cock the more it frustrated him.

He finally decided that it was time to pop THE BIG QUESTION to Helen. That would solve everything, see. He knew Helen wanted to just as bad as he did, and if he put the question to her right up front she’d say yes and then she’d be happy and he’d be happier and it would be all fresh honey and new mown hay every day, just like at the movies at the end.

Besides, it had been almost three weeks since he’d been dating her and it was past time to ask. He decided to ask her Sunday morning so they could be happy all day Sunday and go to church later then have a big dinner and do nothing till the fireflies went home, except maybe stroll down to Oliver’s and get a few orange sodas out of the machine and drink them down real cold while listening to Moot Parnow play guitar on the back porch which is pretty much as good a day as BadDog could think of or me either.

So BadDog smiled that Sunday morning when the cock crowed. He looked at it kind of fond like, then he got up and washed his face and put on his best shirt and pants, then jumped back in bed and rolled Helen over so she was looking right up at his smiling face when he told her all gentle like,

“Helen, you and me gotta come to an understanding. You is the only girl for me and I hope you feel the same in your heart cause you is the only person on this whole ball of dirt that I’d ask the Big Question of. You is my sweetheart. You is pure and pretty and young and happy and I want to make you even happier. You is talented too. You know how to handle my cock every morning. And thinking about that cock every day, thinking and looking at my cock got me to realizing we is at a point in our lives that we can’t ignore that cock. We gotta do something about it.

So here’s my question,
Helen, please,
Would you pluck my cock?”

Wendy & John - glad I could make you smile :D
:lol: You are BAD Cammo :lol:

For those of you who missed it, Cam used to post a multi-part ghost story every year at Halloween and torture use by leaving us hanging at the end of each installment. Maybe with a little encouragement we can get him to do another this year :D

My mold making skills don't seem to be getting any better with experience. I think the mold I'm making now will be my ugliest yet! I started with a styrofoam Halloween skull that I modified some with clay, I'm going to try making a few Pele's Skull mugs with a dry ice chamber and an Oakland Raiders mug for a friend. I'm pouring the mold vertically instead of horizontally which I think was a big mistake. I'll probably end up with some bubbles in the eye sockets but that won't matter as I'll cut the sockets out. But my big problem is that I can't reach around the master to make the clay dam like I should.

But the real reason I'm posting this is to show BeezleBug's mold box technique in case you missed it. The mold box I had previously used required clamps and was a pain in the butt. It was hard to get everything lined up and impossible to flip the box over to pour the other side.

BeezleBug used metal corner braces to hold the box together. They are screwed into the top of the mold box and just slide along the sides to make adjustable length and width. I couldn't see if he used brackets on the bottom too but I went ahead and added those (total of 8 brackets) I also screwed the brackets into the sides of the mold box, I'll just remove those few screws before disassembling the mold box and the holes won't affect further uses

Before I go to bed I'll have it fully encased in plaster. In the morning I'll find out if I made a servicable mold or if I just wasted an evening and made a huge mess in my kitchen for nothing! :lol:

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