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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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On 2009-09-14 12:05, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

I was just asked if I really carve in my living room. The answer is yes and I do it on the carpet in front of the televison:

Tools, rulers, and trash, all in one neat pile:

that's how I roll...

uh, and I' guessing you roll single? :P :P



I think your living room is awesome.

Kino posted on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 11:44 PM

let me guess, take shoes off at the door when leaving , right ?

Buzz, you haven't posted for over a week and you didn't show up for the Chop - you OK?

Here's a pic of today's sunrise, headed towards you - should be a beaut!


hey buzzy,love the freestanding dude,i think thats the 1st one i have seen like that


excellent Ku there Buzz, lets see a Lono now!

Sad and bad days here at the House of Buzz

We lost our best friend recently.

RIP Kiva the Dog
August 5, 1995-September 21, 2009

Here are some good old days happy times Kiva pictures of Kiva doing all of her favorite things:

Barking at passing trucks the whole 1,100 miles to the east cape

Swimming in the Bahia de Concepcion

Messing with Mexican wildlife

Just killing time, beachcombing while waiting for the surf to pick up

Living in a little grass shack on a white sandy beach in the tropics

At home in the House of Buzz

In her final couple years, chillin' with her good buddy Ringo

She'll be missed greatly around here.

And with that, on to the rest of the bad news:

I was in a car accident last week and seemed to have messed up my thumb, elbows, and wrists a little bit. I'm not able to carve right now, but will know more when I got to the doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully this will soon pass. If not, I'm totally F%$^ed!

Before all that bad stuff happened, I was doing some work.

I got the bottom of the pahu carved out

this one isn't hollowed out like a tube. It has a bottom to the bell...

or a top to the pedestal?

Doing this middle support section will hopefully keep it from splitting and warping. I'll drill a sound hole right before puttung the head on

I also cleaned up the inside of the tambour

And finally, I started another wall hanging tiki from the other half of the KU log


Dont race back here for an update anytime soon.
Buzzy Out!


BUZZY, SO SAD to hear about Kiva, What a Friend she was and you were So Fortunate to have such a devoted pal.! :(

My condolences to you Buzzy, on the passing of Kiva.

When you do start carving again, and you will, Kiva's spirit will live on in every piece you do.

Sorry to hear of the accident also.

Too many bad things to happen to a good soul like yourself.

Hang in there... I hope your recovery is a quick one.


oh boy... sending you ALL the aloha I have..

my condolences buzzy....................

hang in there ..........................think of your accident recovery as a little vacation....



Dont race back here for an update anytime soon.
Buzzy Out!

Oh wow. Sorry to hear about Kiva and your accident. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. And we do expect an update soon to hear how you're healing. :wink:

[ Edited by: TheBigT 2009-10-04 19:28 ]


Really sorry to hear about Kiva, good & loyal companions like our pets are tough to get over sometimes, especially when they've covered alot of territory with you. But you Sir.Buzz, as to your injuries, will just have to remember the old saying, "What dosen't kill you makes you stronger!".

P.S. (Don't get into anymore accidents and I promise your overall health should be maintained!)

The Birdman


Buzzy I hope you get good news today from the doctor, best of luck.

I'm so sorry to hear about Kiva. She was a good girl.

Good luck at the doctor.

Along with everyone else, my condolences regarding Kiva, pal. Thanks for showing those pictures. Photos of my old pooch really helped me get over the loss. May the grieving be good & brief.

I cannot believe that accident. Dave is totally right when he said "Too many bad things to happen to a good soul like yourself." May the stuck yin-yang pendulum start swinging back in your favor soon!

Best wishes for an extremely speedy recovery, buddy.



sorry to hear bout kiva. photos help, so do the memories. good luck with the doc. hope to see you carving again soon. that will help as well. good luck buzzy.


TikiG posted on Tue, Oct 6, 2009 9:43 AM

Buzzy -

Read the latest news. My prayers go out to Kiva. She is watching over you right now, tomorrow, forever.

Also, I'm sending you a wave of healing green energy via mind power. Recover quickly my friend :)

So sorry to hear about kiva,Buzzy...
It looks as tho you gave her a very happy life!

Get better Buzz,so you can continue your carving legacy!


Hey Buzzy, So sorry to hear about Kiva! I know she was a great companion and carving buddy to you! Maybe Ringo can come over to keep you company more.

As for your accident, I hope you're healing quickly. A world without Buzzy carving is no world I want to live in! Give us an update when you get a chance.

Babalu posted on Tue, Oct 6, 2009 2:10 PM

Kiva is still chasing school children, and eating tacos somewhere...

Kiva was a great doggie.

I will miss her.


sorry buzzy,kiva was a cool doggie

Buzz, I've been worried about you - I guess my concerns were justified. They say it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, but that doesn't fill the hole in your heart. Heal, physically and emotionally, and we'll look forward to new work when you're ready.

sorry for your loss buzzy, feel better soon, man

Not so good for Buzz. Sorry to hear.
A toast to Kiva the dog!

Today's sunset:

Thanks to all you guys for the sympathy and well wishes. It means a lot to me during this little rough patch.

My medical update is as follows:
I have a note from the doctor saying I can't work for at least two weeks, and that I will be rechecked after that. In the meantime, I have therapy three times a week. Yesterday they hooked me up to an electrical shocker on my neck for about 15 minutes, gave me a upper body "massage", and then sent me off to a bone breaker. It really kicked my butt. I came home and collapsed in exhaustion for about three hours. Tomorrow, more of the same.

Hopefully, I will not go insane not doing anything. It's driving me crazy seeing all my tools and stuff and not be able to tear into something. I need a new hobby...

Once again, thanks for all the kind words guys! I love and appreciate you all!
Buzzy Out!


Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, Buzzy.
You can still shoot sunsets though I hope!



Come over and play in clay!


On 2009-10-06 23:20, Babalu wrote:
Come over and play in clay!

That's what I was going to suggest. Maybe some clay will be easier on the body.

Thanks for the update, Buzzy & best of luck with your therapy. Same goes for finding a lil' new hobby in the meantime. And please avoid insanity, it's not what it's cracked up to be.......

Cheers, pally.


Long time sunset watchers will recognize the two trees:

That means it's sunsets on the water season!

TikiCarving/Medical update:
I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to what the doctor said to me the other day (and I never actually read his stop work order letter)and I actually cannot work on anything with my hand for four weeks,instead of two. That seems like forever... :(
So,I just sit here all day between my appointments,soaking my hand in ice and epsom salt, watching a lot of TV,doing what little I can to get better as fast as I can.

Yesterday I was going a little crazy doing nothing so I used my left hand and a paper cutter to decorate a display box for my resin pendants:

Even though I used my left hand for 99% of it,the medical guy freaked out on me today because my hand got a lot worse since Wednesday.So now,I've been instructed to do nothing at all until further notice. So much for building my "other crafts" empire.

Meanwhile,we're just about there...

Buzzy Out!

Get better soon, those drums won't carve themselves! You could always stick a paint brush in your mouth and try your "hand" at painting.


only 300k that thing is a pup
come out to the buzzards roost to recoup
we have mai tais,hula girls,and logs for you to carv as you get better,but all finished work has to stay in az,its the law

get well soon


aloha, this is my first attempt to post a picture...maybe it will work.
i carved this tiki as a housewarming present to my daughter and son-in-law
i call him "STONEY OF HB"

oops, my first attempt to post a picture .....i must not have chosen the correct topic.


Aloha Buzzy, I'm sorry about your loss of Kiva my friend. I know how ya feel we lost our lab last year, but hang in there time does heal and quit crackin up the car. I hope it is only a minor injury and your back crankin out those sweet carvings!!! Hey that KU is Aweasome!!!! Take care and Hang in there. Aloha, Mooney

GMAN posted on Sun, Oct 11, 2009 5:53 PM

I'm with ya Buzz. Stay strong. Remember, you've got a lotta friends out here who care about ya.


On 2009-10-09 21:07, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Yum...looks like a box of tiki chocolates!! :)


Been out of the TC loop for a little bit. Sorry to hear about your accident and loss of Kiva. Hope everything heals soon. I'll give you a call on my day off. Going to have a chili-cheese-dog for K.
Johnny B.


Buzz - what's the latest update??

Some sunsets from the last few days:

On 2009-10-16 06:27, TheBigT wrote:
Buzz - what's the latest update??

They figured out that myhand was weak and numb because my shoulders are tight and slightly cutting off the nervedown the arm. So,when my shoulders and neck are bad,so is my hand. It was really bad after the weekend,but this week has been pretty good after therapy. I think after next week they want me to slowly transition into myusual routine. That way,theysay, the therapy will be the only variable? Whatever that means,but I think I understand.
Until then, I'm just kind of hanging around. Trying to rest and stretch...

On 2009-10-12 06:51, TheBigT wrote:
Yum...looks like a box of tiki chocolates!! :)

Back when I made all those, everyone's comments inspired me to actuallymake chocolate tikis.

From the archives:

On 2008-03-13 14:19, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Sweetness? Sugar? Did I hear someone say tikis that look like chocolate? How about a tiki that looks like chocolate, that is chocolate(just one of th epossibilities I'm playing with).
Introducing my first chocolate tiki:

Does that make me a confectioneer now?
I want to make a pendant version of this tiki in chocolate next and market it to diabetic tiki guys. If the tiki guys blood sugar gets too low, he could just munch his pendant and restore his health and vitality instantly. Since it's medical grade, I'll have to charge $125 a piece. Non medical grade will be substantially lower.

I never really ran with that idea...
Buzzy Out!


Definitely delicious looking tiki, Gimmee gimmee gimmee!


A great idea (i think) if you could get into some stores). Not that u want to be in the candy business... Bet some confectioners would buy some molds from you tho.

Couple days worth of sunsets:

On 2009-10-21 13:12, TheBigT wrote:
A great idea (i think) if you could get into some stores). Not that u want to be in the candy business... Bet some confectioners would buy some molds from you tho.

Here was the problem I had with making these chocolate guys: It was the time it took for the choclate to harden. It took over 20 minutes, even when using the freezer to cool them, to be able to take it out of the mold,. That made for some real slow casting. To overcome this,I would have to make about 20 molds. And that would make them very costly in both time and materials. If I could sell a piece of candy for $20, however...
I do have a good head start on a Valentine's Day production run!

On 2009-10-18 06:07, Benzart wrote:
Definitely delicious looking tiki, Gimmee gimmee gimmee!

Hold up there guy! I would hesitate to eat anything that comes out of my kitchen,even if it appears to be food.

Update:I'm still sitting around. 10 more days now until I see the doctor to update my work status. Jonesey came into town yesterday so I took him down to the Freaky Tiki Boutiki Gallery and drove him by the gas station/tiki garage on Morena Blvd. It was a nice afternoon. Tomorrow's adventures will include a trip out to Babalu's house, home of the Clay Jams.

Buzzy Out!


Oh no ten more days sound like a lot, but at list is less than before... this would be a good opportunity to read some of those fat books maybe you were intending to read and never found the time...? sending healing energy and hoping you can stay still a little :)


Good looking box of tiki chocolates buzz.


Sounds like you have time to read/reread Kon-Tiki, Mutiny on the Bounty, Aku Aku, etc... :lol:

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