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surf soul tiki

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McTiki posted on Sun, Sep 2, 2012 7:19 PM

Good score!

I once made a big log look like a panel! A keeper at that!

Weather was nice today....

Mahalo bro!



yeah, I need to find some more driftwood planks so I can get my first panel started....

I'm taking the Ho boat out today so hopefully I'll find some...


On 2012-08-22 13:15, pjc5150 wrote:
and last but not least, this is a picture of a tiki my buddy Karloz in Belgium has been carving out of oak. I have told him on several occasions that he needs to join up and be a part of our discussion, and he actually slipped and told me he didn't think his stuff was good enough, which is complete and utter horse shit. Despite not having his permission I am posting this up because I think it's his best tiki so far. He obviously one of us and belongs here. Don't you agree?

Yes, I agree - Karlos is ready for primetime!


yeah! what the hell Karloz??? sign up already. If you weren't a big gnarly tattoo'ed Silat expert I'd threaten to kick your ass!!! lol...

anyway, more UTILI-TIKIS which is my collection of fishing rod holders, surfboard caddies, and other tikis that have jobs and do stuff


ok, chipped the body out. now I just need to clean up his head a little and then a light sand and start with the coats of poly...

looking forward to this one being done. Aloha Tom gave me a nice piece of Mahogany, and I think it's up next.

How many hrs on that 1

Lookin good


about 70 and it's not even finished!!!

yeah at this point I doubt I'll ever sell it because I'd need to get A LOT of money for it....lol....

anyway, I started a new piece yesterday, the "shoe tiki"...it's a tiki for the Swiss Shoe company "ON RUNNING" for their Iron Man booth. He will be holding a shoe....

Looks like a winner! Shipping to Hawaii or is someone hauling it out there?


yeah, I think they're haulin' em out there.

Im just handing 'em off to the buyer...

He could hold and eat a shoe

Looking good soul surfer tiki monster! great hooking up the other day on FB


the little ON RUNNING shoe Ku...

just needs a little more cleaning up, a logo, and some stain...


what I did today...

cypress ku for a buddy to give to another friend as a gift. apparently the guy made a "tiki bar boat" out of an old pontoon boat...which I have actually considered doing to mine...and it didn't have an actual tiki. now it does!

Hopefully I'm heading east for some surf tomorrow...

McTiki posted on Fri, Sep 7, 2012 6:00 PM

There's no wave over here brah! Just scoot north to the panhandle !

Haven't seen any Driftwood panelwork around here yet .... with the chainsaw....

Nice UtiliTikis you got going on.

Mahalo for sharing!



yeah I was gonna go out looking for some driftwood planks last weekend and the damned power trim on my boat gave up the ghost... :(

that ain't gonna be cheap to fix...


so one of the neighbors asked me for a cheapie, so I whipped this one out in a couple of hours...

McTiki posted on Sat, Sep 8, 2012 7:12 PM

You must be running out of materials.... nice "cheapie". !

Home Depot carries 2 X 12 stock for doing panel work. Fairly inexpensive and requires no boat!



Tis a brave man who wears the kilt in January.

[ Edited by: mctiki 2012-09-09 06:20 ]


yeah, I'm not giving up on the driftwood...

my friends have boats too...

anyway, it's Monday and I am going to seriously make some shit this week.

Watch the dust fly!


ok....my hands are pretty much wringing at this point. I need a beer (or 5)...

I kinda forgot that I have a big art show this saturday...I gotta make some stuff....

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2012-09-10 14:20 ]


ok, I think I'm done for today...

shaved 4 & drew out 3...

one of 'em is a tiki I'm doing for Blue Moon Beer...


You got Work!




so yeah, the ON RUNNING shoe tikis are done...

Those look way cool
Strong work brother


I cut this one today & he's almost done...

His name is "little stinky"...

...because he's a little stinky.


"little stinky" is done...

and the blue mooner is in process...

this is a tiki for Blue Moon Beer. and yeah I used the same face template for both pieces..


so my buddy Dean Arscott, who is a very talented artist who's also into tikis has been wanting to come over and paint a tiki for a while now.

I think he knocked it outa the park!

I would agree that your buddy knocked it out of the park, way out!
Nice collaborative effort on the carving and decorating.

Kool stuff Jeff !

It's a Maorai! Nice job.


Good stuff, Jeff .... dude paints up a bitchin Moai!!!


yeah, thanks guys.

His day off during the week is Weds, so he's gonna start coming over once a week, and I told him I'd have a couple of 'em on deck to paint next time he comes.

And here's a little progress on the blue mooner...the art show is tomorrow so I gotta get him done...


Definitely a cool paint job. He does good work. Good luck at the show!!


Give Dean an "atta boy" for me. Nice work! Moon-tiki is also looking grand!

i like em all...especially little stinky


thanks guys...

had a great art show today...my best yet money-wise.

The blue moon beer tiki was a big hit. The blue moon guy was very stoked...I'm hoping they might commission more of them.


ok, so this promoter guy calls me and apparently he's involved in professional volleyball tournaments, and they want to do a couple of tall thin tikis for holding up a volleyball net...so I'm meeting him tomorrow at 9am to talk about that and some other stuff...

anyway, it looks like a very busy week ahead. Meetings and commissioned stuff I gotta get done...Lots to do...


ok! dropped another dead palm today & cut it up into mostly 2 to 3 footers, with the base piece cut at 6 ft (I pretty much always cut the base at 5 or 6 ft so I can make at least one big one...


wow, my hands are wringing a little bit...but I got a whole tree sectioned up & 5 of the 7 small ones cleaned, so I'm happy about that. And I still have a few of the big ones leftover from the last tree, 2 of which are already cleaned, and one already drawn out (another pineapple head). So I'm teed-up to hit a few!

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2012-09-17 16:54 ]


damn, that's a hell of a day. Looks like you got plenty to work with for a while. Carve on!!


ok, birthday is over, the fog is clearing, the headache is fading, and I have a lot of work to do...

I need to seriously bang out some tikis for the rest of the week...

And I'm going to build a couple of wedding arbor/alter whachamacallit thingies that people stand under during outdoor weddings. I wanna rent 'em out for weddings. I think the first one is gonna be a dolphin swirl...I also need to make a "wedding tiki"...while getting other stuff done...commissions and whatever.

so here we go...


just when the villagers thought it SAFE to return to their huts, awash in the smug self-delusion of a temporary victory, something sinister was brewing on the other side of the island...bigger, and way more gnarly than his pops...and looking for revenge....


insert horror show screaming sound effects here

this could get ugly....


ok, a little more chainsaw love for SON OF PINEAPPLE HEAD!!!

done for the evening...it's getting dark...


ok, it's 1am and I've been hanging out with Kristina and kinda getting her to draw out some tikis.

The ones with the red ink are hers and the ones drawn in black are mine...

the little one is her 3rd draw out, and the bigger one is her 4th. she's getting better..

and here's a mermaid she's talked me into trying to carve...stay tuned...


These little "pineapple heads" (modified lonos?) are going to be one of my signature pieces. I've been getting a ton of positive feedback & people are stoked on 'em.

And the one with a fish is a quick cheapie for a buddy of mine...


redfish tiki...

not stained yet...

[ Edited by: pjc5150 2012-09-20 16:33 ]

Keep'n ya self busy there Jeff!


Digging the Redfish Tiki........but can't wait to see the Mermaid!




you certainly don't waste any time! nice new bunch of tiki's ya got there

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