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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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That looks like a cool field trip Ernie!!

[ Edited by: El Jefe 2013-06-30 13:32 ]

He's right out in da' valley some where. so sorry I missed the tour!

ALOHA TIKI TRIBE! Thanks again for all the great help - here's the first steps on canvas of making some corrections ... feeling good!

Not only did the larger skull balance the structure it looks like the cat is sneaking up on them. Super, Wendy

MUCH better! Now it almost looks like the tiki with the skull eyes is doing that "cartoon take" thing where the eyes have pictures of what they desire in them if you know what I mean.... Tex Avery sorta stuff.

Plus now your eye is led around in a circular path from looking at the tiki faces, to the background city to the cat, the skulls and back to the tikis. I think why you may have not liked it before was that there was no classic eye path to follow and it had an abrupt ending.

I knew you would work it out. :)

I had help :)

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-06-30 22:13 ]

America has invented three new types of Art. 1.) Comic Books, 2). Professional Wrestling, and 3). "Low-Brow" or "Tiki" Art.

Being a Low-Brow Tiki Artist, I think that is awesome.

People who do not like my art I will be the first to agree with you. As a low-brow artist it is my job to consume culture and poop out ART. Therefore, sorry to be vulgar, but, I agree; my art is shit. ALOHA!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-03 14:00 ]

What's up with that? I wish I could do your level of poop. I was in Mahalo Tiki's new tiki shop yesterday looking at your prints. I have one hanging in my home. They are so excited to be coming to Hawaii to meet with you in person. What a treat, I'm jealous. So have a terrific 4th of July and get back to work. Cheers, Wendy

GROG posted on Wed, Jul 3, 2013 5:20 PM

Goes to show, you should not drink and post.


Well Brad all I can say is you do a really good job at creating some "Shitty Art" then. To judge a unfinished piece is pointless, in my opinion, your true talent shows in the end of your paintings, the details in your work, the lighting, the choice of colors. Not every piece can be your best to you but the person who your creating the painting for or is buying a piece you created has there own interpretation of what your art means to them. So it looks like to me you have no problem creating "Shit" people like, so go with the flow, shit or not a lot of us like the work you do. And I as well look forward to seeing you again this Oct. at your huge party in Hawaii.

BTSP, yr art is THE shit :wink:

Thanks, folks. That was supposewd to be a joke. Sorry. I have been in a strange place mentally, but I got a KILLER idea for a new painting.... Aloha!

ALOHA TIKI TRIBE! HEY, A funny thing to do today: Today, July 4th, Go around screaming..."I am an American, I do not have a 1000 year old "Culture". I have POP-Culture. …and the rest of the world craves every ultra-hyped-magical-golden drop of it. Rock On AMERICA! Happy 4th of July everybody!" - (it's great to watch the tourists make really funny faces when you do this- what a hoot!)

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-05 07:07 ]

GROG posted on Fri, Jul 5, 2013 5:53 PM

On 2013-07-04 21:52, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
but I got a KILLER idea for a new painting.... Aloha!

Wow, your new painting is a great depiction of the American flag. :D

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-07-05 17:55 ]

Oh ho! GROG U R A funny guy! Dat's not my painting idea. More on that as it comes up

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Oh boy, finally we have special effects good enough to show something like
H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu raising up from R'lyeh! Plus giant manga robots and
Godzilla all in one big Fan-Boy orgasm! I think Guillermo Del Toro is reading
my mind because he keeps making the films I really want to see.
Guillermo Del Toro's "Pacific Rim"!
Ahhhh, I love that we live in the age of insanely great special effects.
Of course, my "Tiki" version of this kinda' thing can be seen in these two paintings.

"Faster Than Disaster"

"Tiki vs Godzilla"
... and here is the link to Guillermo Del Toro's "Pacific Rim" movie promo:

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-10 04:14 ]

GROG posted on Wed, Jul 10, 2013 9:09 AM

Did you start working on a different painting or something? You haven't posted any updates on the latest painting. GROG know sometimes if you're struggling with a piece, it's good to get away from it for awhile and then come back to it with fresher eyes.

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Grog, naw I am working on the painting "2 tikis". I had some other work to do , planning the huge tiki mug release party is taking a lot of time and effort on the side of things, but it's all coming together so well. Very exciting stuff, and if you don't know what I'm talking about go to the Tiki Events and check it out :
SOOOOOOOO, now lets look at the two tikis. Sometimes it's good to take a little time away, come back to a painting and you can see it with fresh eyes.

What I saw was I needed to do some fixing up on my tikis. They got a little too cartoony for my tastes, and I wanted them to be fun and expressive but not too crazy - the tiki gods on this seething active volcano I live on might take offense if I do not treat their far flung pop-culture likenesses with respect! so here's where we are about now...

Yep! only days away from being done! Feels right and good and my inner tiki-o-meter is pointing towards the green.


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 01:31 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Hope all is well with you tiki-fans... I'm kinda just coming out of an artistic funk and am looking forward to the "Muse of Art" visiting me this midnight , witching hour, and inspiring me with all kinds of cool art ideas! This may also be a by product of getting the latest issue of Hi Fructose Magazine in the mail today! A very cool piece on Mark Ryden's newest show inside. That and I got the "art of Pacific Rim" art book - very inspiring to read writer/director Guillerno Del Toro's creative process, and see all the beautiful monster and robot designs. So... I picture different people as my artistic muse. Usually, and at first it was the classical, beautiful woman, like the greek "Muse of Art" kinda' thing. However, Now-a-days, I picture Ron Pearlman as my "Artistic Muse".
RAWK on Tiki Tribe! Time to make some tiki-ART! ALOHA!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 01:57 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

So, I'm finally laying in the semi transparent layers of color on the tikis, and the TIKI LOUNGE. now the sign is red, and the left tiki is turning purple /blue. Wow, this is really a time consuming process, but I'm being carful and am determined to get this "layering" thing right this time. So far so good. the sky is very deep, and all that work on it has payed off. Now lets see if the under painting work on the tikis is going to pay off as well.

Big Aloha!

Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
"Hmmm. Much better than when Brad usually just ends up slappin' too much paint on too thick, and totally screwing up and covering the image beneath. Then Brad has to just re-paint the whole damn thing, but in color. This could be a step in the right direction. It's a subtle thing. Tinting, not painting."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 01:51 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Wow, I am extremely honored when people are inspired by my are to do something creative , or use their own artistic skills. This is a beautiful hand tooled pair of leather "slippa's" with the " Sunken Tiki" on them - given to me by an artist who was inspired, through the nice folks at the Wyland Gallery. Thanks! This is wonderful hand crafted work. This makes my Monday!
Big big Mahalo!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 01:52 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Here's the "Two Tikis" now... you can see a bit more of the inner light of the TIKI Lounge. and the whole lighting of
the scene is making more sense. (WHEW!) Feeling much better after a late night of painting and "tinting" once again.
Now, to finish up the tiki on the right, the cat needs a little more rendering and the skull, plus the texture of the foreground.
This is the last day before it goes to get professionally photographed to be made into art prints.


Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
"Okee Dokee. More tinting, and not over-painting the careful under-painting. Better. Da' kid might be learning how to
use acrylic paint (after 6 years!). Now, to get that tiki on the right looking just right, fill in the cat, with-out loosing the
"cat look" he's got going right now. then, some nice working up on that skull: skulls are VERY special and fun things
to paint, so they gotta' be done with all the love a low-brow artist can muster. Then, checking the light source,
some ground texture, ...and oh yeah, there is a land mass that needs to be seen out beyond the breakers, on the
right to help balance out the whole she-bang. That last bit was an important bit of art directing from a very VIP &
secret source on TC. Brad owes a big Thanks to his anonymous art director."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 12:57 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
I've been afraid to look at both images till just now.
And ..well... I think, maybe, I like my giant Tiki
better than the Queen giant robot on the "News of the World" Album...
(Whew, I was freaking out all this time!) But, wow that album RAWKS!

Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
"Yeah Yeah, now spread your little wings and get yer painting done!."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 17:52 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Shhhhh! No one's supposed to see these yet. I will post for real later this week.

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-15 19:16 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
I stayed up all night putting the finishing touches on this painting: "Two Tikis". The many hours of layering in semi-transparent layers of acrylic paint to color the monochromatic under-painting finally paid off! Sweet!
It has a really nice "glow" and "depth" to it. I know the fine art-patrons who commissioned this piece will be happy
( I hope they will, er, hmmm..) I know I was after I saw the final effect. Really, though, this may be the first time I
actually "hued" the under-painting, instead of just blotting it out with paint that was too thick, and having to
re-paint the whole darned thing in color. I hope some of this "glowing depth" comes through in the high-end
giclee - art prints!

Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
"Hey, what do ya' know, the kid didn't screw it up! Well... some sleep deprivation may be
just what he needed to learn how to lay in color!. Too bad he was too tired and forgot to
paint in that island /land mass on the right, off past the waves that would have helped
balance out the composition. Maybe this is good too."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-16 18:27 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Hey, got something cool in the mail today! An Alice Cooper CD combo of "Brutal Planet" &
"Dragon Town" - both when he was in full come back mode. Wow, they really RAWK!

And I also found a VERY cool pic
from a member of the Tiki Tribe who's band "LEFTHEAD" rawks super-mega-ultra HEAVY,
and... well, I'm honored with this image!

  • Big Mahalo Kevin!
    Check out Kevin here:
    BIG ROCKIN' ALOHA Everyone!

    Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
    "Ah, I hope you're not gonna try an' tell me, because Alice Cooper
    lives over on Maui and does his radio show there, that this CD might
    be called "Hawaiian Music" are ya'?"

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-16 22:34 ]

Two Tikis looks awesome Brad! And congrats on the mugs, they look great!

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2013-07-17 03:57 ]

zerostreet - thank you so much. I think I kinda had a mental break down during the painting of it, but it sure look s pretty now. I'm very excited about the mugs ... working on some better pics today.

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
if you have ever been to the Royal Kona Resort, and hung out in the lobby - open air Mai Tai bar, and listened to the older gentleman play some classic exotica tunes on the Vibraphone - well the Royal Kona Resort just threw him a 90th B Day party!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-20 02:34 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
So I loved that movie "The Bucket List". Recently I broke down during a late night painting session and discovered I needed the right music to work to. Yes I often listen to Exotica, old and new, but I still have a love for heavy Metal - being a child of the 70's from the wilds of the midwest - Nebraska, (where growing up, like all good little mid-western boys I listened to hard rock and that was all. I thought Rob Halford, the lead singer for Judas Priest, was the Voice of God) Anyways, later on I discovered TIKI , and Exotica and have greatly expanded my musical tastes. But, I still have a love of the heavy metal. In that area, I had a loyal obsession with Alice Cooper, -(where growing up, like all good little mid-western boys I thought Alice Cooper was a real witch and we were afraid to play his really spooky songs like "Black Juju" at midnight because the urban legend was it'd summon a evil spirit. This made for many a exciting and amusing sleep over.) So anyways I had all Alice coopers Albums...and I mean ALBUMS with real records inside them, and big beautiful art on the outside. So...when they stopped making records and made CD's I was angry that the "MAN" was gonna make me buy all my collection AGAIN. So for many years I didn't. I just went with out my late night midnight playing of "Black Juju" hoping to summon some creative Juju. Well, back to the Bucket List. As I reached middle age I found out I better do some things, or maybe I will not get a chance to do these things. One was get my collection back - I was over on Maui and listening to Alice Cooper's radio show. He's funny, and seems to be part of my "Hawaii experience" now. So I made a list of all the albums I had, then found out Alice had kept on making albums after he came back from a drinking problem... it's a big list. Instead of calling it my "Bucket list" I call it my "Fuck It List". Cause, Fuck it, I want to hear the tunes I miss, or have not discovered yet. Heck, all my beloved exotica is on CD. So, I'm getting them ... AGAIN.... thank goodness for the net, and buying stuff on line. I just got a cool double album set yesterday in the mail. "Brutal Planet" & "Dragon Town".

Boy, my inner midwestern little kid is so happy, Alice really RAWKS!

There might be a Alice -Tiki-Low-brow art painting coming up.
Im thinking of a low-brow Tiki-Art portrait of Alice Cooper: on the beach in Maui, with the ultra-kitsch ala Walter Stanley Keane's style of Big Sad Eyes... funny? Yes? HMMM, IS MARK RYDEN DOING Walter Stanley Keane? Never really thought about it, but I think he is! Wow that is very low-brow!


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
"Well now, I think maybe all this naughty Alice Cooper Shock-Rock-N-Roll is giving you a potty mouth.
'Cause I don't remember you using the "f" word after listening to your "The Exotic Sound of Martin
Denny" or "The Exotic Moods of Les Baxter" CD sets all night."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-18 00:50 ]

Holy Tiki, these came out so great! It's amazing to see the 3-D interpretation of 2-D art, some thing I find endlessly fascinating... and wow... after a year of creating, and getting the OK , and having 3 companies come together... Here's some shots of them at my studio before I took them to the gallery. These are a special signed and numbered sub set of the big run. 100 signed and numbered, through the Kona Wyland Gallery only.

These the are all #1 of 100.
Call Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email – [email protected]

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-17 20:31 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe! Before I took the MUGS over to the gallery, I was getting some more prints ready to sell there - they ran out of "Forbidden Island" again. So, I Got back from the Printer, picked up some REALLY beautiful "Giclees" (fancy-smancy french word for Art Print) on paper...and heard the GREAT news that my printer - one of the very best on THIS island, maybe all of the islands, and from what the curator of "La Luz De Jesus Gallery in LA told me, maybe one of the best in the art business, well, he's NOT moving off island now!! Oh, I am so happy to hear that! Big Mahalo to the tiki gods who fixed it so he's stay here on the Big Island! and Big ALOHA!

Aloha Tiki Tribe! Just got back from the Gallery. Here's Mike, Tyson, and me with the mugs. (really, those are their names.)

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-17 23:16 ]


Brad's imaginary Artist's Muse sez:
"I told BR to shut up and just show some process & art. Guess it all starts with Inspiration… it started with Greg Browning showing his contest short-film entry. The film won 1st place. That inspired the low-Brow Tiki-Art painting. That inspired the 3 tiki-mug set, which was also given a green light when three companies held a meeting at DEMA (a big scuba dive convention in Vegas) last year to talk about the project. Everyone remembered it also happened to be Body Glove's 60th anniversary. That inspired the very best designs that Brad could make. Tiki Farm's amazing work at keeping all Brad's detail seemed also to be above and beyond the creation of a Tiki Mug. Then, Brad's art agent, Abbas was inspired to market the mugs with something that had never been done - a party; a BIG one, here in the little town of Kona. The folks in town flipped over the idea. The party became two nights of party. The Mai Tai Bar venue wants to create a new drink called "a Creature". The local radio stations want to promote it fully a month in advance. The gallery is taking out ads in the paper. The owners of Body Glove said they'd love to come, and bring the Sea Creature too. So did the mayor of the big Island. Lot's of Aloha going on. Good stuff."

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-18 00:55 ]


Very cool Brad! The party is going to RAWK! Hey do my eyes deceive me, they didn't follow your instructions on that outside toe being the longest on the Creature mug. But there still bad ass mugs! Looking forward to getting my set in Oct.

Kai Koa - thanks!

Wow, someone really was reading my art blog - you are so right, there is tons of detail, but, well, actually I do like how the tiki-mugs clawed feet look more than my drawing, and maybe the out side toe is shorter, or longer, I guess how the creatures foot is turned, a bit of a toss up, I do really dig how his clawed feet are really clutching that skull! - However, it still looks better than I ever dreamed it could look! I'm so happy the tiki tribe is watching and , I hope, enjoying this as much as I am.
Aloha, and thanks again!

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-18 14:52 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Working on the big surreal "Tiki Lounge / She-Bat Super hero / Crazy Al as a Zombie", painting again! Weeee! - good fun to be working on another piece... that is about 1 3rd done already !

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

  • Honolulu Magazine "The Best Of" 2012 Issue


    Brad's Imaginary Art Muse Sez:
    "MMMM, I Think you were a little late to make the "She-Bat book. ,by about 7 months!
    ....Oh well, it still looks darned good, BUT, I do think you will need a shorter title"

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-18 20:48 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Some one asked what was all that stuff on the shelf in my studio -

Actually, after I read that some of my artist heroes, like Tim Hilderbrandt
and Berni Wrightson, and Mark Ryden have huge collections of
toys and skulls and many odd objects of Art, I felt the desire to have one as well.

It's my collection of POP Culture Art, of course, showing my personal tastes.

Or Certified Reference Materials used for the calibration of an apparatus,

An antique is a collectable that is old.

A curio is a small, usually fascinating or unusual item sought after by collectors,
A "manufactured" collectable is an item made specifically for people to collect.

Also, collectables have played an important role in tourism, in the form of souvenirs.

Another important field of collecting that is also big business is memorabilia.

Ephemera from historical, media, or entertainment events,
items that were meant to be thrown away but were saved by fans
and accumulated by collectors.

Collectables are items of limited supply that are sought for a variety
of reasons including a possible increase in value.

Obscure items.

Enthusiasts will often try to assemble a complete set of the available variations.

A souvenir (from French, for a remembrance or memory),

memento, keepsake, or token of remembrance is an object a
person acquires for the memories the owner associates with it.

The term souvenir brings to mind the mass-produced kitsch
that is the main commodity of souvenir and gift shops in many
tourist attractions around the world.
But a souvenir can be any object that can be collected or purchased
and transported home by the traveler.
The object itself has no real significance other than the psychological
connection the possessor has with the object as a symbol of past experience.

Without the owner's input, the object's meaning is invisible and cannot be articulated.

Similar to souvenirs, memorabilia (Latin for memorable (things),
plural of memorābile) are objects treasured for their memories;

However, unlike souvenirs, memorabilia are valued for a connection to an event.

Examples include sporting events, historical events, culture, and entertainment.

In Japan, souvenirs are known as meibutsu.

Kitsch (a loanword from German) is a style of mass-produced art
or design using cultural icons.

As a descriptive term, kitsch originated in the art markets of Munich in the 1860s
and the 1870s, describing cheap, popular, and marketable
pictures and sketches.

In Das Buch vom Kitsch (The Book of Kitsch), Hans Reimann defines
it as a professional expression “born in a painter's studio”.

Hermann Broch argues that the essence of kitsch is imitation: kitsch
mimics its immediate predecessor with no regard to ethics—it aims to
copy the beautiful, not the good.

According to Walter Benjamin, kitsch is, unlike art, a utilitarian object
lacking all critical distance between object and observer; it "offers
instantaneous emotional gratification without intellectual effort, without
the requirement of distance, without sublimation".

Interesting. Cool Swanky Swag.

Aloha! ...for all your aloha and support!
Brad Tiki-Shark Parker
The Brian Setzer response to "Pacific Rim"? Man, I LOVE Brian Setzer! Only Brian could write a song called "GO-GO GODZILLA"!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo7VWqcqJ3M

[ Edited by: tiki shark art 2013-07-20 04:31 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe! BIG NEWS! I love reading pulp novels. I grew up on the adventures of The Shadow, and Tarzan, Conan, Batman... all the figures of pop-culture that are going into my art. But, there were not very many Tiki Pulp books. None really! So I was talking to a writer friend about how to fix that... and here is the first Draft! This book will use every piece of my art, plus some new ones, and be an Tiki-pulp story in the time period of the first wave of Tiki-mania; the late 40's to early 50's or so, in weird wild Waikiki. The crazy time after the War, when Hawaii wasn't yet a state, and there were many crazy unlawful, and even unnatural things going on, ...oh yeah, this will be a real Tiki Noir adventure! It is going to be called "Atomic Dreams in the RED TIKI LOUNGE"!

Aloha Tiki Tribe! Hey, those who wait, ..may miss out. The Body Glove Tiki-Mugs are a limited edition, and the gallery is taking a record number off pre-orders! They really came out even better than I thought they would. The Big Tiki-Mug release Party is this Oct. However, I humbly suggest you pre-order your set now!
Please contact
Wyland Kona Oceanfront Gallery
75-5770 Alii Dr
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-1782
Phone – (808) 334-0037
Toll Free – (888) 435-6612
Email - [email protected]
Email – [email protected]
Big Aloha!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker
"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-19 21:14 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe -

Please note I screwed up the e-mail address for the Wyland Kona Ocean Front Gallery!
HUGE apologies if you could not reach them.
I know they have been taking a crazy amount of pre-orders on the mugs on the phone...
the RIGHT e-mail address is to the really great and wonderful Jill Weiss at [email protected]

Jill Weiss at [email protected]

Jill Weiss at [email protected]

Jill Weiss at [email protected]_________________
Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker

"Brad Parker creates lurid paintings that pull in influences from tiki, comics, and rock."

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-20 02:43 ]



[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2013-07-20 02:44 ]

The Brian Setzer response to "Pacific Rim"? Man, I LOVE Brian Setzer! Only Brian could write a song called "GO-GO GODZILLA"!! http://www.briansetzer.com/setzer-news/new-video-go-go-godzilla!

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