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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Grog, my new therapist would like to thank you for his new house. Because of what you did to the puppy I will no longer sleep again, I break down ad cry when my neighbors daschund barks at me, and I have lost the will to live. I'm going to hide in a safe place in the fetal position now.

"Poor, poor, Frostiki. Worst case of puppyartphobia I've ever seen.
Here's 2nites brush work. Sunset's STILL not done yet! At least there's no close up of the 'you know what'.

Aloha from the seething volcano!

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 14, 2007 6:43 PM

Grog stole the puppy and made it evil! :o

The sunsets coming laong nice mate :)

awesome jobs, Tiki Shark. love your work! looking over your thread makes me wish i could stay up tonight and start a new piece. very inspiring, thanks!

greentikipat~ thanks very much.
Here's a shot I took this afternoon out side so you can get a better sense of the real colors.

And, here's tonight's mistakes, er, I mean work.

Aloha from the middle of the pacific!

Heath posted on Fri, Mar 16, 2007 5:35 PM

I've gotta be honest Tiki Shark, the Grog, er, I mean dog, is creepy in both lights.
I know, this coming from someone that can't even stay in the lines when he colors.
Keep up the incredible work!

Heath~Thanks. But, it's just a little dog....or IS it?

I took the painting outside to get a shot, and a better version of the colors. Now that it's all about the colors, I'll just post the late afternoon shot and not bother with the very last shot of the night. The lights in my studio are not good for photos.

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-16 22:35 ]

As Eric Cartman would say-Shuper Schweet!

Hey T. C.
Rough day. If I wasn't sure I would have thought it was a Monday. It started bad, and then got worse! Yikes! Many things can go wrong when you are manufacturing overseas, and shipping half way around the world. And several of the things that can go wrong, all went wrong - last night and today. but Tiki Shark Inc will swim through these turbulent waters same as it's swam through much rougher waters than this!
Anyways, here's the painting for Saturday...


Hey TCers~
Well, here at "Casa del Tiki Shark" we have a guest from the mainland. That means I had to move out of the room I use as my painting studio. Now it's the guest room, and will be till next Monday. So, unfortunately that also means no progress shots till next week. (yikes! is the voodoo curse of the evil puppy ever going to end?) :o today we are doing what all people who've never been to the Big Island before do - we're going to the volcano! Nothing as much fun as an active volcano! Always a hoot! :) So, if you never hear from me again, you know that will mean that Pele was upset by the whole puppy thing and I fell in.
Aloha, and later (i hope)
Tiki "the virgin sacrifice" Shark

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-20 10:37 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-20 10:39 ]

Aloha TC~
It was raining at the volcano! Again! So, Instead of a lava run, we stayed on this side of the island and showed our guest the resorts north of town.

Here's a cool sorta abstract tiki out side of the Kona Village Resort.

Me hanging at a swanky hotel...not painting.

Look at you all fancy-pants!
Strutting around the island like Beachcomber Brad!
Where's your sketchbook?
Don't let GROG know you're having a good time!!!!
Now get back home and get that paintbrush back in your hand! :)

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 21, 2007 7:49 PM

I come in here for some progress pics and you're chillin on the fender of a vintage Buick...

Come on, get it together man... that evil puppy is playin wit ya mind

Sorry Hewey, LLT, ~ Our house guest, who's currently living in what is normally my painting studio, leaves next Monday night. No painting till then. Just sight seeing...

Here's the beach we went to today.

hewey posted on Thu, Mar 22, 2007 4:25 AM

I think you need another room in da house...

Yeah Hewey, totally! But after the big move, which involved more $$$ than we thought, we are keeping expenses low. I've looked at a few spaces that would make cool painting studios - but I just couldn't see forking over the dough for one yet. Soon, but not quite yet. So, for now we make do.

You're bringing your sketchbook to all these places,right?

excellent work what talent you have

On 2007-03-22 15:39, tiki beat by marcus thorn wrote:
excellent work what talent you have

The better to paint you with my child...

LLT, tiki beat, Sneakytiki, ~ Yeah, I'm itching to get my painting studio back. (4 days... I can make it with out cracking.. I think) I'm doing some sketching, nothing exciting yet. Spec-ing out a bunch of cabana towels for TS inc. We took out guest and went down a few dirt roads near the coast by the airport searching for cool undiscovered beaches, and discovered you need a full on FWD to get to those beaches. Even though we tried, we didn't have the heart to take the rental car all they way there. (It's because of stunts like this that you should never buy a used rental car on the big Island) We did find this other cool area that had all these compounds that are algae farms, and fish farms, and... like, sea monkey farms or something. Walked along these huge intake pipes out to a really rugged shore...

Thanks for watching the non-painting!

Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-23 01:18 ]


I have been thinking your art is beautiful with a little envy mixed in, but now that I see your non-art, I know where you get the inspiration from and I'm a lot more envious now.

Sweet ride. Is the roof line normal, don't think I've seen one raise back.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2007-03-25 09:30 ]

Hey TC~
Surprise! I'm posting Art!
LLT, ~ I'm finally doing my dutiful jedi-tiki sketch book exercises, thanks for reminding me! Drawing can really keep an artist's head together when you can't get at the ol canvas.
TeaKey~ I think that roof goes back on that ride or not. Not real sure cause it's not my car. Every time I've seen it the roof was up. so, maybe not. Actually I'm not even sure it runs.

sketch book for today.
Aloha from the Volcanic Island

hewey posted on Sat, Mar 24, 2007 2:33 AM

On 2007-03-23 06:30, teaKEY wrote:
Sweet ride. Is the roof line normal, don't think I've seen one raise back.

Rides like that are custom built, usually ordered by the hotel/resort for ferrying guests around. Usually built by companies that also build other custom rides like limos and hearses and the like.

Today we motored south to the customary visit to the City of Refuge...

Where these awesome tikis are.
Then continued to South Point...

Where this powerful piece of art resides. I think it has something to do with the Last Hawaiian fishing village. But, I'm not sure. anyone know?

And here's a sketch I did in the car. This is sort of a pass at a "Konaloa the sea god" tiki.

hewey posted on Sun, Mar 25, 2007 1:45 AM

You should do more sketches

GROG posted on Sun, Mar 25, 2007 8:57 AM

On 2007-03-25 01:32, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

And here's a sketch I did in the car. This is sort of a pass at a "Konaloa the sea god" tiki.


that's one hot sea god. great sketch Shark

love your work,man

Tabu posted on Sun, Mar 25, 2007 5:08 PM

That is one hell of tiki. I hope it makes it's way into one of your future paintings.

Konaloa is Terrif,Brad!
the great thing about these drawings are that they can and hopefully will
start popping up in future paintings! JOY!
Glad you're at least drawing whilst cavorting around the island! A good jedi
never leaves his sketchbook at home!!!
I'm so Proud i could Cry! :)

GROG posted on Sun, Mar 25, 2007 10:58 PM

What's a sketchbook?

On 2007-03-25 22:58, GROG wrote:
What's a sketchbook?

Someone who places bets on Speed Freaks?

Hey TC,
Hewey, Thanks, I think I'll do more. Pockytiki, a hot water god? Why not! thanks. Surburbanpagan, I love YOUR work, man. Tabu, LLT, thanks. It's a cool way to work out new Tiki designs. But, I did get a bit car sick drawing in the back seat as we drove around the island. Sooo... here's another one, riffed totally from looking at LLT's thread: a Cannibal/Bird tiki!


Tiki Shark

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-03-26 00:50 ]

Hey TC~
OKEE... here's my "Ruzic" cannibal tiki sketch.

Or, "the Angriest Pineapple in the World".

hewey posted on Tue, Mar 27, 2007 1:58 AM

Looks like the kraken in the second pirates movie :D

that guy is awesome. i really like how his nose is above his eyes.

GROG posted on Tue, Mar 27, 2007 9:37 AM

Incredible Brad!
You better make a painting of that guy! He's just too awesome to be kept in a sketchbook!
I like your version better than Ernie's!
His version just gives me a headache....

U guys R killin me! :D

The painting is getting close to being done. (hooray!)

the hut

The horror...the horror!

What a fine painting.... It could definitely pass for done now! Beautiful work as always, TShartArt!


Just beautiful.


Coming along nicely mate. Good to see you slinging paint again!

Okay, so I think the Keane looking big eyed dog is yes, cute. I have the Keane print with a boy holding his dog and I likes it. If anything, the kid looks creepy in my print. My childhood dog was a cock a poo or something like that so that's probably why I likez it so much. The rest of the painting is shaping up great too.

Brad can paint again!!!
Almost done man!
so wanting to go to that hut behind the tiki

  1. to enjoy the sunset
  2. to find a suitable hiding place from that dog!
    well, now that you're in the home-stretch with this
    what are you thinking of next?
    This time you can go NUTZ
    with whatever subject matter/theme you want....
    What are you thinkig of?
    Any old sketchbook studies that
    have been haunting you?
    One more thing....
    what is the story behind this current piece?
    You're all "Bush Administration" with the info!
    Give it up!
    Tell us a story Uncle Brad! :)
GROG posted on Sat, Mar 31, 2007 11:40 AM

what is the story behind this current piece?
You're all "Bush Administration" with the info!
Give it up!
Tell us a story Uncle Brad! :)

This is a "religious painting" commissioned by GROG. It is entitled "The Creation of Mankind". The Tiki represents the first man. He is pointing his thumbs up to heaven to represent his relationship with God. It is an homage to Michaelangelo's painting with Adam and God touching fingers. The little tiki under his chin represents the soul of man. The hut with the warm glow is heaven. Man has left heaven on his journey to discover the new world around him, but he can return to the warm glow of the hut/heaven should he decide. The ship represents the journey through life man takes before he finally returns to heaven. The fire is a symbol of discovery. The sun over the water is both the rising and the setting of the sun. It represents the new day and the beginning of life, or if it is setting, it is the end of day and the end of life and man's journey on earth.The tropical setting is paradise which has been created by God for man to live in. This painting is about the creation of man, so he has not yet been kicked out of paradise and so he is still smiling.Those scenes will be in the follow up paintings. This is the first of six paintings.

The golden warm glow of home/heaven. The golden light emanating from the hut/heaven is love.

The dog and the bone are symbols of man's struggle of life and death, and good versus evil.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-03-31 12:40 ]

You really need to lay off the peyote Ernie....
i have a feeling Brad may have the REAL answer...
Pretty good explanation tho....except the dog...
i understand the bone,but no the dog! :)

GROG posted on Sat, Mar 31, 2007 4:37 PM

Well then, you weren't paying attention in class. C-

Hey TC!
It totally sucks that the great parking lot sale is going on at Tiki Farm right now, and I'm stuck her in Hawaii!

Okay, it doesn't suck. But I still miss being w/you all at it. Hope it's the best ever!
SAM-alllmost done... I'm just trying to get to that amazing perfection that your work is. No visible brush strokes! Your work is flawless!
Hiltiki- Thanks so much!
Hewey-YEAH! Paint slinging! Just like Web Slinging Spidey! I'm gonna' make "paint slingers" and attached them to my wrists and shoot paint at the canvas that way! Great idea! Yea? (Actually my middle name is Peter, and I'm a scrawny little nerd, so I'm darned close to being Peter Parker!)
Sneakytiki-thanks man! You mystic-art-shaman! Your shapeshifting witch doctor paintings are a-freaking-mazing!
LLT-Thanks Obewan! What next? Good question! I got all kinds of things whirling around my sun drenched brain. I'm not sure exactly what's gonna ooze out of my paint slingers yet though. Meaning? Meaning. You mean it's more than just a picture of a tiki and a puppy?
Grog-Wow, you DID go to art school! I feel like I just totally didn't charge enough to the sweet little old lady who commissioned this piece!

Here's what my hero Todd says about the meaning of his art...

Todd Schorr: "The viewer of an artwork does not necessarily have to be versed in the symbols an artist has used from his or her culture to make an emotional connection with the work. When viewing the sculpted deities of Hindu India you don’t have to know anything about the religious significance of the piece to appreciate its visual power. Truly engaging art always strikes directly with one’s innate human curiosity. It’s in our genetic makeup to always pick out the different, the odd, the unusual. Certain symbols are universal, a skull (OR A PUPPY) for instance, but when mixed with reference points from a person’s own popular culture, especially when it is foreign to others, it only enhances the mystery surrounding the artwork. When a thing, such as a painting, is imbued with an element of mystery, that becomes much of it’s fascination. As a mystery becomes solved that fascination tends to diminish quickly. So if my work, which already has been carefully staged and planned out, retains an element of puzzlement for the viewer, I am delighted. My use of symbols from the popular culture I grew up in merely serves as a means to an end. I use this vocabulary to tell the tales that unfold on my canvas."

Well, I guess the meaning is going to be different for each viewer. And if there's part you can't quite figure out, all the better.

Alllllllmost finished! Just the Freaky Tiki left to do! (oooohhh the bestest part!)
Thanks for watching!

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