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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Cool card, Brad... Who doesn't like a red hot hula girl!?? :)


On 2007-11-27 18:32, little lost tiki wrote:
we miss you Brad!

agreed! it's been like fifty million years since you were last gracing us wiff yer happiness.

come back!

GROG posted on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 8:22 PM

Even the cute puppy misses you!!!!

HA! soorrry puppy and tiki central folks!! The holidaze and guests and then getting caught up at work knocked me outa my tiki art for a while. I'm back working on a sketch and will post something this week end!
The cards are in route somewhere over the wild blue pacific - cause I still use my printer back in Hollywood. He's my guy for all cards and business thangs. I think he even has a full sized print of The Moon of Mankoora hanging in his business.


Oh.....good...cause I'm having really bad withdrawals, the shakes,profuse sweating,tremblin',constant checkin' of Tiki central...etc.


Here's a rough for the next painting.... painting 13!



hewey posted on Sun, Dec 2, 2007 8:33 PM


GROG posted on Sun, Dec 2, 2007 9:55 PM

Something tells me that you originally drew it THIS way.


Duuuuuude! That looks like it's gonna be awesome!

I love the lil zombified servants just roamin in the background :lol:


seems like there is a story that goes with this one.
cmon...... tell us.
so whats with all the numbers and letters throughout (the bottles, over the bar, floorboards, tattoo, etc, etc, etc,) Too obviously presented to not have HUUUUGE meaning! Is it a numerology thing, or perhaps like a tarot prediction... Is this like a Nostradamus prophecy!

Whats the name of the painting
whos the dude?

[ Edited by: jpmartdog 2007-12-03 14:22 ]

i think it's Mr. Lugosi....or Otto with his hair back! :lol:
YAY! Glad you're back in the groove Brad!

teaKEY posted on Mon, Dec 3, 2007 2:00 PM

This is gonna be awesome!!!!

Heath posted on Mon, Dec 3, 2007 5:47 PM

Fell asleep watching White Zombie again didn't you?
Really looking forward to this one!!
Is this a commish?


huh...huh....thanx Brad, that looks awesome...ingenious

GREAT sketch TSA!!!

Otto posted on Fri, Dec 7, 2007 12:00 AM

brad, that looks awesome. What a coincidence, Tiki Oasis 8 theme is Zombie! hey, that's not supposed to be me in the painting is it?

BigToe posted on Fri, Dec 7, 2007 2:45 PM

hmmm, looks more like BigToe...especially the Eeeevil aspect (and bad teeth)!

Amazing as always Brad!!! thanks for posting!!


Ok...that's enough rest...put some color on that....PLEASE...I can't hold my breath anymore!!! :D


What's happening Brad? You pencilled up the canvas yet? And what do all those letters mean?


Dear Brad,

We all really miss you.

Happy Holidays!

~Ravvies :D


Hey everyone, sorry I've been gone for so long. Work has gotten reeeeaaally all up in my grill and like dat! (Meaning I'm been an overworked one man art department and busy getting beach towels, and some new product, designs done and through the manufacturing maze for next summer.) work work work!

The mysterious painting number 13 IS Otto, as he appeared in the film "White Zombie"! (Multi-talented guy!) The mysterious letters appear in that sketch as an experiment of something that tikifool and I are kicking around ideas about - meaning a joint project. It's too early to talk details, though.

Have not progressed anymore on the painting. Was thinking of getting a LUCY to help transfer it. Course, I may have to go to Honolulu to get it!

In the mean while here's something outta da' sketch book....

BIG MAHALO for checking in!


Hey, I got some of those "Tiki Shark" christmas cards left over! Anyone want one, PM me a mailing address and I'll get em out to ya! (while they last)


Hey Brad
Lovin' the sketch! Tech nerd question: are you using conte crayons for your sketches?

I'm using Prismacolor pencils, and a mechanical pencil. :)

hewey posted on Thu, Dec 13, 2007 6:57 PM

Nice sketch Brad :D


Aloha Brad!
Mahalo for the rockin' holiday card! The colors are really sweet in person! :o Something else to put in the "gotta get this framed" pile! :lol:
Mele Kalikimaka to you!


:D thankies again Brad fer being sucha sweetheart and sendin me a card! It turned out great!

Can't wait to see ya get crackin on dem paintins'!


Happeh Holidays! :drink:


Jentiki, Ravenne ~ glad you both liked the cards!

I finished the drawing - just had a itching to put a body on that head.

Mele Kalikimaka and A Hui Ho Ho Ho!

Very Very cool drawing...totally dig'n this one!!!!

On 2007-12-23 13:23, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

I finished the drawing - just had a itching to put a body on that head.

Coool bones Tiki Shark! 8)

You digging up a little Ray Harryhausen?!! :D

hewey posted on Sun, Dec 23, 2007 3:35 PM

Creepy man, I dig it :D

Welcome back with a Vengaence!
lovin that sketch!
would make a Great smaller painting...on velvet....
diggin on the softness of and stylization of the skeleton...
built for tumbling!
Jonesy's Ray Harryhausen reference nailed it!
Sinbad movies RAWK!
Eye of the Tiger,Man!
Can totally imagine him moving like that...
I could see a little minor series of these drawings or even paintings...
you should satisfy that itch more!
I think i hear you revvin up for something Masterpiece-like!
Merry Christmas!

Hey Brad.....I got your Christmas card in the mail today.....Thanks so much....It is very cool!! Merry Christmas....Hope you have a great Year!!!

Traveling JonesCool shot of the master! I got to met Mr. H at a horror convention and totally made a fan-boy fool out of myself!
Big Mahalo buddy!

Here's the sketch with a bit of reworked BG... Less is more sometimes... I think I'm gonna focus on this kiler design in the aloha shirt more than the background.

Merry Christmas from the tropics! (It's so weird when folks here in Hawaii put fake Santas, snow men and reindeer in their yards!)

hewey posted on Tue, Dec 25, 2007 2:40 AM

Big mahalo for the chrissy card mate! :D :D


Hewey, so glad u got it!

Here's the transfer of the sketch. It's taking me even longer than usual - I'm not happy with the "likeness", and find myself reworking it a LOT. Goodness knows even if I got it perfect in the pencil stage, it'll change when I paint it.
It sort of looks like Bela. And it sort of looks like Otto (w/hair). And now it's looking a lot like my friend Bill. (!?!) Well, I'm getting close to the paint slinging stage who ever it is!

Tiki Fool and I worked out the what mysterious items we'll need in the painting, so you'll notice the big goofy letters are all gone. (yeah!) Hope to be painting by next year!



"Now as for the genius "Parker" who penned this masterpiece, PLEASE DON'T TRIP THE FU_K OUT!! Consider this my resume. Perhaps we can collaborate on some other projects because your drawings stimulate me and they translate superbly to the woodcut medium (you know what that means $$$$$$$$$$$$$$). Of course I'll throw you some bucks for this gem so don't sick your litigious hounds on me."-Ebay seller


Aloha Brad!

Two things:

  1. I'm so glad this piece is finally hitting canvas, and I gotta say it looks even more like Otto now, but I think that's cool!

  2. Sue the bastard who's trying to sell your image as his own artwork on eBay! It appears from the listing that he didn't even bother to ask your permission to start making money off his copy of your image! I could see using such a masterfully crafted image as a practice piece, or even as inspiration for an original piece. But this jerk outright copied your art and is trying to sell it!

Okay, who's next on the soapbox? :wink:

"OMG! I'm like, tripin' the FU_K out! "

HA! HA! :)

Maybe, you know you are on the right art path if some one honors you by coping your work.
So, I'm honored.

It looks more like Otto? GREAT! What is the tattoo Ottto has on his left arm? Anyone know?

Tiki Shark


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-12-28 12:03 ]

GROG posted on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 12:07 PM

GROG has nothing to say, GROG just want to be on soapbox.


On 2007-12-28 11:59, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
It looks more like Otto? GREAT! What is the tattoo Ottto has on his left arm? Anyone know?

There's a topless picture of him from 2006 on the Tiki Oasis MySpace page that shows most of his left arm, and it's inkless. So unless he's had something added recently ...

I'll ask him the next time I see him on our commute bus since he doesn't read TC very regularly.

i have a great photo of otto in his room at the gold coast during the first las vegas grind event, dressed as a vampire. (it was around halloween) it really looks like your drawing!!

Grog - u nut! FYI I loved the Simpson movie. Excellent work!

No ink huh? Hmmmm... Otto mentioned to me to get his tats right. Maybe it's new? Maybe I'll just make one up....

Tipsy~ Could u send it to me? I'd love to see it!


hewey posted on Fri, Dec 28, 2007 4:03 PM

This stuff REALLY pisses me off. It's outright stealing, and both morally and legally wrong! I REALLY hop you take this further Brad, or at the very least make sure it gets reported to ebay and they slap this guy silly with wet sardines. I have sent the seller a VERY strongly worded email letting him know what I think of his artistic morals (or lack thereof), and I have also posted it on the lowbrow art forum I am on, and the Aussie hot rod forum I am on, and they have already proceeded to email the seller.

Anyone else want the soapbox? It's slightly worn from all my jumping up and down, but still good! :lol: :D

hewey posted on Sat, Dec 29, 2007 4:38 AM

I have sent the seller a VERY strongly worded email letting him know what I think of his artistic morals (or lack thereof)

Here's the response I got from him:

Firstly, what's really important is that you recognize skill. Secondly, WHO IN THE FUCK ARE YOU? I get hate mail from time to time so you must understand the bullshit you have written to me doesn't usually get a response, I'm really immune to it, plus I'm really busy packaging and selling art. Now it's painfully obvious to me Hewey that you need some nurturing, not from me of course, but someone else.

 Now if you want to vent, call me at 808 852-0225, and don't privatize your number cause I won't answer.  You need to have some idea who the fuck you're dealing with, so let's talk.  

If you know Brad's number, give him mine.

P.S. How many prints you buying, Bitch?

Check out the links from his wikipedia page, seems he is widely known for creating fake prints and selling them as "authentic prints" previously:

and here are some choice quotes from those links:

Whatever the case, the art has proved a bonanza for Washington. Since 1998 as many as 60,000 Washington prints may have been sold on Ebay and at PBA Galleries in San Francisco and DuMouchelle's in Detroit, among other venues, at prices ranging from $20 to $350. Vaughn (Pete) Baughman, owner of Frogtown Books in Toledo, Ohio, says he bought 5,000 to 7,000 prints, paying Washington $12 to $35 each, and resold 2,000 or so over the Internet...
...And to a widening ring of skeptics they are all fakes...
..."Washington's such a good liar," says Baughman of Frogtown Books, who no longer believes the prints are authentic. "That's what he does for a living." ...


They were selling 325 sets of 19 prints each. We received a set and checked them with the original woodcuts in our possession and found them to be fakes....


"Original woodblock" prints by E.M. Washington: an art scam...
...It turns out that this "find" was the result of an elaborate scam perpetrated by this printmaker's supposed great-grandson, also named Earl M. Washington. The evidence is overwhelming that even if the first E.M. Washington did exist and was a printmaker (both uncertain), he was neither the maker nor printer of these prints. Instead it is clear that the maker of these prints is the current E.M. Washington, who made "original" woodblock copies of prints by the famous printmakers who were supposed to be the friends of his alleged great-grandfather. Each of these prints is signed "E.M. Washington," which though said to be by the great-grandfather is certainly the signature of the great-grandson, and they are dated with dates when they were supposed to be printed, a clear misrepresentation.

And he still posts the link to the wikipedia page on him from his auctions! WTF?

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-12-29 04:41 ]

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