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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Amazing! I LIKED your other art but I LOVED your woodcuts. This sure looks like it is going to be loved :D
I'm in for a print...

Nice Departure from the SOLID Tiki-filled pieces,there Brad!
Where is the New Year gonna Lead you?
I cannot wait!

Thanks for sharing your sketches and process with everybody!
How'd the Move go?
Looks like you're already settled
judging from your output!


Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Atomic Tiki Punk - Me too, if I can get back to it! Thanks!
MarkusK - Yes, this is the same paper the wood cuts are printed on... so That's ink on that beautiful old weathered rag. I'm glad you are diggin it!
little lost tiki - Thanks! Well, didn't move yet! That's all coming! Yuck!!! What happened is I went to Honolulu on Monday for a hospital visit for a procedure for my chronic lower back problem. Yeah, great! Well!

Weird life moment: So I'm on this flight on Hawaiian Air lines coming into Honolulu at 7:45AM... on December 7th...Pearl Harbor day. The pilot was a real history buff and gave a great play by play as we were coming into the city. Then, they played the 1944 radio announcement from President Roosevelt. Chilling. All this while I'm sitting next to a very nice young tourist couple from Japan. Wow... the world is too strange at times.

WHINE WHINE: Anyways, I get stuck at the Hospital in a overly sub artic air conditioned room in a friggin' hospital smock for an hour and a half... by the time I get in the operating room my teeth are actually chattering! I think... hmmmm, think I'm gonna catch any thing in this place? Yep! Tuesday morinng I woke up with one of the worst colds in my life. Today's been the first day I felt human. Yeesh! Hope you had a better week!

Anyways, enough bitchin, here's some art.

Here's yet another go at the composition ala ink study.

Then, here's another one.

Yes I know I wasn't going to do the Giant tiki grabbing with his hand...but it really looks much better than the hot rod getting stepped on. And, as a good fiend pointed out..."Who wants a painting of a big foot?" Hmmm...good point.
I like it better. It looks more like a old pulp magazine cover. (However that is one of the silliest tikis I've ever drawn on that tiki lounge) So, I think this is going to become the painting..

Big Aloha!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2009-12-11 19:56 ]

Makes me wonder? what did the Hot Rod driver do to piss off Mr.Moai? I want to know the story behind this painting, great work Brad,
Feel better.


Hand Grabbing= Oh Yeah!

Poor chattering Brad!
I think they keep it so cold in hospitals to kill germs?
so you pay and leave faster?
to keep the bodies downstairs from rottin?

Finals on the Moai composition=Brilliant!
The Volcano Head is a Sure Shot!
Hope the Lower Back's feelin better,pal!

i do hope you're Hiring some movers
with your back and all..
just sayin....

Man, Brad, I just really like your black and white work! And I agree with the loosing of the feet, it's somehow un-Tiki. The grabbing Moai monsters are very much in the tradition of Jack Kirby. :)

Beautiful ink work Brad!


Thanks everyone!

WOW, LOVE that comic cover. Gave me an idea for a new painting!

Sorry for the delay. My land lord, Mr. Scrooge has tossed me out - at X-mas. So eveything is total chaos!

My e-mail will be down till middle late next week.

Have a great holiday!


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2009-12-25 20:15 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Just got e-mail working. Instead of opening Christmas presents, we are opening boxes we packed for the move. But, I'm having a great holiday...dig da' view at da' new digs!

Mele Kalikimaka!

Aloha tiki Tribe!
Bad news... still unpacking stuff! Where did I get all dis stuff? More importantly, I've miss placed my "The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny" double CD set! Yikes! It's here... somewhere...in this maze of boxes.

Good news... this was the Christmas Sunset from da' new place:

Mele Kalikimaka!

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2009-12-25 20:14 ]

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

So got my new studio up and working this week end. Lots of boxes still in other places of the house. But I had to get my art space together and get caught up on print orders or lose what's left of my mind!

Here's an Artist's Proof of Tiki Cat getting a last coat of varnish.

for the Artist Poof I go in and make the mug much more shinny.
And paint in a mini-tiki by my signature.


Aloha Tiki Tribe!

I was asked to submit 5 to 7 small and detailed pieces to a group show in LA. The show wants Kitchy. Great news! I gotta get them done and submitted by the 3rd week of Jan. That's gonna be a a bit of work, since unlike Kenny, I'm a s l o w painter. So, I will have to stop work on the 32' Coup hot rod being grabbed by the erupting Moai - that painting is too large. And start 5 new small ones. I'm thinking these are gonna be like 9" x 12" or something.

Here's a sketch for Idea #1:

"The Were-Wolf of Waikiki"


Werewoofs of Waikiki!
Looks like a Mad mad Monster party
may be happening on da Isle!
Welcome to your new diggs,Brad!
Good to see the studio is slowly coming together...
That's usually the first thing unpacked!
Who needs dishes and drawers of undies?
Gimme some brushes
a surface
and MOVE-IN is finished!

Happy New Year Buddy!


Love the werewolf image, can't wait to see the finished piece, and all the rest in the series!

Where is the show? Are you coming out for it? We mainland landlubbers see FAR to little of you, Mr. Parker!

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
LLT~ Thanks Ken! Yeah, I'm still walking through a maze of boxes, but I got most of my studio un packed. Hey, I found my Martin Denny CD... it was in my car! whew!
Tobunga~ Hey Mr October! I was pleased to see that the Tobunga creature was mentioned in the latest issue of Tiki Magazine - in the piece about tiki themed horror films! Made me laugh and think about you! Well, I don't know how this will turn out. I'm moving forward with some ink work on this cool old paper. tomorrow I'm driving up north to see what my printer has done, and go to Ben Franklin's to pick up some art supplies. Like 5 small canvases...

More later!

Congrats on the fabulous new inspirational place to create.

Sophista-tiki -Thanks. I so dig your style, it really inspires me. I hope the new digs do help.
(but I hope I never have to move again!)

Anyways, here's tonight's art...

The Were-Wolf of Waikiki, ink study

Closer up.


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2009-12-31 01:17 ]

Aloha Tiki Tibe~

And a re draw...


And yet another re-draw of "The were-wolf of Waikiki".
This one I think is ready to get transferred to the canvas.

Happy New Year tiki Tribe!


Looks like son and then uncle

Hawaiian Wolfman rules!
Another Brad Parker masterpiece in the making.
Did you ever see the 1978 TV movie, "Death Moon", starring Robert Foxworth?
It's a werewolf picture set in Hawaii!! You can read more about it
here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077411/

Man, the eyes in that first sketch are reeeeally creepy. :)
Speaking of eyes, you may want to double check the wolf's peepers before
taking it to canvas. I flipped the image in PS and one of the eyes is
looking a tad bit distorted:

(as always, feel free to tell me to mind me own beezywax!) :wink:

Criminy, whenever I see one of your images, my first thought is always, "Man, I
wish I had thought of that!". One of these days I will beat you to the punch. :)

I'm looking forward to what you will bring to the table in 2010.
Have a happy and productive New Year!

teaKEY ~ yeah #2 looked more like a were-squirrel. He He.
artosaurus ~ THANKS! Yes, good call. I flipped him and lowered his eye and fluffed out the back of his furry head.

The Were-Wolf of Waikiki

"Death Moon"... yeah, I remember that old 70's werewolf flick! One better though, is the episode of the 70's series "Kolchak: The night Stalker"...Episode 5- called "The Werewolf". A were wolf on a ocean liner. Plays darned well, even now.

Now that I think about it, it's a FULL MOON tonight. I was just standing in my yard watching it and listening to the fire works all around the neighborhood. And not only that, it's a Blue Moon (2nd full Moon in a month) on the new year... and I'm drawing a were wolf!
and... H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-01-01 02:58 ]


If you watched Kolchak, you're automatically cool.

Thanks Robb! Some of those episodes of Kolchak were better than others... the Were Wolf is one of my favorites.

Speaking of ...heresd "The Werewolf of Waikiki" transferred to the canvas.
Just starting to work out dark and light areas.


Here's a bit more of the bg worked out...

Lovin the warm colors in this one...
makin my lycanthropic blood boil!
When we gonna see Creature from the Black lagoon
and king Kong paintings from you?
Hopefully SOON!

GROG posted on Mon, Jan 4, 2010 11:02 AM

Werewolf look like Eric October.

Tiki Tribe!~
LLT ~ Thank you! I'm going for the warm sun set back light and cooler front lighted figure on the beach (again). Painting this small is really weeiirrd! I could easily have made this the same size as Tiki Cat. That would have been a cool pair. We'll see... lots of strange ideas to paint.
GROG~ Hey yeah. Eric does have a very were wolf like appearance. I mean that in a good way, though.

Here's the sea a little bit more. Sky still in progress.


working out the wave some...

Here's a closer look.


Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-01-06 11:23 ]


On 2010-01-04 11:02, GROG wrote:
Werewolf look like Eric October.

Ha! I wish I was half as hairy as a werewolf! Although I do kinda have his big eyes...

Great in progress shots Brad! It's interesting to see how you have painted over some of the lines of the foreground figure as you fill in the background... that happens to me all the time, much to my great annoyance! So maybe I'm on track to eventually make some work of the Tiki Shark caliber! (if only!)

So a day in the life of Brad Parker is wake up, Crank out 2 or 3 master works, then have lunch?
You are one speedy Art-ist.
Great work as always.

i just noticed the skull on the tapa of his Aloha shirt!
This is gonna be goooood!
Brad.... you are pure MOTIVATION!

TikiG posted on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 8:09 AM

Brad -

I wanted to reply sooner but in the meantime everyone else have basically expressed what I want to say.

You know I appreciate your posts and I look forward to each new update.
In lieu of being repetitive, again, let me say (being its early January and still appropriate)

  • Happy New Year!

Your efforts do shine joy and inspiration onto what can be a routine daily existence. Thanks.

Tunbunga - Big Big Thanks! I've seen your paintings, they're good. You're good!! The fear of screwing up what you've already done is huge. But once you can get past that, it's the fearless plunging onward that gives you speed and energy. Althought I don't know if I could ever match your sheer speed in producing art!
Oh yeah, I remember what I was gonna say to you: There are 2 "underground L A " artists that have names I wish I had. Gris Grimly and Eric October. You guys should do a 2 man show, that would RAWK!
Atomic Tiki Punk~ Thanks, but...Oh, that all changed today when I decided to re-paint the whole darned thing!
LLT - more skulls on da way!
TikiG - too kind my friend!@ Happy New year to u 2!
Here's the strange view today.

Could have sworn it was a green flash to the naked eye.
Seems not so on film.
Da were Wolf is like dis...

But I hated it.
So I started the basic "look" for his head all over again.

Pencil study

Now it's transmogrifying.....

Brad (Tiki Shark) Parker


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-01-08 11:39 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2010-01-08 12:16 ]

Yea that's better, I hate how wicked good you are!

Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Thanks! Jus' trying to Live Aloha Buddy! :)

OK, here's where the new "Were Wolf of Waikiki" is at...

I became unhappy how he was rendering out the first time.
I figured I needed to rethink his look. So I watched "The Wolf Man","Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man" and "The Werewolf of London". I like the Lon Chaney Jr. Wolf Man a lot, but I was really impressed with the cool look of "The Werewolf of London". Then I watched again one of the best Werewolf make-ups: Oliver Reed in "The Curse of the Werewolf". That's a cool werewolf!
I redrew his head, and used those movies plus some old toys, and even my own face as reference.
Plus I think Elvis's 75th birthday had some influence. Anyways, there it is roughed out.

Now, I'm unhappy with the... tiki drum.



Changed a few things. layering in some tones... hope 2 finish this week end.

Now THAT's a Skull right there!
Glad you changed the drum....that star was buggin.....
Fankenstein meets the werewolf....the BEST!
You are POWERING on this one,Brad!
go Man GO!


Finish this weekend at your level of detail and change ups, Crazy.

LLT~ Thanks! I had stuck the star on the tiki drum after watching the Wolf man. The "pentagram" as the sign of the werewolf and all dat. But, yeah, it looked too goofy to me too.
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf man - I dig that film. Seems like it's got a lavish budget (for the 40's). And it ends with a battle between the monster and the Wolf man! But, a lot of horror film fans give Bela Lugosi low marks for his portrayal of the Frankenstein Monster. He flings his stiff arms around in a crazy manner. What the commentary on the Legacy edition DVD says is that in the original script the monster was supposed to be blind, and he had dialog explaining that. The studio didn't like Lugosi's accent so cut all his dialog out, and we're never told he is blind. If you watch it with the idea that the monster is sightless, Lugosi's performance is actually much better.
teaKEY~ well, I hope to get it done today. I think it needs a little tropical flora now.

Almost there...

You must stop impressing me Brad, I just don't know how much more I can take?
Well....maybe a bit more.

I want the hawaiian shirt wolfie is wearing & I want it now!

Atomic Tiki Punk... Thanks. A wee bit more...Stars half done. Thought I'd get a shot before I lost the good light.

The Were Wolf of Waikiki


Very Nice Brad...mind you he does scare me just a little !

Talk soon


Really like this new one Brad. Love the Elvis flip on the hair.
Keep goin!

Koop~ Thanks Koop! He creeps you out a tad? Is it because I gave him your old hair style.
swamp fire~ Big mahalo. It's got an Elvis thing, that's true. I was also realizing I had some Brian Setzer and Stray Cats on the I pod mix while I was working on this, and I think that also manifested in his hair.
It's done.

The Were Wolf of Waikiki
14" x 11"
acrylic on canvas


So, I got another canvas that's 14" x 11". Why not make a companion piece for "the Were wolf of Waikiki"? Like maybe...

The Kreature from Kona?

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