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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Go Daddy-O!


Here's the over all - still working out the under painting... no real color choices yet... red sky I know... green neon maybe...

reworked the tiki

Thanks for watching the paint dry!


Mr. parker this is all going to be the underpainting when most of us would agree it looks awesome the way it is. Ive always wondered when you start your color is it pretty much a wash, or do you do the whole painting all over again? Thanks for any response in advance...

Howzit Brad!! Been awhile braddah.... I love all your work's man but this one is very cool... I thought I recognized that car from some pictures we were looking at.. I love the grill on her..:wink:
Can't wait to see it all finished up, the city and tiki lounge are off da hook as well..


Beachbumz - hey dood! Yep that 's Dales' 32 coup - I finally got around to doing this painting.

Here's the latest
tikigodz ~ Well the idea is Acrylic is a water based paint best applied in washes of color. So, a mono chromatic under painting is only "color"-zed with color washes. Not a whole new painting. But, I'm still learning the tricky use of washes... to much paint, and you are just painting the whole darned thing again, too little, and you don't get enough color.
So;.. my best use so far was on Frankenstein. I changed the colors of his hands and feet only with light wahes of color over fulled rendered under painting,

Hope that helps with that question.


That helps sooo much!! Tahnks amillion I never went to art school, and never relized the whole underpainting concept.
Once agian much thanks1

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
News flash...

"SPECTRUM 17: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art" has picked the pieces that made it into the next book.
Of the pieces I submitted, they chose "Diga Diga Doo". Volume 17 will be published by Underwood Books and in a borders near you next November. I'm pretty darned excited, it's the 3rd time I got in. Funny, they always pick the really strange paintings! Well... I guess the "fantastic" ones. eh?

Here's what I did last night on "Faster Than Disaster". Still on the monochromatic under painting. I hope to start laying in color this week end.

Tiki Bar - open for business... I was listening to the new Brian Setzer Album "Songs from Lonely avenue" and really got into the noir feel ... I may leave out a lot of color, and keep it moody.
Still thinking about it...

Here's a big warm Kona sunset from the back lani last night.
Big Aloha!

Hey Brad! Looking great! I would love this piece to keep somewhat monochromatic, kind of like the building above the tiki bar. Whatever you do I'm sure will be great!

I'm really digging it the way it is, Brad.

zerostreet ~ Thanks, I think the city will be toned down.
Big Kahuna ~ Thanks, let's see... I do want to keep the colors more "real" but a few things will need to "pop".

I didn't get to lay in the color really yet, but I worked out the sky some, and the tiki in the foreground on the right.

I think I like the stock look on the radiator better then the web.
Good call Brad, that hand really reminds me of Kirby now.

Atomic Tiki Punk ~ Well I'm not done, and the web grill is coming back, when I get to the car again. right now, I'm laying in the colors and final details from the background and moving to the mid ground then will finish up with the fore ground.

Red Sky... more to come...



Still working on it...


Here's what I painted on "Faster than Disaster" last night.
Had the idea for the street turning to a wave of lava...

Big Mahalo!

Wasn't expecting that! Nice!


That really adds to the disater part of the title, I like it!


WOW!!! Brad that color is just popping right off the canvas!!!
Hats off to ya! You got me motivated to pick up a brush again,


Your work is out of sight, any progress on your postcards for Hawaii. Also, will you have some prints for sale in the near future for your 4 monsters of Hawaii.

Thanks for showing us the in progress goodness, Brad.

zerostreet - Thanks, it just came to me late one night. I like mixing Tiki Culture in with Kustom, and I thought too bad I couldn't put a wave in here some where...
Badd Tiki - Thanks! Yeah, helped solve some awkward perspective problems too!
tikigodz - Thanks! Now, pick up dat bush and start a'paintin!
HB TIKI- YES, found a distributor who is interested in the Monsters! (remember the last distributor thought them, while very well done, were too outlandish for tourists.) So, getting the last painting scanned in by the printer now. Cards to be made... and prints soon. I'll post here when they are ready.
hodadhank - Thanks! It's all about enjoying the process, right? I know I really like seeing other artist's work in progress.
Here's where we are... all most done!


It's really coming together, I do like the color shading & highlights.

I really love this piece Brad! Excellent job!

I hate to be a backseat driver (no pun intended) but considering the peril this driver is in, I would love to see the car just a bit airborne! Just thinking out loud, not attempting to art direct! :)

so now you're adding a wave of lava?!?!?!?!

on fire,man!

Atomic Tiki Punk - Thanks! The color is tricky, can change it so much.
zerostreet - I think I had a version where it was getting a little air, that changed when I reworked the cartoon perspective of the street and city. Not sure I could go back and repaint all that now... I'm not saying that's impossible, but I'm leaning towards finishing up and seeing ti. Then we'll see.
little lost tiki - KEN! Howzit dude! Oh, yeah, the wave was a late night idea a few nights ago. I liked that it brought in some brighter areas of a dark painting.

Painted in the engine... now doing the flames and foreground.



that is so damn cool!!!!!

Rockin' great job Brad.



Very cool.

What more could we fans ask for.

Wow, that hand looks like it wants to pop off the canvas... I'm loving the lava and the car is off da hook braddah...NICE..


Brad-Your picture of the car keeps getting better and better. It must be great living in Hawaii

tikigodz- Big thanks!
Robb Hamel ~ THANKS Robb!
Beachbumz~ Howzit!? Hey Thanks! So far so good...
HB TIKI - thanks! Hawaii if great. but, I could do with a little less VOG sometimes over here on the volcano. But, heck, I can't complain, It's beautiful.

Well, for some reason yesterday I forgot how to paint. don't know what happened, but could not get the smoke right for anything... weird... some days it flows so easy, other days it's all up hill.
Hope today is better...
Flames. Tiki. Smoke. Tropical flowers.


not just good....
but crazy good.....

slow and steady
certainly wins the race!

GROG posted on Tue, Apr 27, 2010 1:36 PM

GROG like the face better when it looked less human and more like a giant carving come to life.(Just GROG opinion) You might want to "randomize" your smoke coming off of the tire on the right. It looks like a line of two rolls of balls side by side. The painting is coming along really well. Keep up the good work.

Get better soon Tiki-Kate.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-04-27 13:52 ]

Well, for some reason yesterday I forgot how to paint. don't know what happened, but could not get the smoke right for anything... weird... some days it flows so easy, other days it's all up hill.
Hope today is better...

It happens...when it happens to me I play guitar instead of drawing. Helps alot!

Zerostreet Illustrations

And coming soon:

Follow Zerostreet on Twitter and Facebook:

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2010-04-27 18:53 ]



Ooooooooooohhhhhhh Yea! Hella-Yea!

GROG - Thank you man, always enjoy a good pointer from a smart art director!
zerostreet - Oh that is too sweet... blues? rock-a-billy? classic rock? I was listening to the new Brian Setzer album a lot... talk about nice guitar work.
Atomic tiki Punk ~ Thank you!

zerostreet - Oh that is too sweet... blues? rock-a-billy? classic rock? I was listening to the new Brian Setzer album a lot... talk about nice guitar work.


Make NO mistake, I do not play like Setzer! :) But, fittingly enough I guess, I play mainly surf music...and only here at home. Wouldn't want to punish those outside my household! But it does help unwind.

Hey Brad, why don't you stop by my tikitower.com thread and enter to win one of my prints! :)



zerostreet~ Surf guitar, sweeeeet! Thanks for the invite I may just do that!

Finished detailing out the foreground Tiki.
Now... I wanted to place a few Hawaiian exotic flowers in front of the tiki - just to give the piece the feel that it's taking place in Hawaii...well, ok, an alternate Hawaii from a parallel dimension. But, still Hawaii.


Brad, what an amazing piece! I love the reflection on the roof of the car! Wonderful job!



zerostreet ~ Thanks! Glad you noticed the reflections..
tikigodz ~ Big Mahalo!

"Faster Than disaster"
30" x 24"
Acrylic on Canvas

Detail of the tiki lounge

Detail of the foreground exotic flowers

Detail of the angry Tiki God!

It's finished. Thanks for watching and supporting me step by step.
Big Aloha,


Excellent! Prints anytime soon? :)

f**k that's beautiful,Brad!
favorite part?
the lightning crackling down the arm!

Very kool rad rod .


Wow! Love the detail, especially of the tiki bar... I like how the tiki on the right looks like his head isn't finished... kinda like he's waring a tiki ski cap!

Oh, please stop painting so well... you're making the rest of us look bad!

Nah, keep insipring us with your great work!


brad-You did it again. What part of hawaii would your picture be from. I just receive ice of your up coming event at the gallery on May 14 and 15. Wish we could be, but we will not be in Hawaii until Aug.
Best of luck at your show-Roger


wow..the latest piece is awesome!

love the grill on the car
and the flames
and the bar
and the girl
and the ..and the...and the....!


Just perfect.

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