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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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Paipo posted on Sat, Aug 5, 2006 11:44 PM

Those new guys are looking great, the "laid back" hei-tiki is my favourite too. Looks like he's unwinding on the lawn after a few cocktails. I better get cracking with the core drills tomorrow methinks....


You snuck a couple of posts in on me. Don't know how I missed them. I like the "laid back tiki". The bigger pictures show much better your killer style.



Hey GMAN, the pictures Do look better bigger. Your guys are looking greaT

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 8, 2006 7:16 PM

Paipo, JohnnyP, and Benz,

Thanks. I appreciate the positive comments.

Been watching, reading, and wondering.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-08 19:51 ]


Wondering about what...you sure don't have to wonder about your carving skills....it's
great to see the better-quality pics....the dark ones look incredible...and I always dig
the GMan too-tones...


G - really nice stuff! Small and Large! I like the group shot of the little ones especially.


Gmans stuff looking pretty tight there;) How's that noggin'?

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 11, 2006 12:48 PM

Conga - thanks, I appreciate the compliment. I'm glad you like what I do.

Tikigap - Thanks man. I try.

TikiG - The noggin is all healed up now. I'm using a scar cream to try to mitigate the ugliness. My doc says it's as good as new - for whatever that is worth.


aloha gman! i received the taniwha pendant today. big mahaloz brah! i really love the detailing on the tail. i think you should sign your pieces on the back. don't worry though, i won't forget where it came from or your generosity. bullet

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 12, 2006 7:15 PM

Hey all,

I finally got tired of these bones rolling around in my truck. So I cut one up and roughed out a 3" bone hei-tiki. I'll be carving on this one over the next few days, so stop back by. Pics below.

Bullet - Mahalo to you too, and enjoy!


Nice going as always, GMAN. I have a sneaky feeling that it'll come out looking great (as always)....


Any update?

GMAN posted on Sun, Aug 13, 2006 5:58 PM

Sam - thanks man, I appreciate the positive thoughts.

JohnnyP - Been working on a boar pendant, a non-tiki project. Maybe I'll get time to work on the bone piece this weekend.


GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 18, 2006 4:07 PM


I flew home from Pensacola this afternoon and decided to work on the bone hei-tiki a little. I started with the rough out posted above and wound up here. It's sanded and buffed, but I still see some spots I want to tough up. I did a fair amount of carving around onto his back. Now it's ready for a little aging and his paua eye inlays. I know folks are posting very elaborate things these days, but this pendant is for my collection and I wanted a very smooth, very simple, very tight piece. I hope I have achieved that look. Here are a few pics. Enjoy.


That is freaking awesome!!!!

Paipo posted on Fri, Aug 18, 2006 5:03 PM

Great work GMAN, the nice angles on your photos shows he's got the sinous "S" flow that a good Maori styled piece should have.

Excellent! He has a very smooth look that makes me want to reach out and touch it. How is that material to carve?


That looks smooth as a baby's bottom. All the features flow so well from one area to the next.


better n better all the time GMan...among the best....this one is a keeper for you huh?

hewey posted on Fri, Aug 18, 2006 6:42 PM

Heya man! Thats some killer tiki right there!

GMAN posted on Fri, Aug 18, 2006 8:08 PM

Rodeo - thanks for the "awesome!"

Paipo - Thanks for noticing the flow. I though a lot about this guy while I was traveling for work. I came home and just let loose on him. He worked out well.

Finky - Thanks, but you no touch! But he is niiiice and smooth!

JohnnyP - Thanks. I tried to give him two orders of smooth and flow. I hope he got both.

Conga - Thanks for the praise, I try.

Hewey - Killer! Thanks!


I went out and finished this guy up in the style of the ancients. Before the Europeans came and they started using red sealing wax, they cut the eyes with a low iris and a high pupil. Later, these low eye spots were filled with red wax. I decided not to inlay paua and finish him out this way. I really like him. I tried to take some pics showing the curve of the bone and the back a little. Once it gets dark here, I have trouble getting good pics of the white bone. Thanks to all who commented today! Here he is:



Excellent stuff GMAN, I guess I Missed afew posts. I got so used to you not posting, I'll catch up soon.
I Really love the Bone piece.

Loki posted on Sat, Aug 19, 2006 5:45 AM

GMAN....nice,nice,nice...man when are you gonna make it down here to show me how to do that?...

I think you next piece should be a real tiki piece, like sponge bob or something :wink:

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 19, 2006 9:14 AM

Benz - thanks. I've been doing other non-tiki carvings lately as the TC has been a total buzz-kill. I come here for artistic inspiration and support, not argumentative crap. Anyway, I'm posting another bone carving just for you. See below :)

Loki - you know where I am. Anytime you want to come up, I will carve with you all day. No secrets here.


Here is another bone pendant I made from a scrap that was staring at me. You know how it is. This is what it wanted to be....an adze with a head....

Now get back to work!


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-19 15:15 ]


More cool work GMAN, Keep it up, we need MORE. I think you have found a style you can really latch onto!

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 19, 2006 3:08 PM

Benz - More? More you say? Ok, here is another one....


Here is a bone Taniwha. I'm not sure if he is done yet. I may soak him in my antique formula...what say you? White or antiqued? So here you are, the three bone pendants I made last night and today. I hopee you likee!

Thanks for looking,



Looking better and better, the more the merrier! You gonna inlay the eyez???


Dude, you ate your Wheaties this morning. Good grief! The Taniwha is nice, what is the legend behind that? Sweet. I'd give that guy and the adze the soak. Leave the first one white.

GMAN posted on Sat, Aug 19, 2006 6:45 PM

Johnny and Benz - thanks for chiming in. Yep I had my wheaties and some crack and I've been sniffing glue. Here's one more.....

I'm still going. Here is a double-barbed harpoon tip. These were the four usable pieces I cut off of this soup bone. I kept the smaller pieces I cut off of these to make beads or other things out of. One soup bone down....a dozen or so soup bones to go! :lol:

My pictures get worse as the sun goes down (I hate the flash).

Thanks for looking,


Craaazy bonz GMAN! Your pendant designs are going in a SsweeetT direction...creamy smooth, keep up the tweaked workz!!! ...oh yeah, eat more Wheaties and use glue on your crack...light applications work best!


hewey posted on Sat, Aug 19, 2006 7:50 PM

wow man! these things are great - looking forward to seeing the tikis hidden in all the other soup bones :)

Lovin' dem bones! So how do you go about that antiqueing effect that you mentioned? Maye I missed it, sorry. Cool stuff man!


For cryin' out loud-I can't turn my head for 10-15 days and you've just busted loose some FAB carves outta nowhere!

I've been looking at some of the bone carvers stuff lately and got inspired and procured some carveable bone matter--I've just gotta get the tools to carve it with. I'd be happy if mine turns out half as good as yours.


I Likee likee likee!

GMAN posted on Sun, Aug 20, 2006 2:20 PM

jOnEsEy - Smooth and tweaked, yep, just like me. Please send more glue....

Hewey - I've got lots of bone material here....standy by for more....

AA - Thanks man! I would tell you all about my secret antiquing formula, but it's a secret!

SnT - Go get you some bone man! Just don't get it at the corner :wink:

Benzo - I'm gladee you likee!

Here's one more...a hammerhead (or Tanifa) with the G-style.

and here is a pic of my weekend's work:

I hope you all had productive weekends,


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-20 18:08 ]

Gorgeous pendants, the hammerhead is beautiful!

I like how the guy on the left looks like he's playing an air guitar. I can't get that out of my head now.

great stuff, gman! i gotta get one of your hei tikis.

I really dig that hammerhead!

hewey posted on Mon, Aug 21, 2006 4:22 AM

Im diggin that hammerhead too man! :)

You know I love your bone carvings, and that hammerhead is stunning!

whoo-hooo , reply 1000.

Looking good Gman. I wanna see you carve a Gman tiki again ....I miss those guys .

GMAN posted on Mon, Aug 21, 2006 8:24 PM

Tikiwahine, Kingstiedye, Bk, Hewey, Finky, and Rodeo,

Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm glad you approve of my work. Mr. Rodeo was the 1,000 poster on this thread; how cool is that?

Here is a Honu I carved, but I had not photographed/posted it yet as it is not "tiki". :( This one is my wife's, and I'll be trying to carve another one similar to it this week for a friend.

Thanks for looking,


quit it GMan...yer killin' me with all this stuff. You're pulling our legs....you really
carved these things over the last 10 years and you're just showing us now....right? These
last few posts are really nuts.

On 2006-08-20 14:20, GMAN wrote:

AA - Thanks man! I would tell you all about my secret antiquing formula, but it's a secret!

Ah, man. You're startin' to sound like BK!

That turtle is fantastic! When I think honu, I think of that little guy right there.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2006-08-22 09:43 ]


On 2006-08-21 20:24, GMAN wrote:

Here is a Honu I carved, but I had not photographed/posted it yet as it is not "tiki".

That symbol is an icon of the tropical pacific. Check out the old tiki bar pictures and there are many sea turtle shell, carvings, items made from the shell, ect used as decoration in the background (albeit from a less environmentally and ecologically aware era). Many travel advertisments for Hawai'i depict them. How could it not fit "tiki"?

Great job on it and the hammer-head! Very graceful. Now get some sleep-after you get home from work.



COol Turtle... Bring'em on! lookin good.....Are you getting any sleep? Has Bay Park been influencing you?

your too good man. i really like that last one looks GREAT! good stuff keep them comming

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