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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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On 2006-12-21 06:10, Benzart wrote:
Aww, C'mon, we HAVE to see your other work too. We will let you slide it ni here somewwhere!

Yeah; just make sure you hang one of your pendants around its neck or you might be 'moderated' out of here! :wink:

*Sounds like Mrs Claus is right on time!


GMAN posted on Thu, Dec 21, 2006 5:44 PM

Naw mates, I won't post anything but traditional designs here on TC. No tiki pop or wildlife. I'll post links to my carving threads on the other forums when I get them set and going. You can come and visit me there. That would be nice.


GMAN posted on Sun, Dec 24, 2006 9:32 AM

Happy Holidays to everyone from the Doc and the Gman! Here's to another year of safe and productive carving....!!!


Gman! Looks like you got the whole family there for a nice Xmas. Holiday wishes to you and yours!

SurfnTurf - Where you been? How is the gable and all that work you were doing? I would love to see more of that project. As for me, this is my last seasoned cedar log.

Slow goin', but making some progress--will post update soon. Also got my first bone carve done (maybe won't post that one-I'll wait for bone carve #2 if it's any better.) Also gotta 6' moku faced cat started and also started a 3' long marquesan canoe with 5 lil' marqs in it--gotta get that stuff posted soon too. I've kinda' got too much going on at the same time-typical for me.

Merry Christmas to the doc and GMan. What a great looking family picture. Your Teko Teko is
gonna make everyone on TC jealous, we're all going to want him!


Excellent Photo Gman. Happy holidaze to you and MNrs Dr Rita too, See you after Christmas so you can show My Moai his new home.

GMAN posted on Tue, Dec 26, 2006 6:33 PM

Hey Ya'll,

I just got back from Benz's and brought Big BenZart #13 home! Happy Happy Happy!!! Here he is.....

Bow to me and all my BenZart greatness!!!!!!!!

And.......Ben put on his teacher hat and took the Gman to school. Jeeze! This guy is a magician!! I learned more about gouges from watching him hit my Tekoteko in the face for an hour than I have...ever! BenZart Rules!!

Thanks for a great time Ben,


Gman, you are a lucky, lucky boy! The Benzart Moai and lessons from the master himself, that was quite a full day you had!

hewey posted on Tue, Dec 26, 2006 7:14 PM

You very lucky tiki carving man :)

How about posting "non tiki" carvings in "beyond"? Im going to start one for my non-tiki pinstriping, doesnt belong in creating tiki, but folks can still see it.


Mrs Dr Rita and mr Greg GMAN paid a vist to Benzart school today. They were thoroughly enjoyed by Benzart and his 4 yapping dogz.
GMAN brought a piece of Jade for Ben to Carve as well as a carving he is working on and he just wanted Benzart to do the hard part which I did to the liking of all involved...Ben HAD FUN. Ben was Very Glad for the company. Ben is very tired and is going to bed tonight Goodnight

Whoa G, SsweeetT! BenZ hooked you up braddah...one TIGHT Old Man and the Sea Moai with Nemo BLING...but why didn't he stain and finish that stogie between Ol' thumbz?...(lonsdale grande or churchill?) And where's the cigar band anyway??? details, details :lol:

Amway...what the heck happened to your signature G'maori??? Benz done whacked it silly and went teko on ya...that's SICK!!! ...but I mean that in a respectful and professional sense! :D


SsweeetT Gman, I'm really diggin the collaborations by TC artists these days! You and BenZ are no exception... FINALLY a REAL Floridian 'Gmoari CigarZart'!!!

I don't know where you braddahs come up with these original ideas BUT keep'em coming! GO SEMINOLES!


GMAN posted on Thu, Dec 28, 2006 6:44 AM


I dunno about that cigar man! But I'm sure he would enjoy the hat as it is COLD down here man. The truck said it was 33 up in the bend last night. Aack!

I'm just back from a 250 mile (500 rt) run up to my land and a boar hunt. We had planned on a several day adventure, but my buddy and I each harvested a respectable boar within 20 minutes of hitting the land....so we dressed them out and turned the truck around at about 11:30 pm. I got in around 3:00 am and was able to see my wife off to the airport this morning. Happy Happy! I've done about 2,000 miles of car riding this last week. Eeek!

As for the collaboration on the Tekoteko, it was more of a Big BenZart lesson for me. I discussed where I wanted to go with the face on this guy and showed Benz some historical reference photos. He knew the best way to get there and let me sit shotgun. I have packed that info away and will be letting it loose on all of you over the next few months. To that end, I guess it is a collaborative project, but mostly it was Benz schoolin' the Gman.

I do have a seriously fun and neat collaborative project happening as we speak, but you will have to wait for the details. I think this is gonna me great!!!



Gman, it is cool that you now own the Benzart#13 because it's a real masterpiece and i'm happy happy happy for you too :)

I'll wait patiently for your complete thread.


GMAN posted on Fri, Dec 29, 2006 4:05 PM


Here are some updated pics of the Tekoteko. He was going to be one-sided, but he will now be carved all around. He's coming along nicely. I put several hours in on him today.

Thanks again Benz. I hopee you likee!



Defenitely a Smile maker Gman, really would not want to meet this guy in a dark Alleyway.
I would scowell too if I had a chainsaw whewre HE had one today! I Really love this guy GMAN

Nice update on the G-Zart Teko Teko...I really like the knife...is that a G-Twist or
is there generally a knife hidden behind the head? I've seen front views but I haven't
gotten the full round look. Great work...always fun!



Wow, Gman, he's looking fabulous! I like the fact that he's got a front and back. You always have the nicest pieces of wood too.

gman he is looking so cool cant wait to see him finshed and have a happy newyear

Sweeeetest yet! You put a unique TWIST to him! I love it, and love that piece of wood too, this one is really showing all the best elements coming together...creative, quality. Don't screw him up now!! :lol:
Can't wait to see 'em done.

Yeouch! A serious character this one...

Not a traditional pose (the knife), but I believe the idea would be perfectly acceptable to modern Maori carvers & would probably have recieved accolades from the Old People too. Most often the message carved into depictions of Warriors was 'dont *%$# with me' & there's no doubting this guys intentions! eek! Powerful stuff.

Have a safe New Years - Lock this guy in a cupboard perhaps?

Tama :)


Yes this guy has a serious intent and his body is saying it now too. GMAN, are you home alone working on this guy tonight?? Where are you, we wanna Know. We want More Pickturez. We Know you are free till after tuesdaysoo???
Bring it ONNN

GMAN posted on Sun, Dec 31, 2006 11:14 AM

Benz - Thanks Man! Yep, he's a bad dude. I took Tama's advice and locked him up.

Conga - Yeah, the knife is a Gman/Benz consult-twist...that is, I have never seen a Teko with one and there needs to be one!

Capo - Thanks!

Finky - The cool wood comes from hard work. I got this wood working nights doing tree work. This is the end of it though, so I guess I need to start climbing trees again.......

Marcus - Happy New Year to you too!

Tama - Yep, don't *%$# with him! You said he needed to be bad...

Benz - Yeah, I'm here. I tried to work on the Teko yesterday, but not much got done. I need some other toolz to get to a few areas that are bothering me. I'm gonna wait to go any further with him until the UPS man brings me more toolz.

So, not wanting to end the year sitting around, I made this trolling lure today. The wood is from a chunk of wood that AA sent over to me. It was sent to him from the islands by a Tongan carver. I'm not sure what it is....AA? A little help here? I sanded it down to 1,000 grit and I'll likely oil it. I was going to use bone to "pin" the hook in place, but got cold feet. Maybe I'll need to learn to wrap these.....however, I don't want to cover up the bone. What to do....what to do......

Happy New Year everyone!!!



Wrap it, wrap it! There will still be plenty of bone showing. Though I feel there's something missing? :wink: Chalk up another design that I have wanted to carve for ages but haven't found time for yet.

I saw one of these in a new book of Maori artifacts recently , where the barb was made from the finest kahurangi jade - absolutely amazing. It was assumed that it was ceremonial only because of the work and value involved, but it looked like it would be lethally efficient.

Nice to see you finishing an impressive year carving wise on a high note. I think this new tekoteko will be your best yet! I love the red topknot.

v TC Thread v


[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-12-31 12:08 ]


I'm with Paipo, wrap the bugger. That's a cool lure and the wrapping will only add to it.


GEE, GMAN, That is an Awesome Hook/Lure/piece! The wood is BEautiful as is the bone work. I agree with what they said,"Wrap it". The extravagance of knowing how much beautiful wood and bone is under the wraps gives the piece all that much more value. Just the hint of what is covered is enough to drive some peeps Crazy!. Nice way to end the old year.

Nice, textbook, very old looking piece.


Wrap it! Looks real great. I like the fish hooks, and you pulled it off sweetly.


hewey posted on Sun, Dec 31, 2006 4:10 PM

Very nice man. The teko is coming along meanly (cant say sweetly, hes a mean mo-fo!). And that hook piece is sweet too. Nice

GMAN posted on Sun, Dec 31, 2006 7:23 PM

Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I went ahead and wrapped and rigged the lure without any paua. I have a piece for it, but I'm not sure I want to mess with it right now. Maybe when I have a better set up for working with paua I'll cut this piece. Here it is as it sits. Done for now...I guess.

Now I am finally done with 2006.



GMAN, you are Really doing some great stuff here. I think he needs a bit more tying, but it looks great as is too. That wood is Spectacular! I'm not sure if it is Koa but I don'r think so.


It looks great Gman! You had a great carving year. Here's to another! :drink:


Hey Capn' G,
that's awesome--I'd bite it if I were of the fishy breed.

Is that wood this wood, you think? AA posted it on his thread--got it from Maui. (where is that AA anyway????)

*On 2005-11-15 12:19am, Aaron's Akua wrote: *
This is the same "Hau" wood as the tiki that I got from Ma'ake. It is very hard and has a beautiful wavy grain. This piece came with the "Carver Ohana Discount", which means FREE OF CHARGE. Nice!

Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us in 007!!!

Yep, it's "Hau" alright! AKA "Wild Hibicus" and grown right in Maui. I passed on my friend Tevita's Carver Ohana Discount to GMAN, knowing that he'd make good use of it long before I ever would. That lure came out really nice, Greg! The wood grain is just as curly, dark & beautiful as I thought it might be. Make sure & show us if you decide to add the paua later.

Really like the hook! So - mister marine biologist - lets see catch something with it?


That wraps up 2006. I am becoming fonder and fonder of the hooks.



i'm hooked!

GMAN posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 2:26 PM

Benzo - Thanks, yeah the wood is real nice. Big thanks to AA.

Finky - Yep, here's to another great year of carving. I'm looking forward to great things from you!

SnT - Yep dats da stuff! "Hau" it is, I guess....

AA - Thanks again for the material. I've got some more left and I feel a few pendants are in store.....

A.S. - I could catch a marlin with a rigged summer-sausage (actually seen it done) so I imagine I could at least get one of the buggers to hit it...keeping him on is a whole different issue. I think this bone hook...she's a little yoo brittle for that!

JP - Yep, it's a wrap!

Conga - Wait...don't move...I'll get my de-hooker!!!

I thought some of you might like to see some Pua'a tusks from my jungle treks. Even though I don't make kalua pig in an imu, we do have our own kinda luau here at Club Greg.


Wow, those tusks look killer! :lol: To tell the truth, they kind of creep me out a bit. Great job on the hook too.


Definitely freaky, Which ones belonged to the pig you killed with your bare hands and a pocket knife, the Giant ones? Nice trophies

GMAN posted on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 5:15 PM

Benzo, the big set on the lower right of the pic belonged to the guy who got the pocket knife. Glad he didn't git me!


GMAN posted on Wed, Jan 3, 2007 5:05 PM

Look what I found at my door step this evening.....Happy Happy!!!!!

An Echo 346 powerhead with a dime-tip Woodsman Carver hard-nose bar and 1/4 pitch semi-chisel chain!!!!!!!!

I snapped a few pics of it next to my Redmax 3100T with a quarter-tip GB Titanium hard-nose bar running 3/8 pitch semi-chisel chain. The GB carving bar exchanges quickly with my standard sprocket-tip Oregon Pro-lite work bar. :D Happy!!!

I added the saw talk just for Tama! (Tama, that's saw-jockey talk for FUN!)

Here are the pics of my new family member...

One of my Big BenZart....

and my Teko....

Sorry to bore you with the saws, but maybe some you will understand.....


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-01-03 19:24 ]


On 2007-01-03 17:05, GMAN wrote:
An Echo 346 powerhead with a dime-tip Cannon Carver hard-nose bar and 1/4 pitch semi-chisel chain!!!!!!!!

I snapped a few pics of it next to my Redmax 3100T with a quarter-tip GB Titanium hard-nose bar running 3/8 pitch semi-chisel chain. The GB carving bar exchanges quickly with my standard sprocket-tip Oregon Pro-lite work bar. :D Happy!!!

All I heard was the voice of the teacher from Charlie Brown
"Wah wah wah, wah wah, wah wah waaaah" :lol:

Killer saw Gman!


On 2007-01-03 17:05, GMAN wrote:
... (Tama, that's saw-jockey talk for FUN!)

Sorry to bore you with the saws, but maybe some you will understand.....


That certainly is saw-jockey talk for fun.. Oh ...I'm a droolin!

As far as your boar tusk display. Hakuna Matata. Nasty Looking things I wouldn't want coming at me.


*I was sitting with FinkDaddy in the back of the classroom, but I do appreciate a good powertool when I see one. Im sure you'll have some great times & do some great work with it.

Oh, that Moai...

Tama :)

Hey GMAN - Can't wait for you to fire that saw up and give em hell!

[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2007-01-03 20:58 ]

What do you have a sign on your front door - "leave your old carving chainsaws HERE!"

So your bringing these to the Tiki Jam - right? I have a 6' palm log ready to go.

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2007-01-04 10:38 ]

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